In the first round, Xu Ling's opponent was not the fierce Liu Sanyuan, but the sunset red team composed of old scholars from the Provincial Writers' Association.

Looking at Song Shiren's face full of enthusiasm, Xu Ling could not help but feel a trace of bitterness.

Chairman song is very old, but he has a childlike mind, and he has to compete with others.

Song Shiren leads an old man in red Tang costume to Xu Ling with a smile.

"Miss Xu, do you want to find another partner for you?"

Xu Ling shook his head, showing a confident smile, "one person is enough."

"Mr. Xu, you are as confident as ever." Song Shiren nodded with a smile, a trace of edge flashed in his deep eyes, "don't say that we bully the small with the big and the little with the more."

Xu Lingzhao waved, "although the move, I take all the next is."

"You are not modest." Tang attire old man for Xu Ling's attitude, slightly unhappy, "let me come to you this don't know heaven and earth boy."

After a little pondering, the old man in Tang costume opened his mouth and slowly gave the first couplet: "it's not good to stop and sail on land and water."

As soon as the first couplet appeared, it immediately won the applause of the onlookers.

"Mr. Wang's question is very good. He also uses thimble rhetoric. It's really wonderful."

"There are not only thimbles, but also many homophones. This couplet is not good, right."

"Mr. Wang is also a well-known opponent in the circle. This couplet shows that his skill is extraordinary. The boy Xu Ling is hanging."

"Xu Ling is just a fledgling boy. Fortunately, he has a talent for poetry. As for the couplet, he certainly can't do it."

"Yes, you need to be quick, not just talented. I'm afraid he can't even pass the first level. "

"Ha ha, I'm looking forward to him showing a helpless look later. It must be wonderful."

While praising Wang Wenyan, the old man in Tang Dynasty, they also hit Xu Ling by the way.

As for people, that's it. They can't see anyone better than him.

Song Shiren also looked at Xu Ling with great interest, "Mr. Xu, I have great expectations for you, but don't drop the chain."

Xu Ling nodded with a smile and looked around. A tall building nearby attracted his attention.

This building is the most prosperous shopping center in the city, called Tianxin Pavilion.

At this time, there are some pigeons resting on the eaves of Tianxin Pavilion. Suddenly, the sound of a flute comes from not far away. The pigeons are frightened and fly. Xu Ling's eyes are bright, and a wonderful couplet emerges from her mind.

"Hey, boy, are you right about the first couplet?" Wang Wenyan impatiently asked: "if you can't come out, quickly admit defeat, save time."

"Who says I'm not right? Listen to me." Xu Ling sneered and said, "your first couplet is to stop the boat on land and water. If you can't do it, I'm right. The pigeon in the pavilion of heaven's heart has fallen and the pigeon has not yet flown."

After that, Xu Ling looked at Wang Wenyan and asked, "how is it? Is it right

"This..." Wang Wenyan opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Song Shiren applauded and said, "Mr. Xu, it's not only right, it's perfect, and it's even more valuable to take a scene on the spot."

Before those who are not optimistic about Xu Ling melon eating masses, it is again silly.

"If I go, it's just the malpractice of poetry. How can it be so good to the couplets and make people live?"

"It's also nine-year compulsory education. Why are you so excellent?"

"To kneel down, it's really a fraud. I thought Wang Lao's first couplet was already excellent, but I didn't expect Xu Ling's second couplet to be better."

"Old Wang is old after all. He is not as good as a new man. It's a pity."

Hearing the public opinion cheering for Xu Ling, Wang Wenyan's chest inexplicably filled with a stream of unprofessional fire. He stepped forward and said to Xu Ling, "the previous couplet just let us warm up. Now I'll give you another question. If you can match it, you'll win."

"Lao Wang, forget it. Let's follow the rules. If we lose, we lose. There's no shame."

As song Shiren said this, he pulled Wang Wenyan's sleeve, but the latter just didn't hear his dissuasion. He stared at Xu Ling and didn't move.

Is this a red eye?

Xu Ling had no choice but to smile, "yes, you can make a question."

Wang Wenyan rubbed his chin with his right hand and thought for a while. Then he looked up at the blue sky. A light flashed in his mind. He said in a deep voice: "look at the sky, look at the sky, look at the sky every day."

Xu Ling slightly pondered and gave the second couplet, "it's hard to ask for people, it's hard to ask for people, it's hard for everyone to ask for people."

"Good, right, good."

Song Shiren cheered again, and whispered in Wang Wenyan's ear, reminding him: "Lao Wang, give up. You are not the opponent of Xiao Xu. If you go on like this, you are just insulting yourself."

"No, come again." Wang Wenyan's muddy eyes gradually turned scarlet. "I don't believe it. I'm the director of the Provincial Writers' Association. I can't fight a brat."

