Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 413: Lao Dan has to work again

The so-called sword grave is the tomb of the sword. No matter how glorious the past of a sword is, once it is buried in the sword grave, it represents the end of its glorious experience. ≥8

Swords are lifeless, but as a weapon, they will be destroyed one day. The swordsman regards the sword in his hand as life and has great respect for it. Often after the sword in his hand is destroyed, he will be buried in the land of the sword tomb Way to express resentment and respect for the sabre.

Tiejianmen was once a big school of swords, and it can be understood that there is a special place for buried swords.

Here is the grave mountain, it's just the grave mountain of the sword ...

Bai Yang's heart is clear, no wonder that whenever the sword body approaches here, it will tremble. It turned out to be scared. After all, sword mound represents ‘death’ for a sword.

"There are countless people with swords in the world. They regard the sword in their hands as their second life and fight with others. If the sword in their hands is destroyed, they will be buried, which almost represents their own death. It ’s better to say that the swordsman himself was buried, so a place like Jianzuka was born. ”

"There is another meaning in the land of sword mound. There are many strong men in the world. Their sabers often give birth to a spirituality gradually with the master's strength. If the master dies, he will choose to hide his sword. The sharp, flying into the sword grave is equivalent to being buried with the master, "explains Shan Qiulin's voice without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

Looking around, Bai Yang curiously asked: "Then according to your statement, there should be a lot of swords buried in this place, but there is no hair, even if a sword is destroyed, its materials are not likely to decay so quickly. Right? "

"The ancestor of the Chen Dynasty once enlisted Tiejianmen. Do you think he would let go of the many swords buried in the land of the sword mound?" Shan Qiulin said with a lip.

Well, the meaning is obvious, this place has been ransacked, a hair has not been left, and the sword in the land of Jianzuka can be recovered even if it is destroyed. If you encounter a self-appointed sword, I sent it ...

"Hey?" Looking at Shan Qiulin, Bai Yang looked up and down with a look of surprise.

"Why are you surprised?" Shan Qiulin said silently.

As she looked around Shan Qiulin, Bai Yang asked rhetorically, "Where's the sword of Jianlin's inheritance? Where did it go, wasn't it because of the fear of the land of sword grave?"

"The truth is I don't know. After coming to this place, the sword flew away ..." Shan Qiulin shrugged.

He didn't even care what was inherited or not, and that sword was optional to him.

"What, did you get the inheritance under the hot and cold springs?" An exclaimed sound came behind them.

Bai Yang turned around and looked at Yu Feifeng with a startled expression. "What's so strange about this, otherwise why do you think so many people targeted us in the hot and cold spring?"

"So many people worked hard, but the inheritance was eventually obtained by you. The dead did not know what they would think, but fortunately, the sword is a martial arts heritage, and there is a Shinto heritage there," Yu Feifeng sighed.

Bai Yang has a weird face and ignores her. The Shinto heritage has been acquired by me or I will not tell you ...

"Let ’s go, there is nothing here, it is useless to stay, but I want to stay here for a while," Shan Qiulin said.

"Why are you staying? Want to bury a piece of wood in your hand and bury it? Is it worth it?" Bai Yang was surprised.

Faced with this empty sword mound, Shan Qiulin said with a smile on his mouth: "I came here with a feeling, and there was a vague feeling, and a second set of swordsmanship would be created!"

Poplar stared and looked at him and said, "Just in the cold and hot springs, you used a sword of a warrior to kill a dozen swordsman samurai swordsmanship?"

"I do n’t know, but what I want to explain is that the sword technique used at the time was not perfect, and there were other sword tricks that I did not create. Maybe the realm and understanding were not enough, but the sword technique I thought of here, "It will be another completely different swordsmanship" Shan Qiulin shook his head.

Although Shan Qiulin couldn't see it, Poplar still gave a thumbs up.

You ox fork, to create such hanging swordsmanship, is not perfect yet, this has the idea of ​​creating a second set of swordsmanship. With the reference of the first set of swordsmanship, Bai Yang feels that the second set of swordsmanship is also estimated. Very hanging.

After speaking, Shan Qiulin ignored the poplar. Although he couldn't see it, he groped and walked to the center of the sword to sit cross-legged and put the wooden sword on his knee and fell silent.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes. Bai Yang said to the kitten that was a little dazed by his side: "Cat, look at it, and wait for this guy to step out of the land of sword grave. There will be bad luck for those who use swords in the world."

"Why?" The kitten didn't understand.

"Where is this place? Sword grave, the sword technique he created here, maybe it is the end of the sword technique in the world. You said that you can't hang it, old man is doing something!" Bai Yang shrugged.

"Do you mean that he created his own swordsmanship that killed so many people in Lengrequan at that time? Now he will create another swordsmanship?" Yu Feifeng in He asked in a circle.

