After Zhu Xu left, Zhang Wenming sat down beside Xu Ling and asked expectantly, "Xiao Xu, do you really have a way to keep our program on air?"

Xu Ling nodded seriously, "the main reason for the leader to take down your program is that the listening rate is too poor. If we can raise the listening rate within three days, then even the director has no reason to take off the program."

Zhang Wenming asked, "how sure are you?"

Xu Ling pointed to the thick pile of manuscripts in front of him, "I'm not sure, but I'm willing to go all out!"

With a knowing smile, Zhang Wenming patted Xu Ling on the shoulder. "Although you know that there is little hope, since you are willing to be crazy, I am willing to accompany you to the end."

Xu Ling said with a smile: "don't worry, I'm still very confident in my fairy tales."

Zhang Wenming nodded and thumbed up. "I believe this story about the ugly duckling will be very popular. Come on!"

At five o'clock, the person who came to remind Zhang Wenming and Xu Ling of recording is no other than Wu Qinglian, the head of the youth group.

Wu Qinglian said frankly, "I heard them say that there has been a clear notice on the stage to take away your program?"

Zhang Wenming nods with a bitter smile and passes the document sent by Zhu Xu.

After Wu Qinglian took over the document, she just flipped it casually, then threw it aside and turned her eyes to Xu Ling. "I also heard that you had a big fight with Zhu Xu and threatened not to stop the program?"

Xu Ling angrily touched his nose, "yes, I did it."

"Don't be angry, Mr. Wu. Comrade Xu is just young for a while. He is not sensible, so..."

Zhang Wenming thought that Wu Qinglian came here because of Zhu Xu's complaint. After all, there are clear regulations in Taiwan that colleagues need to get along with each other harmoniously and no fighting is allowed. So he immediately stood up and defended Xu Ling.

Wu Qinglian said with a smile, "Uncle Zhang, I don't deal with Zhu Xu. It's not a matter of two days. Do you think it's possible for me to support him?"

Said, she patted Xu Ling on the shoulder, "well done, I feel more and more, before you stay in the stage, is a very wise choice."

Xu Ling light a smile, "Wu elder sister, don't dislike me to make trouble good!"

Wu Qinglian waved her hand, "what you have done is right. Why should I dislike it? Moreover, I don't want any programs under my hand to be taken away by the leaders. By the way, do you think about how to keep the show? "

"As long as you increase your ratings, you can keep the show." Xu Ling took the manuscript to Wu Qinglian, "this is my manuscript. Please have a look at it!"

"What did you write?"

Wu Qinglian frowned and did not receive the manuscript. She just looked up and down at Xu Ling and said, "Xiao Xu, you don't pretend to be yourself with someone else's book as you did last time, do you?"


Xu Ling's face was muddled and his heart was even more flustered.

There have been several times before the muddle than the encounter, he was afraid of another moth.

Sure enough, Wu Qinglian's next second proved that Xu Ling's conjecture was correct.

"Don't you forget that you were expelled from the radio station because you used books that were not copyrighted. As a result, the author directly sent a lawyer's letter to your column. If it wasn't for the timely remedy in the station, your program would have been ruined, and maybe the reputation of the radio station would have been ruined."


Anything else?

Xu Ling finally understood why she went back to the radio station and was not welcomed by her colleagues all the time. It turned out that there had been such a mess.

Xu Ling used to be a real troublemaker.

When he died, I had to carry the pot

MMP, it's a real gun.

To calm down, Xu Ling patted her chest and said, "Mr. Wu, please take 120 heart. All the stories this time are my original works. If you can't, you can search the Internet again. Anyway, the retrieval system is very powerful. It doesn't take a second to find out the plagiarism."

After a long time, Wu Qinglian shook her head and said, "no, I believe you!"

With that, she took the manuscript and read it carefully.

After she finished watching, she stared at Xu Ling again, and did not speak. She just watched quietly, which made the latter embarrassed for a while.

Xu Ling asked tentatively, "can't you write it?"

Wu Qinglian still didn't speak. She turned to Zhang Wenming and said, "Uncle Zhang, lend me the computer."

"Yes!" Zhang Wenming nodded and asked, "teacher Wu, what are you doing with the computer?"

Wu Qinglian said, "I have to check whether this manuscript has been copied or not."

Xu Ling:

What did you say before? Trust me?

Is there no trust between people?

Friendship boat, overturned!

Seeing that Xu Ling's face was not very good-looking, Wu Qinglian explained with a smile: "Xiao Xu, don't get me wrong. It's really that your manuscript is too perfect, so I'm not at ease. I have to check the plagiarism on the Internet."

Xu Ling

That's a good point.

However, our friendly dog died.

Wu Qinglian's fingers fluttered, inputting the first paragraph of Xu Ling's story about the ugly duckling into the search engine, and then searching excitedly. After the search results came out, she was relieved, and the big stone hanging in her throat landed heavily.

"Fortunately, this manuscript is not plagiarized, but original!"

Wu Qinglian happily patted her plump chest with a relaxed and freehand face.

On the contrary, Xu Ling's face was occupied by the depressed expression.

How can the most basic trust between people be so fragile?

Wu Qinglian stood up and laughed apologetically at Xu Ling. "Don't blame sister Wu for being too careful. It's really your story about the ugly duckling. It's so perfect that I can't believe it. It's written by a handsome guy who has no children and may not have a girlfriend. Can you tell sister Wu how you did it? How can you write such an excellent children's story? "

Xu Ling told a lie casually, "in the past, there were several relatives who were working outside, and the children had been boarding in my house, so after getting along with them for a long time, they naturally knew some of the children's inner thoughts."

"So it is." Wu Qinglian suddenly realized, "I think this draft is very good. It's hopeful to save your program. When recording later, record it well. Don't beat your tongue and read the wrong words."

Xu Ling smile, "rest assured, professional quality, I still have."

"Looking forward to your wonderful performance!"

Wu Qinglian handed the manuscript to Xu Ling and left with a smile on her face.

Zhang Wenming patted Xu Ling on the shoulder from behind and solemnly said: "Mr. Xu, the task of saving the program falls on your shoulder. Come on, don't let Mr. Wu and I down."

Xu Ling clenched his fist. "I will."

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