Now that the candidates have been identified to participate in this matter, the following issues are around Xu Ling and Wang Qiyang.

Of course, although the main characters are these two people, other people can't just watch, and they can't supervise the situation nearby, so they should take a long-distance wait-and-see.

Walkie talkie, micro camera, recording pen and a series of other things are all equipped to ensure that Xu yuanbiao can accurately grasp the situation while staying in the command post.

Everyone, you say a word, I say a word, said the twilight came down, the time of the day actually passed in the plan.

"Well, that's what we're planning now. Is that clear?" As a conclusion, Xu yuanbiao finally asked the public.

"I understand!" A group of police officers did not talk nonsense. They immediately stood at attention and responded in a loud voice, full of confidence in this matter.

Xu Ling had something on his mind. Although he didn't respond as many people did, he also nodded. He never thought that he would participate in the police battle meeting, or that he would face such a choice.

"In that case, let's have a good rest tonight, keep up our spirits and deal with tomorrow's problems!" Seeing that all the people agreed, Xu yuanbiao didn't say anything more. He told all the people and ended the meeting.

The reason why this meeting can last so long is because of the participation of civilians like Xu Ling. As a police officer, we must ensure that Xu Ling can protect her own safety. Otherwise, when something goes wrong, it will be their dereliction of duty

On the way back to the hotel, Xu Ling didn't say a word and seemed to be worried.

"Brother Xu, I'm so glad you finally came to my side and didn't tell me those things." After a long silence, Liu feiran, who was in charge of driving, said with some thanks.

Xu Ling didn't say anything. He was still asking himself whether what he had done was right or not. In other words, he was wondering if the police would really affect the rescue plan if they told him about it.

Maybe I should believe Wang Qiyang? As a specially trained special police officer, would he be nervous because he knew that he would be in danger?

Xu Ling, who has left the police station, doesn't think so!

Human beings always want to take regret medicine. Not long after she left the police station, Xu Ling regretted her actions.

"Brother Xu, you know, we can't make any mistakes at all. I'm not afraid to tell you that Qianqian's health is not particularly good..." it seems that after seeing through Xu Ling's regret, Liu feiran suddenly began to say it with grief,

What Xu Ling didn't expect is that Liu feiran actually said something about Li Ziqian's heart.

Although he has heard from Li Mengling that Li Ziqian's heart is quite special, which has been transformed by high-end technology.

Now, however, he knows why he has received such a transformation: when Li Ziqian was a child, he was found to have heart damage and even life-threatening condition. Fortunately, her uncle is Liu feiran, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to afford the high medical expenses to replace her heart.

It is precisely because of high technology that even the country that developed the technology has never really experimented with it, and Liu feiran has no way to do so, so he took the risk to make Li Ziqian the first human experimenter of the technology.

Although this technology has not been experimented yet, it also gathers the latest technology in the world, so the result is a complete success.

Otherwise, Li Ziqian would not appear in front of Xu Ling so vividly.

But after all, it is the latest technology, and some shortcomings are inevitable. Li Ziqian's body is facing the problem of not being frightened too much.

"So I hope that after you save Qianqian, brother Xu, you can leave that place as soon as possible and keep Qianqian away from danger. I beg you." After describing the situation all over again, Liu feiran went on to say it very sincerely.

At this time, the car has already arrived at the door of the hotel. Liu feiran, who stopped the car, even bowed to Xu Ling and said this.

Liu feiran, the boss of a big company, was aggressive to Xu Ling a few days ago. Now he has lowered his head and asked Xu Ling for help. It can be seen that he attaches great importance to Li Ziqian.

"Brother Liu, you don't have to do this. I understand. I will try my best to let Qianqian leave the dangerous area as soon as possible." Liu feiran showed that Xu Ling would not have any other thoughts. He hesitated between the two thoughts and could not make a decision.

Now if Liu feiran comes first, how can he think of other things? He directly puts the rescue of Li Ziqian in the first place, and even has no other idea.

Hearing Xu Ling's affirmative reply, Liu feiran finally showed a relieved smile. Finally, he said thanks to Xu Ling and said goodbye to Xu Ling.

They parted and went back to their rooms.

With a whole day's hard work, Xu Ling soon fell asleep. Although there was no physical consumption during the day, she kept remembering the characters assigned by the police and constantly considering in the tangle, which also made Xu Ling haggard.

But now Xu Lingke does not have those special potions to replenish energy, so in order to better implement the plan tomorrow, he has to rest as soon as possible.


In the morning, the sun rises.

Although it is not bright yet, the police station is full of people.

Although only Xu Ling and Wang Qiyang participated in the rescue plan, a large number of police forces are indispensable in the later arrest plan. Who knows if Shaying has many younger brothers?

If there are, it's a good thing to catch all of them.

"Group A, how are you doing?" Xu yuanbiao asked through the walkie talkie.

This is the group in charge of receiving surveillance information. I am the reconnaissance group. They know all about each other through the information sent back by Xu Ling's tools.

"Ready! Ready Although it's not many hours before the time appointed by the kidnappers, the preparations are complete.

Next, Xu yuanbiao asked several groups one after another, and they were all ready to perform their duties.

After asking these questions, Xu yuanbiao put his eyes on the way, "are you ready?"

Xu Ling nodded decisively. He had made up his mind last night. At this time, nothing could disturb his mood any more.

"Don't be nervous, just do what the kidnappers want step by step." Xu yuanbiao patted Xu Ling on the shoulder and finally asked.

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