Although Xu Ling has made great efforts to politely refuse Wu Qinglian's kindness, she still can't resist the other party's enthusiasm. Besides, he Jianhua is also on the phone.

Both of them can be regarded as their predecessors, and both of them take good care of themselves. In this case, if Xu Ling says so much more about rejection, it's not interesting.

So after he was polite for two times, seeing that the other party still insisted on inviting, Xu Ling agreed.

One hour later, Xu Ling, the home of he Jianhua, also knew him. It was more than an hour after driving, so before that, Xu Ling still planned to take care of himself.

After all, I'm going to be a guest. I have to keep my image a little bit.

After that, it took about 20 minutes. Then, without any hesitation, Xu Ling drove directly to the direction of he Jianhua's house

Ding Dong

It's Wu Qinglian who rings the clear doorbell and comes to open the door. She hasn't seen her for some time. She looks much better and more bright.

"Here you are, Xu Ling! Come on in, come on in, Lao he is in the kitchen. He has to make two special dishes to entertain you Seeing that it was Xu Ling, Wu Qinglian immediately pulled it into the room and said happily.

"Sister Wu, what's the relationship between us? Why are we so polite? That's not the case. " At this time, Xu Ling said with a bitter smile. Being treated like this, Xu Ling felt like a distinguished guest.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no? Come on, sit here and I'll bring out all the dishes. " Xu Ling had been taken to the dining table by the time of speaking. Then he was pressed to sit down. Wu Qinglian said a word and then turned to the kitchen.

Xu Ling was sitting there for a while, trying to help, but he didn't know where to start. During this time, Wu Qinglian and he Jianhua had already begun to serve the prepared food to the table.

"I'll help, too!" Seeing this situation, Xu Ling immediately found a place to help and quickly got up to speak.

But this time, he was forced to sit down again. This time, he Jianhua was replaced.

"Well, don't be so polite when you come to my house. Sit down and have a drink with us." Now he Jianhua and Wu Qinglian really have a tacit understanding with each other. It seems that they are old wives and husbands.

It seems that He Jianhua is glad to be able to return. Xu unexpectedly took out a bottle of Baijiu and poured a cup of wine for himself and Xu Ling.

"No, no, brother he, I have to drive back at night. I can't drink!" Xu Ling quickly declined, although he knew that he Jianhua would not listen to him with his happy strength.

"It's OK, I'll stay here after drinking. There are enough rooms in my house. I'm afraid you can't sleep. Ha ha..." sure enough, he Jianhua didn't mean to let Xu Ling go. He picked up his glass and touched the glass of wine in front of Xu Ling.

He Jianhua's forthright Xu Ling is not the first day to see, but can let him do this, in addition to sincerely valued people, I'm afraid there is no such treatment.

At this point, Xu Ling is not good to continue to be polite, and the same end of the glass, and each other touched, and then two people at the same time a sip, laughing.

Baijiu is no more than beer and can drink freely, and it needs to feel slowly if it wants to taste its flavor and smell its flavor.

However, in terms of the soft, sweet, clean, and cool flavor of this small mouthful, this bottle of wine he Jianhua brought out is absolutely good wine. After a mouthful, even Xu Ling, who has no research on wine, can't help showing an intoxicated expression.

"Ha ha, how about Maotai, which has been treasured for several years, tastes good?" Seeing Xu Ling's expression, he Jianhua immediately asked with a smile, with a trace of pride in his tone.

"Good wine, good wine, it's just the best!" Xu Ling is not stingy of his praise at all. He just thumbs up and praises.

"Well, since we think it's good, we won't be drunk today and drink!" After getting Xu Ling's affirmation, he Jianhua was more interested. Then he raised his glass again and talked boldly.

That way, there are some chivalrous chivalrous guests, and Xu Ling can not help but be driven by this atmosphere, and he wants to drink the remaining Baijiu in the cup.

Fortunately, at this time, Wu Qinglian interrupted, "don't listen to your brother he's nonsense. You young man, don't get into the habit of drinking. Otherwise, just like your brother he, you can't find a daughter-in-law at such an old age."

"Who said I couldn't find my daughter-in-law? I've found your beautiful and considerate daughter-in-law!" As Wu Qinglian's voice has just dropped, he Jianhua should voice his opposition.

"Go, who's your daughter-in-law, the eldest one? How can you be shameless?" Wu Qinglian was red in the face when she was told, so she turned to the kitchen to serve food.

"Ha ha ha..."

This appearance caused two people on the table to laugh, the scene is not lively.

"By the way, brother he, when are you going to have your wedding with Wu Jie? Don't forget to call me then After laughing for a while, Xu Ling thought about it again and immediately asked he Jianhua.

Speaking of this topic is like poking into the pain of he Jianhua, letting the smile on his face disperse, quietly drinking a sip of muggy wine, pondering for a moment, he revealed to Xu Ling, "to tell you the truth, sister Wu is not willing to hold a wedding."

"Why?" A grand wedding, whether it's for men or women, should be a very happy thing, especially to he Jianhua, a couple who have lovers and get married. Xu Ling is full of doubts about he Jianhua's words at this time.

"She said that because she was a second marriage, she was afraid that others would laugh at her." He Jianhua shook his head and continued to explain to Xu Ling. With that, he took another sip of the wine.

It seems that they should have discussed this issue in depth, but from the performance of he Jianhua, it seems that they have not reached an agreement.

"It's too late for us to get happiness. How can we laugh?" Xu Ling said sincerely, then thought of a situation, and immediately proposed, "otherwise, I'll tell sister Wu, let her reduce these psychological burden."

It's also because Xu Ling remembers that the couple are all made by themselves, so it's reasonable to help others to send the Buddha to the west, and then work harder to make a wedding.

But, originally thought he Jianhua would agree to this matter, the other party gave Xu Lingyi unexpected answer, "Xu Ling, this matter, or I will solve it, you have helped me enough."

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