Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 581: Bombard

At the mouth of the valley, the silver wolf turned back, returned to the city wall, lay beside the kitten, and stared fiercely outside the city.

The master of Tsing Yi, who came with a sword, fought against the silver wolf, returned without success, and returned to a distance of thousands of meters outside the city wall, looking at the front in amazement.

Silver wolf? Strange beast? A beast comparable to the Grand Master's realm? How could this place have such a powerful presence?

He didn't continue to stand, stood with his sword, squinted and glanced behind, because someone came again.

There were more than ten people, not a group, but divided into two groups, one of which took the waterway from the Bibo River by a speedboat, and the other took the land and drove the horse.

The few people who came from the water all wore black robes, and each one used a sword, his eyes were cold, and those who came by land, wearing metal armor, made the sword, the horse violent, and the domineering incomparable.

The two gangs arrived one after another, which made Tsing Yi people who first arrived here tight.

Because he felt in those two groups that the head of the people was similar to himself, and they were all masters, and the rest were all martial arts!

His face was ugly, because those who came first knew that it was not so easy for them to occupy the treasures in the valley.


Clippers on the Bibo River came ashore, and several sword-sword warriors in black came ashore quickly and came to the valley walls, hundreds of meters away from the first person who came. While looking at the valley, they were also wary of the first person who came.

The rhythm of the horses, the hissing of the horses sounded, and those who came to the horse also stopped to observe the surroundings.

On the city wall, the kitten waited with cold arms.

Outside the city walls, a few black men who came by the Clipper were headed by a middle-aged man who looked over half a year old. His body was straight and resembled a mighty sword. He looked at the first swordsman in Tsing Yi, his eyebrows. Picking unexpectedly: "Black Wind Sword south?"

"Who am I? It turned out that Wu Kefei was in charge of Qingshuimen and came here in person?" The Tsing Yi swordsman who had played with Silver Wolf narrowed his eyes to the south.

Apparently they knew.

Also, although there are few masters and masters, it is difficult to produce one in a county, but at this level, I still want to mingle, and it is inevitable to deal with other masters at the same level. It is not surprising.

After all, they were able to come here, and they also had a geographical advantage. They were all in the same county. They were closer to the Hulu Valley than in other directions, and they rushed here first.

"Hahaha, the Black Wind Sword heads south? Wu Kefei, Qingshuimen? Doesn't Lao Tzu exist?" On the other side, a group of people from Zema, the first black armored man with a black sword on his back, was extremely domineering. He laughed.

"Walking the mountain to help Kui Jun? Do you want to find death?" Tsing Yi swordsman looked to the south with a cold voice, getting enraged by the words of the other party.

Lao Tzu? Who are you

Kui Jun grabbed the big knife behind him, and pointed his sword to the south with a domineering voice: "Just you? Believe me, I'll split you with a knife!"

Kui Jun has a knife in his hand and is extremely domineering, as if he thought he was a battlefield general and murderous.

"Well, everyone is not acquainted with each other. It is self-evident for what to do. First, get things in hand. Over time, more people will come. By then, we will not even be able to drink the soup." Wu Kefei took a step forward. Said.

Although equally unhappy with Kui Jun's language, it matters.

They all come for treasures. What is it to do before they see the treasures?

"Huh, I won't care about you first." Kui Jun put away his big knife and glanced southward.

His eyes narrowed to the south, even with a sharp flash.

The three parties arrived, greeting each other, and then watching the valley ahead.

On the city wall, the kitten looked indifferently. These people came for trouble. The valley is the place of the young master. They come for trouble? dead!

Must die!

"Another beast?" Looking at the city wall, Wu Kefei at Qingshuimen frowned, and when he saw the silver wolf on the city wall, he felt the wildness and power of the silver wolf.

"You can all feel that there is something we want in the deep valley, we must get it as soon as possible, or we won't have a chance when the real strong one arrives," Xiangnan glanced.

The meaning is very simple, the valley is guarded by strange beasts, which must be removed, and as soon as possible.

"That being the case, the three of us first joined forces to take down here, just a strange animal, slaughtered, then, when the time to see what is the specific thing and how to distribute?" Wu Kefei in a black robe coldly.

What to redistribute, at that time will not be on its own.

"Good" Kui Jun agreed first.

Their conversation did not avoid taboos and other people on the city walls, and they were extremely arrogant.

After all, there are three guru masters, and on the side of the valley, there is only one silver wolf that needs attention. Why fear it? other people? Just ants!

On the city wall, a flash of cold flickered in the kitten's eyes, and asked Zhao Shi on the side, "are you ready?"

"Ready," Zhao Shi replied, sneer.

Is the guru strong? Thought we were just looking down on martial arts? I do n’t even know how you died!

"Then kill them all, Master said, those who break into other people's homes for no reason are bad people, and they will never be wronged if killed," the kitten said coldly.

"Yes!" Zhao Shi answered, waving quietly.

Alas, as he waved his hand, at least five hundred people appeared on the city wall, and five hundred people in titanium armor were carrying cold firearms in their hands.

