"Well, then the conditions for finding people here have been reached. Xu Ling, please go to find clay figurine Zhang and let him make things." After getting Sun Sheng's answer, Wu Yan then gave orders to Xu Ling.

"Shall I go?" For Wu Yan's decision, Xu Ling felt very strange, "but I don't know him!"

This is the primary reason. Li Feifei and others said that they worked so hard, but in the end they asked them to find someone. Xu Ling was very puzzled. In this case, shouldn't we let people who know more to save time?

"We'll give you his photos and the places where he is often active later," Wu Yan said, shaking his head and explaining helplessly in the face of Xu Ling's doubts. "There's no way. That guy will run as soon as he sees the police. If we go, it will take some time to chase him."

"Ha? Isn't he guilty and meritorious? Why are you still afraid of you? " It's not that Xu Ling doesn't want to go. The main reason is that he hasn't met this person. In the past, he has to look for him. Maybe it's slower than the police.

"Brother Xu, it doesn't matter. I can find this guy." Liu feiran actually understood Xu Ling's worry. At this time, he came forward and patted the latter on the shoulder, and said in a loud voice.

"Yes, brother Liu knows that you can find him together." Reminded by Liu feiran, Wu Yan immediately thought of this, and his expression was relieved.

"That's OK. Both sides work together. It's faster." Since someone can overcome the current problems, Xu Ling has nothing to worry about. He nodded and agreed to Wu Yan's proposal.

Although my heart is still a little strange to Wu Yan's words.

"Well, since it's all arranged, let's take action without delay." When all the things that should be arranged were arranged, Wu Yan immediately got up.

"Wait a minute!" Seeing Wu Yan move, Li Feifei quickly stopped him and said, "Xu Chu hasn't come back yet. If he can persuade Guo'an, we won't have to do these things any more."

"Yes Xu Ling also quickly stopped the pace of action, and everyone has been discussing the situation that Xu yuanbiao can't bring Shaying out, completely forgetting that the result of this matter has not come out yet.

At the thought of this, Xu Ling's eyes again appeared the essence of hope.

"Even so, let's not hope too much." Wu Yan seemed to know this matter very well. At this time, he had no choice but to remind him.

"I agree with Lao Wu on this point. It's absolutely impossible for Shaying to come out because of the urination of Guoan." Sun Sheng also expressed his own opinions at this time. This time, he rarely had his own opinions.

"Anyway, I'd better wait and see." Different opinions, Liu feiran at this time actually played the role of peacemaker, said to the public.

Now that they are all like this, there is only one thing to do now - waiting for Xu yuanbiao to return.

Only when we get the information that we need to know most, can we continue what we should do

As time went by, it was getting dark. Xu yuanbiao went out in the morning and didn't come back in the evening.

This but anxious bad Xu Ling, "director Xu how such a long time, the national security bureau is abroad?"

"Be patient. After all, what you want to discuss is very important." Liu feiran continued to explain that even at this time, he was still as stable as before.

"Brother Liu, the first day has passed. We haven't done anything yet." During the day, Xu Ling can still keep calm, but the night has come, like a big stone also pressed on his heart.

Xu Ling even felt a little out of breath. Even if he comforted himself, he still felt a deep sense of guilt.

"Xu Chu!" And when Xu Ling is very worried, suddenly a voice from his side startles him.

As soon as the voice came out, Xu Ling immediately turned her eyes to the past. It was true that Cao Cao had arrived. Where she could see, Xu yuanbiao came back with a sad face.

Seeing Xu yuanbiao's face, Xu Ling's heart suddenly "clattered".

"Xu Chu, you are back!" Li Feifei quickly welcomed the past, but she was full of expectations that Xu yuanbiao could bring back good news.

"I'm afraid I can't do it with Shaying." When Xu yuanbiao came back, he didn't care to say hello to Li Feifei. He didn't even sit down, so he panted and said to everyone.

"If so, let's get to work!" No one was even surprised to hear the news, and Wu Yan said it directly.

So far, of course, Xu Ling had no other hope. After greeting Xu yuanbiao, she went out directly.

"What's the matter?" Xu yuanbiao has just come back. Naturally, he doesn't know what happened during the time he left. He can only ask the police officers who are still here.

"We're going to..."

Next time, Wu Yan told Xu yuanbiao his plan carefully.

"Good! Great Having heard of the whole process of the plan, Xu yuanbiao immediately praised it twice. To say the least, this is the best solution under the current situation.

"Xu Ling, they're going to find clay figurine Zhang. We're going to find a police officer with the same size as sand hawk!" Finally, Wu Yan made it clear what the two sides were responsible for.

"Let them go to clay figurine Zhang? Can we make it sure? " Xu yuanbiao had some doubts about this.

"Xu Chu, you know, if we go there, the boy can run faster than the rabbit, so it's better to let Xu Ling and them go!" Speaking of this, Sun Sheng said with a bitter smile.

Of course, people who were also police officers knew about this, so Xu yuanbiao nodded helplessly and agreed with Wu Yan's decision

When I came to Xuling, I drove by Liu feiran to the address given by Wu Yan.

"Brother Liu, I didn't expect that you have friends in Lingxia City, and you are also the director of the police station." Now that he has started to take action, Xu Ling's mood has calmed down a little. On the way in the past, he even talked about some trivial things.

"Ha ha... Others don't know. Don't you know brother Xu?" Liu feiran laughed twice, then asked Xu Ling.

Under such a hint, Xu Ling naturally also followed with a smile, living for a long time, then naturally anything can happen.

It's normal for people like Liu feiran to have friendship with Xu yuanbiao. At this time, Xu Ling felt that she was making a fuss.

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