Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1262: I'm not that kind of person!

Hundreds of bridges straddled the void, one in the open space outside the deserted city, and the other outside the lake.

More than one million strong men of all ethnic groups flocked onto the bridge. They were extremely fast. Two-thirds of the people in the blink of an eye had already stood on the bridge, and those who ran fast in the front had reached two-thirds of the lake. Already.

Whenever it is on the bridge, it's okay, and the bridge has not collapsed into the water for no reason.

Various races in the starry sky outside the world, different races are all hostile forces, but at this time people are restraining, daring to rush to the road and do not dare to move in the slightest.

Although taking this opportunity to destroy the bridge pit is the best time for everyone, everyone knows that if they are on the bridge, they will not be able to survive once they destroy the bridge.

But, those who run in the forefront don't think so. They blink with cold light, paying attention to destroy the bridge once they first arrive in the deserted city!

In this way, not only can I kill countless powerful enemies, but I can also reduce the number of competitors competing for the fountain of life, or I can have a huge amount of luck to account for it ...

Not only to destroy the bridges you pass, but also to destroy the bridges of other races and weaken the strength of each race!

It is conceivable that once the strong men of various ethnic groups on the bridge are killed, what kind of blow will it be for each race.

The people in front have such thoughts, and the people in the back can naturally think that once they get on the bridge, they are walking on the edge of life and death!

Lagging people not only use the power of milking to hurry, in order to prevent the people in front of them from destroying the bridge, everyone has every intention to strengthen the bridge, and at least you must allow yourself to reach the Great Wilderness before the bridge can be destroyed. Immortality, as long as you land yourself, care about other people's lives?

With such ideas in mind, the strong men of all races came to a speedy race ...

On the human group side, Bai Yang and Shan Qiulin were at the end. After seeing so many people going up the bridge, Shan Qiulin was not calm and urged Bai Yang to say, "Old Bai, let's hurry up!"

Bai Yang glanced at the old man who was unmoved, and shook his head gently at Shan Qiulin, "Lao Shan is steady, and he can't go up now!"

"Why? Many people are approaching the Wilderness City. If we go late, I'm afraid that the fountain of life has already fallen into the hands of others," Shan Qiulin wondered.

Looking at the strong men of various races on the bridge, Bai Yang numbly said, "We are going up too late now. Once the leader will destroy the bridge, have you thought of the consequences? And, there were all races some time ago. The strong ones have entered the barren city one after another. If the fountain of life is taken away long ago, it will not be our turn, so there is no need to be in a hurry. "

Hearing Bai Yang's words, Shan Qiulin completely calmed down, knowing that he was in a bad mood, took a deep breath and stopped speaking.

He reacted with cold sweat, thinking that, as Bai Yang said, if he was in the middle of the bridge, the people in front would destroy the bridge ...

As much as Bai Yang knows a lot of people. After almost two-thirds of the strong people of all ethnic groups have stepped on the bridge, few others have gone up again, and even some who had originally gone up have chosen to return after a little hesitation.

The various ethnic groups under the bridge watched nervously, expecting people on the bridge to pass, because then it proves that the method works, even if the people in front of them destroy the bridge, they will rebuild it, but they also expect that people will not live because No one wants to be seized by others.

In a tense and dignified atmosphere, when someone on the bridge approached one-fifth of the deserted city, the mutants were born!

The original calm and calm lake water suddenly turned into a violent anomaly. The lake set off a hundred-mile high wave, destroying the bridges and destroying them!

Bang Bang Bang ...

The bridge collapsed, and the people on the bridge stood unstable and fell into the water like dumplings!

This situation came too suddenly, and no one had thought that such a thing would happen. Many people were swamped by the lake without even having a chance to react, and they couldn't even leave a trace in this world.

People who have a fast response, although panic-stricken in their hearts, try to keep calm and save themselves, but they ca n’t fly, and they are useless as a body. In any way, they are useless in front of the surging lake.

"No ... why is this so!"

"I don't want to die, who will save me?"

A desperate scream came, but in the end they were drowned by the raging lake ...

In less than a minute, the lake level calmed down, and hundreds of bridges across the banks were completely destroyed. After the strong men of all ethnic groups on the bridge fell into the water, all traces of this world were wiped out!

It was so tragic that at least 600,000 strong men of all ethnic groups died in this sudden disaster.

The whole process was very short. When the lake began to be violent, those who had just boarded the bridge immediately backed away, but Rao only survived a very small part.

The shore became silent, and the remaining hundreds of thousands of strong men of all races looked pale again and trembled at the calm lake. Fortunately, they didn't rush to run up, or else there were so many strong men who died. ...

Why is this happening?

Obviously at the beginning, there was no omen. It was okay when the bridge was set up, and it was okay just after getting on the bridge, but something happened when people saw the hope of entering the deserted city ...

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out.

After this time, the degree of fear of the strong men of all races living on the shore against the lake, if it was 10, was now increased to 100 points!

What about cheating?

Staring at the calm lake, Aspen was astonished, so many strong men of all races, how lucky would it be if they were killed by themselves? However, they were drowned by the lake and had no share at all ...

Shan Qiulin shuddered and swallowed his mouth and said, "Old Bai, you still have a foresight. Fortunately, we didn't get on the bridge, otherwise ..."

Shan Qiulin couldn't say any more. At this time, there was only a feeling of the rest of his life after the disaster.

