Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1092: Theocratic power and imperial power coexist!

Chen Yongxin was not surprised that Bai Yang could guess their true thoughts at once.

King Dayue said, "Yes, Mr. Bai, the Daguang dynasty is about to collapse, and dozens of dynasties have been implicated. This is an opportunity for us to march north. If it lays a territory, plus our three kingdoms, On the basis of unity, there is great hope for promotion to the dynasty! "

Chen Yongxin added on the side: "If we don't do this, we will probably stop here for the rest of our lives. Before the confrontation with the Daguang Dynasty, we knew that we were small, and we were really unwilling to guard an acre like this for life. The land is three points away, so simply take a risk. Once we jointly establish Qing Dynasty and promote the dynasty, we will get the blessing of the blessing of the emperor, and a strong emperor will appear! "

When I heard this, Bai Yang looked at King Dayue and said, "Your Majesty King Dayue should soon be able to set foot on the Emperor's Mirror, why should you give up your current status and do so?

"It wasn't that easy. Before that, I thought I was half-footed, but that half-step was as close to the horizon, and I concluded that my qualifications were not enough to take that step. "It takes a huge blessing of the National Games to scour up to make up for the lack of qualifications, so that we can really set foot on the Emperor's Mirror," King Wang said with a bitter smile.

He nodded, and Bai Yang said arrogantly: "If you say so, you will become the Lord of the Republic of China after the reunification of the three nations?"

To be honest, when asking this sentence, Bai Yang's mind was a little weird. Chen Yongxin and Jiang Haoran were so willing to give this opportunity to King Dayue?

Jiang Haoran laughed over there: "Mr. Bai, let me explain your doubts, Lord of the Nation. After discussion, we are going to let Brother Chen take over. We are not as good as him. We are completely at ease as he is the Lord of the Nation. After Brother Chen became the lord of Qingguo, both King and I would be the king of Qingguo. Although in case Qingguo can become a dynasty, the position of the emperor is Chen Xiong, but we also It is much better to get the blessing of the 50% dynasty's national games. Compared to the present, not only is there a great loss but also a huge gain. In the future, the opportunity to set foot in the emperor's mirror is even greater. Finally, the future celebration of the country will be implemented by concession. The lords will be born in our three families, and those who can do it will ensure the prosperity of the country forever. "

After listening to Jiang Haoran's words, Poplar understood that the three nations were united, and the national movement naturally strengthened. Although it seems that Chen Yongxin is now the king of the Qing Dynasty and earned, however, once Qing Guo became a dynasty, Jiang Haoran and Dayue Wang lost now. Part of it can make up for it. The kings who celebrate the country in the future will be born in these three houses. In the long run, they will not lose money.

Moreover, since they all have such a plan, they must have already discussed clearly, as to whether or not someone will unload and kill the donkey in the end is not something that Poplar should consider.

Alas, the Zen system has come out ...

Bai Yang nodded and asked, "Since you have already negotiated, you think you can do it. I don't know what to discuss with me?"

It doesn't matter if Pope's three nations become one or fight for imperial power in the future. It's not a matter of poplars. Everyone is an adult. You don't need Poplar to think about it.

After hearing the question from Bai Yang, the three of Chen Yongxin looked at each other again. This is their true purpose here. It can even be said that what is discussed next is about whether the three kingdoms can be truly unified and future development!

In the end, Chen Yongxin stood up and said to Bai Yang, "Mr. Bai, we are here to seek cooperation with you."

"How is cooperation law?" Bai Yang asked curiously.

When I asked these words, could it be that Poplar thought that they wanted to help them open up their territories? The relationship is good, but can you afford it? With that effort, I went to play a dynasty myself.

He said that with the current strength of Poplar, he had the ability to create a dynasty, but he practiced Shinto. The empire was created in a different way than cultivation. It was not necessary.

"Mr. Bai, the way we want to work with you is to ask Mr. Bai to give us ordinary people a way to practice the Lightning Secret. With the Lightning Secret cultivation method, we will surely have a nationwide sweep Xiongbing, this will be the biggest reliance on the founding of the dynasty. Of course, we will not let Mr. Bai help in vain. If Mr. Bai can give the thunder the secret cultivation method, in the future we will celebrate the kingdom and promote the dynasty. Mr. Bai preached Taoism to establish a dojo to help Mr. Bai collect his beliefs. I wonder what Bai Shixi intended? "Jiang Haoran began.

After saying this, Chen Yongxin and the three of them looked at Bai Yang nervously.

Once Bai Yang promises, they will master the methods that ordinary people can practice the Thunder Scriptures. At that time, Qingguo will be able to cultivate a male soldier who specializes in the Thunder Scriptures. !!

