Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 108: What kind of person is he

"To be honest, we don't know what kind of person he is"

Tong Lanshuang frowned, then shook her head and said.

"You don't know what kind of person he was before."

Aspen has no gas, you are flirting with me.

"Master, the kind of ignorance that Lan Shuang said, it means that we are very familiar with Feng Li, but we don't know his kind of ignorance, not that we don't know this person."

Yak Jian explained from the side.

"That's it, strangers you know, right?"

Bai Yang asked whether the three of you had the basic feelings.

"Yes, that ’s what Master said, but you look so strange."

Yak Jian nodded and looked at Bai Yang with a strange look.

"Don't worry about my expression, I will ask if I have any trouble"?

Bai Yang waved his hand to signal that he didn't care about these details and asked.

"I don't know, there should be no trouble"

Wu Lanshuang thought for a while and said uncertainly.

"It's okay, go back, you tell me what kind of gift this person is on the way"

Aspen led the way.

Along the way, after Lan Shuang and Niu Jian's remarks, Bai Yang had a general understanding of Feng Li.

The three young masters of Zhen Zhen's family, scholars, have not practiced any martial arts, are kind to others, do not provoke right and wrong, and even often do good deeds. Literary talent is the first in Deyang Town!

In summary, Feng Li is such a person.

However, it was such a person who got the same ‘do n’t know’ evaluation from Lan Shuang and Niu Jian, which made Bai Yang pay attention to this person.

"The amount of information is too little, but one thing is certain, the appearance of the other party is by no means accidental. The first time I came here to find Qinghe, he happened to appear. There is such a coincidence in the world."

After returning to 'Baifu', Bai Yang always felt that the appearance of Feng Li was not just a coincidence.

Although he does not have the mentality of 刁 always wanting to harm 朕, but it is always good to keep an eye on people and things.

However, the next period of time was surprisingly calm. The gift of that day appeared as if it was just a coincidence. The other party never appeared. No one, including Bai Yang, encountered any accidents.

The days are as calm as ever!

"None, Tianyuan language reads"? ", All nihility, whether it is Chen Guoyu or Tianyuanlu, use this word as the final conclusion, which means that everything in heaven and earth will eventually return to nothingness ... Bai Shao, Qing He finished reading "

She is still in Qinghe's boudoir. She closed the last page of Tianyuanlu and looked at Bai Yang.

The ten days here are equivalent to the twenty or more days on the earth. Poplars come to Qinghe every day. Until this day, Poplar has learned all the characters in Chen Guoyu and Tianyuan Lu!

Two different characters, which together add up to nearly 600,000 words. Reading, writing, translating, and rewriting Bai Yang's brain with Kai Huiguo's secondary development has the same mastery. It is impossible to forget.

"Girl Qinghe, disturbed this time"

Aspen stood up and arched slightly.

"It's an honor for Qinghe to relieve the boredom of Bai Shao"

Even after such a long time, the two sides can get along with each other day and night, but Qinghe still looks like a pair of light clouds.

I am funny to say, there is almost no communication between the two in this world.

白 Aspen came here every day, after the usual greetings, he asked Qing He to explain to him two enlightenment books. After he said hello, he left and the time came to this day.

"Girl Qinghe, I'll say goodbye later, maybe I won't come again tomorrow, but I always have a question in my heart, I can't help but want to ask you"

Xi Baiyang looked at Qing He with the correct Chen Guoyu in his words.

"Please ask, Bai Shao."

"What I want to ask is that you have always been wearing a veil during this period of time, and you ca n’t see Zhenrong. Do you have a girl who sees your face, you must marry you, otherwise you will kill "The whole family's oath"?

Bai Yang asked with a strange look.

Wu Qinghe immediately held it, then shook his head and said:

"Qing He never had such an oath, it's just a habit. Does Shao Bai need Qing He to remove the veil?"

She still said sadly.

I was so boring, I didn't react at all ...

"No need. Maybe we are just passers-by in each other's lives. What's the difference between seeing and not seeing each other? Don't ever stop there"

Aspen chuckled and left.

"This little white, open minded, especially able to control his heart, what kind of person is he?"

Wu Qinghe again had such a doubt.

"Master, you come here to find the Qinghe girl, and stay for a whole day, especially when the face turns pale, no matter how good the beauty is, you must pay attention to your body."

At the gate of the courtyard, Niu Jian looked at Bai Yang with a look that the man could understand.

Man is normal, but you have to temper it ...

"Get off, you know how to fart, right, where is the largest bookstore in Deyang Town?"

Aspen is too lazy to explain.

"Master asked why?"

Wu Lanshuang wondered.

"What do you say to the bookstore"?

Poplar asked, rolling his eyes.

"The largest bookstore in Deyang Town is my home. I can't just send someone what books I want."

Blue Frost silent

"Okay, let people send all the books back. Remember, it's all books, whether it's geography, mountains, rivers, poetry, songs, novels, biographies, humanities, but any books that can be found will send me a copy."

Bai Yang said with a mouth ~ www.readwn.com ~ a completely irresponsible mentality.

"Why do young masters have so many books ~ www.readwn.com ~ so tired"?

Yak Jian asked with wide eyes.

"You control me, go, go home"

Aspen was too lazy to explain and took the lead.

"Excuse me, is it Bai Shao, Lan Shao and Niu Shao?"

At this moment, a pretty girl in Tsing Yi came to them a few meters away and asked carefully.

"what's up"?

Yak Jian frowned and asked, this Qingfeng building belongs to his family. Maybe he doesn't know many people, but people who don't know him probably don't exist.

"My master wants to ask Bai Shao to go over it, I wonder if Bai Shao can move?"

Yeah, the girl didn't look at Lan Shuang Niu Jian, but said to Bai Yang.

"What is your master?"

Ji Baiyang signaled that the two were safe and impatient, and asked each other.

"My Master's Gift"

It's time to come, the other party has been brewing for so long, I don't know what I want to do in the end.

Escape is not the way. Poplar looked at the maid and said:

"Since it's Fengsan and little love, respect is better to follow the lead and lead the way"

"Say Bai, please come with me"

Minya bowed slightly, leading the way.


The blue frost frowned.

"I don't mind, I have a sense"

Aspen said, shaking his head slightly.

The three of them followed in the footsteps of the maidservant, left Qingfeng Tower, and came to the edge of the lake. Led by the maidservant, they boarded a gorgeous floor boat.

The watchtower sailed to the center of the lake, and Bai Yang also saw Feng Li again on the second floor of the ship ...

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