"As long as they were on the bridge, they were all dead. In the end, although the people who responded to the bridge responded in time, there were no survivors who returned to the shore. However, there were still people who took the opportunity to enter the deserted city, no more than a hundred This should be a truly outstanding representative of all ethnic groups hidden in the crowd! "Bai Yang frowned.

Prior to this, strong men of various ethnic groups have entered the deserted city in various ways. Naturally, there existed more than one million strong men of various ethnic groups on the shore of the lake. They were just indecisive, but after boarding the bridge In particular, after experiencing a sudden disaster, they had no choice but to break the boat, and they really passed, and they did not know if it was lucky or unfortunate.

Inexplicably trembling, Bai Yang thought of something. Suddenly, he pulled Shan Qiulin and disappeared. He turned around a lot. When he reappeared, he and Shan Qiulin had changed their looks. Not only did his appearance and breath completely change.

All this happened too quickly, Shan Qiulin did not respond at all.

After the two changed their face, Shan Qiulin wondered in secret: "Lao Bai, what do you mean?"

"My brother, you don't even want to think about it. I put forward the idea of ​​setting up the bridge. I've died so many times now. I think this account will be counted on our head with my butt. Do you have to keep a low profile? Said Bai Yang's face with a toothache.

Indeed, as Bai Yang imagined, there were so many dead on the bridge. After the various ethnic groups on the shore reacted, they began to look for the original figure of Bai Yang. He indirectly killed hundreds of thousands of strong people of all ethnic groups. To the point of being enemies!

"The kid who first proposed the bridge, get out of me."

"Killed him because he killed tens of thousands of my compatriots. He must be killed!"

"I vaguely remember his name is Bai Yang, yes, that's right, that's the name, Qing Dan Holy Land Zhao Danyang mentioned it in the past!"

"Get out and die!"

An angry roar rang through the void, and countless murderous eyes were patrolling through the human race, and they all wanted to find Bai Yang to frustrate his ashes.

However, Aspen has foresight and has changed his face a long time ago.

Various ethnic groups could not find the poplar's trace, but did not give up. The immortality of the poplar could not calm down the anger.

"Isn't that kid who followed the bridge and died in the lake?"

"Not necessarily. Everyone works together. Someone who sees through the false pupil technique, exerts your ability, and looks carefully, you must find him ...!"

"Yes, it must be hiding, find him!"

The parties could not find the traces of the two poplars, so they began to find a way, and a pair of divine eyes looked over to tour the ethnic group.

At this moment, the human race has become the target of all ethnic groups. In the face of the eyes of each ethnic group, there is only a great deal of pressure. In the event that each ethnic group launches a siege, it will not be able to carry it.

So now, not only do all the races hate Aspen to pit their companions, but even human beings hate Aspen, if they do n’t have the idea of ​​Aspen ’s outbreak, where will they become the targets of the same enemy?

The aliens are looking for the two poplars, and the human beings are also looking for them. The aliens want to avenge and vent their anger. The human race simply wants to push the two poplars to calm the anger of all ethnic groups.

But where are Aspen and Shan Qiulin at the moment?

They changed their face, and when they were in chaos on all sides, instead of taking the opportunity to escape, they came to the edge of the lake sneakily!

"Lao Bai, what do you want to do?" Shan Qiulin asked secretly.

The pressure is great. Although he is confident, Shan Qiulin has to persuade the anger of hundreds of thousands of strong people of various ethnic groups. The move of Bai Yang to the lake instead of running makes him confused.

"I can't stay here, I can only enter the deserted city to hide," Bai Yang quietly replied watching the calm lake.

"Entering the Wilderness City?" Shan Qiulin asked suddenly.

When Poplar didn't say a word, and no one noticed it, the terrible lake actually dropped a drop and fell into his hands.

Aspen was pleased that his water system power was still useful, and he could control this weird lake!

Although it can be controlled, Aspen apparently feels that the lake contains its own terrible power. Even a drop of water is violently corroding his mind. Although he can control the lake, if he is surrounded by the lake, it is estimated that it will take 10 minutes. To die is only a little longer than others' persistence.

However, when a nine-pin merit Jinlian's merit flame appeared in the aspen's hands and surrounded that drop of water, the terrible power contained in the lake disappeared!

"The torch of merit is all the evil and destructive nemesis in the world. It's so stupid that even this weird lake is stable!"

To herself, Poplar took out a boat-shaped instrument from the storage ring ~ www.readwn.com ~ and enlarged it to three meters long, surrounded by a boat of meritorious torch and threw it into the water, then pulled Shan Qiulin to jump into the boat, The water system controls the lake around the boat and pushes the boat towards the deserted city like an off-line arrow ...

Fearing in a boat on the lake in fright, after confirming that nothing was wrong, Shan Qiulin was silent for a moment and entangled and asked Bai Yang: "Did you know that you can control the lake early?"

"Well, as soon as I came here, I felt it when I saw the lake, but I could n’t control it in a large area. I could n’t even let a slap swarm leave the lake. Otherwise, I would control the lake on a large scale. Can I live? "Poplar nodded and admitted frankly.

His mouth twitched, and Shan Qiulin shouted, "Why did you propose a bridge? Did you deliberately kill the strong alien?"

"Am I that kind of person? I just want to experiment to see if I can bridge the bridge. You have seen it. It turns out that it doesn't work at all. I can't help it. In fact, I want to show you a clear way to let everyone All the races have the opportunity to enter the wilderness city to compete for the fountain of life. I have never thought of harming others. I am not that kind of person. You have to believe me, "said Bai Yangyi.

Shan Qiulin's mouth twitched, hehehe didn't speak anymore, and he believed your evil words ...

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