In order to obtain the training method of the Thunder's Secret, they went to fight for the promotion of the Shino dynasty, and they did not hesitate to provide Bai Yang with the conditions to freely promote morality and establish a dojo to collect beliefs. !!

巨大 How great is the benefit of everyone in the borderless realm of a dynasty?

However, Poplar is not a fool. It is only God who knows whether the country can be promoted to the dynasty after the unity of the three kingdoms. The so-called propaganda and moral establishment of the dojo is just a blank check. However, the practice of the Thunder's Secret can be a real soldier. of.

"Divine power coexists with imperial power?" Bai Yang looked at them frowning and asked.

Isn't it? If Qingguo became a dynasty, then at that time they would promote their morality and establish a dojo. Everyone believed in themselves. In this way, would the people believe in themselves or follow the rules set by the state?

不错 "Yes, divine power co-exists with imperial power. At that time, the divine power will enlighten the world, and imperial power will formulate laws and create an unprecedented country. I wonder what Mr. Bai wants?" Chen Yongxin looked at Bai Yang nervously and asked.

Aspen frowned, thinking quickly.

The coexistence of imperial power and theocratic power is bound to be contradictory. Not to mention the other. Throughout the history of the earth, this has not happened. However, in the end, the divine power destroys the imperial power or the imperial power destroys the divine power.

If it coexists, does the people listen to God or the country?

"Mr. Bai, what do you think?" Jiang Haoran asked, urgently needing an answer.

He did not immediately agree, but Bai Yang asked instead: "Since you have proposed that the divine power and the imperial power coexist, then you must have thought about the various conflicts that would occur if they coexisted? How to resolve them?"

Apparently, Chen Yongxin had thought about this issue long ago, and at this time, King Wang Yueyue said: "Mr. Bai, divine power and imperial power co-exist. Although there will not be less contradictions, the problem is not big. After all, what you want is faith. What we want is national power. The two directions are completely different. Our two sides can cooperate with each other. Mr. Bai establishes beliefs to educate all peoples to make the country peaceful, and I will help Mr. Bai to propagate his beliefs while we fight to expand the territory and strengthen the country. It is a win-win situation. As for imperial power and divine power In a conflict, with Mr. Bai's ability, it is completely easy to want to hold power. It is not an ambitious person to think of Mr. Bai. We believe you. If Mr. Bai wants to take power, we are even more desperate. Want to come to Mr. Bai They will surely take us further. This is the basis of our cooperation! "

After hearing such words, Bai Yang was completely understood. The co-authors of them wanted to tie themselves to the chariot. Once they agreed, they were equivalent to having a backing of their own. Enemy, can you just ignore it? Because of reason, it is impossible for me to watch the people who believe in him ignorant?

As for wanting to have great power, I am afraid they will give it away as soon as they say it. The higher their achievements are, the more their benefits are not. It can be seen from the Big Moon King that they can give up their status. come out.

After thinking about this, Bai Yang said, "I promise you, and tell you how ordinary people can practice the Thunder Secret, but we are only a cooperative relationship. You are responsible for expanding the territory and helping me to promote morality and collect faith. This is as I will tell you how to let ordinary people practice the conditions of the Thunder Secret. As for the national affairs, I will not intervene and meet the enemy. You will find a solution to it yourself. What do you think? "

Bai Yang has made it very clear ~ www.readwn.com ~ Which step can the expansion of the territory take? It is your business, and even the destruction of my country is not my business. As for helping me to collect beliefs, it is a thunder book. The conditions of cultivation, don't think about this because you want me to help you out.

Yan Baiyang is a person who is very afraid of trouble. To be honest, he wants to be a shopkeeper.

The three of them looked at each other and did not expect such an ending, which means that no one on both sides should take advantage.

"In this case, we agreed, thank you Mr. Bai" Chen Yongxin spoke on behalf of the three.

This is the result of their secret discussions. They have reached this point, and they have no retreat.

Bai Yang doesn't matter. Give them the training method of the Thunder Book. How much territory they use the army built by the Thunder Book to spread their faith to that place. This is the basis of cooperation between the two parties. Although there is no divine power to replace the imperial power, However, he was also confident that Chen Yongxin could not hang themselves, which was based on his own self-confidence.

It ’s cheap to pick it up, do n’t give it up, anyway, the practice of Thunder ’s Secret is just a few generator transformers ...

The matter was settled in this way. Although there were too many things involved in the coexistence of divine power and imperial power, Bai Yang acted as a shopkeeper and waited for them to come up with specific details and admit it. They do n’t have to worry about it. It ’s better to grow at that time. Xiu is preparing to set foot on the extraterritorial battlefield ...

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