Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 785: Unknown place

Jiang Yishui used the secret method to escape. The speed was too fast. According to Yaya ’s instructions, Bai Yang chased the kitten for three days without seeing each other ’s trace. If it was not Yaya ’s oath, she would almost give up. .

In three days, Bai Yang chased hundreds of thousands of miles and straddled more than a dozen states of the Chen Dynasty. Jiang Yishui had already left the area where satellites had been installed. He could not do anything to monitor it, and he could only rely on Yaya's ability.

On this day, Aspen stopped chasing Jiang Yishui on a mountain top, looking at the expression in front of him with a cloudy look.

It wasn't that Bai Yang gave up chasing Jiang Yishui, but the area in front made him feel uncomfortable.

It was a barren mountain range that stretched to the horizon. The gray mist rising above the sky and the deadness over the earth. There were few plants, barren, dead and silent, making people feel depressed.

"Yeah ..."

Yaya's little finger eagerly expressed that Jiang Yishui was in the mountain range in front of her, and even pulled the poplar's clothes to indicate that she was very close, and she could catch him as long as she passed.

To be cautious, Poplar did not act immediately, but took out the Chen Dynasty map to see what it was.

At a glance, Poplar's brows frowned deeper. The map clearly showed that this place was already the border of the Chen Dynasty, and the area was more than a state. This was secondary. The main thing was that this place had no text signs and only a **** red Fork, as if to warn people not to set foot on this place easily.

"What happened to the young master?" The kitten wondered.

Putting down the map, Aspen looked at the dead and deserted mountains in front of him and said, "The front is no longer part of the dynasty of Chen Dynasty. The opposite side of this place is a kingdom called the Great Moon Dynasty, and the left is the Jiang Dynasty, and the right is the Coyote Dynasty. We At his feet is the Chen Dynasty, which belongs to the border of the Four Kingdoms! "

"We are now in Yunzhou, the place where the dynasties of the Chen Dynasty and the Canglang Dynasty are deadlocked!" Kitty Shen said, before she also looked at the map, only then did she react.

"Yes, originally, the vast area along the Chen Dynasty towards Yunzhou and nearly ten prefectures belonged to the Chen Dynasty, but with Xue Wufeng's betrayal all fell to the Coyotes," Bai Yang nodded.

"What shall we do next? Will Jiang Yishui continue to be pursued?" The kitten asked.

Bai Yang shook his head and said, "I don't feel right at this place. It's best not to set foot easily before I figure it out. Find someone nearby to find out clearly before I say it!"

Taking a deep look at the barren mountains in front of him, Aspen turned away with his kitten. Anyway, there was a girl who couldn't run in the river, so figure out what it is.

Asking someone to ask about the situation in that area is understandable. To make Poplar even more surprised, it is deserted for nearly a thousand miles near that area, not to mention the village, not even human hair!

This made Aspen unexpected and at the same time more aware of the extraordinaryness of that place.

Kung Fu is worthy of care, and after spending nearly half a day, Poplar finally found a village closest to that area.

The village is very small, and the total number of people is more than 20.

Stepping into the village, the overall feeling here gives Bai Yang a sense of inexplicable roads in addition to the simplicity of ordinary villages. If one word is used to describe it, it is the evil door.

Yes, evil gate!

Here, every family's door is painted with a dark pattern, and a group of black people don't know what it is, and every door is lit with incense, and they will be replaced with new ones before they burn out. , Causing the whole village to permeate the smell of burning incense.

Maybe it's almost isolated from the world. No one came all the year round. As soon as they appeared, there were not many children in the village, they yelled, hid behind the trees, hid in the stone mill, and watched quietly.

When the adults found out, they hurried their children behind them and watched the poplars vigilantly. They were very afraid.

"We took the liberty to come, just to inquire about the situation, and not malicious." Bai Yang arched at the middle-aged man who was holding the child behind him.

"Dear guests from afar, what do you want to know?" The middle-aged man in linen asked carefully.

Pointing to the direction of the dead mountain, Bai Yang asked, "Brother, do you know where that direction is?"

When Bai Yang asked this question, he clearly saw that the person on the opposite side had a diminished expression and became extremely frightened. He shook his child's head and said, "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know anything! "

Then, whether it ’s adults or children around, it ’s gone.

This is a bit awkward.

"Master, the people here seem to be very taboo about that place, and dare not even talk about it," the kitten looked puzzled.

Nodded, Bai Yang nianli swept, and walked straight to the most run-down wooden house in the village, where there is an old man with gray hair who is about to die, maybe he can know something from him.

