Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 979: Ashamed

Shui Miaomiao is a 20-year-old college student who looks beautiful and has a gentle personality. She has never been short of a pursuer since she was a child.

She is not a native of the South Island, but recently moved here to live. She should have been studying at Jingcheng University at this time, but she had to stay away from the crowd because of some changes in herself.

Although Shui Miaomiao's name adds up to five water words in total, she is naturally timid and is most afraid of water. Seeing deeper pools seems to swallow herself as soon as possible.

One month ago, she walked to the bedroom after noon at school, but suddenly a feet-long mouse rushed out of the grass to frighten her, screamed and ran screaming, and accidentally fell into the pool.

At that moment, she was shrouded in fear and despair, and she was naturally afraid of water. She fell into the pool. I can imagine what kind of thrilling experience it was for her. She fluttered in the water. The more water you drink.

In the end she swelled and lost her consciousness and sank into the water.

When she recovered her consciousness, she found that not only did she die, but she could breathe and move freely like a fish in the water, and she could feel the intimacy of the water around her. Water flows as if it were part of one's body.

However, this did not make her feel happy but extremely frightened. She was afraid of the water, but now she actually feels kind to the water. This contradictory mentality almost made her crazy.

When she emerged from the water, she was confused and confused over the next few days. It was also during that time that there was an outbreak of besiegers in the army of various countries around the world. She suddenly felt that something was happening!

She is a college student with a high IQ and realizes that she has awakened her powers. Will the military besiege them now? Will they suddenly jump out of the army and use guns to blast themselves?

There is always a mentality that Diao Min wants to be a victim, and she instinctively wants to stay away from the crowd. After a tangle, no one told her to leave the campus quietly and become a missing person.

She was afraid of the water, but she wanted to stay away from the water, but the ghost came to the South Island.

It's been almost a month since I came to South Island. I rented a lonely house and added a month's living. She hasn't taken up work and earns her living expenses from her parents. Now she's almost penniless.

She hasn't eaten enough for three days. At this moment, she looks at the only packet of instant noodles and considers whether to eat it. Is it all or half? If everything is eaten, then there will be no more.

She hates water and fears water, knowing that she has awakened the water power but did not want to use it in the past, and she is afraid to be dared to use it by the army. This led to her current distressed life.

I'm afraid she is the most miserable one among the psionicists in the world, and she is ashamed of them.

When Poplar took Qinghe to the corner of this remote village on the South Island to find Shui Miaomiao, she saw that she was in a super speechless state at the moment, and she was alone when she awakened her powers.

It is water, water is perfect and tolerant of all things. This is a very powerful ability. Even at the extreme, it will involve the mystery of life. Of course, poplar will not miss it, even if it is to promote the true **** mirror.

As with the wood-based power in Canada, Poplar first stripped a trace of the power of the water power from Shui Miaomiao and deduced it, and finally mastered it.

After several deductions of the congenital Taiji gossip chart, Bai Yang's water system power is very powerful. With his current state, it can be described as a single kinetic energy that lifts all the water on earth to space!

Controlling water is only one aspect. After mastering this power, Bai Yang can still make water out of nothing, but this requires the consumption of his soul power.

After mastering this power, Aspen didn't go too far to understand it. There are still several powers waiting for him to collect, and it will not be too late to study it later.

Obtained the water system ability from Shui Miaomiao, and the same poplar owed her a cause and effect, perhaps because of the same national status. The poplar did not simply leave her a practice method to end cause and effect. No matter what happens.

After thinking about it, Bai Yang asked Qing He to wait, and he went to the place where Shui Miaomiao rented and rang the door.

At the moment when the door was knocked by Aspen, I was still struggling to eat the last packet of instant noodles. Miaomiao screamed subconsciously, curled up in the corner and said, "Don't kill me, I didn't do bad things, I'm not I deliberately awakened, I do n’t know what happened, I ’m desperate, please do n’t kill me ... ”

The white poplar who still kept knocking on the door settled on the spot, let alone the silent word in his heart. This character is timid to such a degree. Shui Miaomiao How did you live so big?

Doing nothing, Aspen simply pushed the door open and entered the room, and saw Shui Miaomiao's tone curled up in the corner and smiled kindly: "Student Shui Miaomiao need not be afraid, I'm not here to kill you"

When speaking, Aspen used a little tricks, and his voice had a soothing effect on the soul.

In front of Bai Yang, Shui Miaomiao's willpower was too weak, and soon calmed down. The thick water vapor that originally appeared in the air because of her mood swings began to dissipate.

