Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 582: 8 party gathering

On the city wall, the kitten stared at each other with a dignity in his eyes.

The person standing in the volley, she knew from the poplar, it is a sign of the real state of Shinto monks and the realm of masters of martial arts. There is no vitality fluctuations of martial arts on the other side, and there is no magic weapon to assist.

Shinto monks in the real world are physically fragile, and a warrior can easily be killed. However, they have mystical magic, and no one dares to spy on it. A real Shinto, with the mystic magic, can easily kill ten masters. Master of the Realm!

Brother Huzi called slightly.

The tiger immediately stepped forward.

"Notice. The infrared ray is aimed at that Shinto monk. At the top of each hill, at least twenty cannons are prepared. He slightly moves and immediately kills!" The kitten Shen said.

"Good" Huzi nodded and left quickly.

Shinto monk? Real person? Your secret magic weapon is very powerful, but no matter what magic weapon you have, this level is also limited, hundreds of millimeters of artillery can **** you into slag!

By the side of the Bibo River, he wolfed to the south and stood with his sword. He looked at the Hulu Valley and turned to look at the Shinto monk standing in the sky above the Bibo River. His expression was cloudy and unwilling.

However, after weighing, he turned and left, but did not really leave, but came to the distance to wait.

Just in case, can you pick up some cheap fish if you touch the fish in the muddy water at the end?

On the Bibo River, the gray-clad old man stood in the sky, and his body seemed to be surrounded by a breeze, supporting him not to fall to the ground.

He looked kind, like an uncle next door, but his eyes were deep, not simple.

Looking at Hulu Valley, he smiled and could even see his inner excitement.

Treasures, treasures bred by dragon veins, must be obtained by yourself, no matter what, they must be extremely precious!

Suddenly, his heart tightened, he felt a dangerous breath, and frowned slightly. He looked along that feeling and found that on the hills around the valley, cold metal pipes were facing himself.

"Metal pipes? There are no warrior qi fluctuations, and no Shinto monk energy fluctuations. Why give yourself a dangerous breath? This place is weird!"

He murmured to himself, wondering what the gun barrels on the hills were.

As a precaution, it ’s best if you can get the treasure without having to do it. After thinking about it, he looked at the kitten on the wall and said, "Dear everyone, listen to me and leave. There are some things that you ca n’t own. Things within their own abilities are in themselves a sin and calamity. "

What he said is the fact. Looking at it, the most powerful person in the Hulu Valley is only cultivated by the samurai realm. The treasures bred by the dragon veins are not owned by the people here and will bring disaster.

"Master said that it is a thief to be immortal if you are old. Do n’t say it ’s useless. Going to other people ’s homes is so eloquent. Do n’t blame me for not reminding you. If you do n’t go, you will be conceited!” The kitten said coldly.

Real person? Is the Shinto real person terrible? When he lost his way in the forest, the kitten did not blink his eyes and killed tens of thousands of people, how old are you!

"Stubbornness!" The old man's face sank, and between his hands, a small red sword three inches long appeared in his hand.

The small sword, which is fiery red, looks like a red crystal. It is very beautiful, but it exudes a sharp breath.

A little flick, the little red sword flew up, and instantly turned into a three-meter giant sword. Above the blade, the flames rose, and the flames were flaming. The flame turned into a giant bird with wings spreading ten meters, hovering in the void, giving people Great oppression.

The magic weapon, the magic weapon of the Shinto monk, is only a small sword, but it turns into a giant sword, and even sprays the flames to form a flame giant bird. This is the magical method of Shinto monks.

"Go, if not, die!" The kitten said coldly, without being scared by the other's means.


The kitten's voice dropped, the silver wolf on the side roared, his body was low, his silver hair exploded, and silver light flowed, as if to cheer the kitten.

The old man frowned, and he was about to direct the flame bird to fly over, but stopped.

The flame bird disappeared, the three-meter sword became three inches in size, and the fish hovered above him like a fish.

The old man turned and looked away, his brows frowning.

In the distance, a white figure rushed forward. It was a young man in white, handsome and handsome, holding a white paper fan, and galloping on the Bibo River. Tap on the toes, which is a distance of hundreds of meters, coming from the water!

The young man quickly came out of the valley and stood on the top of a large tree, as if he had no weight, and his body shook as the top of the tree gently shook.

At the exhibition of a white paper fan, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the blood-filled city wall, squinting, "Someone came before me, it seems I missed something."

This young man in white is a warrior in a grand master's realm. He is very young, but the Shinto real people who are standing in the sky feel a little threat. This young man is not simple, either with strong martial arts skills or secret weapons!

"It turned out to be Master Jun, come fast enough," the gray-clad old man frowned.

No one knows what Master Jun is in the Gourd Valley. The kittens and other people wait and see, no matter who they are, they don't want to set foot in the Gourd Valley!

