Driving on the road, Xu Ling's heart is very messy, and he doesn't pay attention to stepping on the accelerator. The speed is fast. This time, Li Feifei, a policeman, didn't stop him.

Until Xu Ling gradually calmed down and stopped the car by the side of the road, she said, "it's rare that you, who have been heavy and calm, should have such a side."

Li Feifei said so, also in order to ease the dignified atmosphere of the scene, Xu Ling's brow was tight. The appearance of a word, looking really uncomfortable.

"Feifei, do you think I did it right?" As if in a flash to find someone to talk to, Xu Ling raised his head and immediately asked Li Feifei.

"You mean you fart away the chance to make a million restaurants a year?" Li Feifei then asked the past.

Nodding, Xu Ling looks at Li Feifei suspiciously. Is there anything else that bothers him?

"Of course not, you black sheep, how long did it take you to throw away two million yuan!" Li Feifei eyebrows a pick, when even to Xu lingxun scold up.

However, looking at her slightly upturned mouth, Xu Ling knew that the other party was joking.

At this time, Xu Ling shook her head with a wry smile and continued to explain, "it's not that I'm proud of myself and despise money. It's two hundred thousand years. Who doesn't want it? But a gentleman loves money, and I don't deserve it. "

As if she was infected by Xu Ling's current mood, Li Feifei nodded her head very seriously at this time. But then she thought of another thing and reminded Xu Ling, "but look at Uncle Hao's attitude, it seems that she won't give it up so easily."

Li Feifei said Xu Ling did not know, now he can only sigh, but also shook his head, "Alas, for the time being, when he comes to me again, I'll think about other reasons to refuse."

At this point, Xu Ling really has no other good way to deal with this matter. Step by step, maybe the other party will grind this matter away if they refuse more times.

"Ah, by the way, sister Feifei, what time is it?" Thinking about Uncle Hao's affairs all the time, Xu Ling almost forgot the main business. She asked in a hurry.

"It's almost three o'clock. Let's go to the radio station directly. I went to visit a little earlier. I haven't seen it in the radio station yet." Li Feifei also knows it very well, and she doesn't wait for Xu Ling to mention it. She says directly that she wants to help Xu Ling, but she hasn't forgotten it at all.

"That's good. Anyway, time is coming." Xu Ling nodded and immediately agreed with Li Feifei. This point is not up or down, and it can really take her there.

Compared with Uncle Hao, the things we have discussed with Chen Hong are even more important. After finishing up our irritable thoughts, Xu Ling starts the car again and drives to the radio station

At Li Feifei's request, before the time came here, Xu Ling took her to visit the radio station.

Two people of the same age, so side by side a walk, let know Xu Ling people can't help but look at it, thought Xu Ling this is with a girlfriend come over!

Enduring this kind of vision, Xu Ling explained to Li Feifei, and finally returned to his office. But as soon as he entered the door, he saw sun Jiaman running excitedly, "Mr. Xu Ling, you finally appeared, went to your home to find you, and you disappeared, which worried us to death!"

With these words, sun Jiaman suddenly noticed Li Feifei beside Xu Ling. She immediately stopped and said, "Oh, it's like this! Teacher... Well

Looking at the ghostly appearance of the girl in front of her, Xu Ling knows that there must be a situation. Sure enough, after she finishes, she will immediately add a name to Li Feifei.

Fortunately, Xu Ling's eyes are quick and quick, and he goes forward to cover sun Jiaman's mouth directly. Otherwise, if this "teacher Niang" shouts out, something will happen.

Although Xu Ling accidentally told Li Feifei that she was married, sun Jiaman and them didn't know that if there was a confrontation between the two sides, Xu Ling was in a very bad situation.

"Jiaman, let me introduce you. This is my friend, officer Li." After stopping sun Jiaman from calling her, Xu Ling quickly introduced her to both sides, "sister Feifei, she is my subordinate and apprentice, sun Jiaman."

"Hello, Jiaman, just call me Li Feifei." Li Feifei, who didn't think that way, naturally didn't know what sun Jiaman meant by just one word. At this time, she was greeting sun Jiaman happily.

Maybe sun Jiaman himself is cute, so it's easy for others to like him, and girls are no exception.

Knowing that Li Feifei is related to the police, sun Jiaman dares not to say anything funny now, so he takes the words seriously. In Xu Ling's opinion, it's completely like a different person. It's very funny.

However, under sun Jiaman's reminder, Xu Ling finds that taking Li Feifei to dinner has delayed her a lot of time. As a result, her clothes haven't been changed and she is still dressed in casual clothes, which makes Xu Ling worried. I don't know if the words of Li Feifei in casual clothes will make Chen Hongxiang believe.

Up to now, it's unrealistic to ask Li Feifei to change clothes again. It won't make Chen hongduo wait for a while. It's just so troublesome for Li Feifei that Xu Ling doesn't want to talk. After all, it's her own fault to delay.

"Jiaman, we'll talk later. I'll go to the director's office with Feifei." Two girls dialogue, Xu Ling is really can't get in the mouth, pay attention to the time, Xu Ling can't remind.

"Oh, well, you can go quickly. The director of this meeting should still be in the office." When sun Jiaman and Li Feifei talk, most of the time they are answering. For her, talking to a policeman is really a bit of pressure, just like being found in the office by a teacher when she is studying.

This will hear Xu Ling's words, she immediately as if facing amnesty, directly said to two people.

Xu Ling looks in the eyes and smiles in the heart. It seems that she will have to bring Li Feifei to come here and treat sun Jiaman's mouth which is full of gossip when she sees anything.

"Well, I seem to have forgotten to wear police uniform." Along with Xu Ling on the way, Li Feifei suddenly thought of this situation. At that time, she also promised Xu Ling, but now she didn't do it. She couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you have something to prove your identity, it doesn't matter whether you are in police uniform or not." Xu Ling's request is also to let Chen Hong know Li Feifei's identity intuitively. Since she doesn't have it, as a policeman, she should take her ID with her.

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