"Well, brother Liu, since our purposes are the same, I can't say anything about you. Just let it be." Xu Ling finally waved his hand, said it to Liu feiran, and then took the lead to walk outside the hotel.

He really didn't expect that he would form an alliance with Liu feiran one day, and that he was the one who had absolutely no two hearts.

Of course, these are only for one person - Li Ziqian!

Only this girl, can let Xuling heart of the mustard temporarily eliminate, turn to believe Liu feiran's words.

Now that the matter has been decided, Xu Ling is not the kind of person who is full of women's benevolence. His expression also becomes firm, as if he never knew that it was the killer who bound Li Ziqian.

When they drove to the police station, it was already daybreak, and the people involved in the matter in the police station were already ready. When they saw Xu Ling and Liu feiran coming, they immediately set out to analyze the current situation.

"The place where the kidnappers want to trade is close to the wharf, which is remote and not many people walk around," Wu Yan took out the map, pointed to one of the places above and said to the people, "but I think another reason is that after the exchange, the other Party chose this place in order to make it easier to take Shaying away."

"It's a good place to run away, because it's located at the dock and has a wide range of traffic. This little brother is very careful!" Listening to Wu Yan's analysis, Xu yuanbiao nodded and agreed.

"In that case, will the ship responsible for picking up the sand hawk have already stopped there? Can we go ahead and copy it?" Sun Sheng couldn't help interrupting.

"No, since the other party has thought of such a place, he must have already thought of the means to prevent you. If it is transported by water, the ship should not stop until he comes tomorrow." Wu Yan shook his head and immediately rejected Sun Sheng's conjecture. At the same time, he explained carefully.

"Then we can find the police officer to ambush there first. If we see that he is about to leave by boat, we are arresting him!" Sun Sheng is still thinking about getting rid of the kidnappers.

For Sun Sheng's obsession, Wu Yan also shook his head helplessly to show that it was unreasonable, and then he said, "since the kidnappers have already said in the letter that as long as one person takes Shaying and exchanges hostages with him, he must keep his heart to see if there will be ambush. If he finds that there are still people waiting to catch him, it is likely that the other party will not act any more!"

"It can't be either. Can't you really watch the bandits exchange people?" After all his opinions were refuted, Sun Sheng appeared a little anxious and immediately complained.

"Lao sun, you don't believe your friend Wang Qiyang, do you?" Looking at Sun Sheng's appearance, Wu Yan couldn't help laughing. He didn't mean to sow discord.

"Yes, as like as two peas long time." After Wu Yan's words came out, Qiyang, who had been silent on the side, could not help but make complaints about it.

"Yes, now is not the time for heroism. As long as we can save people, that's everyone's credit!" As the largest officer on the scene, Xu yuanbiao even stabilized the morale of the army and explained his main purpose.

"I see." What heroism grabs credit and so on, also said is Sun Sheng only, he this can't help but wilt to reply a way.

"So the most important part of this operation is on Xu Ling's side and Wang Qiyang's side!" Without sun Sheng's interrupting, Wu Yan began to talk about the plan again, and at the same time, he brought the topic to Xu Ling.

"Ah?" Xu Ling did not expect that he was out of the center of the matter. When people looked at him, he pointed to himself in surprise and said.

"Yes, it's you. The letter is for you, so the protagonist is you." Wu Yan nodded and directly affirmed Xu Ling's doubts.

Maybe at the beginning, Xu Ling thought about other things, so he didn't notice it. At this time, he was reminded that he also understood that the letter really came from him.

"In other words, did the kidnapper want me to trade with Shaying?" According to Wu Yan, Xu Ling also said.

"As it stands, it is." There was no doubt, Wu Yan said immediately.

"You don't have to be nervous. Let me subdue the bandits. You just take the hostages away." Wang Qiyang seems to have been psychologically prepared for this event for a long time. At this time, he was relieved to Xu Ling.

I think so. As a special police officer, this kind of thing should not have any impact on his psychology.

"Yes, Xu Ling, when you exchange the hostage Li Ziqian, you run back without looking back. You just leave the rest to Qi Yang. He has professional training for this kind of thing." Nodding, Wu Yan agreed with what Wang Qiyang said, and then told Xu lingphene.

"I know!" Although the heart is very tangled, want to tell Wang Qiyang this matter is not so simple, but the thought of Li Ziqian in the hands of the kidnappers, Xu Ling will give me the idea to pressure down.

"It's OK, Xu Ling. I know you'll be nervous about this, but Wang Qiyang has been a special police officer for several years. He can guarantee your safety. You can rest assured about that." Xu Ling tried his best to restrain his impulse, which eventually made Wu Yan find out. Of course, the latter couldn't know what Xu Ling was thinking. He just thought that Xu Ling was nervous about facing the bandits.

"Xu Ling, aren't you afraid when you are in Shaying's nest? Now it's just a gangster. Why are you so nervous? " Li Feifei's mind is more careful. Even if she finds out such a thing, she doesn't think much and asks the past.

This question really surprised Xu Ling. He didn't expect anyone to notice it, so he didn't think about the answer at all.

"Can that be the same? At that time, Xu Ling was alone, but now the bandits still have his sister tied up. It's natural for people to be nervous. " Just when Xu Ling doesn't know how to respond, Sun Sheng helps Xu Ling find a reason.

Hearing the speech, Xu Ling naturally nodded in a hurry. He never thought Sun Sheng was as lovely as he is now.

"Don't worry, Xu Ling. We guarantee with our badge that you and your sister will be safe and sound tomorrow!" Understand the worry in Xu Ling's heart, Xu yuanbiao immediately waved a big hand to guarantee.

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