The old man was so old that the poplars didn't react until ten seconds after they arrived.

"Old man, is the family alone?" Bai Yang asked the old man who was almost demented on the deck chair.

"Dead, all dead ..." the old man muttered, wondering whether he was talking to himself or answering the question of Bai Yang.

Taking a look at Poplar, the kitten stepped forward two steps to the old man and asked, "Old man, do you know where that direction is?"

As soon as this sentence came out, the old man trembled, restored some clarity, and trembled, "That's an unknown place, that's an unknown place, let's go, let's go ..."

"Old man, can you tell us more specifically?" The kitten asked again.

"Unknown place, that's unknown place, let's go, let's go ..." The old man repeated this sentence, and the whole person was shaking.

Poplar frowned. The old man had reached the point where the oil was exhausted, so he took out a drop of Long Yuan, peeled it out a bit, merged it into a bottle of wine, and then took out a cup and walked to the old man.

With this wine containing a hint of dragon yuan, the old man's face suddenly became ruddy, and even wrinkles seemed to be much less dilated. Bai Yang estimated that he could live at least ten years old!

At this moment, the old man was completely awake, and looked at Bai Yang's spirit and got up and arched his hands and said, "Thank you for your honor"

"The elderly do not have to do this. They just need to raise their hands. I want to inquire about some situations in that direction. I wonder if I can tell?" Bai Yang asked.

The old man looked in that direction, trembled again, then sat down silently for a long time, and Bai Yang waited patiently.

After being silent for a full ten minutes, the old man looked at Bai Yang inexplicably and said, "Noble man, our village has lived here for generations, but we do n’t really know that place. I only know that it is an unknown place. I have also encountered it before. Many people inquired about that place like you, and went there, and never came out again. I have lived for more than 60 years and have never seen anyone come out! "

Nodding his head, Poplar frowned and asked, "Are there really nothing clear about this?"

"I don't know, we never dared go in that direction, noble, I also advise you not to go there, the place is really unknown, you just have to wait until night to know" the old man's voice trembled.

Nodded thoughtfully, Bai Yang said, "If so, I'm disturbed."

Leaving the courtyard where the old man lives, Bai Yang said in the eyes of the kitten's questioning: "My hometown has a saying that I don't listen to the old man. It's a loss in front of us. Let's wait until the evening, because it's not too early anyway."

"Well," the kitten naturally has no objections.

So Poplar left the village with the kitten and chose a higher place to start waiting while observing the situation in the village.

After observation, the people in this village really taboo in that direction and try to avoid it no matter what they do.

Time goes by, and the sun goes down slowly, but the people in the village close their doors when the sun just goes down before the sun goes down!

I don't know what the situation is, Aspen continues to wait ...

As soon as the sun completely set, Bai Yang suddenly felt that the world was cold and unpleasant, but it was uncomfortable for him to open his eyes, but he could not detect where this feeling came from!

"It's weird, Master, let's leave." The kitten's voice trembled a little ~ www.readwn.com ~ I'm here, it's okay, wait a minute, the situation is not right for us to leave at once "Bai Yang asked the kitten tightly.

The sky here is so dark that it becomes less than 20 minutes before the sun goes down!

After the sky was completely dark, the entire village became silent like a ghost field, without even the call of insects and birds.

"Master, do you hear anything?" The kitten hugged Bai Yang in the dark.

Listening to her ears, the poplar faintly heard the sound of wailing as if from a distance, as if someone was whispering, twirling down to the bottom of the heart, making people hair.

"I'll see what's pretending to be a ghost!"

Bai Yang, unbelieving in evil, took the kitten to the sky and flew in the direction of that voice.

But the sound seemed to reverberate in the ear, as if in the sky, the poplar flew out thousands of miles without finding the source, and finally almost set foot on the dead mountain range over there.

Stopping, Rao Shiye also felt creepy, so special.

Taking a deep breath, he felt the need to go back to the village to figure out the situation in this area carefully. Bai Yang believed that if the village's grandparents lived there for generations, they must know something, even if they use some means, he must also understand!

However, when Aspen returned to the village with the kitten again, an unexpected situation arose.

"Master, there is no vitality in the village anymore, so everyone seems to be ... dead!" The kitten cried.

As soon as the reading force was swept away, Aspen's heart was covered with haze.

As the kitten said, all the people in the whole village are dead. No matter the elderly or children, all are dead. They die silently, and even when they die, there is no difference between their expressions and their lives!

What the **** is going on?

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