Wu Qinglian stretched out her hand and pressed it. Everyone immediately stopped and whispered. They all looked at her.

Wu Qinglian coughed twice. She brushed the report of listening rate with her right hand, and a smile came up from the corner of her mouth. "Let me have a general look. Yesterday's listening rate was quite satisfactory."

Hearing the speech, they put down their heart in their throat.

However, when they were just relieved, Wu Qinglian said, "however, compared with other columns, there is still a big gap. Our group did not have one of the top five columns in Taiwan's listening rate, and the overall ranking fell to the last. It really surprised me."


Everyone looked at each other with helpless looks in their eyes.

There are five groups and more than 30 programs.

Youth group has been in the middle and lower levels.

Due to the audience's reasons, brand programs have to consider many restrictions, and the listening rate has been lower than the front; In addition, the children's program has been rowing all the time, and the listening rate has continued to be low. In the last week, even the late night program at the bottom of ten thousand years has failed. Of course, the ranking of the whole group is not so good.

"Miss Wu, you don't have to worry. When the children's program is cancelled, we will not have any laggards, and our grades will go up naturally."

The speaker is a young man standing next to Zhu Xu, who has an undisguised hatred of children's story program.

However, a discerning person can see at a glance that this young broadcaster is leading for Zhu Xu, deliberately provoking the children's story program, or Xu Ling.

Of course, Xu Linggen didn't pay attention to it. He was just a running dog, and it was not worth getting angry.

But Zhu Xu didn't come out in person this time, which surprised Xu Ling.

That guy, isn't he a counsellor?

Therefore, Xu Ling deliberately moved her playful eyes to Zhu Xu's face. The latter's face sank, pretending to turn her head to one side and did not dare to look at Xu Ling.

Ha ha, it's really from the heart!

Wu Qinglian glanced at the young man who suddenly opened his mouth, thought about it, and then waved to him, "Comrade Chen, since you think the results are so important, why don't you read the ratings for me?"


Chen he is a little stunned, want to refuse leadership, but can not find a reason, can only harden the scalp to go up.

It's just reading the listening rate. It's no big deal.

Brother, I've never seen a storm before?

However, when he took the report form from Wu Qinglian, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a smile on the corner of the leader's mouth. It seemed that it was not a kind smile. When he glanced at the listening rate, his face became particularly ugly.

"Miss Wu, this..."

Chen he turns his head to Wu Qinglian, with a three-point puzzle in his eyes.

Wu Qinglian light smile, "this report is true, bold to read it."

"But..." Chen he was a little impatient and a little at a loss.

He felt that the top priority now was not to read the report, but to find a crack in the ground first.

What a shame.

The people at the bottom didn't know Chen he's anxiety, but they just urged him out loud.

"Chen he, you're not a big girl. You're coy. Read it quickly."

"Let you read, you read, what is the ink?"

"Chen he, do you want to read it or not? I'm in a hurry to pee."

Unable to resist the crowd's uproar, Chen he had to bite his teeth and began to read the ratings.

"Number one, entertainment."

"Second place, joking about history."


The more Chen he read down, the more his voice trembled. At first, people didn't understand what the boy meant. However, when they heard the 15th program, they suddenly realized.

The boy of emotion is afraid of slapping face.

"15th... 15th is... Yes." Chen he took a deep breath and yelled, "the 15th is children's story."

After shouting this, Chen he, like a leaky inflatable doll, leaned back to the table. His eyes were listless, but his face was burning with pain.

The taste of slapping on the face is not good!

Especially in front of so many people, I hit myself in the face.

That guy is more disgusting than eating a fly raw.

Of course, Chen he is not the only one who has been slapped in the face so blatantly. Those who swore about Xu Ling's programs before must be the penultimate guy. At this time, the look on his face is a little unnatural.

It is inconceivable that a show which is about to cool down should get rid of the shadow of the bottom in one day and reach the middle level of the whole station.

At the same time, everyone looked at Xu Ling like a searchlight, full of doubts and curiosity.

The one-time troublemaker and the one who was at the bottom of the list is so corrupt. Are you sure we didn't take the wrong script?

The most surprising is Zhu Xu, who has been fighting Xu Ling.

Originally, he hoped that Xu Ling would continue to carry forward the spirit of the bottom king and strive for the lowest income in children's programs. Until the program was cancelled, he did not expect such a surprising result.

It must have been the negligence of the staff, which led to the wrong ratings. Otherwise, with the ability of the violent maniac, he would not even be able to do the worst late night program.

With this in mind, Zhu Xu quickly stood up and asked, "sister Wu, this children's story program has always been at the bottom of the stage, using old manuscripts from several years ago. No one will pay attention to it at all. How can the listening rate suddenly reach the top 15? It's not the colleagues who count the listening rate in the station who made a mistake, is it

As soon as this speech came out, people all agreed and nodded.

Compared with relying on their own strength to get a good place, people are more willing to believe that the statistics is wrong.

Xu Ling took everyone's reaction in his eyes, didn't stand up to explain, just snorted.

You are inferior to others and others look down on you; You are better than others, others question you.

The world is cold, but that's all.

However, Zhang Wenming couldn't see it any more. He took the initiative to stand up and said, "editor in chief Zhu, can you stop looking at people with old eyes? Mr. Xu, it was not so good before; But now he has changed and become more talented. Yesterday's program was written by him. Mr. Wu and I have seen it. It's really good. Therefore, it's not a statistical error that can improve the listening rate, but a real skill. "

"Oh, my own manuscript?" Zhu Xu looked at Xu Ling with great interest and asked, "are you sure he didn't take other people's manuscripts as his own?"

"No!" Zhang Wenming firmly said: "I specially checked on the Internet, not plagiarism."

Zhu Xu said with a smile: "I remember the editor in chief of the late night column, who said that before, but later it was not that bad thing. Uncle Zhang, I think you are really old and confused. You'd better go home to have your grandson and live a sober life for a few days. "

"You..." Zhang Wenming trembled with anger.

Zhu Xu cleared his throat and protested again: "Mr. Wu, I hope my colleagues who count the listening rate can seriously check it again. There must be something wrong with the listening rate of children's stories."

As soon as his words were over, a woman clerk came in with a lot of letters in her hand. She knocked on the glass door and asked in a loud voice.

"Is Mr. Xu Ling in? Here are your letters from readers."

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