"The head of the station is ill today. I can't attend the press conference for the time being. I hope all comrades in the media can understand." After only a moment's consideration, he Jianhua explained.

"It's said that Ms. Chen Hong was angry because she couldn't catch the criminal, and even lost her temper with the police. Is that so?" Although he Jianhua had already responded, the reporter seemed not satisfied with such a bland answer, and then asked again.

It has to be said that the reporter's ability to make up lies is really strong. He can tear out such love and hatred for such simple things as his body is not suitable.

At the same time, this ability to collect intelligence can not be underestimated. It can be said that the news of Chen Hong's hospitalization is not well known in the whole radio station, but such a reporter can feel the situation so clearly.

"Ridiculous! That's what you're talking about? I tell you, it's against the law to talk nonsense! " Hearing what the other party said, Zhu Xu made a speech this time. He slapped the table fiercely and stood up and scolded the reporter.

"I've heard it through the grapevine, so I've asked you to confirm it." It seems that reporters often experience such things. Even in front of the angry Zhu Xu, he is still indifferent, as if the object of Zhu Xu's anger is not him.

"We are all grateful that the police can help us with nothing, let alone any contradiction." He Jianhua went on to say that he was responsible for bringing the tense atmosphere back to stability.

"Is the reason why Ms. Chen Hong was hospitalized because she was too angry?" When it was almost calm, the reporter asked again.

When the latter problem was solved, he changed his attention to the first thing - the reason why Chen Hong was ill.

Xu Ling now finally understands what Wu Qinglian said about the appearance and color of the people who came here to interview. Like now, he obviously wants to come here to exploit the loopholes of the press conference. If he answers carelessly, he will be sure to scribble.

"Comrade reporter, I don't know where you got the news from, but I tell you that our director is just a little sick. He is not hospitalized, and there will be no such thing as being annoyed by others! You are responsible for what you say He Jianhua took a deep breath, then stared at the reporter with a dignified look and said seriously.

Now the great reform of Mingqi radio station has been announced by many people in the industry. Some people watch it silently, while others regard it as a thorn in the flesh. At this moment, we can't let those hostile people know that Chen Hong has been hospitalized.

"Deputy director he, of course I will be responsible for what I say, but you can't open your eyes and tell lies," the reporter said with a rather sinister smile. "If your director is not hospitalized, on behalf of Everbright media, I still hope to see her."

Xu Ling is now 100% sure that this guy is here to smash the show. He doesn't know who ordered him. He seems to have a good understanding of the internal situation of the radio station. Otherwise, under the words of he Jianhua, he can still insist on his opinion. There is only one possibility. He knows the fact that Chen Hong lives in the house!

As soon as the reporter's words came out, they immediately aroused the approval of other media people, who expressed their desire to see Chen Hong.

This time, Xu Ling really feels the crisis. Where can Chen Hong be seen now? She is lying in the hospital bed, but he Jianhua's words have been released. If Chen Hong can't appear, any other explanation will make the reporter's words full of reverie, and even most people will believe that Chen Hong has been hospitalized.

Not to mention Xu Ling, even he Jianhua and Zhu Xu can't grasp the situation. Although they have cooperated well to deal with this kind of trouble seeker, they can only lose 10% in the end because they are not fully prepared.

"What's the matter? Can't you call out your director? " The reporter seemed to find that he had taken the lead. After a pause of only a few seconds, he then asked after him. His aggressive manner was really irritating.

But what can we do now? Even if Chen Hong comes here temporarily, it will take half an hour at the fastest. This time is impossible for the present situation!

Although I'm not willing to, it seems that I can't control the development of the situation.

"Sure enough, Ms. Chen Hong is now..."

"I heard that someone was in a hurry to see me. Why? Do you think so of me? " After another pause, the reporter took advantage of the victory and was about to make a final conclusion on his calligraphy when he was interrupted by a loud voice from the rear of the back hall.

When Xu Ling and others heard the sound, they all brightened their eyes and quickly followed the sound. Sure enough, Chen Hong was walking towards the reporter with vigorous steps.

"I heard that you especially want to see me. What's the matter?" In front of the reporter, Chen Hong held her chest and asked with great interest.

"Chen... Director Chen?" The reporter rubbed her eyes in disbelief and didn't seem to understand why Chen Hong appeared here. According to the tip, she should be lying in the hospital at this time!

"Yes, it's me. Don't you particularly want to see me? If there's anything you need to tell me face to face, just say it. " Chen Hong continued to question the reporter with a sneer.

"No, I'm just a little worried about Chen Taichang's health. Now that you are so healthy, I can rest assured." However, the reporter is not a novice, in the face of such a situation, he was only a little stunned, then immediately put on a pair of flattering face, concerned.

"Oh, thank you for your concern." The corners of her mouth slightly pulled upward, Chen Hong perfunctorily, then quickly stepped onto the stage of the press conference, took the microphone in the hands of the person in charge, and said in a loud voice, "it's not only him, but also those who just wanted to see me. I'm here to thank you sincerely!"

With that, Chen Hong bowed very respectfully, which was quite ironic. This set of operation made the reporters blush, and the atmosphere was a little anxious for a moment.

"Well? Except for him, do you have nothing to ask when you see me? " After thanking, Chen Hong asked the people present again.

What's the problem? Just now, it's all following the rhythm. The focus of this press conference is not on Chen Hong. When asked at this time, the atmosphere is of course dead silence.

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