When he said these words, Xu Ling didn't show any hypocrisy. He really felt sorry for Liu feiran this time.

After all, it was his fault!

But Liu feiran didn't blame Xu Ling. He also knew the relationship between Li Ziqian and Xu Ling.

After waving his hand, Liu feiran said, "you don't have to blame yourself for this. I know you're also worried."

In this regard, Xu Ling just nodded silently. For the first time, he felt that Liu feiran understood himself in this way.

It's true that his current mood is no less anxious than that of Liu feiran. This is one of the few times that he feels anxious.

"How about Lao Xu? Can you find out where the other party is?" Liu feiran said solemnly to Xu yuanbiao.

When I just met Xu Ling and others in the hotel, Liu feiran also told Li Feifei that he was Xu yuanbiao's good friend, so it's not surprising that Xu Ling would talk like this.

"I can't help it. With this note and no fingerprints of the suspect on it, I have no way to know the identity of the other party, let alone his location." Xu yuanbiao shook his head and reluctantly told the truth.

"Damn it Liu feiran said angrily.

In fact, Liu feiran can view Li Ziqian's position with his device, but he didn't think of such a situation when he came to Lingxia city.

So I didn't bring the equipment at all, and now I'm going back to Luoshi to get the equipment, the time is too tight!

As Li Ziqian's only guardian, Liu feiran obviously wants to stay here.

"Now it seems that the only way to save Qianqian is to do what the kidnappers said and exchange people for others." Xu Ling also said at this time that in such a situation, there is no possibility of other solutions for the public.

"Well... I may have to ask Guoan for instructions. After all, Shaying is too important a suspect." To Xu Ling's surprise, after he finished, Xu yuanbiao responded directly with a slight embarrassment.

"What?" Xu Ling can't believe that this is what a policeman can say. He asked directly.

"I have to explain the situation to Guoan." Now that he has said it, Xu yuanbiao is not afraid to say it again, and when he says it again, his tone is more firm.

It means that his words are not negotiable.

"Lao Xu, it's all this time..." although Liu feiran is Xu yuanbiao's good friend, now he has some complaints, "Li Ziqian is a very important person for me, now I need to ask others?"

"I know, but I really don't have the right to decide this matter." The more Xu Ling said that, the more apologetic Xu yuanbiao's face became. However, he didn't mean to let go.

"That's a human life! And a child, isn't it worth a criminal's life? " Xu Ling couldn't control his temper at all, so he went forward and directly grasped Xu yuanbiao's collar and asked questions loudly.

He has already blamed himself for Li Ziqian's being arrested when he was with him. Now he hears that the police are going to leave it alone. How can he control his emotions?

"Xu Ling, calm down first. Xu Chu didn't say she didn't care about Qianqian!" Xu Ling's sudden action stunned everyone for a moment. Li Feifei was the first to react and quickly grabbed Xu Ling and explained.

"What does he mean by that? The robbers said that they could only exchange sand hawks. Now they tell me that they can't take out sand hawks? " Before Xu Ling's anger subsided, he pointed to Xu yuanbiao and roared.

"Brother Xu, don't worry. I don't believe Lao Xu will just let it go!" After all, as a good friend, Liu feiran probably thought about Xu yuanbiao's character. At this time, he also said to Xu Lingquan.

With many persuasions, Xu Ling calmed down. After a few breaths, he sat aside and did not say a word.

"Lao Xu, if we don't take sand hawk, how can we deal with this matter?" Liu feiran put his eyes on Xu yuanbiao again.

After all, other people are old hands in dealing with emergency cases. Although Liu feiran has lived for a long time, he has never experienced such things.

"It must be the first consideration to ask for the sand hawk for the time being. If it doesn't work, we'll take other measures!" Xu yuanbiao pondered for a while, then said to the crowd.

"Other ways? What can I do? " As soon as he heard Xu yuanbiao say these ambiguous words, Xu Ling was so angry that he immediately got up again.

"Brother Xu, this is not the time for us to fight in the dark. Lao Xu is an old policeman for decades. We should believe him!" Liu feiran looked calm and continued to talk to Xu Lingquan.

"Qianqian is your niece. He was arrested. How can you..." Liu feiran was so calm that Xu Ling thought that the arrested person had nothing to do with him, so he couldn't help asking.

Only half of what he said was interrupted by Liu feiran.

"That's why we need to trust professionals!"

"This..." Liu feiran said Xu Ling speechless, and carefully thought, what he said is really reasonable!

"I'm sorry, director Xu. I'm too nervous." Understand over Xu Ling immediately said to Xu yuanbiao.

Here, he had to admire Liu feiran's determination. Even so, after a short period of panic, his thinking was very clear.

"It doesn't matter. I can understand all these things, but a normal person will be like this when he encounters such things." Xu yuanbiao doesn't care. Obviously, Xu Ling has met many people like him.

I think so. He has been engaged in the police industry for so many years. What storm has he never seen? It's normal to see someone like Xu Ling.

"Xu Chu, please explain the situation to Guoan quickly. Let's discuss other solutions first!" Seeing that everyone is in one mind, Li Feifei said it at the right time. Her statement is also very suitable for the current situation. It's better to act separately than to wait for only one side.

"Good! I'll go at once Of course, Xu yuanbiao also understood Li Feifei's meaning. At this time, the situation was urgent. He didn't give more orders. He picked up something and went out.

Guoan and the police are not together, and this kind of thing can't be said on the phone. The kidnappers are so familiar with the case. Who knows if they will monitor the telephone lines of the police?

At this time, everyone was walking on thin ice and could not make any mistakes. The so-called barefoot was not afraid to wear shoes. Compared with the kidnappers who had just been copied, Xu Ling was obviously heavier.

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