"Good afternoon, children. I'm your new friend brother Xu Ling. Today I'm going to tell you a brand new fairy tale. The story takes place in the countryside, which is a very beautiful place. At this time, it is summer! Wheat is golden, oats are green. The hay is piled up on the green pasture, and the stork is walking around with its long red legs, muttering... "

In the studio, Xu Ling talks with great enthusiasm, leaving his previously written manuscript aside. He doesn't even have a look at it.

This is the story of the ugly duckling. Xu Ling can't be more familiar with it.

When I was a child, I never got tired of listening to adults; When she grew up, she often read to the children of her relatives, so that when Xu Ling wrote the manuscript, she didn't ask Xiaoya for help.

Of course, the story of the ugly duckling is familiar, but Xu Ling has to admit that this fairy tale has its special charm.

The story is magical, tortuous, vivid and simple. In addition, it humanizes the creatures and endows the ugly duckling with human thoughts and feelings, so as to adapt to children's acceptance ability.

In a deeper sense, through the positive energy thoughts expressed by the ugly duckling, such as perseverance, advocating freedom and yearning for beauty, we can educate children.

Combined with the above two points and her own experience, Xu Ling decided to make "ugly duckling" his No. 1 work.

There was no audience except Wu Qinglian and her assistant outside the studio.

The leader's instruction to withdraw the program has been conveyed by some people with ulterior motives and has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Since this program is going to be completely cool, naturally, not many people pay attention to it. Even the person in charge of the studio simply explained the use of the equipment, and then he went home happily. Finally, he didn't have to work overtime. It's not easy.

As for Zhang Wenming, because there was a temporary emergency at home, he had no time to wait for Xu Ling's live broadcast, so he hurried back.

"Sister Wu, Xu Ling's manuscript, I listen to very general, not as wonderful as you said."

Wang Xiaoyu, the female assistant, frowned and worried.

She is obviously not optimistic about Xu Ling, even less about the story of the ugly duckling.

In her opinion, this is no different from ordinary soul chicken soup, even slightly childish.

Wu Qing glanced at Wang Xiaoyu and asked, "Xiaoyu, are you not married yet?"

Wang Xiaoyu blushed. She didn't know the real intention of Wu Qinglian's question, but she answered truthfully: "No."

Wu Qinglian nodded and asked, "do you help relatives and friends often take care of children on weekdays?"

Wang Xiaoyu still shakes his head, more confused in his heart.

She did not understand the significance of Wu Qinglian's questions.

Fortunately, after Wu Qinglian asked, she didn't beat around the Bush, but took the initiative to explain.

"Xiaoyu, there is an essential gap between adults and children in thinking. We can't look at children's world with your three views. Maybe this story is very childish and meaningless to you, but if you let those children listen to it, they will find it particularly attractive. "

"Uncle Zhang and I both have children. It's easy to tell which kind of story is more suitable for children to read. But you don't have such experience. Naturally, you feel that the story is dull and has no interest in listening to it."

Wang Xiaoyu suddenly, a little thought, and curiously asked: "since Uncle Zhang understands children's psychology, why has the listening rate of this program been declining?"

"That's another reason." Wu Qinglian smiles, "although Uncle Zhang knows children's mind very well, his talent for making up stories is much worse than Xu Ling."

"For example, Uncle Zhang's stories are all about people. At first, he thinks it's OK, but after listening to them, he just feels bored. After all, many children don't pay enough attention; Xu Ling, on the other hand, uses anthropomorphic techniques to describe some natural animals, which can arouse children's inner curiosity and make them have a strong sense of expectation. "

Wang Xiaoyu said happily: "sister Wu, according to what you say, isn't it possible for this program to come back from the dead?"

"What I said before was just my personal opinion." Wu Qinglian shook her head. "As for whether this program will be removed or not, it depends on the effect after the broadcast. If the audience rating is not improved, everything is in vain."

Wang Xiaoyu nodded, deeply thought.

The next morning, when Xu Ling arrived at the radio station, he ran into Zhu Xu and his colleagues.

When Xu Ling didn't see it, she went straight ahead.

Who knows, Zhu Xu jumped out on his own initiative to provoke right and wrong.

I saw him shouting to his colleagues: "brothers, do you see that the one standing not far away is the most famous troublemaker in Taiwan. Yes, as a lost dog who was expelled from the radio station by the leader, Xu Ling came back shamelessly. "

Colleagues from these radio stations all know more or less about Xu Ling's embarrassment. Now when Zhu Xu says this, he immediately points out to Xu Ling.

Some people even spat on the ground, "bah, copying dogs has the face to go back to Taiwan. Do you think the trouble brought to Taiwan was not big enough, garbage!"

