Happy at the same time, Xu Ling began to murmur that Li Wenyu would not give him green food for the female stars.

Although she didn't think that her wife would do such dirty things, Xu Ling was still a little flustered. The most difficult thing in the world was the woman's heart.

So Xu Ling pretended to be casual and asked, "well, do you know who the female star Li Wenyu gave her to eat next?"

Huang Mao said without hesitation: "Hey, it's just a little star on the 18th line. Brother Li, he just relies on the reputation of big star Chen Yunxi. How can he hook up with good goods?"

Xu lingsong tone, "you say is very reasonable."

Huang Mao said with a smile: "Hey, my Lord, you have a large number of adults, so you let go the small ones. What's more, we took Li Wenyu's money. If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't dare to come to Taisui. "

Xu Ling waved, "go away, and come back to find my bad luck later. Don't blame my brother for being merciless."

"Yes, I taught you." Huang Mao nodded and bowed, his face full of flattery, "my Lord, then our brothers will go first."

"Wait a minute."

When Huang Mao turns around, he is suddenly stopped by Xu Ling.

"Sir, if you have anything else to do, just tell me. Even if I go up the mountain and down the sea of fire, I must do it for you."

Huang Mao reluctantly turned around, but the expression on his face was still smiling, flattering, no longer half the arrogant color of his first encounter.

When Xu Ling heard the speech, he could not help but stir up a banter smile. "Since you say anything can be done for me, can I let you go back and beat Li Wenyu?"

"This..." Huang Mao Shan smiles and doesn't know how to answer.

Originally, his words were just polite, and I didn't think anyone would take them seriously.

But who knows, the master in front of him is actually listening to the truth?

What's more, it's a matter of fact.

Are you sure you're not making fun of me?

Seeing the yellow hair face, Xu Lingpai said, "if you don't have the ability in the future, don't take things in disorder."

Huang Mao

I'll go, brother. What does this have to do with me?

Just a polite sentence, who knows you don't play according to the routine?

However, Huang Mao dared not to be angry, and the chicken nodded as if pecking rice, "yes, I taught you."

Xu Ling pointed to the wolf not far away, "don't litter."

Huang Mao

Although he was in a bit of a mess at this time, Huang Mao, with a trace of awe, lifted him from the ground and ordered his two brothers to stand up and walk out of the alley together.

Huang Mao is a step, a pair of short legs fast, for fear of slow step, and was behind the master to find the past, choking half dead.

With a smile, Xu Ling did not leave the lane immediately and lit a cigarette silently.

Looking back on what happened before, Xu Ling was still a little scared.

If he didn't win the lottery in the car and get the fighting potion, maybe the man lying in this lane now is Xu Ling.

Take the wolf head who was killed by Xu Ling for example, the actual strength is still good. If Xu Ling didn't take drugs, it's estimated that if he didn't take drugs for three rounds, Xu Ling would fall under his spear.


Spit out a mouthful of hot smoke from the heart, Xu Ling feels the blazing heat between the chest quietly, he murmurs.

"Li Wenyu, Li Wenyu, it seems that we have to find a time to finish our business."

At this point, Xu Ling could not help but outline a smile of compassion, "but before that, I have to charge some interest."

So, Xu Ling decisively took out his mobile phone, found Li Wenyu's account from Feiyan's blacklist, and added it back.

"Ding Dong!"

Li Wenyu, who is recuperating at home, suddenly hears the mobile phone beside his pillow ring, so Nunu asks his big wave sister, who is specially hired to serve him, to take the mobile phone.


When the big wave girl handed over her mobile phone, Li Wenyu went to the back of the big wave girl with his left hand and slapped her on her big buttock, which immediately attracted a burst of laughter.

The amorous feelings of that smile can definitely fascinate many men who are not determined.

But it's a pity that Li Wenyu didn't even show respect.

Of course, it's not that he has a good mind, but that he can't do it.

The following thing has not been completely repaired. It's uncertain whether it will be able to show its power in the future.

Thinking of his sad experience, Li Wenyu could not help thinking of a thin figure.

