Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 1263: Boat of the other side

On the shore of the lake, all ethnic groups are looking for the traces of the two poplars. Naturally, they cannot be found. On the contrary, the atmosphere of each ethnic group and the ethnic group is extremely tense, and it will always trigger a scuffle.

"Look, someone actually has water!"

An exclamation sounded, attracting the attention of all parties, hundreds of thousands of eyes looked at the lake, and half of the living creatures were in a daze.

How can this be possible by boat?

You have to know that the flying feathers of the weird lake will die if it doesn't touch the surface. Someone ferries to it, which is more unreliable than building a bridge.

However, such a thing happened, and all parties could only watch the ship swiftly toward the deserted city like an arrow off the string.

"That's why Master, it's so capable, it seems that the lake water is no different from ordinary river water!"

"I'm afraid it is an old monster that cannot be seen in the world. Such a person naturally has a unique ability."

"It doesn't look like they are obviously very young and too young, but how could they be so capable?"

"Does anyone know them?"

There were many discussions, and they were guessing the identity of the two poplars on the lake, but they could not get the answer.

During the discussion, I didn't know who was entangled and said, "The two people are very young, wouldn't they be the two guys who proposed the bridge before?"

"Should not, how could they have such a skill? And the atmosphere and appearance are completely different." Some people questioned.

But then, a roar with a sore egg in the anger rang out and said, "Oh god, it's really them. You see, although their looks have changed, the other one is covered with a black cloth band, clearly they are them. ! "

As soon as this sentence came out, the surroundings suddenly became silent, and the expressions of constipation and soreness on the faces of all parties, and the numb skin, really let the two boys run away!

"You can't let them run away, you must kill them to avenge your fellow citizens, and kill hundreds of thousands of backbones of our tribe. It is difficult to deal with it. Why can't I face the world without killing me!"

"Yes, kill them for revenge"

"But they went in the middle of the lake, how could they kill? It would be useless to enter the lake by any means ..."

The parties recognized the identity of the two poplars, shouting and roaring to kill them, but they were only called fiercely, there was no way to take the two poplars at all, especially the last sentence appeared, and they immediately chatted to death. .

Damn, people are in the water, how do you kill? Jump and hunt? I'm afraid you didn't die first ...

The parties tangled in desperation, and could only watch as the two poplars drifted away.

Unwilling to be filled with anger but helpless, it is even more annoying that the two of them are obviously likely to enter the deserted city, does not it mean that they have a chance to get the fountain of life!

In this way, the hatred of the two parties has been deepened by the parties, and they have enmity. Seeing that the enemy may get a huge benefit, the imbalance of mind makes the hatred of all parties grow.

No way, human nature, no one wants to see the enemy live better than himself.

The identity of the two poplars was revealed, and the parties did not continue to struggle. Instead, they were trying to figure out how to get past. When they killed the poplars in the past, they avenged and found the fountain of life.

However, although one by one is so anxious to die, I dare not get involved easily.

The parties no longer search for poplars everywhere, but the human side was a little relieved, because the arrogant atmosphere disappeared as the identity of the two poplars was revealed.

They are all thinking about entering the Wilderness City to find the fountain of life, and there is no time to talk with the human race. It is only reasonable to think of a way.

Behind the human group, the old man who had talked with the two poplars before, at this time looking at the poplars on the lake with a strange expression in their weird faces, a little surprised, a little incredible.

"It turned out that the merit fire protects the ship's hull. It is no wonder that it can cross the lake containing the bitter seawater of Huangquan. The merit fire guard is not affected by cause and effect. It is called inviolability, no wonder, no wonder." Expression.

No one knows what the weird lake is, but the old man knows it.

This lake has no name, but the water in it contains the water of the bitter sea of ​​Huangquan. Huangquan represents absolute death, and bitter sea represents boundless sinking. Therefore, the living creatures who entered the lake's range fell into the water and died no matter how they struggled.

Unless someone can understand the true meaning of life and death, but also has the will to break the fate of the fate to reach the other side, or the corresponding treasure body, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to spend the lake safely.

Merit is a godsend, and merit is the protection of heaven. Naturally, they can also protect the two poplars from the lake that contains the bitter water of Huangquan.

After thinking about this, the old man no longer tangled, looked around, it seemed boring, or maybe he was interested in Dahuangcheng. After thinking about it, he came to the lake.

Regardless of the unbelievable glances of the surrounding parties, he turned over and took out a palm-sized dark boat, and threw it into the water. The dark boat rose to the storm and turned into a ten-meter-long ship.

The ship is dark and hairy, and there is no cabin. There is only a small mast, and the mast is not a sail, but a dead white wind lamp. There is a dark bell under the wind lamp. The sound of tinkling lightly, listening to your ears, makes people feel subconsciously cold.