She carefully looked at Bai Yang and said, "Are you really not here to kill me?"

"That's natural. You're a good girl. You've never done anything harmful. Besides, I'm not a soldier who annihilates abilities. How could I kill you?" Bai Yang continued to appease.

"That's good, that's good. If you can find me, you must know the changes in me. I didn't expect to find them hidden in this place. Please don't tell others, okay? Don't go to the police station to expose me. "If you can hide the secret for me, I ... I can let you sleep," Shui Miaomiao said weakly at Bai Yang, looking at him weakly.

After hearing these words, Poplar almost vomited blood. I don't know if it would be stupid to describe Shui Miaomiao's cleverness. Also, say that the girls now are so casual? I hide my secrets for you, and you sleep for me?

God, it ’s not a shame for you to awaken your powers. If you go to the official for help, then you will fly to Huang Tengda. How timid are you?

There is no speech in her heart, and for this kind, timid and somewhat confused girl, even if it is not out of cause and effect, Poplar will help her.

Looking at the other person, Poplar's voice contains a very convincing means: "I'm here to help you, you awakened the water power, this is a good thing, you should not be afraid of it, but you can try to accept it, master It makes it work for you. You can use your awakened power to do good deeds, help others, and contribute to society. I understand the fear in your heart. The troops of all countries are annihilated by those who rely on their ability to do nothing. Capable, you are a kind girl, and no one will be against you. I know the senior officials of Huaxia, and I will tell them to come and take you away. They will not hurt you, but will accept you, and you will be among them. One of them, they will teach you how to master the ability to familiarize yourself, do you think this is good? "

By saying this, Aspen's completely negotiating tone not only quietly appeased her emotions, but also eliminated her natural fear of the water. As an aspen who possesses the true status of God, it is easy to do so.

After listening to Bai Yang's words, although Shui Miaomiao didn't know him yet, she no longer rejected Bai Yang and nodded seriously: "I believe in you"

"Well, get up. Eat something first. Someone will soon take you away. They will not hurt you and will help you accept you. The world is not as dark as you think. You must believe that good people are always better than There are more bad people, just like you who are kind "

Bai Yang continued to appease her and gave her some food.

To appease such a young girl Bai Yang, Shui Miaomiao completely calmed down, no longer afraid in her heart, and even looked forward to the future picture described by Bai Yang.

She got up to eat and waited quietly, while Aspen left silently. When she left, Aspen gave her a practice in the water system. If she is talented enough to work hard in the future, it wo n’t fall. She cultivated to the realm of Shinto Master!

This exercise method was not a brain jam to her mind, but was sealed in her mind by the poplar, and it will be gradually unsealed as her future practice increases ~ www.readwn.com ~ So, even if it is the same For cause and effect, the treatment given to foreigners and their compatriots is quite different.

A few hours later, a senior from the ninth place of Huaxia personally came here and took away Shui Miaomiao. No one dared not pay attention to it by Bai Yang himself. From then on, Shui Miaomiao, a girl with a courageous and careful nature, will Take a completely different path.

This matter is just a small episode in the journey of Bai Yang's life. In the meantime, he took Qinghe and walked to two places. He gained gold power in Uncle Black in a small steel plant in Africa. A ferocious mob in the Sahara has gained gravity.

Uncle Heiyang Baiyang gave him a practice method. As for the thug, he was directly destroyed by humanity ...

Kun is the ground, the virtues carry objects, the earth is pulsating, and gravity bears all beings.

巽 is wind, the five elements belong to the wood, the vegetation moves and the wind rises.

Earthquake was thunder, spring thunder billowing, with vitality in the destruction.

The ridge is water, perfect and tender, and the moisturizing is silent and tolerant.

Liwei is the most ruthless fire.

Gen is a mountain, the mountains are undulating, and the weather changes only four times.

Duiweize, the five elements are gold, gold and petrochemicals into mud, rigid and soft.

Since then, Bai Yang Bagua Gua Xiang has seven azimuth abilities returning, and the seven abilities have reached the extreme he can master today under the deduction of the innate Taiji Bagua diagram.

Doing things for the sky, the sky is impermanent, and deduced according to the congenital Taiji gossip chart. Qi is the power of Qian Gua, and Qi is the essence of everything. A cheat book enlightens a kind of law power, mastering the law, he will be able to establish a Taoist temple in the dojo and set foot on the true **** mirror!

However, he searched the world and found no last power ...

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