"I hope Guoan can understand our situation and agree with Xu's request." Li Feifei looked at Xu yuanbiao's figure and prayed softly.

"People's lives matter. Don't they care?" Xu Ling still doesn't quite believe this fact.

"But after all, this is what Shaying's accomplices ask for. Now Shaying is a first-class felon. He represents the largest gang of thieves in Lingxia city. In Guoan's view, this is more important than a human life." Li Feifei also explained helplessly.

"But their goal is not to keep citizens safe? How can we turn a blind eye to citizens in danger? " Xu Ling continues to argue, and completely reveals her strong inner incomprehension.

"Yes, but controlling the sand hawk will protect more people." In order to erase Xu Ling's misunderstanding, Li Feifei quickly said.

"Protection? Shaying, isn't he a grave robber? How can it threaten people's safety? " Xu Ling has been involved in this case before, so he is very clear about this fact.

Who knows, as soon as Xu Ling's voice fell, Li Feifei added with a bitter smile, "you don't know the following things. After we captured Sha Ying, we pulled a lot of things out of his mouth, such as killing people, trafficking in human beings and so on. Their gang has done it!"

Li Feifei just mentioned it briefly and said nothing more. With her understanding of Xu Ling, she must have only said this, and he should be able to understand it.

In fact, just as he expected, Xu Ling was very surprised and widened his eyes, as if he didn't think that Shaying had so many bad things.

After all, Xu Ling did not stay with Shaying for a long time, so he only knew that he was a grave robber.

If at that time I knew that there were so many terrible incidents on Shaying, Xu Ling might have been unable to help giving this guy the result!

Xu Ling hates people who despise life most in his life, not to mention those who sell people. Sometimes Xu Ling secretly swears that if he encounters them, he will kill them directly without any nonsense.

"That's why it's so difficult to be in xuchu. I think you should make a clear distinction between one person and the whole country." The appearance of Xu Ling also makes Li Feifei understand that his words have been understood, so he will say it again.

In response to her, it was Xu Ling's silence, because he had no choice at all. If he chose the first one, if Sha Ying went back, he would definitely make a comeback, then those who had nothing to do with Xu Ling would be treated more terrifying.

Xu Ling shuddered at the thought that after Li Ziqian was replaced, one day when he and Li Ziqian were playing happily, someone in a certain place was lying in a pool of blood, while Shaying was looking at the body with a keen eye.

"So... What should we do now?" He shook his head and threw away his terrible thoughts. Xu Ling went back to the origin in a panic.

"In a word, while we are waiting for the news from Xu Chu, we should consider what we should do if there is no sand hawk." Li Feifei can't say the way, because it's only a few hours since she learned about it.

If she comes up with the right solution at this time, she is really a God.

"Anyway, we must not let the kidnappers know that we can't hand over the Shaying. The next thing, just focus on this." Wu Yan was silent for such a long time, and finally said a word.

He has always existed as a resourceful person in the police station. This sudden remark is very reasonable.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"It's all my fault. If I didn't show off to Shaying, I wouldn't let the kidnappers take Li Ziqian away." Although the theme has been determined, Xu Ling is still very remorseful.

Because there is no solution at all, the feeling of self blame is particularly prominent in the case of anxiety.

"Well, brother Xu, don't think about it any more. Now it's the most important thing to think about how to save Qianqian." At this time, Liu feiran came out to comfort Xu Ling.

Now this situation, I'm afraid only Liu feiran's comfort can have an effect on Xu Ling.

After all, compared with Xu Ling, Liu feiran is the closest person to Li Ziqian.

"I know, but I can't think of a way now. I'm really worried!" Xu Ling said helplessly to Liu feiran.

Now he had a deep sense of powerlessness, a faint sense of despair, which he had never experienced during the period of amnesia.

Enough to see how nervous he is now.

"I think of it!" As soon as Xu Ling's voice fell, a voice came from the other side, and what the voice said immediately attracted Xu Ling's eyes.

"What is it? What should we do? " Xu Ling directly broke out, and at the same time, she quickly came to Sun Sheng who said that.

"We can find someone to disguise as a Shaying and cheat the kidnapper's eyes. After Li Ziqian is rescued, we can directly catch the kidnapper!" Sun Sheng didn't write ink either, so he said his thoughts directly.

"Where do we have people who look like Shaying? If you mean to give a person's head cover to the other party, the kidnapper is not a fool. He will take the head cover down for inspection." At the end of Sun Sheng's words, Li Feifei immediately found the flaw of this method, and then said it.

When Sun Sheng is told the problem in the method, he also reacts and shakes his head in frustration. In this way, Xu Ling is also frustrated with Sun Sheng.

"No, I think Lao sun's method is feasible!" However, when Li Feifei just picked out the shortcomings of Sun Sheng's method, Wu Yan directly refuted it.

"Lao Wu, why do you think so? Sun Sheng's method is too..." Wu Yan, who has always been strict, even now helps Sun Sheng speak, and it's still the kind of method that has problems when he hears it. Li Feifei seems a little unbelievable.

But in the middle of her words, she was interrupted by Wu Yan, "I know it's impossible to find anyone, but have you forgotten clay figurine Zhang?"

"Clay figurine Zhang?" In this case of emergency, suddenly mention a strange name, let Xu Ling can't help repeating.

Although Li Feifei and Sun Sheng did not repeat their names like Xu Ling, their expressions changed slightly, as if they were reminded of a very important situation.

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