It's probably the time for Xu Ling to hold back. After she was scolded by a girl several years younger, she even helped her buy drinks to quench her thirst.

The key is that others are thirsty because they scold themselves. This kind of mood is very subtle to Xu Ling.

But if you think about it, Li Ziqian paid too much attention to herself! This should be understood! Xu Ling constantly comforted herself in her heart.

At this time, the spirit of Ah Q played an extremely important role. Thank Mr. Lu Xun for explaining this spirit in such detail.

Let Xu Ling find reasons more smoothly

Fast to buy good things, Xu Ling did not hesitate, then went back, but when he did not arrive at the original place, he was stunned.

Because he told Li Ziqian to stay where he was, and now he disappeared.

Xu Ling looked around and confirmed that she had never taken the wrong road, and that there was no Li Ziqian in her original position.

"Qianqian!" Seeing this, Xu Ling immediately threw away what she had in her hand and started shouting as she ran wildly in the water.

It's just a little girl, who has been following her all the time, and even left the place for a little while. She specially told her not to run around. How could it disappear?

At this moment, Xu Ling suddenly thought of a serious situation - Li Ziqian was arrested!

Recalling the matter just discussed, Xu Ling rushed to the dressing room.

But just a few steps away, his body was pulled. Xu Ling, who thought it was Li Ziqian, turned and looked at it in surprise, but found that it was Li Feifei and others.

"What's the matter?" Li Feifei asked solemnly. She must have heard Xu Ling's cry just now, so she came with the crowd.

"Qianqian, she's gone!" Xu Ling is very anxious now and immediately tells the situation.

"What? Aren't you still together? " Because Xu Ling and Li Ziqian are talking together, Li Feifei even deliberately asks Sun Sheng not to disturb him any more. Unexpectedly, after a while, Li Ziqian disappears?

"Yes, I just came ashore and bought two bottles of water, and she disappeared!" Xu Ling is very anxious now, because he didn't expect this situation.

When things get out of your control, everything gets tricky.

"Don't worry, tell us the situation at that time, and we'll go back to the Bureau immediately to investigate!" It seems particularly inappropriate for Li Feifei in swimming suit to say such words, but this is also her professionalism as a policeman.

"Good! Let's go out first, I'll confirm a situation first, and then we'll meet at the door! " Xu Ling nodded, told Li Feifei, then went on to the dressing room.

The reason why Xu Ling was so worried was not that he remembered the reason why Li Ziqian suddenly disappeared last time. When he came to the dressing room, he didn't wear any clothes. He took out his mobile phone, found Liu feiran's number and dialed.

There may be something wrong there. After the bell rang for a while, someone answered the phone. "Hello, brother Xu, what's the matter?"

Liu feiran's voice seems to be a little excited, as usual, Xu Ling takes the initiative to call him.

"Has Qianqian been taken away by you?" Now is not the time to pay attention to these things. Without any superfluous words, Xu Ling asked.

"Qianqian? Isn't she with you? " Liu feiran is very strange to Xu Ling's words.

"She just disappeared. Did you take her away?" Even if the other side showed that tone, Xu Ling confirmed to Liu feiran after hearing Li Ziqian's words.

"What? It's gone Hearing the news, there was a scream on the phone.

"What's the matter, Lao Liu?" There are other people around Liu feiran. After he exclaimed, he immediately asked.

That is the voice, let Xu Ling also believe that Liu feiran did not act, this time, he really did not know!

But somehow, Xu Ling's voice is familiar.

"Where did she disappear?" After a brief shock, Liu feiran then regained his composure and began to ask about the situation.

"I've already called the police at the bathing beach. I'll look for it later." His conjecture is not correct, Xu Ling's heart then raised, after a brief explanation of the situation, he hung up the phone, picked up his clothes, ready to put on and Li Feifei they met.

However, when he took out his clothes, a piece of paper that had been folded into square pieces also immediately fell at Xu Ling's feet.

With doubts, Xu Ling picked up the note, opened it and looked at it. Suddenly, her face sank

Lingxia Public Security Bureau

At this time, Xu yuanbiao, Sun Sheng, Wu Yan and other important police officers, as well as Xu Ling and Liu feiran, surrounded the city and quietly looked at a note on the table.

"It seems that the person who tied Li Ziqian away is Sha Ying's accomplice!" After a long silence, Xu yuanbiao took the lead in breaking this situation and said with great certainty.

"It must be so. I didn't expect that we haven't caught these guys yet!" Sun Sheng also said at this time, in the tone of some unwilling.

It's obvious that hundreds of people have been arrested. This kind of criminal gang is very huge, but now there are still some people who have missed the net. This makes Sun Sheng, as the central member of this case, feel very unhappy.

The other side looks like he is laughing at Sun Sheng for his bad work.

The reason why we have such an inference is entirely because of the note that fell at Xu Ling's feet.

"If you want the little girl to live, you can exchange the sand hawk in three days, the location..."

On the note, the reason for Li Ziqian's disappearance and how to save people were explained.

There is only one way to save people - sand hawk!

In other words, the person who tied Li Ziqian is Shaying's younger brother, and he still knows Xu Ling.

It's even possible that this guy has been following Xu Ling!

Otherwise, based on the information blocked by the police, no one will know that Xu Ling was involved in the case. This guy specially picked Xu Ling to leave for a while and tied up the nearest Li Ziqian who went with Xu Ling. He even wanted to use Li Ziqian to exchange for the current felon in the hands of the police.

I'm sure the police won't ignore it!

"Damned guy, if I catch him, I'm sure I'll blow him to the bone!" As Li Ziqian's uncle, Liu feiran was very angry at this time.

This is the first time that Xu Ling meets Liu feiran and shows his side in front of outsiders.

"I'm sorry, brother Liu. I didn't take care of Li Ziqian so that the thief could take advantage of him!" At this moment, Xu Ling is also quite remorseful to say

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