"Here comes Mengling. Sit down. Have you eaten yet? I'll make you something to eat. " As soon as Li Mengling came to the store, uncle Hao welcomed him with a face full of love.

However, after seeing Xu Ling, who was followed by Li Mengling, this pet disappeared in an instant.

"Why did you bring this smelly boy here?" Uncle Hao then said in a rather unpleasant tone.

"What else can I do, of course, to bring him here to take over this shop!" Li Mengling curled his lips and seemed impatient.

"Come on, don't bring this smelly boy in front of me to annoy me. I'm in a bad mood when I look at his face." Hao Shu waved his hand and continued to complain. He didn't care about Xu Ling at all and stood on the side.

"Hello, uncle Hao!" In the face of such an embarrassing situation, Xu Ling can only put a stiff smile on her face and say hello.

"Good? I'm not good! " Uncle Hao glanced at Xu Ling, and still replied impolitely.

"Er..." Xu Ling was speechless for a while. Indeed, this kind of feeling of hot face sticking to other people's cold buttocks is really uncomfortable.

"Uncle Hao, don't say that. We haven't solved this problem yet." Fortunately, there was Li Mengling interrupting in the middle, so as not to make the scene too embarrassing.

"It's easy to say how to solve it? The irritating thing is that you don't agree. What do you think you can do? " Uncle Hao immediately pointed at Xu Ling and roared, which made Xu Ling sweat.

"Uncle Hao, that's why we have to find a way, isn't it?" Li Mengling frowned and said helplessly.

"Well... Can I say something?" In the face of two people's words, Xu Ling can't help saying at this time.

"No way!" Li Mengling and uncle Hao yelled at Xu Ling in unison.

"Now what? Or if I tie him up, I won't believe him. How dare he disobey? " After Hao Shuhou finished, he discussed with Li Mengling, and his tone was full of eager feeling.

"Uncle Hao, calm down. We'd better make it clear. Second grandfather's advice, you should tell Xu Ling again." Li Mengling still takes care of Xu Ling's feelings. At this time, he says something to Uncle Hao and looks at Xu Ling.

With Li Mengling speaking here, uncle Hao's mood can be calmed down. He nods and says Chen er's wish.

Listen to the situation again. To tell you the truth, Xu Ling's heart gradually shows a trace of compassion. He doesn't know whether it's appropriate for him to refuse all the time. Maybe he really should not let the second grandfather down.

But Xu Ling really can't bear to agree with it. It's a big restaurant with millions of people! All of a sudden, I hit myself in the face. No one will be calm.

"Do you hear me, Xu Ling? I'll say it again for the last time. It's the second grandfather's wish. It's not that we force you to take over this restaurant. We really don't want to make the last wish of the second grandfather impossible to come true! " As soon as Uncle Hao's voice fell, Li Mengling said to Xu Ling very seriously.

"I don't know how many times I've said this to this boy, but he just can't listen to anything..." Uncle Hao continued to say angrily with a look of hatred.

"I will!"

According to the original appearance, Xu Ling would argue after uncle Hao finished speaking, but this time it was different. Before uncle Hao finished speaking, he heard a loud reply.

"What?" This time, Hao Shuling and Li Mengling cried out in the same voice, but the tone was obviously different. They were surprised with a little doubt, as if they didn't believe Xu Ling could say it.

"I say I agree with you!" Without flinching at all, Xu Ling said in detail, "since the second grandfather wants me to take over so much, then I'll be more respectful than obedient."

"Is that true?" Xu Ling's attitude changed too fast. Even if he said it again, uncle Hao asked with some disbelief.

"A word comes out..." Xu Linggang patted his chest and wanted to say this famous saying. Uncle Hao interrupted directly.

"It's hard to catch up! Ha ha ha, good boy, we finally changed you! "

Uncle Hao, who got Xu Ling's affirmative reply, seemed to be a different person, and his laughter was more kind.

"That's great. You finally agreed to it!" At this time, Li Mengling also sincerely said that in his eyes, there was a flash of tears, as if he had completed a certain mission.

"Although I still don't understand why the second grandfather appointed me as the successor, I agreed to listen to you so sincerely, but I don't have the experience of managing restaurants. If I don't manage well..." it was agreed, but Xu Ling still had to make it clear about her own situation.

But before his worries were expressed, he was interrupted by Li Mengling with a smile, "ha ha, don't worry. Uncle Hao will take care of you in this aspect. You can be the boss with ease."

"What do I need to do?" This is something Xu Ling is more concerned about. As the head of a store, he has to pay something. This is what Xu Ling is worried about. In case he needs to occupy a lot of time, what should the radio do?

"Nothing to do! Are you listening to what I said? Didn't I say that uncle Hao would do everything for you? " In the face of Xu Ling's most worrying problem, Li Mengling waved his hand in response.

After Li Mengling finished speaking, uncle Hao nodded with great agreement.

"Nothing to do?" I can't believe that Xu Ling once again asked, so to take over millions of property, I really feel some uneasiness.

"No, No. how many times do you want me to say it before you believe it?" Li Mengling has been a little annoyed by the explanation all the time, and this will be a counter question to Xu Ling.

"Don't you believe in my ability? I'll tell you, when Chen ER was still here, he didn't take charge of the business here. I didn't manage it by myself! " On the side, uncle Hao thought of something else, and then he asked Xu Ling unhappily.

"No, no, I see. I'll take over the restaurant." Uncle Hao was very intimidating. Xu Ling immediately denied his idea and agreed to take over again.

"Not this restaurant!" Xu Ling's words immediately attracted uncle Hao's dissatisfaction. He directly revised Xu Ling's statement, "it's the whole imperial dining pavilion!"

"Is this... Any different?" Xu Ling couldn't help but be stunned. His restaurant is the imperial restaurant!

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