Zhu Xu sprinkled salt on Xu Ling's wound at the right time. "You don't know. As soon as this guy went to work as a children's story officer, the leader of the TV station immediately gave instructions to take away the program. Tut Tut, Lao Zhang has really lost eight generations of blood and mold. He has to be laid off in advance."

"Ha ha!"

They all laughed unkindly and looked at Xu Ling's eyes, becoming more contemptuous.

With a faint smile, Xu Ling made a mouth to Zhu Xu.

I'll kill you!

Zhu Xu thought of yesterday's disgrace, and suddenly became angry. He rushed to Xu Ling in three or two steps. He was about to attack, but he heard Xu Ling say, "you can't beat me. If you do it, you are the one who is losing face."

Zhu Xu snorted, and his eyes fell on his colleagues.

Xu Ling seconds understand, pointed to the surveillance camera not far away, and said: "if you gather people to fight, you have to be prepared to be laid off in advance."

Zhu Xu a Leng, helplessly loosen clenched fist.

Xu Ling took the initiative to step forward and said in Zhu Xu's ear, "to tell you the truth, I didn't scold you yesterday. Would you like me to scold you or beat you up?"

"Xu Ling, you are a violent maniac. You are a disgrace to the identity of the announcer." Zhu Xu cursed bitterly.

"In fact, I generally encounter problems, like to reason, basically without violence." Xu Ling picked a sword eyebrow, "but, you can reason with people, for animals, obviously there is no need."

"Xu Ling, don't bully people too much." Zhu Xu was furious with anger.

"What about bullying you?" Xu Ling shrugged indifferently, "anyway, you can't beat me and scold me."

"You..." Zhu Xu was so angry that he couldn't fight Xu Ling.

"You can have a long snack. Don't come up to find a cigarette in the future." Xu Ling patted Zhu Xu on the cheek. "Your face doesn't hurt, and I don't think my hands hurt."

With that, Xu Ling whistled and went away.

Zhu Xu gritted his teeth and said, "wait for the leader to cancel your program, and see how arrogant you are! Pooh, rubbish

"Xiao Xu, I'm in a good mood."

Zhang Wenming looked at Xu Ling, who came to work humming a song leisurely, and said with a smile.

Xu Ling light smile, "also can, just casually hit a face."


Zhang Wenming is very interested.

Xu Ling did not want to say more, but changed the topic and said, "Uncle Zhang, did you get the listening rate yesterday?"

Zhang Wenming looked down at his watch. "It's only 8:30 now. The listening rate should be around 10 o'clock."

Looking up at Xu Ling, he asked with a smile, "why, don't you have confidence in your story?"

Xu Ling shook his head.

After all, Xu Ling is doing children's programs for the first time. It's false to say that she is not flustered.

Who knows, do children in this world like the earth version of fairy tales?

Zhang Wenming comforted: "don't worry, the listening rate should not be too bad. I read your story to my grandson last night. He liked it very much and said that he had never heard such a beautiful fairy tale. "

"Thank you Xu Ling smiles.

Just after ten o'clock, Wu Qinglian came over with a report of her listening rate and a smile on her face.

"Please put the matter in your hands for a moment, and I'll announce yesterday's ratings."

As soon as the leader opened his mouth, the people under his hands immediately put down their work. Those colleagues who were far away ran to Wu Qinglian's side and discussed in a low voice.

"I don't know which program was the winner of yesterday's ratings? Entertaining the world and joking about history are wonderful. "

"I don't know who is the champion, but the bottom one, needless to say, is children's story. Yesterday, I saw Uncle Zhang go to work early. I guess he used the previous recording

"Hey, haven't you heard that the troublemaker Xu Ling went to the children's story show. It seems that he also took the place of Uncle Zhang in yesterday's recording."

"Come on, he's the king at the bottom. He can't even do the late night program well. What's wrong with children's stories? Did sister Wu really give up the show? "

"That's for sure. The leader's instructions have come down. What else? However, I heard that yesterday Xu Ling had a fight with editor in chief Zhu, and he said that he would not let the children's program be cancelled. I don't know where he got the confidence. "

"Ha ha, do you believe him? What skill can a king at the bottom have? "

Zhu Xu put everyone's comments into his ears, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. He gave Xu Ling a hard look not far away and said in his heart.

Rude brute, see how long you can hop. When the listening rate comes down, I have to laugh at you.

He also said that the program would not be cancelled. Let's have your spring and autumn dream.

Xu Linggen didn't take these people's comments seriously.

When you talk about your going, listen to the radio later, and see who has no face.

Besides, life is like playing angry birds. When you struggle silently, there are always some pigs laughing.

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