It ’s time to go. People go to the building, and the dojo suddenly seems aloof. Fortunately, from the beginning of the establishment of the dojo, Poplar did n’t have much time with them, and it was not uncomfortable.

The kittens are not in the dojo. I do n’t know where to go. Aspen took out the phone and asked where they were. Although it ’s more convenient to cover the earth to find them, but when the range is wide, I will always see some pictures that are not suitable for children. Save it if you can ...

As soon as he pulled out the phone connection signal, Poplar received a text message.

"Brother Bai, can I call you like this when I leave the dojo? Now I have been sent to pick up my plane at home, and I will be home soon. During this time, I have learned a lot, especially the current environment. These are precious The knowledge is of great significance to family help. Thank you sincerely. Then, if I look for a boyfriend in the future, I must look for you like this, transcendent. After all, living with a mediocre person will only be more mediocre, okay, no I'm bothering you, if you have any needs in the future, you can come to me, Big Wei "

The text message was sent by the editor in English. The little official from the Roth family, the largest family in the world, gave Wei Ruos.

After reading the text message, Poplar smiled strangely, and almost circled any two words in the text message. This is the key estimate.

What am I suggesting ambiguously? Shaking his head, Poplar didn't care about this, but after all, with the influence of the Ross family, after the return of Wei Ruo's brothers and sisters, I am afraid that the cultivation speed will rise like a rocket. After all, what does his family want? It's not a matter of words. There are so many enlightenment in spiritual practice.

There was no reply. Aspen deleted the text message, in case it was seen by his wife-in-law, and added a resentment.

Immediately after, Poplar received another text message from Su Xishui. She said in the text message: "Poplar, I have already boarded a Huaxia plane. Thinking about it, I decided to use a journal to serve the country. The situation country needs someone like me. In the future, do we still have the opportunity to fight side by side? "

After seeing this message, Bai Yang was silent for a long time, but finally sighed and did not reply.

Su Xishui's return to the national army is something that Poplar had anticipated long ago. He didn't care about it, and he was even happy to see it. Su Xishui sent this text message and he knew what he was thinking. In fact, Su Xishui wanted to ask the future of Poplar. How does Bai Yang answer without her place? It's a hurt anyway, it's simply silence.

Unconsciously, Bai Yang came to his residence at the highest part of the Dojo. He was about to make a call and put away his mobile phone because the door in front of him was open.

Appearing in front of her was Qinghe who followed Bai Yang to the earth. At this time, she painted herself with beautiful makeup. She wore a phoenix wearing a wedding dress and red makeup, and appeared at the door. She saw that Bai Yang bowed her head slightly, and her cheek was shy. Yan Hong appeared, and that moment of staring down was more beautiful for Bai Yang than any beauty in the world.

"Bai Lang, you're back," Qing He said, lowering her head, her voice trembling slightly.

The room behind Qing He is unknown when it is extremely festive. Red is the main theme, big words of joy are hung up, red candle flames are swaying, and even the entire small building is hung with red colored silk and lanterns.

Bai Yang understood that it was no wonder that the kittens were not at the same time leaving only Qinghe in the dojo.

Taking a step forward, Bai Yang gently lifted Qing He's hand, stared at her eyes and said, "Will this be too wronged for you?"

Gently looking up, Qinghe Shuirun's eyes looked at Bai Yang said: "Bai Lang, meeting you is the greatest luck in Qing He's life, and being with you is better than everything in the world. The blessings of the high friends and the full house were full of blessings from Qinghe. Bailang felt that Qinghe felt wronged when Qinghe distressed him. In fact, it is very satisfying to have this red wedding gown.

"You, hey ..., Cat, I've been wronged by her, and Qingyu, and now Qinghe is the same, I really feel that I owe you too much ..."

After waiting for Bai Yang to finish speaking, Qing He raised a finger to stop Bai Yang from continuing to speak, shook his head and said, "Bai Lang, we are not wronged. Being with you and you is our greatest happiness, really"

Nodded, Aspen didn't say anything, went into the house with Qinghe's hand. There was a table full of wine and wine. The two snuggled down. Aspen himself poured a glass of wine for the two, took a glass of wine and took a drink. Next, his eyes recalled: "I still remember when Qinghe first met at Lanxin's house in Deyang Town. At that time, Qinghe was invited to come to Fuqin. That was the most beautiful piano sound I have heard before, and I will meet again later. You became my teacher and taught me literacy ... "

"At that time, Qing He was still very weird. Bai Lang was a noble man. Why was he illiterate? However, at that time, Qing He didn't dare to ask these questions and could only teach carefully. He was surprised at Bai Lang's learning ability ..."

"That time in the Gourd Valley, I thought we would never see each other again ..."

