Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 109: Confrontation

Feng Yi, in white, stood on the third floor platform of the building boat. Hearing the movement, he turned to look at Bai Yang and others with an arched smile:

"Everyone is here, please come forward, please sit down"

A wine dish has been prepared on the platform, and several girls are waiting.

"Did you see that this ship is more impressive than the one you picked me up from the other day"

Aspen murmured beside Lan Shuang.

Tong Lanshuang was embarrassed. At this time, the answer was either no answer or no answer.

Feng also laughed when he heard this sentence:

"This should be Bai Shao, I will call you Brother Bai, if Brother Bai likes this building boat, I will send you"

"How sorry"

Bai Yang's polite manner, but turned to Niu Jian and said:

"Wait for the person who remembers to wait for them later, and we will use this after going to the upper reaches of the Bibo River"

It doesn't matter what your purpose is, if it is cheap, it won't occupy the bastard, let's determine it like this before talking about it.

"Good Master"

Yak Jian grinned.

Wu Lanshuang turned his face to the side. He really didn't want to know Bai Yang.

"Haha, Bai Shao's temperament is rare and rare, so I'll take a banquet for you"?

Wu Fengli twitched at the corner of his mouth, and I have never seen such a person. Can't you hear me being polite? But the words have already been exported, and it is too late to take back, only to give a poplar to this gorgeous three-story ornate building ship.

"Thank you, thank you, I do n’t know what Brother Feng (this title ...) let us do?"

Yan Baiyang sat down and looked at the other side of the door and asked what was the most troublesome.

I guess Fengli has never seen such a person, and for a while he didn't know how to say it.

"It's okay, let's eat and talk"

Tong Baiyang said grinningly, picking up the prepared chopsticks and eating.

He was unconscious of gags and suddenly took the initiative in his own hands.

Playing tricks? Who has the kung fu to play tricks with you, I am technically crushed to see how you take it!

"Oh ... I just heard that a guy has appeared in Deyang Town, and even the youngest master of the Niu family and the Blue family are willing to follow, so they want to make friends"

Xi Fengli managed to keep up with Bai Yang's rhythm.

"Gift a gorgeous house boat as soon as you come, I like friends like you"

Aspen said with a thumbs up.

Lu Tuhao, we will be friends in the future, I will not be polite ...

"Brother Bai's temperament is straight-forward, without pretentiousness, I have made such a friend, and some things outside of him are not enough, come on, brother, I respect you for a drink"

Wu Fengli smiled strangely as he held up the glass.

Grandson, see when you can pretend, you continue to play with me to see if I will not hang you!

"Haha, Brother Feng laughed, I just think that if you are too kind to others, it will hurt the other person's heart."

Aspen lifted the glass and laughed, and drank all the fruits in the glass.

Hey, the three young masters you guarded the master's family, but entertained me with the Baiguo Brewery of Zhongshan people in the river, it is self-evident, I think what you have done is clear in this time, see you What tricks do you want to play ...

"Brother Bai's words have won my heart. Since we are friends, I don't hide it. I have recently encountered a troublesome thing. I can't make up my mind for a while and want to hear the opinion of Brother Bai."

Xi Fengli lowered his glass and said to Bai Yang.

He who meows, Feng Li is not a fuel-saving lamp, but he also uses his own way!

He can be seen, you can't be kind to him with people like Bai Yang.

"Tell me about it, let me talk about it first. If it doesn't help you, don't say that I don't care about receiving gifts."

A poplar blocked the other's back road in a single sentence.

"I believe Brother Bai can certainly help"

With a look of Wu Fengli, I was optimistic about you and said, after finishing seriously:

"This is how things happened. Recently, a group of extremely gangsters appeared on Hongyan Mountain, one hundred miles away from Yangzhen. They burned and looted and did nothing evil. The siege and damage of the soldiers failed several times. My father was so uncomfortable. Why is he limited in his ability to worry about his father? I wonder if Brother Bai can give me a pointer or two? "

That's where the horse and the horse are.

"Is this something?"

Aspen asked, looking at Lan Shuang at the side.

Tong Lanshuang thought for a while and nodded:

"I heard that it hasn't been flat recently, I think I should be referring to this thing"

Ji Baiyang nodded. It seemed that this was not a false thing. It was not a smoke bomb deliberately made by the other party. He expressed his understanding. Afterwards, he looked at Feng Li and said:

"Why not ask an official and send someone to kill the gangsters?"

"If this is the case, the problem can be solved, but it will make my father a reputation for incompetence. This position of guarding can be considered the first."

Wu Fengli said helplessly.

"That's right, but I don't know anything about the gangsters in Hongyan Mountain, I guess I can't help this"

Aspen took advantage and wanted not to buy it.

Sugar-coated shells Sugar-coated cannonballs, I'll eat the shells for you and throw them back.

"Well, let me tell Brother Bai the situation in Hongyan Mountain. Brother Bai will be clear."

Xi Fengli laughed.

Your uncle, it really came prepared, it seems that things are not easy to take ...

Then a man from Tsing Yi came over, spread out a flat map, Feng Li walked over, pointed to a square and said:

"This is Deyang Town"

Then his finger flickered along a line and said:

"Here is Hongyan Mountain. The mountain here is steep and easy to defend. It is surrounded by thousands of wicked gangsters. My father has led people to besiege several times. "

Is this up to Lao Tzu? Poplar's heart was super speechless, and he casually said:

"Since the mountains are so steep that you can't attack it, you must surround the road down the mountain, so that the gangsters will not be able to get down. Without the supply, the gangsters will naturally not attack and break themselves!"

"It makes sense, but Brother Bai, what if the gangsters have a secret retreat?"

Wu Fengli nodded and asked again.

那就 "then find their way out and block up"

Aspens will cope at will again ~ www.readwn.com ~ But if they have enough supplies, they wo n’t be able to get them in a short time? "

Xi Fengli followed up with this possibility.

这样 "This way, then change another way, set / burn the mountain and burn them all to death".

Anyway, there are many ways to aspen.

"Brother Bai, the special geology of Hongyan Mountain, there is almost no vegetation around, I am afraid it will not burn"

Wu Fengli smiled bitterly.

"Wait, Brother Feng, what kind of red rock mountain is the color red?"

Aspen frowned slightly, then raised an eyebrow.

"indeed so"

Feng Fengli nodded slightly in surprise.

Bai Yang's heart jumped and he was lying in bed, what a special hair, if it really is like that ...

"Brother Feng, this way, I don't know about Hongyan Mountain, can you take me to take a look"?

Regardless of what gangster you are and what purpose your gift is, anyway, Poplar is a chance to see development. If it is as expected, what Hongyan Mountain must get in your own hands!

"Um, it's okay, but it's too late now ..."

Wu Fengli said suddenly, he couldn't figure out why the poplar was so unconcerned before that.

"That's easy, we'll see it tomorrow morning"

Aspen immediately took the road.

If it is profitable, Bai Yang will try to get rid of the gangsters on the Red Rock Mountain, and no one should want to stop the uncle from getting rich. If it is not the same as expected, Bai Yang will not be so attentive. thing……

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