Song Shiren shook his head and said, "Lao Wang, I advise you to give up. You are really not Mr. Xu's opponent. What's more, it's no shame to lose in his hands. Are not Lao Liu and I both his losers

Wang Wenyan shook his head with scarlet eyes and said, "you and Lao Liu are good tempered. You don't care about this arrogant and frivolous boy, but I can't. Lao Wang is a quick tempered man and can't bear it."

Song Shiren had no choice but to smile, "but you really can't win him. What's more, when everyone is young and frivolous, can young people be called young people without any pride? "

Wang Wenyan's shriveled chest heaved violently. "I don't care if he is young, but he is still gloomy. Anyway, the last game must be finished. I can't swallow that

Song Shiren has a wry smile on his face.

Even if ten more innings, you can't beat Xu Ling. Don't you see that guy, calm and calm? I don't look at you at all!

However, he only said this in his heart. Wang Wenyan now has the posture of not bumping into the south wall and not looking back. He can't listen to other people's dissuasion at all. He can only calm down and think about the problem well after he is hit with his head and blood.

Therefore, song Shiren subjectively still hopes that Xu Ling can give Wang Wenyan a fatal blow, so as to teach this old friend, who is losing his eye, not to lose face any more. Many of these people around him are holding the attitude of watching jokes.

Wang Wenyan pondered slightly, sneered and said, "one two three four five six seven."

After this couplet came out, song Shiren's face suddenly became ugly, and people around him showed a puzzled look.

"Well, what's the matter with Mr. Wang? I don't mean the last game. How did he come up with such a simple topic?"

"Yes, it's very simple, but it's not good. There's no rules to refer to."

"Is this a couplet? It feels like nonsense. There's no interest in it."

"Ha ha, Lao Wang, are you mad? Is it funny to make a couplet without logic and aesthetics? "

However, the folk experts with sharp eyes have seen the mystery hidden in the couplet.

"If you review this couplet carefully, it's not hard to see the mystery."

According to the words, many people still didn't react to the first couplet in their minds.

As a result, the man had to explain: "in fact, the meaning of the first couplet is somewhat unfriendly. As the saying goes, the highest level of sarcasm is to speak without dirty words. The number behind the number couplet is supposed to be eight, but it doesn't exist when you are born to seven, which means --"

The explanation stops abruptly here. This man with good eyes knows that if we go on, we will offend others.

However, he didn't mean to cover his face with a pipa. He was basically like Sima Zhao. Everyone around him knew it. At the same time, he understood the real reason why song Shiren didn't look good before.

"I'll go. Mr. Wang's couplet is too bad. It's a bit immoral to scold directly."

"It's important that the bottom line of morality doesn't have face these days. Besides, the boy surnamed Xu is really a bit rampant. It's no big deal for Mr. Wang to teach him a little lesson."

"That is, Mr. Wang didn't pick out Minger's curse. It's just your guess."

"Ha ha, Lao Wang, this is a dog jumping over the wall in a hurry. In order to win Xiaoxu's game, he doesn't care about anything."

Wang Wenyan just turned a deaf ear to all the comments. His eyes were fixed on Xu Ling, just like a snake staring at its prey. At the same time, he was also looking forward to it. Xu Ling knew the hidden meaning of Shanglian, but could not fight back.

It must be wonderful for dumb people to eat Coptis chinensis.

However, Xu Ling's reaction disappointed him.

But I have a golden thigh to hold, and I can get rid of you.

Spend some reputation value, let Xiaoya AI open the retrieval system, and find the corresponding lower link every minute.

And it's just as wonderful.

Xu Ling raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and slowly gave the second couplet in full view of the public.

"My next couplet is filial piety, loyalty and integrity."

This time, without the explanation of the expert brother, everyone saw the hidden meaning.

Confucius, our great sage and forefather, the essence of his moral education for the elderly can be summed up in eight words, which is also the eight virtues of life.

Filial piety, fraternity, loyalty, faith, propriety, righteousness, honesty and shame.

The second couplet given by Xu Ling is an allusion drawn from here. Of course, the last word "shame" is intentionally missing, and the meaning is obvious.

Wang Wenyan used the upper couplet to scold Xu Ling (forget eight), Xu Ling directly used the lower couplet to attack Wang Wenyan shamelessly.

Song Shiren shakes his head helplessly. He has already expected the immediate result, but Xu Ling's on-the-spot emergency response ability still makes him admire.

This couplet is very neat, not only does it not lose the quality of life, but also "reciprocates" the other party. It's killing two birds with one stone.

The onlookers were in an uproar.

"I'll go. This kind of tricky couplet can also be corrected. Mr. Xu is cheating."

"Ha ha, Xu Ling is the first person who dares to scold Wang Wenyan with couplets face to face

"Lao Wang can't eat rice by stealing chicken. Look at his face. It's ugly."

At this time, Wang Wenyan's face changed from red to white, then to green, and finally to a deep purple like pig liver. His hands were tightly clasped into a circle. Due to too much force, there were faint signs of whiteness at the joints, and his chest was undulating, and endless anger was burning inside.

This damned young man.

If I don't care about face, I really want to hit him in the face.

A little literacy, useful couplet curse it?

That's disgusting.

Angry Wang Wenyan, once again gave a couplet, "children two legs Auricularia."

Xu Ling slowly replied: "old man a face pepper."

Wang Wenyan's eyes were fixed, and he said fiercely, "in the mountains where the two apes have broken wood, do little monkeys dare to saw?"

He used the homonym of "saw" and "sentence" to satirize and satirize Xu Ling.

Of course, Xu Ling would not show weakness. He immediately said, "if a horse is trapped in the mud, how can an old animal get out of the mud?"

This couplet is also a pun rhetorical device, borrowing the homophony of "hoof" and "title", using "old beast" in return for "little monkey" and "tooth for tooth", which is neat.

Wang Wenyan couldn't get up in one breath, his eyes were black, and he was going to fall down straightly.

Xu Ling sees the right time, rushes up with an arrow, steadfastly holds Wang Wenyan who is about to fall to the ground, with a harmless smile on his face.

"Mr. Wang, don't be in a hurry to faint. If you have tested me so many questions, it's time for me to make a couplet for you."

Wang Wenyan said goodbye and ignored Xu Ling.

This guy's smile, I don't want to be fooled because he doesn't have a good heart.

Xu Ling, who cares whether he answers or not, puts forward a question directly and says, "it's for the sake of being old but not dead."

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