"At that time, Xiao Cui was killed, and Xiao Lan was also in danger. I was helpless and desperate. Bai Lang appeared to kill the enemy. At that time, Qing He Xin's heart was occupied by Bai Lang, but Qing He's identity was too low to reveal ... ... "

"That time in Qingmu County, you said that you had to travel, and another friend said, I'm very shy ..."

"I saw Bai Lang again at Tian Yinzong, but I didn't know how happy I was ..."

The red candle burned, there were no full friends, no guests, and the two were nestled together, describing the process of acquaintance and acquaintance until they were together, little by little.

Unconsciously, the sky had already darkened, and both of them were drunk slightly. Aspen poured two glasses of wine again, stared at each other, and drank the wine. When the wine was finished, Qinghe's cheeks fell red and shyly, and his heartbeat accelerated as if The bunny wants to jump out.

Aspen put down her wine glass, raised her hand to raise her chin, Qing He closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembled, and her lips, like rose petals, opened her lips slightly.

As Bai Yang kissed, he hugged him towards the bedroom ...

What's next ... that what ... what ... what ...

Although they have confirmed the relationship for some time, they have never made a round. Now, under the intention of Qinghe, the two will complete the last step ...

A few dozen miles away from the summit of a snowy mountain in the Dojo, Lan Xin in a blue dress looked at the Dojo with a complex smile, sighed slightly, and looked at the bright moon in the sky. Next, talk after drinking and throwing away, and then there is an altar ...

Drinking it all round, she wanted to get drunk, but she couldn't get drunk, and the bitterness in her heart lingered ...

The next day, the lingering Bai Yang and Qing He woke up each other. Qing He shyly buried himself and did not dare to look at Bai Yang. Then he looked up and said, "Sangong, I will wait for you to dress"

She said she was about to get up, but a little frown flashed a pain in her frown.

It turns out that even though Qing Hexiu is close to the Grand Master and has a superb physique, the pain of breaking the melon for the first time is still no different from that of ordinary girls.

Reaching for Qing He Xuebai's shoulder, Bai Yang gently pressed it on the bed and shook his head, "Let me lie down, wait for you today."

"How can I do it? Waiting for Xianggong is what I should do. Where in the world is Xianggong waiting for his wife?" Qing He struggled, his eyes filled with fear, but that happiness was beyond words.

After shaving Qinghe's little nose, Bai Yang laughed: "Where is this happening? Qinghe has been in my hometown for so long, and many women have been riding their husbands to **** and pee. Where do you say there is such a thing? "

"That ... then how ..." Qing He was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, obediently lie down"

Poplar dresses and cleans Qinghe carefully. Although Qinghe is extremely shy, her eyes have never left her eyes, and tears flicker in her eyes.

He was a trustee in his life, and at this time he had no regrets even if he died immediately ...

For three days, there were only two poplars and Qinghe in the dojo. The others seemed to be out of control.

In the past three days, two people, you and me, talked about the endless merry and happy talk of endless happiness and sweetness, and neither seemed to feel the passing of time.

Three days later, Poplar took Qinghe's waist and stood on the edge of the square, staring at the horizon and saying, "It's time!"

"Why did Xianggong make this statement?" Qing He looked up puzzled.

With a chuckle, Bai Yang said, "Qing He is here with me."

Talking ~ ~ the two figures flickered and disappeared.

There is a farm in southern Canada with an area of ​​3,000 acres. This farm was bought a month ago. It was a white young man who bought the farm, and he was less than 20 years old.

It stands to reason that such a large farm must employ many workers, but this farm did not hire any workers after the white youth bought them, not even some farming machinery.

Poplar and Qinghe came here after leaving the dojo.

"Is Xianggong here for that person?" Qing He asked.

At this moment there was only a white young man on the farm. He walked alone on the farm as if he was inspecting his territory. I saw that where he passed, the crops were growing rapidly, as if the fast-forward button was pressed.

"Yes, it is for this person who has the ability to control plants, and this ability is exactly what I need," Bai Yang nodded.

"Xiangong means to come to deprive this person of control of plants?" Qing He asked.

"Not deprivation, but deduction based on his ability, so that I can also obtain this ability myself!" Bai Yang explained.

The ability to control plants can be classified as wood, and wood is 巽, which is the niches of the gossip position. If this ability can be obtained, Bai Yang's congenital Taiji gossip figure and gossip icon will complete another position!

He wants to set foot in the mirror of the true god, he must perfect the dojo. The gossip and hexagram represent eight kinds of abilities. All of them are indispensable. Today, the poplar only masters the fire thunder and earth and stone abilities, and perfects the gen, quake, and dislocation. Only the powers represented by the position are eligible to climb the true mirror!

In fact, the whole earth is full of vitality and causes all things to mutate. From the people who have mastered the power to learn about other powers is also one of the intentions of Bai Yang ...

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