Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1091: 3 Kingdoms 1?

With an eyebrow raised, Jiang Nan asked with interest: "Brother Bai is referring to ...?"

"Outside the field!" Bai Yang bluntly uttered these two words.

"Out of domain?"

"Yes, extraterritorially, Emperor Tianyuan is very talented. He opened up a battlefield in the extraterrestrial sky. There are countless arrogants, hundreds of races, opportunities, and crises. I wanted to see the world of war there a long time ago. However, because of the entanglement of things that have not been idle until now, it is also time to go around. I wonder if Brother Jiang is interested? "

"Is there such a place? I am so interested. When should we start?" Jiang Nan said impatiently.

Obviously, even if he was the grandson of the once Emperor Wu dynasty, he did not know the existence of an extraterrestrial battlefield, otherwise he would not have such a surprised expression.

He motioned to be calm and calm, Bai Yang shook his head and said, "Brother Jiang, do n’t worry. It ’s not that easy to go outside the realm. To cross the starry sky to reach the extraterrestrial battlefield, you need to use the Tianyuan Empire. Brother Jiang seems to be out of touch with the Tianyuan Empire Small ... so we need to be prepared. "

Hearing this poplar's words, Jiang Nan frowned and looked up and asked, "Only from the Tianyuan Empire can we reach the extraterritorial battlefield?"

"At present, I only know such a method. Brother Jiang, you also know that although we all have the ability to cross the stars, it is too far away to reach the extraterritorial battlefield. Only through the teleportation team established in the Tianyuan Empire can we get it as soon as possible. Arrive, or get lost in the starry sky is not a joke, "Bai Yang smiled bitterly.

"This way, the problem should be small. Although Tianxin **** has been chasing me, she doesn't expect that I will take the initiative to run to her base camp. If the extraterrestrial battlefield is really as chaotic as you said, if she dares to chase Go outside the realm, and when it ’s dead, you do n’t know who it is, ”Jiang Nan squinted.

"If that's the case, then it's settled?" Bai Yang asked.

Nodding his head, Jiang Nan said, "That's it. Brother Bai, you should also prepare for a while, right? I'll also prepare during this time, so as not to run into the Tianyuan Empire to throw in the net."

I didn't expect Jiang Nan to be so simple, but Poplar asked: "Brother Jiang, don't you ask what are the opportunities outside the region?"

"Hundreds of races, the biggest opportunity is nothing more than stealing the luck of civilization. Do you still need to ask about killing the aliens to gain benefits?" Jiang Nan said with a smirk that you thought I knew nothing.

Well, Bai Yang realized that although Jiang Nan didn't know about the summons, he was the emperor grandson of the Shenwu dynasty. After all, he could still think of something.

The matter was settled like this, Bai Yang said finally: "Let ’s do this. Let ’s prepare for the Yuan Festival. It will be a few minutes before the Yuan Festival."

"Okay, then I'll get ready to prepare. I'll come to you during the Yuan Festival."

Jiang Nan was extremely simple. He dropped such a sentence and disappeared, and did not know what to prepare.

In the face of such a simple Jiang Nanbaiyang also stunned, then shrugged his shoulders and thought about what to prepare.

Once you leave and go out of the region, the safety of the valley is a problem, but there are not many problems with Shan Qiulin and the martial arts master who are thousands of comparable kings.

However, there is a problem that Bai Yang has to face. It is that Xiao Lan is pregnant with her child and must be born at any time. If she leaves, she will miss the birth of the child. This is a problem.

In other words, take advantage of this period of time to add Tianchenxing Finance to the three-knife instrument of the years and increase the hole cards, and then continue to consolidate the destruction rule and consolidate it, and then wait for someone.

At the beginning, Bai Yang was close to the Yuan Festival when he returned from the Daguang Dynasty. This dazzling time almost passed by one yuan. At that time, Lu Yang and the swordsman who met on the way said that they would find themselves after one yuan, and ask them at that time. Are you interested in going out of the country?

After thinking for a while, Bai Yang left for his residence and saw the kittens.

Xiao Lan's belly is round. With the meticulous care and the nourishment of good things, a delicate girl turned into a fat girl completely. Women who bear children will gain weight. Although they are fat, they are the envy of everyone. Others People don't want to be so fat yet.

It didn't take long for the poplar to be suspected of being abandoned, and Qinghe felt that one of the grandfathers of the poplar was scared to affect the fetus. As a result, the poplar was speechless and could only care about leaving.

In fact, why didn't Bai Yang know that they didn't abandon themselves and hinder their hands and feet, and would the mistake of the true mirror's repair? It's just that they just wanted to have more time to consolidate because they just set foot in the True God Mirror.

Another thing is that Poplar did not conceal what she was going to do outside the region. There was nothing to hide from her women. They also wanted Poplar to have more time to cultivate and not waste time on them ...

Then Poplar went to Shan Qiulin to chat about it, and then began to make a second knife.

