Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 412: Kenzuka

In the direction of the kitten's finger, a few thousand meters away, there was a huge mountain standing thousands of feet high, straight into the sky, and the clouds covering the mist above the mountainside.

The mountain is black, cold and deep, and majestic, with waterfalls rushing down and birds and animals dormant on the mountain.

That mountain gave people a feeling of sorrow, there was no vitality, there were not many plants growing on the mountain, and even if there were, the leaves were withered.

What a weird feeling!

Aspen frowned and asked the kitten: "Why is Shan blind going there? Can he see?"

Xiao Yu shook her head and said with a puzzled expression: "I don't know. After the master left, Shan Gong likes to walk around alone, and then he thinks about the mountain a lot. Just this morning, he took the little wolf. There, I have n’t come back yet "

Looking up at the sky, here is the sun and the sky, and probably calculated, Shan Qiulin actually took the silver wolf to the mountain for almost ten hours.

"This blind man doesn't know what the ghost is doing, and what the Shinto estimates may have found. Let's go and see." Bai Yang touched his chin and pondered for a moment to make a decision.

Said to go, Aspen did not take the others, and went with the kitten in that direction.

A sharp bird sounded through the sky, and Aspen looked up, and suddenly slipped his lips.

But it was Yu Feifeng's mount raptor. At this time, hovering at a height of hundreds of meters lamented in the direction of the cold and hot spring outside the Mi River Forest. .

After glancing at her, Aspen and the kitten went on, not a few kilometers away, and soon they reached the foot of the mountain.

Standing under this twilight mountain, a man seemed too small.

Along the way, Aspen found traces of the silver wolf, and the remains of some poisonous beasts.

This blind man treats my silver wolf as a coolie?

Aspen is speechless. If Shan Qiulin had killed the poisonous beast along the way, it should be the trace of sword cutting, which is very distinguishable ...

"Master, Shangong, they should have gone to the upper half of the mountain," said the kitten, pointing to the direction of the mountain.

"Let's go and see" Poplar nodded.

The two just took a step, the kitten moved, and looked down in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Bai Yang asked.

The kitten held a broad sword in his hand. At this moment, he looked up at the broad sword and wondered, "Master, I feel like it was just now. The sword in my hand trembled."

"Is there such a thing?" Bai Yang was puzzled, and looked closely without any surprise.

"It should not be an illusion, but now there is no change," the kitten looked at Bai Yang with certainty.

The broad sword in the kitten's hand is still the titanium alloy sword brought by Aspen from the earth. There is nothing special, but the kitten said that it shuddered when they stepped into the mountain range!

The mountain is weird, and the poplar frowns.

"We continue to go up. Although this mountain has a weird feeling, there should be no great danger." For a moment, Bai Yang moved on with his kitten.


A whistling came, and Yu Feifeng descended from the sky, fell on a rock more than ten meters away from the two poplars, looked up at the mountain and said in a deep voice: "This mountain is weird, so don't go up"

"What are you doing?" Bai Yang looked at her silently.

She looked at Bai Yang with an unnatural look. Yu Feifeng might have thought that it was a matter of being seen by Bai Yang in the labyrinth. His eyes flickered, and he raised his hand and said to Bai Yang: "Look at yourself"

Looking at the yarn, Poplar froze, then raised an eyebrow.

Yu Feifeng held the palm-shaped black giant sword, but now the giant sword in her hand was shaking slightly.

"Did you see it? Although Jumen Sword is not a peerless weapon, it is far beyond ordinary weapons, but when I set foot here, I feel like it's scared!" Yu Feifeng looked at Bai Yangning solemnly.

"Your giant gate sword is perfect? ​​Do you know how scared?" Bai Yang stared.

"You love to die" Yu Feifeng gritted her teeth and turned away.

"Master, girl Yufeifeng seems to you ..." The kitten looked at Bai Yang with a strange look.

"Nothing, this girl is nervous, ignore her, thinking I don't know? Now showing me good is actually trying to let me take the risk to save her brother, the ghost has the restless mind." Bai Yang put his lips away and didn't care.

"Oh" The kitten nodded and said nothing.

There is a stone path up the mountain. I do n’t know how many years have passed. It is covered with moss. The dead tree leaves have buried the stone path.

Through mindful observation, Bai Yang guessed that there must have been any major event in the history of this mountain. In many places, he saw the white bones buried in the corners, as well as broken weapons.

Especially on the mountain, there are many traces of sword cutting, some are thousands of meters long, and some are collapsing the mountain. However, these years have been buried by nature.

Perhaps there was a baby on this mountain before it was ransacked by the Chen Dynasty. Bai Yang's heart made a malicious guess.

All the way up, stepping on the rotten leaves, the surrounding was bare and dead, the atmosphere was soaking.

"Master, be careful!"

The kitten exclaimed, stepping in front of the poplar, the titanium sword in her hand came out of the sheath, a flash of sharpness flashed, a muffled sound, and something fell.

