The reporter pointed at by Chen Hong was obviously old-fashioned. In this case, he was not red faced and his heart was not beating. He even relied on a large number of media. Then he asked, "is Chen Taichang pretending to abdicate to Taichang, but in fact, he is listening to the government behind the curtain and controlling behind the scenes?"

I'm afraid it's a black hand who wants to obstruct the radio station to say that the job transfer is so serious.

However, Chen Hong is not an ordinary person. She has been prepared for such a situation for a long time. Hearing the speech, she said directly, "chief editor Xu, I won't tell you how his works are. Everyone can see it. I'll talk about his contribution to the radio station..."

In the next time, Chen Hong continues to narrate, listing Xu Ling's contributions one by one.

After Chen Hong's narration, many people have an understanding of the radio station. It turns out that the reform of the radio station involves so many things. Moreover, Xu Ling has such a mind!

"So you should understand why I let Xu Ling be the director of the station." After describing all these things, Chen Hong then naturally said a word to the people present.

These words are not only for the media people on the field, but also for the staff in the radio station. Xu Ling's succession is really different, so it is necessary to give an appropriate explanation.

It's even more convincing when the director of the radio station speaks out in person. First of all, as an outsider, too much evaluation is not appropriate. As for people inside the radio station, how can Chen Hong's words be refuted?

"So it is. If Mr. Chen doesn't tell us, we really don't know that chief editor Xu has made such a great contribution to your station. However, it seems to be one-sided to listen to Mr. Chen. We still want to hear what chief editor Xu thinks as the party concerned." Listening to Chen Hong's narration all the time, the reporter still didn't give up. While listening to it, he noticed Xu Ling sitting in his seat. He found that the latter seemed to be a little shocked, so he couldn't help thinking about it, said Langsheng.

Originally, Xu Ling was just a victim in the accident, but Chen Hong showed that his status was not worse than Chen Hong's, but now Chen Hong has been speaking, and everyone has almost forgotten Xu Ling's place. This will be heard from reporters, and everyone's eyes will be on him.

Now that she has said this, Chen Hong can't say that she won't let Xu Ling speak. She immediately looks at Xu Ling. Maybe she also knows that her sudden statement of this matter will make Xu Ling a little unacceptable. After all, Xu Ling has shown an extremely opposing attitude towards this matter.

"Cough, I'll just say a few words about it!" Has been forced to this, Xu Ling can only clear the throat, opened a head to the microphone.

Everyone is all ears to hear the speech of the successor of the station director. They don't know what opinions Xu Ling will put forward on the development of the radio station, or what different views he will have on his new identity. As for the reporter who raised this topic, he is very looking forward to Xu Ling's mistakes, so his goal is achieved.

"First of all, I would like to thank the director for his trust and attention in me and let me take over the position of director." Of course, Xu Ling would not let the man do what he wanted. At this time, he answered without any confusion, which was quite different from what he had just shown.

Hearing that Xu Ling didn't express any objection to what she said, Chen Hong was also relieved. Since Xu Ling can say so, it must be that he has already agreed with his suggestion in his heart.

And the fact is true, or because of the previous experience of taking over the imperial restaurant, after a short consideration, Xu Ling didn't have the strong opposition to Chen Hong's decision at the beginning. On the contrary, she was a little pleased that she was taken seriously.

"However, I don't have much experience in the position of station director. After taking over, I will certainly consult more of your predecessors, especially director Chen. Although she still proposes to resign, I will still have to ask you to teach me, support me and make me a qualified and excellent radio manager." Xu Ling then looked at Chen Hong and said seriously.

"Ha ha, that's natural. Although I'm retired, the radio station has difficulties. Of course, I will help, especially the director." When Chen Hong was happy, she immediately assured Xu Ling.

"I'd like to thank Mr. Chen first." Xu Ling bowed directly to express her gratitude.

"Director, as the leader of a radio station, I will certainly make it bigger and stronger after I become a leader. I will never live up to the expectations of director Chen!" After thanking Chen Hong, Xu Ling turns her eyes back and sweeps all the people present. As if by oath, she speaks out.

Xu Ling is relatively young here. His words are full of energy and power. It makes people feel trust and don't know who it is. After Xu Ling said these words, she suddenly clapped her hands.

The applause was like a stone that stirred up thousands of waves. Next, one person, two people... All the people present clapped for Xu Ling. The voice was thunderous and lasting. I'm afraid that the momentum can create a magnificent scene with lingering sound for three days!

But no one noticed that, among the warm applause on the field, a few people stood up with gloomy faces and left quietly, their expressions seemed to be a little angry.

At this time, in the backstage, Yun Zhongjie and sun Jiaman are already swelling their hands. Xu Ling, as their teacher, is now able to become a director. This surprise is too big for them.

Although they feel that Xu Ling is very suitable for this position!

"The above is my confidence in the radio station. At the same time, thank you for your applause. Thank you!" Applause is the best affirmation of himself. Xu Ling didn't expect that his words could cause such a sensation. In such a situation, he sincerely thanks.

Then, I don't know if it's affected by the environment. Xu Ling's inner feelings are also somewhat oppressive. She continues to add, "since I've given the position of director, I hope it can have a more brilliant development. Therefore, I decided to change the name of Mingqi radio station to a more resounding one!"

With these words, Xu Ling also looks at Chen Hong. It seems that she is seeking the other party's consent. After all, Mingqi radio station is the place where Chen Hong started. Even if she becomes the director of the station, she has to take care of the founder's feelings when changing her name.

Chen Hong didn't get a positive reply from Xu Ling at that time. Now it's so easy for her to transfer her position. She's too happy to care about such a trivial matter as changing her name. Besides, Chen Hong is not very satisfied with the name of the radio station, but she can't find a better one, so she hasn't moved.

Just now Xu Ling put forward, and with Xu Ling's literary strength, Chen Hong was very interested in what kind of name he would change, so she didn't stop him at this time, even nodded with laughter and said, "OK, OK, let's see what kind of good name the new director can give to the radio station!"

"Himalayas!" After getting Chen Hong's reply, Xu Ling did not hesitate. Blurt out these four words!

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