Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 786: legend

All the people in the village are dead, dead silently, but the time is just 20 minutes for Bai Yang to leave here!

The night was silent, there was no sound of the wind, no fingers were seen, and the strange and wicked atmosphere made the bones chill, and there was a sound of resounding sound in the heavens and the earth, like a cry like a whisper between lovers.

The kitten was next to the poplar, her body trembling subconsciously, and her hair was erect. She opened her eyes to look around, her brows frowned, and there was no trace of the cause of death in the village.

In such a weird and solemn atmosphere, only the **** baby Yaya and the red ball are heartless and heartless, one jumps up and down and is carefree, and one simply clings to the fast dragon ball fragments ...

"Master, let's go. This place is not right. The river runs deep, I'm afraid he will die without the master's shot," the kitten cried.

For a moment of silence, Bai Yang said: "Don't be afraid of cats. There is no cause of death in the world, either man-made or natural disaster. There must be a cause, but we do n’t know the reason for it. The unknown is terrible. That's how it is to lift the veil "

After hearing this from Bai Yang, the kitten felt relieved and still shouted, "The people in the village have died too badly. I'm afraid we will encounter bad things when we stay here."

Poplar frowns. This is indeed a problem. It is good to be in awe of the unknown or appropriate. So I thought about it and said, "The death phenomenon like a village is definitely not accidental. The deserted area within a thousand miles is enough to explain this. We just It just happened to be the meeting. The so-called deceased is big. I will bury the people in the village first, and we will leave here temporarily. "

The village gathered a total of more than 20 households, less than a hundred people, and it did not take them much time to bury the poplars.

A quick empty space was found outside the village, and the soil was lifted directly with the force of mind, and then the body was put into it with the force of force to cover the dirt, and then a tombstone ‘Buried by Ninety-three People in the Unknown Village’ was erected.

After doing this, Bai Yang took a deep look at the dark distance, arranged it slightly, and left with the kitten, but did not go far, and found a place a hundred miles away from the village and stopped.

Just after stopping, the kitten yanked Aspen's clothes and pointed at the sky, "Master, look!"

Aspen looked, I saw the spectacle of March around the world rising in the sky, but looking at the moon in this place is different from other places. In this place, the three moons are very hazy and have a pale blood halo. Add a bit of weirdness.

"It's nothing, it's just the refraction of the air," said the poplar calmly.

The kitten seems to understand, since the young master said so, it must be the so-called air refraction.

Next Aspen set up the tent, the kitten fell asleep by the side, and he glanced at the tablet from time to time.

The computer screen is divided into more than a dozen windows, and each window is dark.

When he left the village before, Bai Yang installed cameras in more than a dozen places and linked them with signal transmitters to monitor them there in a timely manner. He always felt that he should find something.

By the middle of the night, Poplar's keen gaze caught a dark shadow on a window on the tablet.

With his eyes narrowed, Poplar specifically called up this window, clicked on the playback, and then the picture paused, so a blurry silhouette picture freezes.

In the night shooting mode, despite the high-definition camera, the figure may be too fast because of the movement track, and it is still unclear. You can probably see the other person in a black robe with an oil lamp in his hand!

Did Poplar's heart really appear, did you kill the villagers?

Gently awakened the kitten, Poplar, and said, "Cat, we found it, let's go back."

When the kitten woke up, Aspen quickly packed up and returned to the village, staring at the tablet all the way, but the figure never appeared in the video.

A few minutes later, Poplar returned to the village again with the kitten, swept through the mind, and searched for the trace of that ‘thing’.

Soon Bai Yang found the other person, and ‘he’ actually appeared in the graves of the villagers who buried Bai Yang!

At this time, the ‘thing’ shrouded in a black robe was standing in the graveyard, standing with an oil lamp, making some strange sounds, anyway, Bai Yang could n’t understand.

"Master, is this the thing that killed the whole village? What is he doing?" The kitten's voice condensed into the poplar's ears and asked.

With a package of kittens' waists, Aspen took off and said, "Catch him and you will know!"

The other party was very alert. When they were approaching, the poplar noticed for the first time, and suddenly turned and shouted, "What!"

The voice was hoarse and scratchy like a fingernail scratching glass. He held an oil lamp in the graveyard.

I want to ask you again. I do n’t need to be polite when encountering such a strange guy in this kind of place. The hair-like chain on my wrist flew out, whirling and turning into the thickness of my thumb. I want to make it the first time. Grab it again.

In the face of this situation, the wick of the oil lamp in the guy's hand swayed, and a thin orange flame swept out.

The flames of light rose through the scene.