Beach, Butler, anti-aircraft machine gun, Vulcan!

These icy weapons, facing the muzzle of the black hole outside the city, made everyone cold in the dark sky.

These weapons alone may not matter to the masters of the Grand Master's realm, but there are a lot of them, which are more than five hundred, and the kind of cold and serene atmosphere must not be compromised.

"What's that?" Ze Ma's Kui Jun frowned.

"Not good, do it!" Xiangnan eyelids loudly.

Before, he had seen the power of the rocket launcher. Although he had not blasted him directly, it was just a distant aftershock explosion that caused him to stir. Now there are more weird things on it, and the secret way is not good.

But it was too late. After the crowd appeared, the kitten waved and a cold word was spit out.

Da Da Da ... Buzz ... Boom Boom ...

Six tubes of Gatling, also known as Vulcan artillery fire, fired more than a hundred blasts of bullets, powerful anti-aircraft machine guns, but also Bartley sniper rifles, and rocket artillery rockets mixed in them, forming a terrible The barrage poured out towards the three parties outside the city.

All aimed!

The scene was terrible. Under the gloomy sky, the wall was full of fire, and the bullets formed a barrage. The real barrage swelled like rain.

Buzz ...

The three guru masters made a bad noise in the dark road, and immediately held up their suffocation, soared into the sky, and killed the city wall.

The rest were at least martial artists, and the real Yuan was surging.

More than a dozen people, under the influence of Zhenyuan and Qi, are like more than a dozen luminous bodies, especially the three most powerful masters. That kind of breath makes people feel appalled.

But what about this, they are not facing a single sniper rifle or a single weapon, but a barrage of several powerful weapons.

In the sky and underground, they were taken care of by the barrage in all directions, they couldn't escape at all, they could only resist!

anti? Resistant? If faced with a weapon alone, the true element of the warrior can resist, but they are facing a barrage like a torrential rain!

Puff puff……

Those warriors in the martial arts realm, the real element outside the body constantly twisted under the impact of the barrage, and the figure of the forward kept retreating, as if facing the impact of the flood.

For a moment, it was really just a moment, so those in the martial arts realm shattered, and their bodies were torn into pieces in front of the terrible barrage, and blood and broken bodies were flying everywhere.

When he died, more than a dozen martial artists were killed in person!

This is not that the bullets of Bartley's sniper rifle and antiaircraft machine gun are powerful enough to kill them, but that these bullets have all kinds of deadly and poisonous substances that can corrode the vitality. They can't resist it at all!

"Do not!"


Wu Kefei and Kui Jun roared and stared.

It ’s dead, and all of his face-to-face men are dead. How can that be?

Angry, they were very angry, but an incomparable crisis appeared in their minds, and the first time they breathed their body.

crisis? Where does the crisis come from?

On the city walls, the kittens sneered. Their subordinates, those in the martial arts realm, were only incidental, and the three grand masters were the key care objects!

Most of the weapons were aimed at them. Under the horrible barrage, although their radon was strong, even bullets contaminated with all things could not be penetrated at once, but they were not facing a single bullet. , But the barrage!

The Grand Master was very powerful, but in front of the flood-like barrage, they were pushed back by the powerful impact of the bullet, and their bodies were completely out of control.

Horrified, all three masters were horrified.

However, what made them even more horrified was that under the impact of the endless barrage, everything on the bullet withered quickly and corroded their radon, causing their radon to be unstable and quickly disintegrate.

Bang Bang Bang ...

In a series of explosive explosions, blood splattered along with the broken body, flesh and blood flew.

Kui Jun and Wu Kefei, two guru masters, blew up in the air, no bones left!

Grandmaster, Grandmaster, even if he is not proud of his means, he died. Why is it wrong?

They were hit by a barrage at the same time, dozens of rockets were taken care of, and they were directly killed by bombardment!

A single rocket does not have the power to kill the Grand Master, but their radon is inherently unstable under the barrage. Do not die when dozens of rockets explode at the same time?

To the south, Grandmaster Tsing Yi, who first came here, was at the edge of the Bibo River, looking at the valley with a horrified expression.

Instead of rushing forward like everyone else ~ www.readwn.com ~, he stepped back and avoided a disaster.

Rao is so, he is extremely embarrassed, his breath is broken, his clothes are punctured by hundreds of bullets, his body is extremely painful, and he bleeds everywhere, but he survives.

"What kind of weapon is that? Dead, Kui Jun and Wu Kefei are dead? Grandmaster, there is no chance to struggle?" Xiangnan was extremely horrified.

This place is terrible and he wants to go.

treasure? No matter how precious a treasure is?

On the city wall, the kitten's eyes narrowed, he no longer looked south, raised his hand, the pouring barrage stopped, he looked up and looked at the void on the Bibo River outside the city.

There, an old man in a gray robe stood in the air!

Stand in the air? Go against the wind!

With this kind of ability, only Shinto monks can live!

The warrior needs a great master to fly in the sky, but the Shinto monk can live in real life ...

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