Xu Ling light smile, "happy to accompany."

Wang Wenyan pondered for a long time this time. After thinking about the draft for several times, he just said, "when there are insects in water, it's muddy; when there are fish in water, it's fishing; when there are water, it's rivers and lakes."

Although song Shiren was not willing to let Wang Wenyan break the rules again and again, he appreciated the couplet of the latter. "The couplet of Lao Wang is very interesting, philosophical and smooth, not far fetched. The combination of water insects is turbid, and the combination of water fish is fishing. The most wonderful thing is that in the end, water just makes up Miao, and all the five words of the last river, lake, Hai Miao Miao are inseparable from water. Rivers and lakes take water as their radical, and this couplet is also water on the whole. Therefore, when the second couplet is right, it should be mainly composed of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, and one of the five elements. Then it should be combined with the first couplet, and the artistic conception should be relative, and the level and tone should be relative. To be able to make a perfect second couplet is just one in ten thousand

Wang Wenyan was happy in his heart, but he said modestly: "Chairman song praised me falsely. In fact, this couplet was conceived by me a long time ago. Up to now, there has been no couplet. So I'd like to take it out and have a try today to see if this talented young man can do it."

When he spoke, Wang Wenyan's tone had an undisguised sense of irony, and his face was full of the look of watching a good play.

Wang Wenyan doesn't believe that the boy who seems to have no immersion in couplets will give a flawless couplet in a short time.

Well, it's just to be flawless.

If the artistic conception is not suitable, the sentence is not smooth or the tone is not relative, it can not be regarded as his right.

Who let this boy, extremely arrogant, do not know how to respect teachers.

Xu Ling pondered for a while, did not come up with a reason.

This question is not as simple as the previous two.

As a result, Xu Ling had to summon Xiaoya AI in her mind to spend her reputation and open the retrieval system.

When Wang Wenyan saw Xu Ling's thoughtful expression on his face, he couldn't help but let out his breath. When he saw the latter's brow locked, a trace of satisfaction appeared in the corner of his mouth.

However, before long, Wang Wenyan listened to Xu Ling's reply“ Under the wood for this, wood for the end, wood, pine and cypress zhangsen

As soon as the couplet was published, Wang Wenyan was stunned on the spot like a bolt from the blue.

Wood and water are opposite. They belong to the five elements. No problem.

Artistic conception, no problem.

The sentence is smooth and the tone is relative.

No problem.

But Wang Wenyan has a problem.

Who is this guy?

It's enough to write poems well. How can it do the same to the couplets?

Is this still human?

Did it take ten minutes from his first couplet to his second couplet?

What the hell.

Not only him, but also song Shiren and a group of melon eaters. They were so surprised that they couldn't speak. They looked at Xu Ling one by one as if they were looking at a new human.

Song Shiren said with emotion: "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Mr. Xu is so talented that we really admire him."

"I'll go. It's a fraud. Such a tricky couplet can also be used against you. Is Mr. Xu really just an ordinary person?"

"Mr. Xu, you will be my master in the future. Please accept my apprentice's worship."

"It seems that only the word" quick thinking "can describe teacher Xu's reaction ability and talent. It's really more popular than others. I can't refuse it."

Xu Ling felt his nose bitterly. He enjoyed and liked the praise of the people.

After all, Xu Ling's reputation is faster than Liu Xiang's when people praise him from the bottom of their hearts. It is not long before Xu Ling's reputation surpasses Liu Xiang's in the lottery a few days ago.

In the evening, you can draw a lottery again.

However, when he was happy, he suddenly thought of the scene of the previous lottery and sang a little star without conscience. Now, the painting style is still hot.

As a result, his mood became bad again.

Of course, he is not the only one in a bad mood, so is Wang Wenyan.

After three questions in a row, all of them were righted by Xu Ling in a short time. Moreover, among the onlookers, there are his best friends and his disciples. Where do you let his old face go?

The more he thought about it, the more angry he was. Wang Wenyan said again, "Xu Ling, I was careless a few times ago. Do you dare to take another question from me?"

Xu Ling, who was in a bad mood, couldn't help but curl his mouth and say, "you've got one question after another. Are you bored. If you can't afford to lose, just say it. It's not a big deal. I'll give you a step down. I've been wasting my time like this. Is that interesting? "

When Xu Ling said this, Wang Wenyan's face turned red instantly, and his neck became much thicker. He forbeared his anger and said, "the last question, if you're right, I'll give up."

Xu Ling nodded, "well, what you said, everyone heard, the last question. If I'm right, you'll give up immediately. "

Wang Wenyan's eyes flashed a shadow, "no problem."

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