Poplar was very surprised. The oil lamp in the guy's hand was a magic weapon. No wonder the big bean lights swayed but did not go out.

However, although the flame is huge, it is only a little higher than the ordinary flame temperature, not even one-tenth of the poplar's crimson power flame, of course, there is no silver chain.

The chain passed through the flame, winding the other side into a mule, perhaps because the chain was burned by the flames at high temperatures, and the guy was restrained and issued a series of screams and screams.

When he came near, Bai Yang snatched the opponent's weapon oil lamp and looked at it. It was just a magic weapon. He opened the opponent's black robe and presented a pale middle-aged man's face in front of him.

This man was very thin, with his eye sockets sinking into the frontal bone and spitting out, similar to a skull. At this time, he looked at Bai Yang in horror and said, "Who are you, what do you want to do?"

The sound was still harsh.

"Shinto monk's fetal realm? Put away your trick, I can't play better than you, such an inscrutable spell," Bai Yang squatted and looked at each other's eyes.

The other trembled and swallowed, saying, "What the **** do you want to do? Can you let me go, I asked myself not to offend you?"

He presumably knew that he had encountered stubble and did not dare to play tricks.

"What do you ask me? I also ask you, and said, did you kill the people in the village!" Bai Yang Shen Sheng asked. Since the other party is a Shinto monk, although Nianyin has not condensed, Bai Yang believes he has The ability to silently kill the whole village.

"Not me, not me, I just pass by," the other party denied.

"Isn't it that you will appear in this evil gate in the middle of the night? You ran to the graveyard and you lied to the ghosts, and said, why did you kill these innocent villagers? If you answer me dissatisfied, I have a way to make you worse. Dead! "Poplar said coldly.

"It's really not me. I was passing by here. I wanted to find a place to stay for one night. I found that all the people were dead. I had to say hello to the owner when I went to sleep in the dead's house. So I came to the cemetery and found it here. The tombs are all new, so I looked at them a bit more, and you came here. The people here really didn't kill me ... "

The other side said that the horrified eyes looked at Poplar a little strange, probably meaning that you would not want to plant me.

Poplar was so happy, and asked, "Can you explain to me why you would come to this place in the middle of the night?"

"I ... I traveled all over the world, of course, where I went," the other murmured.

Aspen raised his hand, raised a blue flame in his hand, and gently placed it on the ground. The soil melted. After finishing these smiles, he said, "Don't tell the truth? Just don't know if you can bear it?"

"Uncle, I admit it, I said, I said it's okay." This guy was crying, he couldn't wait to bully people.

Putting down the flames, Aspen nodded and said, "I'm listening!"

The guy was helpless and carefully looked at Bai Yang and said, "Actually, I am a grave robber."

"Then what? This barren mountain and ridge is a great burial of ordinary villagers. You want to come here to dig for treasure? The excuse for editing is also reliable, okay?" Bai Yang looked at his eyes and flashed with cold light ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't think this person is truthful.

"Uncle, I didn't lie to you. I am a grave robber. I didn't come here to dig the graves of these villagers, but ..."

"But what?" In the face of the other person's reluctance to speak, Bai Yang asked.

The other party felt that it would be impossible not to tell the truth, so he brazenly said, "It's for a legend!"

"Legend? What legend?" Bai Yang asked curiously.

"Uncle, can you let me go first?" The other said pitifully.

It was scary enough to grow up, coupled with this expression of poplar's heart, he considered that the other side was a little monk in the state of fetus, so he let go of him.

The other party was free, stood up and Chanchan smiled, then glanced at the dark distance and whispered, "There is a legend circulating in our circle of grave robbers, said thousands of Yuan ago, Chen Dynasty, Cang The borderless territories of the four dynasties: the wolf dynasty, the jiang dynasty, and the big moon dynasty actually belong to a sacred dynasty, but once did not know why the sacred wu dynasty collapsed, and later the dynasty changed.

"Does this have anything to do with you coming here? Thousands of years ago, ghosts knew what it was like," Poplar frowned.

"The relationship is big, and Grandpa has no idea. There is such a message circulating in our circle that the area was once the capital of the Emperor Wushu. How big was the original Emperor Wushu. The population of the country is more than 10 billion and the population will only increase. There are countless powerful people, all inexplicable changes and all died, now it has become a jedi, it is just a big grave. Although the evil gates are dangerous there, but that was once the kingdom of the Shenwu dynasty. How many treasures have been buried? For countless years This is an important place for grave robbers to visit. I also learned that this legend wants to try their luck, never thought of going deep, and it is enough to get something outside ... "

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