If it wasn't for this hateful guy, how could he have an accident when he was romantic?

"Xu Ling, you wait for me. I have plenty of time to make you have fun."

Li Wenyu said hatefully, but he didn't notice the strange reaction of the big wave girl beside him.

Big wave sister: brother Li has someone he likes. No wonder he doesn't mean to eat me these days. However, the name of Xu Ling seems very man.

Think of here, big wave sister can't help but look at Li Wenyu more.

Finally, a silent sigh.

What a mess!

If Li Wenyu knew that big wave younger sister had regarded him as a fag, he would spray out old blood and be angry on the spot.

"Well? It's him

When Li Wenyu saw the news on Feiyan, a proud smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, boy, I'm looking for you. I didn't expect you to send it to me yourself."

Before Xu Ling deleted his Feiyan, Li Wenyu tried to add it back several times, but failed. As a result, he had a lot of dirty words and didn't have a chance to convey them directly to Xu Ling.

Now, Xu Ling adds it directly. Isn't it an opportunity for Li Wenyu to vent his anger?

Therefore, Li Wenyu did not hesitate to ask through Xu Ling's friends.

Then, quietly in the heart of a draft, ready to scold Xu Ling.

But who knows that the other party is the first to send a special message.

Xu Ling: ha ha, brother Li, this time I add you Feiyan, no other meaning, just want to say thanks to you.


Does this kid know how to thank me?

Listen to this tone, it seems to mean to admit defeat?

Is it the old wolf who is good at repairing the boy and getting through his seven orifices?

So Li Wenyu sent a message with a smile on his face.

"Ha ha, it's OK. You're still young and don't know how to live in the cold. It's right for me to give you some help. I hope you can understand my pains."

After a while, Xu Ling came back.

"And I hope you can understand my pains."

Li Wenyu:???

What do you mean by that?

When Li Wenyu was confused, Xu Lingfa came over with several links.

"XX andrology hospital, professional care for men's health for 30 years."

"Face up to male diseases, pay attention to male health, and promote family harmony!"

"XX Union Hospital, help you out of the treatment cycle of chronic prostatitis."

"Cold weather, beware of prostate cold before the gland lost, sexual happiness stop!"

This series of links, all about the treatment of male diseases advertising.

When Li Wenyu saw only one advertisement, he turned pale and trembled.

Damn it.

How does he know about Laozi?

Puzzled, Xu Ling sent another message.

"I wish you good health, early birth, later can often eat for female stars below!"


Li Wenyu spits out a dirty word, and his mobile phone flies out directly!

"Xu Ling! I eat lemon

Li Wenyu growled angrily.

His face turned purple with anger and his neck became thick.

On one side, the big wave, who didn't know why, seriously thought about it. After going out for a while, he brought back a lemon for Li Wenyu.

She said softly, "brother Li, you are still recovering. Lemon is too sour. You'd better not eat it!"

Li Wenyu was worried that there was no place to vent his anger. He pointed to big wave's nose and said, "are you a fool! Do you understand the implied meaning of eating lemon? Big chest, no brain

Big wave was so scolded, full of aggrieved color, she said softly: "brother Li, my mother died early, so don't think about it, but you can fuck me! My work is good, and I'm good at all kinds of postures and postures. I can cooperate with whatever you need. Do you think so? "

As she said this, big wave girl pasted it directly, her right hand dangling Li Wenyu's chin very frivolously, her face rippling with spring.

"You shabby

Li Wenyu slapped her in the face impolitely and then pushed her to the ground.

Big wave sister is still not angry, her face is full of spring, and she is dripping out of the water quickly, "Oh, brother Li, you are so annoying. I didn't expect you to look gentle and wild in your heart. However, I also like to play SM, you wait, I go to change clothes, and then come to serve you! You must wait for me! My darling

"Go away!"

Li Wenyu really can't stand this big brainless guy, "get out of here, don't show up in front of me again!"

"Brother Li, people really like you. Just follow me." Big wave girl never dies.


Li Wenyu was so angry that when he turned his eyes, he fainted directly.

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