Xu Ling sent a message to Li Wenyu, and after exporting his evil spirit, he decisively pulled the other side black again.

It doesn't give Li Wenyu a chance to fight back.

At the thought of Li Wenyu's frantic appearance after seeing the news, Xu Ling felt very happy.


Now I just charge some interest. When I free up my hand, I will ask you to recover the loss with interest.

Xu Ling threw half of the cigarette end on the ground and stepped on it. She was about to put her mobile phone into her pocket. "Ding Dong -" someone sent a message.

Xu Ling points to open a look, it is the news that sister Yu Wenwen sends.

Yu Wenwen: brother, I'm not going home tonight.

Xu Ling: good. Don't run around at night. Call me if you have something.

Yu Wenwen; OK, brother, and I wish you happiness.

Xu Ling:???

Xu Ling: what do you mean?

Yu Wenwen: Hey hey, keep it secret.

Xu Ling wanted to ask again, but Yu Wenwen didn't reply.

What's the matter with this girl?

Xu Ling doesn't understand and doesn't want to think about it. Who doesn't know a woman's heart.

Men, it's more difficult to understand women's heart than to go to heaven.

With his mobile phone in his pocket, Xu Ling hummed a happy song and walked home slowly.

When entering the door, Xu Ling found something wrong.

Since Yu Wenwen has sent a message that she won't go home tonight, why is there a pair of women's canvas shoes at the door?

There is a situation.

It's not so good!

There is a kind of bad feeling in Xu Ling's heart.

But I opened the door and walked in.

This is my own home. There is no reason why I dare not enter.

Gently push open the door, Xu Ling walked in and looked at the scene in the living room.

The house, which had been in a mess, was in perfect order.

Xu Ling knew that Yu Wenwen, a lazy girl, couldn't even take care of herself. She didn't have to be patient to clean up the living room.

What's more, in addition to being cleaned up inside and outside, there are several steaming dishes on the table.

"What's going on?"

Xu Ling has no idea.

All of a sudden, I heard a bang in the kitchen.

Not long after, a mature and sexy beauty with good appearance and figure turned out of the kitchen, wearing an apron around her waist and carrying two dishes of fried vegetables with complete color and fragrance.

Plain face, wearing ordinary clothes, but still can not cover up Chen Yunxi's evil figure, as well as the soul stirring beauty.

Xu Ling stood aside, but he was a little crazy.

There are beauties in the north.

"What are you doing? Give me a hand."

Chen Yunxi does not have the good spirit white one eye Xu Ling, angry way.

Xu Ling promised, old face slightly red to run forward, took chenyunxi hand dish, gently on the table.

They sat down.

Chen Yunxi was originally responsible for the work, but Xu Ling didn't like it, so he took the initiative to serve two bowls of rice.

A bowl in front of Chen Yunxi, a bowl of their own to eat.

"This meal is too much for me to finish."

As Chen Yunqian said this, she transferred most of the rice from the bowl to Xu Ling's bowl, just like a little daughter-in-law at home, completely ignoring the arrogance and coldness of being a big star.

Xu Ling looked at the top of the mountain piled up in the bowl. She was dumbfounded. Instead of rushing to eat, she asked, "how did you come here?"

"Food does not speak, sleep does not speak, what words, after dinner to say."

Chen Yunqian said lightly.

Xu Ling had no choice but to eat with her head down.

I have to say that Chen Yunxi's cooking is really good.

Every dish on the table is not only attractive in color, but also unappealing in taste, which makes Xu Ling unable to stop eating.

As a result, Xu Ling wiped out three bowls of rice and finished two bowls of soup. He just sat down on the seat, patting his stomach with satisfaction.

Chen Yunxi, on the other hand, is very polite.

A small mouthful of rice, slowly into the mouth, and then chew slowly swallow, as if to taste the special taste hidden in the rice.

As for the dishes on the table, Chen Yunxi has no taboos. She likes to eat more, but puts aside the dishes she doesn't like, regardless of meat and vegetables.

Xu Ling asked with a smile: "I heard that many female stars do not dare to eat every day in order to keep a good figure. When they are hungry, they wash a cucumber, and they don't eat it all at once. They have to chew it slowly for half an hour."

Chen Yunxi put down her chopsticks and gently wiped her mouth with a paper towel. Then she said, "I'm born beautiful. I don't need to keep it!"


Xu Ling silently thumbs up.

Chen Yunxi swept the empty dishes in front of her and asked, "are you full?"

Xu Ling was embarrassed and nodded, "I'm full. I have to say that your cooking skill is really speechless!"

Chen Yunqian was not happy because Xu Ling praised her, but said faintly: "wash the dishes!"


Xu Ling nodded with a bitter smile, cleaned up the dishes and went to the kitchen to wash them.

Looking at Xu Lingyuan's back, Chen Yunxi can't help but smile and stretch lazily. She slowly stands up, takes out her clothes from her bag and goes to the bathroom to wash.

When Xu Ling came out, she happened to meet Chen Yunxi, who came out of the bathroom. Her whole body was still emitting a touch of heat, just like a fairy who was demoted to the world. She was so beautiful.

Of course, in the amazing at the same time, Xu Ling was not born a trace of blasphemy.

Like a lotus, it can be seen from afar but not played.

"Sit down!"

Not paying attention to Xu Ling's slightly blazing eyes, Chen Yunxi nuzui toward the sofa, then went to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of red wine.

"Have a drink!"

Although she is asking for Xu Ling's opinions, Chen Yunxi's tone of voice is beyond doubt.

Xu Ling nodded slightly, just red wine, not afraid.

What's more, the person in front of him is his wife in name. Even if he drinks too much and other things happen, it's no big deal, let alone worry about going to jail for committing a crime.

Of course, it turns out that Xu Ling thought too much.

Chen Yunqian filled them with wine, raised her high foot glass and said faintly, "dry!"

Xu Ling said with a wry smile, "you have to have a little reason to drink, don't you?"

Chen Yunxi pursed her sexy red lips and said seriously, "I'm in a bad mood."

"You?" Xu Ling looked up and down at Chen Yunxi, "the career is very smooth, the recent drama, is not also crazy to win more than a dozen awards? What's in a bad mood? "

Chen Yunqian said coldly: "drink!"

Xu Ling

Xu Ling didn't mean to refuse the invitation. She picked up her glass and was just about to have a drink with her partner, but unexpectedly, Chen Yunxi drank it on her own.

After drinking, Chen Yunxi tut tut mouth, seems to feel not satisfied, directly blow up the bottle.


White throat a burst of rapid rolling, Chen Yunxi one breath will be most of the bottle of red wine all down.

"It's not interesting."

Chen Yunxi threw the empty bottle to the ground, pointed to Xu Ling, and ordered, "I asked Wenwen to buy me a box of wine and put it in her bedroom. Go and move it here!"

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