Porter of Two Worlds

Chapter 980: Despair of Aspen

After searching for half a month in the world, the immortal Aspen covered every corner of the world with powerful thoughts again and again, but no one with the air system was found.

Is there no such power at all, or is there no one awakening, or is it because of his own chance?

Nowhere to be found, Aspen has to temporarily give up searching.

"Sangong, don't worry, take it slowly, you can always find it," Qinghe, who has been by the side of Bai Yang, comforted.

With a light breath, Bai Yang stretched his brows and said, "I'm fine, maybe I'm too anxious. The world is changing day by day. Someday it will happen. I have time."

Seeing Bai Yang Shihuai, Qinghe was also happy for him. At this time, they were standing by a river. Qinghe looked at a bridge in the distance and said, "There is a saying in Xianggong's hometown that boat to bridgehead is naturally straight. Will come and be forced "

She is as open-minded as ever, with such a natural instinct and a light personality. She seems to be open-minded about everything. To be honest, this attitude of Bai Yang is envious. At least often, Bai Yang cannot do anything like Qing He. No wave.

"Yeah, pay attention to an opportunity in all things, before the opportunity arrives, no matter how hard you try, it's just futile" Bai Yang smiled helplessly.

Qing He turned around and reached out and stroked Bai Yang's forehead. It seemed to wipe out the helplessness of Bai Yang. The voice said softly: "Perhaps Xianggong should relax and change his mood. Maybe Xianggong inadvertently appears by his side. "

"Yeah, Qinghe hasn't been anywhere else? How about let's go play together?" Bai Yang also felt that such a struggle was not the way, and simply relaxed, so he proposed.

However, Qinghe shook her head and apologized, "Sangong, sister Kitty asked me to try clothes with her, I'm afraid I can't be with you for the time being, why don't you go to your friend?"

"Then I'll go with you?" Bai Yang was agitated and a little curious about what clothes they would buy. You should know that those clothes that kittens and others bought online a few months ago really gave Bai Yang a good look.

"Isn't the man in Xianggong's hometown not like to go shopping? Xianggong should go to your friends, we'll buy it for you, good boy," Qing He said like a kid.

"Well, pay attention to safety," Bai Yang said with a shrug, and the mysterious and secretive did not know what they had discussed on their backs.

After kissing Poplar ’s lips, Qing He waved his hand and said, “Xianggong rest assured, it is estimated that this can hurt us, but I ’ll go to the kitten sisters first.”

After speaking, Qing He waved his hand and left quickly, the figure disappeared quickly.

Scratching his head, some people didn't understand the situation. Bai Yang decided to secretly monitor what kind of ghost they were engaging in. How could they not keep themselves by themselves if they were simply buying clothes? After all, what they wear is for themselves.

More than an hour after Qing He left the round with the kitten, under the covert observation, Bai Yang found that Wang Qingyu was actually there, and the three women of Bai Yang were gathered together. If there was no strangeness, there would be a ghost.

However, just as Bai Yang wanted to further observe what they were going to do, Wang Qingyu suddenly looked up and said to the empty void: "My husband, you can't peek in secret, obediently, obedient"

Was found? Aspen is a little speechless, and she can only touch her nose to withdraw her observational power. Perhaps they didn't directly find out that they were observing, but the woman's intuition is really terrible.

My own daughter-in-law is mysterious and does not play with myself, so who do you want to play next?

After thinking about it, Aspen lay in a slot, and suddenly found that he seemed to have few friends who could play at all. This was embarrassing, so he took out the phone to see if anyone could harass ...

On the other side, three women, Wang Qingyu, Kitty and Qinghe, gathered together and got on a luxury car. Finally, they walked to a secret laboratory that was underground and didn't know how deep.

After coming here, Wang Qingyu drove the people out of the laboratory to leave only three of them, and then Wang Qingyu looked at Qinghe with a little flush and said, "Sister Qinghe, got it?"

The tender face turned red, Qing He tweaked and took out a small bottle, the size of his finger, some white viscous liquid inside, placed on the laboratory bench and said, "This is the last night I and Xianggong I Secretly collected in the bathroom, stored in real dollars, it should be fine. "

Wang Qingyu nodded, looked at the kitten and said, "Let ’s get started, you kitten, please come and see what is going on."

"Well, sister Qingyu, what do you want to do ..."

As a result, the next three women worked in the laboratory all the time, using the things that Qinghe took to do various tests and researches. Not only that, they also took out some of their own bodies for research.

After a few hours, all the experimental items to be done were done, and the results came out.

