"Two aunts and grandmothers, I understand. I will tell you in advance if I have anything to do in the future. You adults have a large number of them. Let's spare the small one this time." There is a good way to solve the conflict with girls, that is, no matter what, it's all about yourself.

Remember! Absolutely not to reason! Xu Ling deeply understands this fact, so now she shows such advice.

"Well! That's about the same. You can't do that in the future! " Sure enough, after Xu Ling all showed this, Yu Wenwen's attitude was much better. When she spoke at this time, she felt more coquetry than before.

Seeing this, Xu Ling seized the opportunity and immediately changed the topic, even though Chen Yunxi was still gently touching Yu Wenwen, as if to remind her hand, "Wenwen, how can you come to help Jiaman do their show?"

"Ah? Er... I heard that it was your show, so I promised them to participate. " It's too late for Yu Wenwen to be reminded again. She can only follow Xu Ling's rhythm and reply.

"Thank you, Wenwen. Without your help, my program would not have developed so well!" The thanks are not from Xu Ling's heart in order to change the topic. In fact, Xu Ling knows the fan effect very well.

After all, he has experienced a star who once attached a photo to his post and watched Wu Yan's paid photos. Millions of people went to see them. That star earned nearly ten million by just one photo! That's the power of fans.

"It doesn't matter. It's not very difficult. Besides, it's also an exercise for me." Hearing Xu Ling's thanks, Yu Wenwen blushed slightly and quickly waved back.

In fact, in Yu Wenwen's heart, she always thinks about where she can help Xu Ling, because Xu Ling has helped Xu Ling more than a little for her road to fame, and she doesn't ask for anything in return. At this time, when she finds that she can help Xu Ling, she certainly doesn't spare any effort.

"Wenwen, the girl, was not so active when I asked her to perform, but when I heard that I wanted to participate in your program, I was more happy than anything." Chen Yunqian also added on the side.

After being poked out of her secret, Yu Wenwen's face turned red again, as if she was very shy about it and didn't want to be mentioned.

For Chen Yunxi, Xu Ling is naturally full of thanks. He knows that Chen Yunxi's help is indispensable if yu Wenwen can get the company's consent to participate in a small program of the local radio station.

"Well, no need to thank you so much. We are not a family." Among Xu Ling's thousands of thanks, Chen Yunxi suddenly came up with such a sentence. As soon as it came out, Xu Ling was stunned.

Maybe it's because she said this for the first time. Chen Yunxi is still not quite used to it, even more intermittently.

Don't mention Chen Yunxi. Even Yu Wenwen and Xu Ling were shocked at this time. I didn't expect that she would say such words.

"I... I know!" After a short time in a daze, Xu Ling also came back to his senses and replied in a hurry that he had never received such treatment before. He didn't know how to answer.

"Well, since you're OK, Wenwen and I still have a performance in the evening, we'll go first." It seems that Chen Yunqian can't believe that she will say that. As soon as Xu Ling's voice falls, she immediately lowers her head and pulls Yu Wenwen away.

"Ah? Sister in law, where do we have at night... "Yu Wenwen, who was suddenly held, was full of doubts on her face. When she was about to make an inquiry, she was interrupted directly by Chen Yunxi.

"I just got the news. Hurry up! It will be late if we don't go back! "

"In such a hurry? Shall I drive you Xu Ling did not have much doubt, even when he suggested.

"No... no, there is a car to pick us up outside. You should have a good rest at home first." Chen Yunqian refused Xu Ling's kindness, and then left with Yu Wenwen without looking back.

Even Xu Ling didn't give him the chance to get up and say goodbye. He walked out quickly and got on a car that had been waiting here for a long time. Then he went away.

Xu Ling, who left behind and rushed to the door, raised his hand in the wind and could only look at the taillight of the car in front of him with a bitter smile.

When did Chen Yunxi become so dishonest? She was so shy to say what she wanted to say.

Thinking about this, Xu Ling can't help but put on a smile. It seems that her status in Chen Yunxi's heart has changed. From this "family" point of view, Xu Ling seems to have successfully captured the hearts of big stars.

Although Xu Ling didn't know what she had done to make Chen Yunxi identify with her, was this the legendary charm of personality?

This reason made Xu Ling very narcissistic giggle, but before he was happy for a while, he suddenly remembered that the current situation seems to run counter to his original plan!

Didn't you agree to divorce?

"Ai ~" recalled his original plan, Xu Ling could not help sighing. Emotion is too complicated and confusing, even now Xu Ling doesn't know much about it. Although he was taught one set at a time, as the saying goes, it's a good thing for the audience. Now that the problem is on him, Xu Ling really feels big.

At that time, Chen Yunxi's attitude towards Xu Ling was quite indifferent. Even if she made a Feiyan, it was no more than three sentences. At that time, it was reasonable for Xu Ling to want a divorce, but now she even said "a family" from her mouth. How could Xu Ling say that again?

I can't find the problem, so I don't want to think about it any more. Since I can't decide, let it be. When the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight. Finally, there will be a way!

Of course, the reason why Xu Ling thinks so is that he has no spare energy to think about these things now. No, when Xu Ling is still struggling, his phone rings again.

The noisy ringing tone instantly brings it back to reality and shakes his head to dispel the beautiful reverie in his mind. Xu Ling quickly pulls out the phone. After seeing the phone number on the screen, he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sister Wu, what can I do for you?" Xu Ling, who is already ready to deal with Liu feiran, can't help but feel relaxed after knowing that Wu Qinglian called.

"Xu Ling, you just came back today. My sister has prepared some delicious food for you. Come to me for dinner in the evening." On the other side of the phone, Wu Qinglian knew very warmly.

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