If in such an emergency, let Xu Ling take time to go through these miscellaneous procedures, he must collapse.

Here in Luoshi, with an appointment made in advance, Xu Ling can't imagine how troublesome it would be to deal with other places.

After dealing with things here with Uncle Hao, Xu lingwan refused to be invited to lunch and drove to the radio station.

Before and after dealing with those things, time unknowingly arrived at noon, Xu Ling meal did not eat to drill into the office, began to review the manuscript prepared yesterday.

It's the first time that Xu Ling has met the press conference lineup. It's said that there will be dozens of media coming at that time. Therefore, Xu Ling knows that he must not make mistakes, even if there is only a trace. This undoubtedly gives him a kind of inexplicable psychological pressure

"Mr. Xu Ling, you are really here. Ha ha, I guess you are right!" When Xu Ling was immersed in the review, the door of the office was suddenly opened. Sun Jiaman saw Xu Ling inside, and then he put on a full smile and said.

"Jiaman, why are you here at this time?" Looking at the time, it's still during the lunch break. Xu Ling can't help asking about the past.

"Editor in chief Wu called you several times but didn't answer, so he asked me to come to your home to find you. I knew you must have come to the radio station without thinking about it." Sun Jiaman comes to Xu Ling with a proud face and explains this.

Listening to Yun Zhongjie's words, Xu Ling's focus is on another matter. He quickly takes out his mobile phone and looks at it. Sure enough, there are eight missed calls. In addition to six of Wu Qinglian mentioned by sun Jiaman, there are two of Chen Hong's!

"Patronize the back of the manuscript, did not pay attention to the phone call." Xu Ling, who found the situation, shook his head helplessly and explained.

"It doesn't matter, Mr. Xu Ling. I've explained it to you and editor in chief Wu. You must be preparing for the press conference in the afternoon." Seeing that Xu Ling seems to have made a mistake, sun Jiaman immediately persuades Xu Ling.

"Well, good! I'm worthy of being my master. I really know me. " Sun Jiaman's self-confidence made Xu Ling come forward and pat her on the shoulder.

"Haha, it's not that Mr. Xu Ling has no other hobbies except these things, so I can guess so accurately!" Sun Jiaman's face naturally explained again.

"Am I so boring in your eyes?" Listening to the reason, Xu Ling could not help but make complaints about Sun Jia fan.

"Ha ha, Mr. Xu Ling, take your time to prepare. I'm going to prepare my program. Goodbye!" Feeling that Xu Ling seems to have some complaints, sun Jiaman laughs two times and then runs away.

Girl film legs and feet are quite sharp, in the reaction of Xu Linggang, she has not been seen.

Helpless to shake his head, Xu Ling did not multi tube, he picked up the phone, and then find Chen Hong's number to dial in the past.

Although sun Jiaman said that she had explained that the reason why Xu Ling didn't answer the phone was that she was preparing for a press conference, she only explained to Wu Qinglian and didn't mention Chen Hong's name, so in this respect, Xu Ling still needs to explain herself clearly.

"Xu Ling, what are you doing? Why don't you answer my phone? " The phone was picked up as soon as it got through. At the same time, without waiting for Xu Ling to speak, Chen Hong's voice of blame came from the opposite.

Of course, Chen Hong's reputation as "Iron Lady" is also reflected in her work efficiency. It's the first time for her to meet an employee like Xu Ling who doesn't answer the phone twice. That's why she has such an angry attitude.

"I'm sorry, Auntie Chen. I saw the manuscript I was going to use at the press conference. I was too devoted. I didn't notice that you called me." Feeling Chen Hong's displeasure, Xu Ling quickly explained.

Hearing that it's about work, Chen Hong's mood calmed down a little. Xu Ling's serious attitude towards work is also well-known on the radio.

"Well, how are you doing with the press conference?" Chen Hong asked with concern after she changed her angry attitude.

"Almost, because it's the first time I've met this thing, so I think I'm well prepared." Xu Ling immediately responded confidently.

For the three hour press conference, Xu Ling has been preparing all day. I'm afraid this kind of attention is unprecedented to previous programs.

"That's good. I don't worry about your work. I won't go to the press conference this time. As the main character, you have to perform better." Xu Ling's answer is also quite satisfied with Chen Hong, but as a director, she still reminds me.

"Well, Aunt Chen, I will never let you down." Xu Ling patted her chest and assured, then he asked, "is that why Aunt Chen called me?"

Subconsciously, Xu Ling thinks that Chen Hong's special call is definitely not so simple. The other party has already told her about the press conference. It's reasonable that Chen Hong should trust her.

"Ha ha, indeed, I'm calling here to ask you, what I said to you yesterday? How did you think about it?" Hearing Xu Ling's question, Chen Hong first laughed and then asked back.

"What's the matter?" Embarrassed to say, Xu Ling completely forgets what Chen Hong has told her.

"Smelly boy, do you still remember that you were asked to be the director yesterday?" Chen Hong thinks that Xu Ling intentionally says that she doesn't know, so she immediately reminds her.

Xu Ling's head is getting bigger and bigger. He has just taken over the imperial restaurant. He has to take over Mingqi radio station again. This kind of pressure is not small.

"Don't pretend that I can't hear it. No matter what you think about it or what your opinion is, you must agree with it anyway! Did you hear that? " There was no Xu Ling's voice in the receiver for a long time. Chen Hong said harshly immediately.

What makes Xu Ling feel even more collapsed is that after Chen Hong finished this, she directly hung up the phone without giving any room for negotiation.

In the office, Xu Ling holds up the phone and smiles bitterly. Sure enough, Chen Hong's decision is not so easy to change!

Xu Ling had hoped that Chen Hong would forget this matter after she calmed down. It seems impossible.

However, even though Xu Ling did not give up, persuading Chen Hong is imperative, which may take some time, but after the news conference, we must deal with it wholeheartedly. Xu Ling has made up her mind.

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