"How are you, officer Li! Excuse me for interrupting you this time. " Uncle Hao looked at them for a while, then he opened his mouth.

Listening to the name from Uncle Hao's mouth, Xu Ling was surprised. Even if he knew himself, he could be regarded as Li Mengling's friend, but how did he know Li Feifei?

"Ha ha, don't be too surprised. I already know about what you did in Lingxia City, Xu Ling. Of course, I also know about your friends there." Feeling the surprise of the two people in front of him, uncle Hao explained immediately.

"Uncle Hao, do you know what happened to me in Lingxia?" The more she listened back, the more surprised Xu Ling was. Uncle Hao really knew the world without going out. However, after a little thought, Xu Ling thought about why Uncle Hao knew.

"You must have guessed that. Yes, Chen Er told me that. Oh, yes, he is Mengling's second grandfather." Uncle Hao then told Xu Ling about it.

"Second grandfather, where is he now? How are you doing? " As expected, the situation was just like what Xu Ling thought. He immediately asked about the past, and his emotion was also quite excited.

Originally, Xu Ling came here for this matter. Now when he heard the news from the second grandfather, he must be unable to suppress his emotions.

"Don't worry. He's very nice and has fulfilled his dream, but you can't see him now." Hao shuwensheng comforted Xu Ling,

"Great!" Hearing this from Uncle Hao, Xu Ling's heart immediately relaxed a lot. Others said that he might not believe it, but this was said from Uncle Hao, which is similar to the official announcement.

"Now that you know about Chen Er, you must know what I'm looking for you for." Waving his hand, uncle Hao didn't stay much on this topic, and then he said to Xu Ling.

Looking at Uncle Hao's eyes, Xu Ling's heart also vaguely guessed that the other party seemed to want to say what Chen ER and Xu Ling had told him at that time, but this matter was of great importance. Xu Ling didn't dare to make such a wild guess, so he had to ask first, "what's uncle Hao talking about? Forgive me for being stupid. I can't think of it. "

"You son of a bitch, Chen Er told you so painstakingly that you can't remember it?" Xu Ling's words were modest, but when he heard uncle Hao's ears, he changed his temperament and began to blame him.

"Uncle Hao, are you talking about the second grandfather giving me the store?" The other side all said so, Xu Ling also can't continue to Chuai understand to pretend to be confused, when even if open mouth to confirm a way.

"Well, you have the heart to forget it." When Xu Ling told the whole story, uncle Hao's attitude improved.

"Uncle Hao, do you really want me to take over this shop?" Xu Ling's tone with some panic, and full of disbelief asked.

"Why else would I bring you here? Have you listened carefully to what Chen er said? " Feeling that Xu Ling seemed to want to refuse, uncle Hao's attitude immediately became severe again.

"No, uncle Hao, I just don't think it's suitable for me to take over this shop. If the second grandfather really wants to find someone to take over, shouldn't Li Mengling be more suitable?" Xu Ling now understands that as long as she shows the momentum that she doesn't want to agree to it, she will immediately cause the other party's displeasure.

"How come you're just like a woman? Chen er said that if he gave it to you, he would give it to you. This is his last request to leave here. Is it hard for you not to refuse?" Not listening to the explanation, uncle Hao waved his hand and asked Xu Lingzhi.

"This..." as chefs, they are really hot tempered. Under uncle Hao's questioning, Xu Ling can't help but say no.

"Give me the card Chen Er gave you before!" Xu Ling's indecision made uncle Hao anxious. He immediately ordered Xu Ling.

"Oh, oh." Just don't know what to do, Xu Ling of course very listen, quickly took out the card - Chen er said all the property of the card.

"It is indeed it!" Holding the card in his hand and looking at it repeatedly, uncle Hao's eyes showed a happy expression. Then he suddenly frowned again and knew to Xu Lingtong, "this card is the representative of this store. Since Chen Er has given the card to you, you are the leader of the imperial restaurant!"

"But..." all of a sudden, Xu Ling didn't have any mental preparation. He wanted to argue, but he was severely interrupted by the other party just as he said it.

"Well, there's no need to say anything more. Come back in two days and go through the handover procedures. The imperial dining pavilion will be your asset after that." Uncle Hao's mind now is to hand over the restaurant to Xu Ling. He doesn't know what Chen er said to make uncle Hao so firm.

"Uncle Hao, you'd better discuss such a big matter. Give me some time and I'll think about it." Xu Lingyi time or no way to accept, even if the other side is so severe, he still declined.

"I'm afraid there's something wrong with your brain. Do you know the annual turnover of this restaurant? Two million! Net profit! How could you even think about it? " Uncle Hao looked at Xu Ling in disbelief, and then revealed another news.

I thought Xu Ling refused because I didn't know the huge benefits. When Uncle Hao finished this, he was very confident that Xu Ling would agree.

However, in response to him, Xu Ling continued to shake his head and refuse, "it's because its interests are too big, so I can't promise categorically. I don't want to ruin the career created by my second grandfather."

Then, without waiting for uncle Hao to speak again, Xu Ling stood up directly and said firmly, "Uncle Hao, please forgive me for taking the liberty. I really can't accept it like this!"

Finish saying, then made a wink to Li Feifei, two people then directly left here.

The rest of Uncle Hao looked at Xu Ling's back in a daze. It took him a long time to relax.

It's different from what he imagined that he would be angry. After Xu Ling left, uncle Hao had a smile on his face, and then he said to himself, "Chen Er, the boy you chose is really interesting!"

When talking about the name, there was a touch of sadness in Uncle Hao's eyes, which was never shown in front of Xu Ling.

Looking back at Xu Ling, he took Li Feifei to escape in the surprised eyes of the front desk ladies and left the restaurant, even without answering their greetings.

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