"I really don't know how Chen Er had to ask you to take over," Xu Ling immediately asked Uncle Hao to cover his face with one hand and complain. Then he came to the desk and handed a document to Xu Ling without waiting long. "You see what the difference is between the two."

With full doubts, Xu Ling opened the document and looked at it carefully. This is an introduction to the imperial food pavilion. There is nothing in front of it, but when he turns to the back, Xu Ling is surprised.

Where is yushange? There are more than ten restaurants in China, big and small. Even in foreign countries, there is this restaurant!

"You know, the imperial food pavilion is not what you see here in Luoshi. It's not the Luoshi family that you want to take over, but all of them!" Seeing Xu Ling's frightened expression, uncle Hao also knew that the other party had already understood this matter.

"I get it." Now that she has promised others, Xu Ling can't go back on her promise. Moreover, under the stimulation of multiple factors, Xu Ling is now open-minded. What about more stores?

"Ouch, I'm more calm than I expected this time!" Xu Ling's direct response surprised Hao shupo, but on the whole he was quite satisfied.

"In that case, uncle Hao, you can go to the transfer formalities with Xu Ling tomorrow." To be able to solve this matter, Li Mengling is also quite happy, at least to prove that she brought Xu Ling is not wrong.

"Well, can you come over at eight tomorrow morning?" Nodding, Hao Shu asked Xu Ling.

Of course, Xu Ling readily agrees. Now he feels that he can only make up for Chen er's debt by taking care of his shop. This is also Xu Ling's only choice.

After the three agreed, it was late. Li Mengling took Xu Ling and Hao Shu to say goodbye. Because Xu Ling's car was still parked at the door of the hospital, Li Mengling took Xu Ling to the hospital.

"Thank you Driving in his car, as Xu Ling was about to leave, Li Mengling said to him from the bottom of his heart.

Then, without giving any explanation, Xu Ling drove away in his puzzled eyes, leaving only Xu Ling staring at the disappearing taillights.

Don't think about the things you can't figure out. This is Xu Ling's conclusion after so many things. It's like why Chen er must leave the restaurant to Xu Ling, just like Li Mengling's "thank you".

I had a day full of twists and turns, and I also took over a huge enterprise. To tell you the truth, Xu Ling didn't have many twists and turns in his heart, as usual

It was the next day when I went to the imperial restaurant again, a little earlier than the appointed time, and Xu Ling had already passed.

"Oh, it's so early. Don't worry. I'll take you when I've arranged the work here." When he came to the kitchen to find uncle Hao, he was still arranging various matters for the staff. When he saw that he was surprised to come in, he immediately gave an order.

The press conference was held in the afternoon, so Xu Ling didn't worry. He answered and sat quietly waiting.

About half an hour later, Hao Shucai came over with a smile on his face. It seems that the matter Xu Ling promised yesterday has a great influence on him.

"Wait a minute. I'm ready. Let's get going." Hao shulue said with a trace of apology.

"I came too early. It's just the right time." Xu Ling quickly waved his hand back. It's true that the time is right now. After eight o'clock is set, I have to say that uncle Hao's prediction in this respect is too accurate.

Uncle Hao didn't mean to say more about such trifles. He nodded, then left the restaurant with Xu Ling and went straight to the Bureau of industry and commerce. Business transfer matters are all handled here.

Maybe uncle Hao had already said hello in advance. The transfer business, which had complicated procedures, was completed in less than an hour. Although there were no few places to run, at least there was no waiting in every place. The two people seemed to have privileges.

"Uncle Hao, why didn't we wait in line?" With the completed transfer of documents out of the industrial and commercial bureau, Xu Ling can not help but ask.

He clearly saw that there were several places where he went in directly without even queuing up. What's more, the people inside didn't stop him.

"Well, I've already made an appointment for these procedures, and I've already finished the queue! Isn't it because you've been dragging your feet? " Hearing this question, uncle Hao gave a cold hum and complained to Xu Ling.

"At least we've done it now, haven't we? Hahaha... "Seeing that the topic suddenly came to him, Xu Ling quickly laughed and raised his certificate to ease the awkward atmosphere.

No matter what the process is, at least the result is good. Looking at the brand-new business certificate, uncle Hao also shows a happy smile, which is his satisfaction with the realization of his old friend's wish.

"In that case, taking over this matter will be regarded as the completion of it?" Seeing that uncle Hao was in a better mood, Xu Ling immediately asked another question.

"Want to be beautiful! It's just the transfer of the head office, and the local procedures have to be handled! " With the certificate in hand, Xu Ling, who thought she was so carefree, was punctured by Hao Shu.

"Ah? Are you going to every place? What about those located abroad? " Xu Ling was surprised to ask, especially those foreign branches, which made him care.

"Of course I will." Uncle Hao immediately responded to Xu Ling, and his tone was quite natural.

"We have to go one by one." Xu Ling can't believe it. It takes ten days and a half months at least to run all these places. Besides, it's still a non-stop running method.

"You are the boss. If you don't go one by one, will you let me go?" Uncle Hao immediately asked about the past.

"Can't you?" Xu Lingdao also had a glimmer of hope in his heart. At this time, he asked weakly.

"I'm afraid you're thinking about peaches!" Uncle Hao's face coagulated, and he immediately replied sternly to Xu Ling. His face was full of anger. It seems that Xu Ling's words made him angry.

But not to mention, although uncle Hao is very old, the catchwords are still playing very well. This response makes Xu Ling a little confused.

"But don't worry. When you are free, I will take you to deal with these things slowly. Before that, you should be busy with your own affairs." In the face of helpless Xu Ling, uncle Hao finally said something that made him a little relieved.

I have to say that this decision really reduced the pressure on Xu Ling!

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