"Well, you can start. If you have any questions, just ask them and I'll answer them one by one." Xu Ling saw the group quiet down, issued this sentence.

"You should have seen the bad comments in the comment area. I think you set up Zhang Wuji's characters unreasonably, illogically and with such excellent martial arts skills, how can you let go of the blood feud?" The man asked straight to the point.

"You're right. Zhang Wuji is really good at martial arts, but does he have to take revenge for his good martial arts? Everyone has a different understanding, and not everyone will see things the way you do. " Xu Ling calmly typed and answered.

"Before Zhang Wuji's mother died, let Zhang Wuji take a good look at the people of several major sects and let him remember. It can be seen how deep the hatred is. How can Zhang Wuji abandon such deep hatred, the hatred of killing his father, and die together. If Zhang Wuji doesn't take revenge, isn't he an unworthy descendant? How can such a person be called a great hero?" The man continued.

"At that time, Zhang Wuji really hated those people from several major sects, but you should know that in the next few years, Zhang Wuji always lived with Zhang Sanfeng. Zhang Sanfeng taught him a lot about how to be a man and how to do things, and also made Zhang Wuji gradually form that kind of character. Can't it be said that Zhang Sanfeng taught him that? Why isn't it that the man of honor does good for evil? This kind of person can't be called a hero. Can only those who have revenge and fight all day long be called heroes? " Xu Ling methodically refuted back.

"Good! Well said, it's really a gentleman's work to repay evil with good. "

"Zhang Wuji is certainly qualified to be regarded as a great hero."

"The great God really has his own opinion! Cow


As soon as Xu Ling finished his explanation, it exploded and people agreed with Xu Ling one after another.

"Are you satisfied with my explanation?" Asked Xu Ling.

"Ha ha, do you want to beat me on such a problem? You haven't seen our keyboard man at that time. It's not surprising that he was so good at picking bones in all kinds of eggs. " Xu Ling thought.

All the people in the group are praising Xu Ling. The person who asked the question just now seems a little embarrassed and doesn't know what to say for a moment.

When the crowd quieted down again, the man began to ask his own question again: "then you say that Zhang Wuji is so affectionate, is he a scum man? How can such a person be called a great hero? "

"I don't think so. Zhang Wuji is really good for every woman, but the book is not finished yet. How do you know who it will be? I think his parents are both dead and lack of care, so he is very good to everyone around him, even his enemies. What's the problem? " Xu Ling has been thinking about how to answer this question for a long time.

"It sounds good. Isn't that the scum man? Does not refuse, does not take the initiative not to be responsible, is not manifests incisively and vividly in him The man continued to ask.

"I haven't finished all my books. What you see now is just the tip of the iceberg. How can you know that there is no secret in it? It's not too late to discuss this issue when the book is finished. " Xu Ling is typing calmly.

"Is there a secret behind it?"

"Big God, hurry up and play the movie. I'm dying of thinking about the following story all day long!"

"Yes, yes, the next episode is a broadcast."


"Everyone likes my book. I'm very happy. As long as you can read it all the time, many mysteries will be solved one by one."

"It's not easy to entertain your appetite, small sample? If I had said all the following, would you still read it? " Xu Ling was secretly happy while replying to the fans in the group.

"Do you have any questions?" Xu Ling continued.

"Well, I'll wait until the end of the book. Then I have another question, which is that Yang Buhui is with Yin Liting. Don't you think it's not appropriate?" The man continued to ask in no hurry. Anyway, he would not give up if he didn't ask a question that Xu Ling couldn't answer today.

"What's wrong?" Xu Ling answers lightly.

"Yan Liting and Yang Buhui's father are nearly 20 years old. Do you think it's appropriate to be together like this? Then you are really good. " In his opinion, Xu Ling's understatement is even unreasonable.

"First of all, they are not related by blood. Secondly, Yin Liting is decent, and Yang Buhui is willing and has no compulsion. What's wrong with them? If everyone is limited by the common customs, what's the point? " While typing, Xu Ling shakes her head. Unexpectedly, there are people with such feudal thoughts.

"That's to say, in what age, we still pay attention to those."

"You're here to pick things up, aren't you? Is that the way to ask? "

"As long as two people really love each other, why not? I sincerely hope that they can have a good ending. The great God won't let us down!"


Before that person continued to ask questions, many fans' words had flooded the fans.

Xu Ling had to start the all staff silence mode, and gave the man an administrator, intending to continue to discuss with the man.

"Anything else?" Xu Ling thinks it's interesting to discuss with others.

After waiting for several minutes, the man did not speak again.

Xu Ling lifted the whole staff forbidden mode, canceled the person's administrator qualification.

"If there's anything else you want to ask, you can ask. If no one says it, that's the end of the question session tonight." Xu Ling took a look at all the members.

After waiting for a few minutes, no one asked any more questions.

"Let's finish here. Let's have a rest early." Xu Lin turned off his cell phone and lay quietly in bed.

"Comfortable, or comfortable to lie down." Xu Ling said.

Although Xu Ling didn't speak any more, the fans are still very busy. Everyone's enthusiasm for the book is very high. We will discuss our views on the protagonists and the development of the next plot.

The whole group was so busy that they were still chatting until late at night.

But at that time, Xu Ling had already fallen asleep.

Xu Ling doesn't have much time to chat with these people. He should pay attention to novels, but there are too many things to do. He should sleep well at night.

Now there is a Three Kingdoms program to do, and I have to prepare the manuscript when I get up tomorrow. I just have such an opportunity, and I'm very interested in it. Multi line development is also very good.

Just don't know, next will have what kind of thing to wait for oneself, Xu Ling lazy consider so many, one by one solution is king.

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