Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 978: Wood

The world has changed for some time, and various powers have emerged, and it is time for the poplar to harvest its fruits.

Below, the young white farmer is using a wood power to spawn a piece of corn. He slowly walks through the field. The corn within ten meters of the body quickly takes root and sprouts from the seed state, then grows leaves. Until the corn kernels are produced, this level of corn can be boiled and eaten directly.

The whole process took less than a minute. Perhaps because the white young man's power was not strong enough, he stopped after he spawned thousands of corns, his face was a little pale, and his forehead was sweating coldly.

He turned to look at the corn that was mature and edible. Despite his exhaustion, an excited look appeared on his face, as if it was not corn but money.

One minute can produce a thousand corns. He can bite his teeth three times a day to get three thousand. Because of the power of corn, each plant hangs two fruits, that is, 6,000 corns, each one foot long. And the particles are full and gratifying. A single can sell at least 0.1 dollars, six thousand is six hundred dollars, and one month is eighteen thousand dollars!

Make a steady profit, don't have to bear the risk, and pay a maximum of seed costs. How much? And this is just corn, what if it is a special cash crop?

Thinking of this, the white youth seemed to see countless small money beckoning to him.

Thinking of a bright future, he sneered at those who were killed and arrested for relying on his powers. You are all stupid. Is it not good to use your own skills to create a happy and beautiful life, you have to kill yourself.

I have to say that this young white man with power is clever. The power of the power is not only used for fighting. He will gain more by changing his mind, and without taking risks. Why not?

Although I have an ability, I'm not doing anything, can you still catch the peasants by the police? I haven't asked you for agricultural compensation.

"Now my ability covers a range of ten meters in diameter for one minute, and it is slowly growing every day. One day, it will grow to the point where it covers the entire farm. By then, every day will be a major harvest, and then there will be countless small money every day. Money is coming into the account, so thinking about it is really beautiful life waiting for myself ... "

Just when the white young phantom was thinking about his good life, he didn't realize that there was a little green light flying from behind his head soaring into the sky and disappearing.

In the void, the two poplars and Qinghe stood in the sky, and no one could see them.

At this moment, the green light floating in front of the poplar was extremely beautiful and full of vitality. This green light spot was the original power of the white youth's wood power. It was stripped by the poplar and would not hurt the other person's roots.

"Xiangong, this is the original power of the wooden system supernatural power?" Qing He asked in surprise.

Nodding his head, Bai Yang said, "Yes, this is the original power of the wood-based magical powers, but it is still very small and very elementary. It can only show limited effects, but I can continue to deduce this weak and primary source of power. Perfect to get stronger woody ability! "

As the mouth said, the void in front of Bai Yang was distorted, the congenital Taiji gossip figure manifested slowly, and at the same time, the point of the original power of the wood system power flew into the yin and yang fish of the congenital Taiji gossip figure and disappeared.

When that trace of original power entered the gossip chart, the gossip icon rotated faster and flickered, as if the passwords of heaven and earth had manifested and were inscrutable.

However, for a second, the speed of the congenital Taiji gossip chart slowed down, a little green light flew out of the yin and yang fish, and the symbol of the gossip hexagram was integrated into it.

When the nibble symbol merged with that little green light, the symbol shook and burst into pieces, but the place where the palm is swollen seems to have evolved from a world, where the grass and trees grow rapidly, the old vines are like dragons, the ancient trees are towering, that is a world of plants, Full of life.

This vision disappeared in just a few seconds, and the world of the plant was restored to the symbol of niches again, but there was a hint of green light flying out of it and disappearing into the heart of Poplar.

When that trace of green light poured into the eyebrow and disappeared, Poplar closed her eyes, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

He has mastered wood powers!

Mastering the wood-based abilities, Poplar suddenly felt that the plants of the entire world became friendly, and even if he had a single thought, he could make the plants grow crazy.

At this moment, aspen's thoughts moved, a pine tree seed that was buried dozens of miles away from the ground was quickly rejuvenated, and it took root and sprouted to grow rapidly. The speed of the seed growth is less than one minute, and the seed has grown from a state of dying to a towering tree that is thousands of meters high!

Originally Aspen could continue to spawn, but it is not necessary, he just tests this ability.

After a little experimentation, Aspen began to summarize this ability. In the final analysis, this ability is actually very primitive and ordinary. It is a stimulating plant effect that consumes its own soul power. There is nothing magical about the others.