The first sword of the years and three swords, Bai Yang has never performed it once after training, once the power of Tianchen Xingjin will usher in a second growth.

With the experience of practicing the knife for the first time, although the second integration into Tianchen Xingjin was much more complicated, and step by step, Poplar spent 15 days here to succeed.

Next, familiarize yourself with the three swords of the years, and then set foot in the misty world to understand the rules of destruction and increase cultivation.

To say that it is to understand the rule of destruction, in fact, Bai Yang came to the rule of destruction and deduced it with the congenital Taiji gossip chart.

At first, he only stepped on the innate Taiji gossip chart to perform a destroying rune and set foot on the true **** mirror. After that, he only needed to continuously push the rules of destruction into his own world to grow and repair.

The second rune of destruction was deduced and merged into the world of poplar, as the original Shinjin mirror was promoted, the rune nuclear fission self-replicated and split, intertwined into a criss-crossed large net and integrated into the world.

With the integration of the second rune, Bai Yang's world is more stable, and the power of the means of destruction to gain the blessing of the rule of destruction is more. At the same time, his spirit world and physical body are further tempered.

Incorporating rules into itself is a process of increasing strength.

It is worth mentioning that at the time of Bai Yang Tianshi's mirror, it took almost all of his mind to use the congenital Taiji gossip chart to perform a rune, and after he stepped on the true **** mirror, he could not perform enough to run ten runes at a time. Had to exit the misty world to recover.

Recovering the cost of deducing the rules of destruction often takes half a day for Poplar. In this way, he can only engage in retreat once a day, and most of the time he is recovering himself.

Fortunately, everything in the foggy world is static, and the deduction does not take his time, and as the destructive runes from the deduction continue to integrate into the world, Bai Yangxiu grows, and the subsequent performance deductions from the destructive runes also increase.

However, the destruction rule is so huge that Bai Yang feels that he wants to put it into full play into his own world.

Feeling the rules is a long-lasting thing in itself. 99.99% of the true mirrors in the world will stop here in their lives. Only those who are incapable of understanding can fully understand the rules. Sage mirror.

Therefore, despite wanting to realize the rule of destruction in the foreseeable future, Aspen can only take it slowly.

Relatively speaking, Bai Yang is already open, others need to understand the rules a little bit, maybe there will be no new understanding for a long time, and he went directly to the inferior Taichi gossip diagram, and made progress every day. As long as you persist, one day you will be able to deduct and complete the rule of destruction completely, and there is greater hope for anyone to set foot in the mirror of the saint, provided that it does not fall midway.

The days went by like this. Aspen populated the destruction rule every day and spent time with his kittens in his spare time.

What makes people speechless is that the child in Xiao Lan's belly seems to be born at any time, but just doesn't come out, he is anxious to death, and what makes Poplar depressed is that he didn't spend less time with the kittens, and he will continue every few days. Go to the side of the earth to accompany Wang Qingyu, but the stomachs of the women are not bulging ...

On this day, Bai Yang's rehearsal deduction and destruction rule was completed, and it was learned that the three men Wang Dahao Wang Jiang Haoran Chen Yongxin actually waited for a while.

Why did they come to find themselves? And still come together ...

I don't understand the purpose of the three of them ~ www.readwn.com ~ Bai Yang went to the parlor to see them.

"Mr. Bai, I'm looking forward to forgiving you for excuse me"

In the face of Bai Yang, the three did not dare to entrust them, and all stood up respectfully.

Poplar smiled and motioned to sit down and said, "It's all old friends, don't be polite, just sit."

The two sides took a seat and greeted each other secretly. The three of them looked at each other secretly. Among them, Jiang Haoran looked at Bai Yang and said, "Mr. Bai, there is one thing we want to discuss with Mr. Bai when we come here."

Hearing the meaning of Jiang Haoran's remarks, Bai Yang nodded and said, "But it doesn't matter."

The three of them looked at each other again, and among them Jiang Haoran said, "Mr. Bai, before we say the business, we want to tell you something."

"What is it?" Bai Yang asked curiously.

The three of them came together. It should not be trivial to think about it, but what is worth hello to yourself?

"This is Mr. Bai. After many meetings and discussions between the three of us during this time, we decided to merge the three countries into one, leaving aside the three country names of Chen, Jiang and Dayue. The three countries formed a brand-new country and changed the country. "To celebrate, take the meaning of universal celebration" Jiang Haoran began.

"What?" Bai Yang looked stunned, without any precaution, which was really amazing.

Chen Yongxin, Jiang Haoran, King Dayue, how did they let go of their emperor throne?

"It is indeed Mr. Bai. The three dynasties of ours are partial to the south. It is almost impossible to take a step closer. Together, we will march north to have further hope, so this decision is made. He said.

Nodded thoughtfully, Bai Yang asked: "Do you want to go north to take advantage of the chaos in the north to lay down a territory and open up a empire kingdom?"

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