After waiting quietly for a while, she didn't hear anyone make a sound. Chen Hong smiles and then says, "since you don't have any problems, let me say something."

Originally, Xu Ling thought that Chen Hong had come forward to write down Ma Wei to these arrogant reporters. Unexpectedly, Chen Hong had something to say. He immediately followed the big guy and began to wait for Chen Hong's next words.

"I have been running Mingqi radio station for more than ten years. During these years, I have lost some things and gained a lot, such as excellent employees and reputation." Taking a deep breath, Chen Hong spoke to her like a sigh.

And after this confession, not only the media people present, but also Xu Ling and others were all listening to it. They didn't understand the purpose of Chen Hong's words.

And Chen Hong also appeared suddenly this time. The people present didn't expect her to come. Naturally, they didn't think what Chen Hong wanted to express.

Now that they don't know why, they all cooperate very well and wait for Chen Hong's next words.

No matter what she thinks, Chen Hong can't end this speech with such endless words, so she is waiting for her to say the next words.

"After such a long time, I feel that I can't do what I want. It seems that the position of director is too much pressure for me, so I decided to resign as director forever!" With everyone's rest on Chen Hong, she went on to say it.

When this remark came out, there was an uproar. No one thought that the head of a TV station would say such words as resigning.

However, the most surprising thing is Xu Ling. About Chen Hong's retirement, he only talked to Chen Hong in private, with a few people. Unexpectedly, Chen Hong herself said such things on such an important occasion.

Of course, this is not what worries Xu Ling the most. What he is afraid of is that Chen Hong will say the matter that is still under discussion. In that case, it will really cause a sensation.

"Director Chen is going to resign. Who should take over your position as director?" After a brief surprise, a reporter on the stage asked about it.

As early as the reporter did not ask, Xu Ling had already felt Chen Hong's eyes looking at him. He cried "bad" in his heart. But at this moment, could Xu Ling's strength stop him?

"Ha ha, of course, I've thought about this. After I resigned, he was the one who took over my position as director of the station." Chen Hong seems to have thought about the current situation for a long time. After the reporter asked, she immediately pointed to the stage and said.

Following Chen Hong's direction, people naturally look at the two deputy directors, but after comparison, they find that this direction seems not right at all!

I can't believe everyone looked back and forth for several times, and finally determined that the direction of Chen Hong's fingers was not really the two deputy directors, but Xu Ling, editor in chief Xu, who had been sitting in the middle of the table in obscurity since the beginning of her speech!

With this fact, all the people present frowned and held their breath. They didn't seem to believe Chen Hong's decision very much. Even some people thought that Chen Hong just pointed to the wrong place.

"Yes, the next director of Mingqi radio station is Xu Ling!" The strange atmosphere of the scene of course attracted Chen Hong's attention, she did not wait to hesitate, in the confusion of the people, the name was announced.


Really? It's true! The person who takes over the position of the next director of Mingqi radio station is not the deputy director, but really the editor in chief!

People who don't know the inside story don't understand why Chen Hong did it!

Let alone outsiders, even members of the radio station feel incredible about Chen Hong's decision-making. Even Zhu Xu, one of the deputy directors, is full of doubts.

In contrast, he Jianhua, although he also had a little surprise on his face, just in a moment he changed into a cheerful acceptance.

"Mr. Chen, do you mean to transfer the post of Mr. Chen to chief editor Xu?" After the shock, a reporter took the lead to come back and confirmed Chen Hong once again.

"Yes, chief editor Xu has excellent ability and wide thinking, which is very suitable for the development of radio station. I give him the post of director, and I am very relieved!" Chen Hong nodded and continued to disclose the amazing news.

Once again, I personally admitted that all the reporters responded. They immediately took out a pen and paper and quickly recorded the news just now.

What director is hospitalized, what can't find a suspect, how can these events compare with Chen Hong's strong power in transferring the director's position? At the press conference, the position of director was abdicated. I'm afraid this is the only example from ancient times to modern times.

"Mr. Chen, we can all see the development of Mingqi radio station in recent years. Why do you want to resign at this time? Do you have any inside information?" While everyone was still busy recording, suddenly a we media person asked again.

It seems that he still can't understand Xu Ling's transfer of the position of director at will.

Chen Hong, of course, has already figured out how to explain this. She cleared her throat a little and said, "as I said before, I'm in poor health and I'm not good enough to manage the radio station, so I choose to quit and let my capable descendants take over my position."

"Then why don't you choose deputy director he or deputy director Zhu? Is it unfair to let chief editor Xu take over directly? " The man continued to ask, he was determined to think that there must be something inside!

"Ha ha, it's not known how many years this measure has existed, but I only know that it's an old-fashioned way to take over. We Mingqi radio station are striving for innovation now. Of course, we can't follow this way!" Chen Hong smiles and continues to explain.

"Is it for the sake of innovation that we deliberately go to chief editor Xu to take over the position of director?" Some people immediately find the paradox in Chen Hong's words. In other words, Xu Ling's purpose is to change the original way of handover.

Of course, Xu Ling, who was sitting on the stage, also heard this sentence. His face changed and he was slightly annoyed. However, due to the current situation, he didn't break out. He just looked at the person who raised the question seriously and kept him in mind.

Chen Hong is not happy when her most trusted subordinate is questioned like this, but different from Xu Ling, Chen Hong can not care about the occasion. She immediately points at the person who asked the question and says harshly, "comrade, please pay attention to your wording!"

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