Holding a result of the experiment, Wang Qingyu frowned and said, "From the results of the experiment, my husband is very healthy, and Xiaoyan's activity is very strong, and we have no problems."

Qinghe frowned and asked, "But sister Qingyu, since we and Xianggong have no problem, why can't we be pregnant?"

"Yes, Sister Qingyu, we have been with Xianggong for so long, but our stomachs haven't moved at all. The problem is that we are all right now, but where is the problem?"

Well, the three women's tangled problem is, why can't she be pregnant after sleeping with Bai Yang so many times? In order to understand this problem, they did not hesitate to discuss the collection of poplar's magpies in secret to conduct experiments.

As women, they also want to have their own children, but they also want to have children for Aspen, but their stomachs are not moving, and they do not show up when they are beside Aspen, but they are secretly anxious.

Putting down the test results, Wang Qingyu frowned into silence, and the laboratory was quiet.

The kitten and Qinghe looked at Wang Qingyu. As people in another world, they only knew that they could have children when they slept with their own men, but they did n’t understand why they could have children and how the children were born. After all, there was not as special as the earth. Someone researched this.

Looking up, looking at Qinghe kittens, Wang Qingyu thoughtfully: "Since there are no problems with our husband and us, I am afraid there is only one explanation."

"What's the explanation?" The kitten couldn't wait to ask.

If she wants to have a baby for Bai Yang, she is the most persistent one, and even if she can't be pregnant, she will give Bai Yang Zhang Luo women everywhere ...

After rubbing his eyebrows, Wang Qingyu said, "With regard to the continuation of future generations, we must first understand the nature of life. When the life form cannot be immortal, it will continue life, and continue the wisdom of life and what we have learned. Conversely, when When life can reach eternal life, the continuation of life is over, because he can live forever, and the institute will accumulate unlimitedly, no new life is needed to carry it! "

"That is to say, the more powerful life is, the longer it will be able to live longer, the more difficult it will be to produce offspring?" Qing He frowned.

"You can say so" Wang Qingyu nodded.

The kitten on the edge said suddenly: "No wonder that there are very few offspring born in the life that stands on the peak of the world. The original problem lies here. In this way, the emperor ’s desperately married wives can be explained. They marry So many wives are trying to increase the chances of offspring being born "

"Neither of us are jealous women. We wouldn't mind if Xianggong could have offspring to marry some more women, but we also want to leave bones to Xianggong. Is there no other way? For example, sister Qingyu, you Can the other method called test tube baby work? ”Qing He asked Wang Qingyu with anticipation.

Shaking his head, Wang Qingyu said, "I tried it. No, her husband's gene seems to exclude the combination of another gene to create life ..."

"Doesn't that mean that we have no hope of leaving bones and blood for Xianggong in this life?" The kitten looked pale and terrified.

It is conceivable what kind of despair it is when a woman cannot give birth to a beloved man ~ www.readwn.com ~ Don't be discouraged by the two sisters, take your time, you can always find a way, as long as it is not absolutely zero Probability, in a long life, we can always give her husband a child, "Wang Qingyu comforted.

"Well, I hope so, but in order to increase the chance of Xianggong's offspring, I recommend finding more wives for Xianggong. What do you think?" Kitty suggested.

Wang Qingyu and Qing He looked at each other, a bitterness flashed in their eyes, and eventually nodded ...

On the other side, Poplar didn't know what his family's wives were doing in the dark. He looked at his cell phone address book to find people who could harass. There were only a few who could play around, and he made such a big movement by himself. It is estimated that it is no longer fun to play, so what's the point?

Undead Aspen still made a few calls.

"It turned out to be Brother Bai, why did you call me? Oh, boring, uh, I'll have a meeting right away, see if we can schedule another day?" Tang Shiliu said.

"Boss Bai? Oh, oh, I'm training with the army how to deal with abilities, there is no time," Wu Le confounded.

"Tao Laobai? Have you got time to call me? Bored? Bored? Let's eat chicken together, I tell you, I found a super fun game today, play 呗 together?" Song Yi said haha.

Which village is your home in? Just connected to the Internet, right? I found a fun game to coax the ghost.

Well, one by one, they kept away from themselves. With the infinite expansion of status, even the best buddies can no longer play happily, even if they come to the door to estimate it is just uncomfortable.

Putting away the mobile phone, Poplar smiled endlessly. Although I had expected such a result, but it really happened but I could n’t adapt to it. I wanted to sit down and chat and fart when I was so busy. Back ...

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