Wang Wenyan turned a deaf ear to Xu Ling's Association.

Let's not say whether Wang Wenyan can play the second couplet, but he doesn't want to listen to the first couplet.


The ancients said: old but not dead is a thief.

Although Xu Ling didn't explicitly use the upper couplet to call him a thief, if Wang Wenyan took the couplet, he would admit that he was a thief. Besides, he didn't have the ability to give a reasonable lower couplet immediately and pay back to his opponent.

So, just play dumb.

You said your, anyway I just don't hear.

Let you punch in the air, there is no place to spread fire.

Do you think this will be able to embarrass Xu Ling?


Xu Ling righted Wang Wenyan's body and said with a smile: "since Mr. Wang can't answer, I'll do you a good job. You don't have to thank me for the second couplet. It's the most appropriate couplet to send you."

I beg your pardon?

I didn't hear that.

I'm temporarily deaf.

Wang Wenyan rolled his eyes and continued to act silly.

With a smile, Xu Ling said in a loud voice, "it's for the sake of being old but not dying. There must be a death for the country."

Old but not dead is a thief.

There must be a demon when a country is going to die.

Since the two couplets are Xu Ling's, and he also threatened to give the whole couplet to Wang Wenyan, the meaning is self-evident.

The thief hidden in the first couplet and the demon in the second couplet are naturally cursing Wang Wenyan secretly.

At this time, Wang Wenyan, who could pretend to be deaf and dumb and understand Xu Ling's implication, turned his eyes and fainted straightly.

This time, Xu Ling didn't reach out to help him, but muttered to himself, "I thought you had a good psychological endurance. Now it seems that you are no different from vice chairman Jin. They are all Silver Pewter spearheads, which are not good for you."

Wang Wenyan, who had a little residual consciousness, suddenly heard such a sarcastic remark. At the moment, he was so angry that he didn't even respond to song Shiren's attempt to help him. Wang Wenyan had fallen to the ground.

Song Shiren pointed at Xu Ling and complained: "you, you, you really have a smart mouth. It's not worth your life to be angry."

Xu Ling shrugged helplessly, "he has to be tough with me. What can I do? You can't retreat without fighting, can you

Song Shiren turned to think that this is the truth, and he also kindly reminded Wang Wenyan, but he did not listen, what can be done.

So, regardless of complaining about Xu Ling, song Shiren went to find Suxiao Jiuxin pills to rescue Wang Wenyan.

When Xu Ling left the scene, Xia Xinyu welcomed him with a smile on her face, "Hey, I heard that you've passed out an old man's anger again? Roar, roar, roar

"Thank you." Xu Ling shrugged helplessly, "however, it's no wonder that I'm not able to bear it in their heart."

Xia Xinyu rolled his eyes angrily and said, "if you get cheap, you'll sell yourself well. If you plant people in our hometown, you'll be killed with sticks."

Xu Ling retorted, "then why are you still alive?"

"You..." listen to Xu Ling's voice over clearly. Xia Xinyu is so angry that her teeth itch. She wants to reach out and beat Xu Ling, but the latter has already flashed aside.

Revenge is fruitless, Xia Xinyu can only hate to stamp his feet, pointing to Xu Ling, coldly said: "I hope you will meet my second elder martial brother later, but also like a boiled duck, mouth hard."

Xu Ling said with a smile: "don't worry, I promise to beat him down."

"Hum." Xia Xinyu snorted, not fighting with him.

It has to be said that Wang Wenyan's mental endurance is much weaker than Jin Jianguo, who is good at flattering.

After Song Shiren fed him Suxiao Jiuxin pills, Wang Wenyan awoke from his sleep after waiting for more than ten minutes.

Wang Wenyan slowly opened his eyes and looked around at familiar people, a little embarrassed.

However, when he saw another familiar face, the embarrassment turned into extreme anger.

Xu Ling said with a smile, "Oh, Mr. Wang, you're finally awake. I'm going to make some more pairs with you."

To your sister.

You disgusting guy, can you get out of here?

I don't want to see you. It's annoying!

As a result, Wang Wenyan simply pretended that he was not conscious and slowly closed his eyes again.

However, as soon as he closed his eyes, he heard Xu Ling yelling.

"No, no, Mr. Wang is seriously injured. He's driving to the West. Let's get ready for the coffin!"


I'm fuckin '

Wang Wenyan also wanted to scold Xu Ling a few times in his heart, but he didn't expect that a wave of anger from the heart, straight to the top of the head of Baihui acupoint, and then his eyes a black, faint again.

Xu Ling angrily touched his nose, "can't Mr. Wang really be angry with me?"

If Wang Wenyan is really angry with him, Xu Ling will bear the legal responsibility, and surely he can't escape from prison.

After thinking about the prison, the inmates ask you, what did you do to come in?

Xu Ling replied, "I've killed an old man."

If you're lucky, a person in a cell phone will surely accept a bow. Many people can't learn such skills in their whole life.

Well, I think a little too much.

When song Shiren and others heard Xu Ling's words, their faces were as black as the bottom of the pot.

You're scared now.

When I was angry before, how could I be happier than a wild horse?

Song Shiren sighed and shook his head: "it should be OK. Lao Wang is still very healthy. This time... Well, it's an accident."

Xu Ling happily patted his chest, "Oh, a false alarm, but I still have to stay here to wake up with Wang Lao."

Brother, are you funny?

Are you here to wake up with Wang Wenyan, so that you can feel at ease, or are you ready to wait for him to wake up and faint his anger?

Song Shiren thought about it, and thought that with Xu Ling's personality, the latter is very possible.

So, he said with a black face, "you'd better go first. I guess the last thing Lao Wang wants to see after he wakes up is you."

Xu Ling tut tut mouth, "so ah, well, after his mind is stable, I'll see him again."

After that, Xu Ling turned and left. At this time, song Shiren suddenly said behind him, "you'd better not come. Let's accumulate some virtue. "


When Xu Ling heard the speech, he staggered at his feet. It was so dangerous that he didn't fall to the ground.

Chairman song seems to be as poisonous as I am.

Xu Ling fled awkwardly, but without taking a few steps, she met Liu Sanyuan, who was known as the king of Jiangnan.

"Oh, if you can defeat Mr. Wang, you really have the right to fight me. However, it's just this strength. I'll definitely be the one who laughs at the end. "

Xu Ling did not answer, pointing to Wang Wenyan lying on the ground behind him, "see, he also told me that before."

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