"You see, it's the same sentence. If you say something painful, you'll get angry." Looking at the appearance of Xia Xinyu, Xu Ling had a shameless smile.

"You! Xu Ling! Don't think that if you see something we don't know from somewhere, you can be here! There are more people who are more talented and know more than you. What are you proud of? " Xia Xinyu wants to smash the mineral water bottle in her hand and let out her breath.

"Why are you so excited? I'm just joking with you. Well, I don't have much talent, but you really need to read more books."

"I'm lazy to tell you!" Xia Xinyu stands up and slams the door out.

"Just as you're gone, I'll do my own business." Xu Ling said in her heart.

If you sign a contract for a novel, you have to treat it well. It's also a job to earn money.

Even if it's not hot, as long as you write more, you'll have money.

If there's a fire, it's great.

What's more, if this book is not popular, it's just a shame.

Think about the book written by Mr. Jin Yong in his previous life, which is well known to women and children all over the country. Even if he has never read a novel, he must have read all kinds of TV series.

So now I write by myself, how can it not be hot.

As long as you watch a lot of people, money will naturally float in your pocket. If it's made into a TV play, it will be great.

In the past, when Mr. Jin Yong wrote, there was no network platform. They were all printed one by one.

Now the network novel, the dissemination may be much faster than at that time.

It used to be as hot as that, but now?

At the thought of these, Xu Ling's creative passion was aroused again.

Open WPS, with the search function of Xiaoya AI, Xu Ling began to create quickly again.

In fact, Xu Ling hasn't read Jin Yong's original works very carefully before, and most of them are TV dramas.

According to the plot found by Xiaoya AI, it is different from TV series.

But the plot of the story is there. In the details, Xu Ling doesn't think it's necessary to be so careful. Each has its own merits.

Soon, more than two hours passed.

Xu Ling has been in the rapid code word, completely did not feel, unconsciously, and code several thousand words.

"At this rate, it won't be long before the book is finished." Xu Ling said to himself.

Martial arts novels are no better than fantasy novels. Once they are written, fantasy novels may be serialized for several years every day. However, martial arts novels have only so much content. Several classic novels are not long.

Of course, Xu Ling also wants to write a long one. After ten or eight years of writing, she slowly makes money. Unfortunately, fantasy novels are not popular, and writing martial arts is really a good choice.

Save some manuscripts every day for several months, and the book will be almost finished.

Click on the miracle works website, Xu Ling uploaded today's novels, and habitually click into the comment area.

"Ghost talent, can think of such plot, make up such a huge world."

"Is the author a trumpet player? It's impossible for a new person to write such an essay. "


There are a lot of comments praising her in the comment area, and Xu Ling is naturally a little happy after reading them.

This book is Xu Ling's own work now. Can we not be happy when his work is praised so much.

However, turning down again, Xu Ling saw some different comments.

"I just ha ha, the hatred of killing my father is irreconcilable. Zhang Wuji saw his parents killed by several sects. Why can he be indifferent in the end?"

"In fact, Zhang Wuji is an out and out scum man, but he is good at martial arts and conceals his shortcomings. In the author's opinion, Sanguan is not right."

"How old is Yin Li Ting, and he's still with Yang Bu Hui, so I'll be happy."


No matter how good a book is, there will be different views.

In the eyes of a thousand people, there are a thousand Hamlets. Why argue with everyone for right or wrong.

Xu Ling didn't want to pay attention to it, and then turned to other things.

Today's reward is still good. Many people still like this book.

Xu Ling thought about it. If elder Jin Yong wrote a book on miracles like himself, there are some different views below, what would he think.

"No, since you have different opinions, I will explain them to you one by one until you are convinced." Xu Ling said to himself.

After some simple operation, Xu Ling created a fan group and put the group number at the top of the volume, so that everyone who reads the book can see it.

Xu Ling also made a special remark: welcome to the group discussion.

In this way, those who give poor reviews should also come in.

Xu Ling doesn't mind arguing with them as long as he doesn't deliberately make trouble. After all, he is the author of the book, and the right of interpretation is in his own hands.

For those boring to the extreme, Xu Ling is also lazy to pay attention to.

After dealing with these things, Xu lingcai turned off the computer and went off work contentedly.

Out of the door of the radio station, it was dark.

Life seems to be a little busy, but it's really enriched.

Although there are still many things to worry about, Xu Ling doesn't want to rush to solve them. Let's live like this first.

Xu Ling simply ate something and went home. After washing, Xu Ling, who had been busy all day, directly lay on the bed.

Take out your mobile phone and create a fan base of two or three hundred people.

It's not bad. It hasn't been long. There are many people. Although there is still a gap between them and their goals, they have to go step by step.

"Big God, come out and say a word, @ group leader."

"Is it so cold?"


Xu Ling did not look at the group after a while. The people in the group were already familiar with each other and chatted with each other enthusiastically.

"Sorry, I just got home and didn't look at my cell phone." Xu Ling played music a few words, click the send.

"Wow, here comes the great God. Worship quickly."

"Can the group leader take a picture? I really want to see what a person who can write such a good novel looks like


"I'm just an ordinary person. Don't be so polite." Xu Ling then said in the group.

"Wenjiu, can you give your opinion on some bad comments in the comment area?" At this time, a familiar name issued this sentence.

Yes, it looks familiar. This is the person who gave the bad review today.

"Of course, but please don't swipe the screen. If you have any questions, please ask them. We'll talk about the rest later." Xu Ling issued this sentence, and by the way @ all members.

This can be regarded as a big play. The author came out in person and forced everyone to move a small bench to eat melon. Who would talk more.

When the group gradually quiets down, we all know that there will be a wave of heated discussions next.

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