It's just that there's actually the last half of this sentence - unless I can't help it! Now the situation of Li Feifei is just like the famous scene in the movie Mermaid.

Fortunately, Xu Ling didn't pay much attention to what Li Feifei said, which also made the other party quickly put in a correct posture, as if the thing just happened.

"Don't be scared, Feifei." And when Li Feifei thought that no one had found her state and could muddle through, a voice suddenly rang in her ear.

Looking around, sun shengzheng looks at Li Feifei with a cheap smile. The meaning on his face is obvious.

It seems that only Sun Sheng noticed Li Feifei's situation, because after hearing the words, Li Feifei quickly looked at other people and found that he didn't look at himself.

After learning this information, Li Feifei quietly put a hand on his neck, then stared at Sun Sheng and made a neck wiping action.

Her meaning is also very obvious - dare to say out, you are dead!

After receiving the news from Li Feifei, Sun Sheng's smile suddenly froze, and then gradually disappeared. At last, he didn't even dare to see Li Feifei again and lowered his head in fear.

"Yes, just like Xu Ling said, we need a person to impersonate the sand hawk, which must have the same size as the sand hawk!" With Li Feifei's attention back to the public side, the dialogue has been carried out to this extent.

It's obvious that Xu Ling has understood the reason for going to find clay figurine Zhang, and will start to think about how to disguise.

As the leader of the gang, Shaying has been engaged in the business of wrestling all the year round. First of all, it has great physical deterrent power. No one on the scene can match Shaying's standard body shape and muscles.

Looking around, Xu Ling could only shake his head helplessly, "we are obviously impossible, Lao Wu, are there such people in your police station?"

When he came to Lingxia City, he was very weak. At this time, he certainly couldn't provide qualified talents, so Xu lingcai asked Wu Yan in a hurry.

Now it's said that it will take another day to make the mask, and Xu Ling's mood is even more anxious.

"It's hard to find him like that. If he can match, maybe the Swat has the same size." Although police like Wu Yan often run outside when they handle cases, they usually sit in the office to deal with documents. As for fitness, it can only be regarded as a hobby. It is definitely impossible for them to practice the same body shape as Shaying.

Compared with Wu Yan, the special police who specialize in special situations have to exercise very hard. In the hard battle, the body is the most basic condition, so it is necessary to mention the special police, because they may be similar to Shaying's figure in nine cases out of ten.

"Well, when you remind me, I think they can!" At this time, Sun Sheng also echoed.

Half of what he says now is to ease his embarrassment. After all, Li Feifei has just been offended by him. I hope that this female Xia can spare herself a lot.

Now Sun Sheng's bonus has been banned by Xu yuanbiao, and the reason is that he makes Li Feifei angry.

If now Li Feifei goes to sue Xu yuanbiao again, isn't it the next step to start with the basic salary?

At the thought of this, Sun Sheng was a little chilly

"Hello! What are you thinking, sun While Sun Sheng was still worried about his money, suddenly his body was heavily patted, and then Wu Yan's voice passed on.

Sun Sheng's consciousness was instantly pulled back by this attack. At this time, he found that several pairs of eyes around him were staring at him, as if asking for something.

"I didn't... I didn't think about my identity. What's the matter? Why are you all looking at me? " Of course, it is impossible for Sun Sheng to say what he thinks, especially when Li Feifei's murderous eyes are staring at him. At this time, of course, he changed the topic first and asked in turn.

"SWAT!" Wu Yan doesn't want to know what Sun Sheng is thinking. Now he directly emphasizes the key points of what he just said.

"SWAT? What happened to the Swat? " Without following the rhythm of Xu Ling and others' conversation, Sun Sheng of course was at a loss about Wu Yan's sudden words, and then he asked.

"What's the matter? Didn't you bring it in the SWAT team before? Do you have any suitable friends? " One person's blankness can lead to two people's impatience. At this time, Wu Yan anxiously expressed the questions he wanted to ask.

"Oh, VIP! I know! " Now, Sun Sheng finally knows what Wu Yan means. He immediately pats his head and ponders. It seems that he is brainstorming to find out if there is a suitable candidate.

In this period of time, people did not urge him to come up with the goal quietly. After all, the most important thing is to be careful at this time.

Who knows the relationship between the younger brother who wants to change Shaying back and Shaying, and how much he knows about Shaying.

It would be terrible if we could only see from a distance whether it was a sand hawk or not!

So the requirement now is that the closer the replacement person is to the figure of sand hawk, the better. It's the kind that can't be distinguished at a glance.

"Yes! I used to share a dormitory with a brother, and it seems that the size of the sand Hawk is not bad After nearly ten minutes, Sun Sheng suddenly pats his thigh and knows.

"Great! Now go to him quickly. Let's prepare for the next thing. " Like the rain in time, Xu Ling then asked, now that he has found the right person, then he must discuss what to do next.

"Well, I can't be sure. Unlike us, SWAT has a lot of things every day." For Xu Ling's words, Sun Sheng also shrugged helplessly in response.

"What's more important than saving people?" Xu Ling said anxiously that in his heart, he had already acquiesced that the special police officer would help him, but when he heard Sun Sheng's tone, it seemed that there were some differences. Of course, he was very anxious.

"I'll try my best to get him here. Don't worry!" In the face of everyone's hopeful eyes, Sun Sheng immediately patted his chest and promised that he would change his skeptical attitude.

Obviously, in Xu Ling's words, he also wanted to understand the interests of the matter at hand!

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