"Yeah, did you know?" Bai Yang pouted.

"How is this possible? Although there are geniuses who can create swordsmanship in the world, the swordsmanship he created should not be the one he can create." Yu Feifeng shook his head in disbelief, thinking it was incredible.

"My sister, that ’s the truth. I ’m telling you, dumbfounded, right? You ’re sitting on the sky and watching the sky, right? You know what to ask, the rest of this guy's life is probably given to the broken piece of wood in his hand. It ’s weird to have the extreme love to be able to surpass the sword. It ’s so strange to create such a sword technique. You do n’t understand it when you say it, and you despise the cow playing the piano.

Then, Poplar ignored the bewildered Yu Feifeng over there, and frowned and said to the kitten, "Cat, let me tell you, whoever is unhappy in the future, I will let the old list go out, and I will not have to do it myself. Hehe "

"Old Bai, don't bother me, okay? Also, you blatantly want to treat me as a thug without thinking about my feelings?" Shan Qiulin over there was super speechless.

"You owe me," Bai Yang said with confidence.

Well, I don't talk to you, Shan Qiulin sighs in his heart, and feels that encountering Bai Yang is a great tragedy in his life.

It was enough, but Poplar didn't bother Shan Qiulin any more, but took the kitten Silver Wolf away from him, but didn't leave Jianzhu, but just wandered around.

What if the people of the Chen Dynasty did not scavenge here and pick up a weapon of the magical soldiers, and where did the sword of inheritance go?

Yu Feifeng was dumbfounded by herself. Although she thought she was not inferior to others in the same realm, she could n’t even think about creating a swordsmanship. It was n’t that she could n’t do two tricks. use? Very shameful ...

However, the blind man sitting quietly, a disabled person, and a guy in the warrior realm, actually created the second set of swordsmanship after creating the first set of terrible swordsmanship.

"Only with extreme emotion can you be extremely sword ... This person is either a buried genius, or is born with a sword bone and soul, and has his own extraordinary qualifications for kendo. Unfortunately, such people only recognize that Big badass, how could he have such a big personality charm? "Yu Feifeng said to himself, completely messed up to the world.

Among the sword mounds, Bai Yang took a kitten and strolled around the back of the silver wolf without any purpose. The sword mound was big enough to stop for a while.

Soon after, the silver wolf stepped, his body trembled, and his silver hair exploded for a moment.

"What?" Bai Yang patted the silver wolf's neck.

"Woohoo ..." The silver wolf was low, sobbing at the dark forward throat.

The kitten was in Poplar's arms, with red ears and red ears, because Poplar's hands were not idle, and she liked to grab two soft round objects on her body to make her whole body soft.

Now she raised her finger in Bai Yanghuai's dark front and was surprised: "Master, there's something weird over there"

In the direction of the kitten's finger, Aspen looked, there was nothing left there, but he patted Silver Wolf's neck and said, "Look over."

"Woohoo" Silver Wolf responded and stepped forward.

After walking for dozens of meters, there was no road ahead. It was already the edge of the sword mound and the dark stone wall.

"Master, it's the sword," the kitten exclaimed, and stretched her fingers forward.

With an eyebrow raised, Aspen once again saw the inherited sword flying out of the cold and hot spring.

At this time, the sword was on the edge of the dark stone wall, only one meter away, and it floated quietly in the void, almost integrated with the surroundings, which was not discovered by the poplar before.

The sword body was rusty, and rust was piled up. It looked like an ugly iron rod suspended on the edge of the stone wall. It was shaking with a slight tremor, and the air around the sword body was shaking.

Silver wolf trembles just because it feels this kind of breath.

what's going on? Aspen stunned.

"Master, look there," said the kitten, pointing to a place on the stone wall.

There, a crack of a few millimeters wide was found on the dark stone wall. If you don't pay attention to it, you won't find it. Even if you see it, it will be ignored and thought to be naturally formed.

Bai Yang glanced at it, nothing special ~ www.readwn.com ~ Observed with thought, the crack was only one meter deep. There is no place inside the stone wall.

But what does it mean that the sword is hovering slightly there?

"At that location, there should have been a sword in there." Bai Yang looked at it for a long time, and came to this conclusion. As for the ‘sword stick’, the ghost knew that Mao would float there.

"There should have been a very powerful sword there, but it was taken away, but it left its own breath, felt by this inherited sword, only came here, it is in respect of that sword At the same time, as a sword, it is also challenging the former sword! "

I don't know when Yu Feifeng came here, he observed for a moment and said.

"Speaks like the real thing, don't you know?" Bai Yang pouted.

She looked at Bai Yang with a disdainful look, and Yu Feifeng sneered coldly: "This is the feeling of being a sword man, you don't understand!"

Hey, what stinks, brother also uses a sword, the legendary "big sword"! I don't feel like this? Poplar rolled his eyes ...

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