"Who am I? It turns out to be Song Lao. Why, not out of your broken mountain nest, come out to breathe?" Master Jun standing on the treetop looked at the old man in gray with a smile.

The old man in gray didn't answer, but frowned at the distant void.

In that direction, a black mang came across the sky with rapid speed, and soon appeared in the void outside the valley.

It was a pitch-black bone rod, three meters long, made from the bones of an unknown animal. It was extremely evil, and it was also a magic weapon for a Shinto monk.

Above the bone stick, stood a young man in black. The young man was very thin, with a hint of evil in his expression.

"Yo, someone came before me?" Standing on the bone stick, the boy in black smiled evilly.

"It's you!" Master Jun on the treetop grasped the white paper fan, looking at the boy in black with a cloudy expression.

"Haha, who am I, Master Jun, aren't you behind the Jade Girl as a bugger? Why, come here freely?" Said the young man in black with a smile.

"Hum, kill you sooner or later" Master Jun grunted coldly, looking at the valley.

In just a few minutes, three non-simple characters came all at once. They guarded each other and did not rush into the valley for the first time.

Taking a deep breath to the south on the edge of the distance, knowing that his hopes were slim, and his heart retreated.

But this is not over yet, and in the distance, someone came again.

Here came a sedan chair, a cyan sedan chair, and four red men carried the sedan chair. They seemed to be crossing the volley in vain, and they came forward quickly.

In the end, the sedan chair landed on the top of a large tree, and a worrying coughing came from the sedan chair. No one came out of the sedan chair from beginning to end.

The three people who arrived first saw a blue sedan chair, all frowned and looked extremely embarrassed.

At this moment, in the Hulu Valley, above the city wall, a figure of sackcloth appeared, and the blind Shan Qiulin appeared here. His eyes were wrapped with a black cloth belt, and his one-armed right hand was carrying a wooden sword and wooden sword sword. There are actually worm eyes, cut from rotten wood.

"Kitty girl, take them back with Lin girl," Shan Qiulin said lightly when he came to the wall.

Obviously, the next situation is no longer a kitten's control.

This is just the beginning, there have been a few not simple characters, it is clear that there must be more powerful come next.

The kitten was waiting to answer, and turned sharply.

You can see at a glance that in the distance and in all directions, one after another came quickly, a Shinto monk drove the magic weapon, a martial artist stepped across the air hundreds of meters, and someone came on a strange animal.

In short, there are many people, and each one is not easy!

In just one minute, at least dozens of strong men arrived outside the Hulu Valley, and each of them was not less than a martial artist!

Grandmaster? Shinto real person? Outside of the Gourd Valley at this time!

The dragon veins turned over, because Long Yuan leaked his essence, the strong men from all sides felt that all of them were coming to this side, and the wind and the clouds gathered, all parties gathered!

Everyone who came here was vigilant against others and did not rush into the valley.

Obviously people who came here ignored the gourd valley itself.

This is not over yet, and there is a steady stream of follow-ups.

Until an hour later, outside the Hulu valley, there were at least a thousand people in all directions!

Each one is a powerful one, because of the dragon veins, all come here.

The number of thousand people is not many, but its weight is more than the sum of all the people who entered the Mi River Forest to compete for the inheritance of Shinto!

The parties were prepared for each other and did not act immediately.

Everyone realizes that in the face of treasure, next, if they want to get it, there must be a fierce fight!

"Shan Gongzi, I'm going to find the young master," the kitten took a deep breath and said to Shan Qiulin, he would go to the valley to find the poplar.

In the face of this situation, the kitten's control limit is completely exceeded, and only Bai Yang can take the lead.

Shan Qiulin nodded, holding a wooden sword in one hand, his expression was calm.

"Everyone, get out, this place is taught by my blood lotus!"

Just then, an evil and overbearing roar came from the sky.

Everyone frowned, looked up, and panicked!

Skyline, UU reading books www. uukanshu.com A huge black cloud came across the sky. There was a wicked and overbearing breath in the black cloud, which made everyone tremble.

"True Jun, Shinto Shinjuku, the blood lotus religion sent a Shinto Shinjuku!" On the treetop, Master Jun said to himself solemnly, apparently calmed down by the flying black cloud.

Zhenjun, equivalent to the Grand Master of Martial Arts, is a powerful existence with a wave of mountains and rivers. At this time, because of the relationship between the dragon veins, here!

"Blood lotus teaches the demon, it's crazy!"

In the distant sky, a cold hum came again, and a touch of golden light appeared in the sky, like a shooting star flying across the sky. As the touch of golden light approached, a powerful and unmatched breath came!

An old man in golden clothes came across the sky, the real volley went empty, he was full of golden light, like a **** of heaven, powerful!

Grand Master, a Grand Master has arrived.


From the horizon, there was an amazing roar again, and the Supreme Ones came one after another ...

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