A black-haired mouse with a length of one meter just rushed out of the hole to attack the two poplars and was stabbed and killed by a kitten.

What a big mouse like to eat.

With a shrug, Aspen looked at the kitten and said, "The cat is good, it's good enough."

"Master, don't make fun of me, I'm still far behind." Kitty bowed her head a little bit shy and had seen too many masters. She was really capable of this.

"I'm serious," said Poplar rubbing her head.

Of course, he is serious. Although he is a cat in this world, he can definitely slay a group of so-called elite special forces without panting in this world.

The road up the mountain is not easy to go. From time to time, there are some poisonous beasts attacking them. Fortunately, they are very weak, and the kittens can solve it by themselves. Aspen did not take the shot, and it feels good to let the kittens practice their hands.

All the way up, more than an hour later, they had reached the upper half of the mountain covered by clouds, and many poisonous beasts died in the hands of the kitten on the way.

Fortunately, kittens are also warriors, but ordinary beasts can't help her.

In the end, there was no road ahead of them, and at their feet was a huge platform in a cloud of mist.

The area of ​​the platform is no less than a football field, and the cyan stone ground is covered with dead leaves.

Through the dead branches and leaves, Poplar Nianli saw that the original flat stone ground was potholes, covered with the marks of swords and swords, and broken bones. It has experienced brutal slaughter here, the endless years have passed, the kind The atmosphere of assassination still seems to be lingering.

"This place is weird" A deep, condensed voice sounded behind the poplar and the kitten.

Bai Yang turned around and looked at Yu Feifeng speechlessly and said, "What are you doing here?"

"It's not yours, why can't I come?" Yu Feifeng stared.

Well, I ignore you.

Bai Yang turned his lips and looked at the front of the platform, but noticed that when he came here, the giant sword in Yu Feifeng's hands trembled even more, as if he was afraid of trembling.

At the end of the platform, above the mountain, there is a dark hole, dozens of meters high, like the mouth of a fierce beast. The footprints of Shan Qiulin and Silver Wolf have always entered the hole.

Alas ...

A howling came from the mouth of the cave, and then the ground trembled slightly. In the rumbling voice, a huge silver figure rushed out of the mouth of the cave.

The silver wolf rushed out, came to Bai Yang's side and circled around him, and finally climbed beside Bai Yang's head and gently struck him with his head.

"It's such a big man, but the snake guts of the python is a powerful feed?" Bai Yang looked at the silver wolf beside him and said nothing.

This guy is silver-colored, and he didn't see it grow to nearly 20 meters in length in a few days. Standing two feet high, when he opened his mouth, Aspen estimated that he was not enough to plug his teeth.

"Woohoo ..." The silver wolf snarled Aspen, his throat sobbing, and his intimacy was incomparable.

Touching the head of the silver wolf, Aspen found that in the center of its head, under the fluffy hair, there was a silver unicorn, one foot long and thick wrists. Compared to its body shape, it was a bit pocket-sized.

The guts of the python have mutated, and I don't know what the single horn means.

With a murmur in his heart, Aspen and his kitten turned and rode on the back of Silver Wolf and patted his head. "Go, take me to the blind man."

Whoo ...

The silver wolf responded, got up and rushed, and rushed into the hole with the white poplar kitten.

Not far away, Yu Feifeng frowned, glanced at the hole in front, and looked at the giant trembling sword in his hand, and finally clenched his teeth to quickly follow ...

This dark cave was not very deep, and it reached the end in one or two hundred meters. It was slanting downward and penetrated the mountain hinterland.

At the end of this cave is a space full of a dozen football fields, which is not dark. Occasionally, there is a night fist with large fists inlaid with light to illuminate the space.

The blind Shan Qiulin is here, still holding a piece of wood in his hands, walking slowly slowly step by step.

He is blind, and is literally walking around ...

"Lao Dan, what about you doing hair?" Bai Yang was led by Yin Wolf at Shan Qiulin.

"You're here" Shan Qiulin nodded, not surprised at all.

Aspen and kitten came down from Silver Wolf and walked over and asked, "What's found?"

Shan Qiulin heard the words, raised his only right hand and rushed to Bai Yang and said, "Look!"

"What's the matter?" Bai Yang stared ~ www.readwn.com ~ Shan Qiulin was holding a wooden sword in his hand, but at this moment, the wooden sword in his hand kept trembling, and it would break up at any time.

Uh ...

Not only that, even the titanium sword in the kitten's hand was shaking, and even made a sound because of the violent.

"Look again" Shan Qiulin put his arm down, wiped his toes on the ground, wiped away the dust, and a dent appeared on the ground.

"This seems to be a dent in a sword?" Poplar frowned. The question is, what do you want to express, Lao Shan?

"See it? Although I can't see it, but I guess, this place should be the place where the iron sword gate was buried in history, commonly known as the sword grave!" Shan Qiulin said with a smile.

Did you find this together? The stone wall at the entrance is covered by moss. I can see the two words of the house-sized sword mound!

As soon as he thought, what Poplar seemed to understand ...

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