"This is just an elementary wooden ability. Congenital Taiji gossip chart, continue to deduced!"

As Bai Yang knows the sea, he consciously enters and speaks here.

In the vast expanse of knowledge, the congenital Taiji chart that filled the universe appeared, a little green light flew out of the other phases and merged with the yin and yang fish and disappeared. Then, the huge congenital Taiji gossip chart began to shake. According to that point, the origin of the primary wooden system power Perform deduction.

This time the deduction process was relatively long. After five minutes, a little dark green light in the yin and yang fish flew out into the Gua Gua Elephant. Suddenly, the Gua Gua Elephant spread out and turned into a vibrant plant world. This world Countless plants are swaying, growing and withering endlessly.

At this time, Aspen almost knew nothing about the teacher. The wood ability had allowed him to control the plants. This kind of control was no longer a mere spawn, but he could fight with plants!

This is not over yet. The hexagrams and hexagrams are restored, and the dark green light enters the yin and yang fish again. The Taiji diagram is deduced again. This deduction lasts for an hour. At last, a little purple light flew out of the yin and yang fish and merged into the 巽The hexagrams and hexagrams turn into the world of plants again. At this time, Poplar felt that every plant in the plant world seemed to have life!

"This is the extreme that Taijitu can currently calculate the wood abilities!" Bai Yang thought to himself.

In the end, the Gua Gua elephant recovered, the purple light spot disappeared into the poplar law phase, and the poplar consciousness also withdrew from the consciousness and opened his eyes.

At this moment, he looked at the world in his eyes again, and felt that the whole world was different, and any plant was very kind, such as the arm of a finger.

With a single thought, an ordinary thatch on the ground collapsed straight, and then grew rapidly to a length of thousands of meters. It is still just a thatch, but extremely huge. Under the control of the poplar's mind, the thatch dances like a sharp sword and cuts through the air There is a cricket sound, and there is even a cricket metal sound between the shaking!

"Any plant is a powerful weapon for me now," whispered to himself, and the thatch leaves that were thousands of miles away shrank quickly and became the same again!

This is the extreme wood power that Aspen has deduced so far, which can not only spawn plants, but also restore them, and even use them to fight!

However, this is not the most powerful place for wood-based abilities. At this level of wood-based abilities, aspen can seem to hear the voice of the plant and talk to him. Through the plant, aspen can even see what is happening around the plant. !!

This is equivalent to the eyes of any poplar!

"In the final analysis, plants are also a kind of life. It seems that wood-based abilities are not as simple as controlling plants. More functions have yet to be discovered. And, wood is a cricket, grass and trees move and the wind rises, maybe when I reach the true **** Mirror, wood-based powers sublime again, I am afraid that they can control the power of wind ... "

Mind flickered, Aspen understood the newly acquired wood powers ~ www.readwn.com ~ Perhaps this ability is not ideal for fighting, but it can be so powerful that it can help the function, and more functions are waiting. Aspen goes to discover.

Looking down at the white young man who doesn't know anything, Bai Yang said that since I got the wood ability from you, I owe you a cause and effect. If so, I will give you a good fortune!

Thinking in his heart, Aspen pointed out, and a little white light flew across the tip of his finger and merged into the white youth's mind.

"Using power requires the power of the soul. The power of the soul can be improved through cultivation. A withering code is given to you. You can continue to cultivate and eventually reach the real world. There are also various spells that control plants. Which step depends on your own efforts and luck "

After doing this, Poplar left with Qing He flashing away.

The white young man may never dream that he will have such a good fortune to come to his head. It is simply a matter of falling out of the pie in the sky. A lot of knowledge appeared in his mind. He was dizzy and dizzy when he was weak. Things were stunned immediately.

"It can actually absorb the vitality of heaven and earth through plants to strengthen itself, and it can also use the plant array method, and even absorb the essence of plants and plants to treat injuries ... but why do I know these?"

The white youth who suddenly got the chance was aggressive ...

The poplar did not directly give him strong power, but gave him a way to grow. It is better to teach people to fish than to give them fish. He got wood power from him, and he returned to him by practicing cheats. Share cause and effect.

In the future, the white young man can't know where to go. As he leaves, he takes Qing He to the next place.

The most southern part of China is Sanya on the South Island. Aspens come here from Canada.

Here is a person who has awakened the power of the water system. The goal of this poplar is exactly that person ...

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