The dark ship floated quietly in the water, and the old man jumped into the ship gently, then shook his paddle and sailed towards the opposite shore.

The boat moved, and the sound of Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding

Seeing this scene, a young man next to him subconsciously said, "Old man, can you take me for a ride?"

The old man on the boat turned his head and smiled kindly: "Young man, are you sure?"

For some reason, the old man's smile was very kind, but the questioning young man trembled subconsciously after seeing it. He shook his head and straightened his teeth. "No ... no need ..."

The old man didn't care, and Yuji cruised the boat towards the opposite shore.

Until the old man drove the weird black ship far away, some people in the crowd exclaimed: "That is the boat of the other shore. In the legend, the boat of the other shore that is infinitely close to Shipinjidao Shenbing has the opportunity to be able to transcend the other shore and achieve eternity. That other boat! "

As soon as this sentence came out, the surroundings fell into silence for a while, followed by an incredible discussion.

The legendary boat on the other side is a 10,000-year-old sage monk peak Shinto monk who failed to impact the level of the master. At that time, the sage monk peak monk almost shocked the lord to successfully escape from life and death to obtain eternal life. However, he still fell short. He had died out of life, but the boat on the other side remained undiscovered.

Because the monk at the peak of the sage realm attacked the Taoist master, although the boat on the other side could not be promoted to the top ten ranks, he also had some characteristics of the top ten ranks militia.

And now, the legendary boat on the other side seems to be reappearing on earth!

"Boat on the other shore? Impossible, rumored that the predecessor before 10,000 yuan failed to attack the level of the master, and then disappeared. If it is the other ship, then who is the old man?"

"Will he not be the predecessor who defeated the master level before 10,000 yuan? Otherwise, how could he have mastered the boat on the other side?"

"It is impossible. The senior had fallen completely. It could not be him. The boat on the other side was on that person. At best, he just got it by chance."

"Ah, no matter what, the boat on the other side is a fact. I didn't expect a fountain of life to draw out such soldiers, and I don't know how many legendary existences will appear ..."

All sides talked about it and thoroughly understood how terrible the attraction of the fountain of life was. At this moment, the boat of the other shore came out. What else would come out?

However, these two poplars and Shan Qiulin are unknown.

Bai Yang drove the boat. The hull was surrounded by the fire of merit, so the lake water was nothing. He then operated the lake water to push the boat forward, approaching the deserted city quickly.

A weird lake like condemnation for all parties, they are a little closer to the opposite shore like a vacation.

After a short time, the two came to the shore outside the deserted city. After landing, they were completely at ease on the ground.

Looking back at the weird lake behind, I don't know how many lives were buried.

"Be careful next, there is no simple one who can enter the Great Wilderness City. It is best not to be in conflict. We have to develop in a trivial way, aiming at the fountain of life, don't you know the waves." forest.

"I understand," Shan Qiulin answered casually, and didn't know if he hadn't heard Bai Yang's words.

Aspen did not tangled, and officially went to the deserted city.

Dahuangcheng is a square city with a wall high in kilometers, ancient and mottled, and many places have collapsed but still stand still.

There is a vacant lot of land outside the city, but no vegetation exists, extremely dead and desolate.

There are many severely weathered bones and weapon armors in the open space. I don't know how many years ago.

After taking two steps, Shan Qiulin suddenly raised his head and faced in a certain direction on the wall and said in a deep voice: "It's a strong sword, and it's still endless after endless years. It seems to break the world!"

Bai Yang looked in the direction that Shan Qiulin said, except that he saw a sword mark less than ten meters long on the wall ~ www.readwn.com ~ I didn't feel the so-called sword intention. It's not an illusion.

Perhaps understanding the doubts of Bai Yang's heart, Shan Qiulin explained: "It's just a simple sword. The endless years are already very thin. You are not a pure swordsman, of course you can't feel it"

"Although I can't feel the sword you said, I saw something extraordinary. At least one hundred pieces of nine-grade weapons are inlaid on this wall, but the endless years have passed and these pieces have been lost. Divinity turned into scrap iron, "said Bai Yang, looking at the wall.

Shan Qiulin didn't say anything, and Bai Yang felt boring, and observed for a moment to go to the gate.

The 100-meter-high city gate opened, and the gate was mostly destroyed. Vaguely, you could see the sword and sword on the gate.

At the top of the gate, the words "Dahuangcheng" are extremely vague.

These three characters are not written in the text of the Tianyuan Empire, but are an extremely ancient text that can be traced back to at least 100,000 yuan.

The reason why I know these three words is because Bai Yang has seen such words on the Eternal Boat ...

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