
Youth Agricultural Journal

There is a step with slate in front of the main camera.

“One, two...”

[July 2. 12: 02. Take 1-1.]

The slate shows when to edit! It closed with a sound. When the camera received the red light, Lee Do-jin, who was standing in the garden with seven girls, turned his back.

“I am PD. We're here. Let's take a breath. ”

Sitting between the cameras, General PD Na Glory in the Youth Journal smiled and said.

“I have a lot of work to do today. You can take your time if you want. ”


“Oh, I forgot this one. You can take it slow. What if you don't have a schedule this week? ”

Lee Do-jin made an impression.

“What are you doing today? ”

“Before that, you should introduce the people who came to Jin-hyun-woo's place. ”

“What else can I tell you? They're just going to work anyway. Come on out, I'll give you a caption from the PD. ”

Minho and Park Jin-seok walked out in front of Lee Do-jin. Even though only more workers were growing, the cheers of Idols stood by Lee Do-jin's side.

Lee Do-jin calmed Gull7 down.

“If you don't work and you start dating, you'll starve for dinner. ”


Girls shouting for drive. Featuring all the grumbling but spontaneous rural life of Lee Do-jin and seven female Idols, this program was a broadcast that showed high viewership even though it was late night talent.

Lee Do-jin asked me the PD.

“What can I do today? ”

“You see the field behind you? ”

“I can't see. ”

“I'm going to grow that field into your garden today. You decide what you plant. ”

When the PD gestured, some FDs from the grocery department came and placed a jar of seeds in front of them. Followed by shovels, pickaxes, hoes, and even the very beginning.

“Corn, kidney, broccoli, green beans, lettuce, spinach, carrots. Plant whatever you want. ”

It would be nice to sow, but the condition of the garden isn't going to last. Lee Do-jin turns his head to a garden full of weeds and gives it a head.

“You picked this field on purpose, right? ”

“Because that's what makes it fun. You can use whatever you want, but you have to plant it before dinner. If you succeed, we will provide you with unlimited dining options. ”

Oshora asked me what the PD said.

“Can I have first class hanwoo or truffles or something? ”

“Sure, just be successful. ”

“Conch. Think about it. Will you give me a mission to succeed? ”

When Lee Do-jin shakes his head, I, the PD, said.

“It's quite possible. All the seniors here can do it alone in a garden that size. ”

Gull7 cheered for the temptation, and Lee Do-jin looked at the PD with an unbearable glance. Suspicious smile. I thought there was something there, and the PD said,

“I borrowed some tools from him to help me grow this garden. Especially in the early days, it wasn't easy to borrow because he loved it. ”

An essential item for removing dense weeds. Minho carefully examined the early days of the PD's words, but did not find any light.

I said, "Wait a minute."

“He lent it to me and said, I'll give it to you for free, so send five people to help you celebrate. For your reference, it's a cattle ranch. ”

At that moment, the atmosphere became strange. Minho glanced at Oshora. Her face was smiling, but not smiling.

“Hey, you said you'd never go there again! ”

Lee Do-jin was also sticky.

“Why buy and make work? Just lend me some money. ”

“Where does the money come from? As I said before, you can only spend money from rural areas. You haven't harvested anything yet, so let's write it down. ”


Lee Do-jin shakes his head.

Minho pierces Oshora's side slightly.

“What's the matter? You hate the preacher that much? ”

I came back with one word:

“Smells like shit. ”

“Bathroom? ”

“It smells... deeper than that. It's hooking in.”

“Smells like hook? ”

On the festival side, Minho didn't have any prior knowledge. However, the general feeling came because all seven girls were reluctant. It's always good to stay here.

“Ouch. When you're halfway there, there's a lot of work going on here. ”

It was when Lee Do-jin grumbled.


From a distance, there was access to the scene with a disturbing engine sound. Bidojin's eyes widen, confirming that it is the sound of a convulsion.

“Did you call for the chief? ”

“You have to take the workers. You came with me to the pickup. ”

Lee Do-jin clenched his fist for the purpose of a great pickup.

“If you're really not just your brother, then fuck you. ”

I posed as the PD ran away smiling wildly.

The tiller approaches along the road and stops in front of the garden. As the old man who looked close to sixty stepped down, Lee Do-jin quickly approached.

“Hello, sir. ”

“Yes, Dojin. It's been a long time."

“Chief! Welcome! ”

“Welcome! ”

Girls7 also approached the line and greeted.


Minho glanced at the tillage he was riding. The mild light was flowing from the tillage itself. When I looked from a distance, the sun was so bright that I thought I was mistaken, but when I looked closely, I could see clearly.

"The tiller is your favorite?" ’

Oh, my God, even something that big could be an affection!

Lee asked me, watching the PD.

“I'm the director. Can I take someone with me? ”

“Take him to your favorite worker. ”


Let's take a look at this and you won't be able to look at it easily. Minho flashed his hand after a little concern.

“I really want to go! ”

Everyone says, "No. I didn't have the courage to say 'yes’ when I was doing it. It was curiosity that moved Minho. If not for this opportunity, when will you use your love toys and the horn too?

I was really curious.

You can't afford to transform, can you? ’

She was staring at Minho with a stare of madness. The robotic network of shape-shifters is hard for women to understand.

And the moment he climbed the mill, Minho was able to blow away even a little worry about the feast.


Minho was sitting in a trailer connected to a tiller, looking at his hands. Lee snores as he can't relax.

Next to Minho, who was looking at his curiosity, he heard a sigh of relief.

“Why do you have to go through all this trouble? ”

Minho nods, shaking his head at Lee's excitement.


Among the four chosen by this chapter were Osora. He said, looking at her as if he didn't understand anything.

“I don't know how hard it is to celebrate. ”

"I feel like I'm in my first room," Oshora looked at Minho, who even laughs casually. ’and muttered.


“It's about getting used to it. ”

Minho thought differently. I sat on this energetic tiller and wondered what I was going to do at the banquet.

“Get rid of the cow poop. Put sawdust on it. Working in the shade of the ranch is a hundred times easier than digging in the sun. How cute are those bullshit cows with the eyes? ”

“Ears, are they cute? ”

Hearing Minho's words, he turned his head.

“A young friend knows something. It's a garden, so it's a big deal. ”

“Right? I saw that field and I had a lot of rocks to dig up. ”

“I was looking for a field like that on purpose. Have you ever worked in a field? How did you know that? ”

A farmer's mind, I should say. Riding this tilt, I felt it clearly. It was Minho who responded with an open heart to the loving smile and eyes of the years.

“By the way, you need to raise the trench a little to plant a kidney in the garden. ”

“Because it's weak in the rain, right? ”

“Huh? Right. ”

I looked at Minho as if she was surprised. Other members of Girls7, including Osora, also blinked at the conversation that continued once or twice.

I didn't know she was such a professional storyteller today. This was different from the one who laughs and accepts.

“You can start farming right away. ”

“Haha. Is that so? But this tiller is really great compared to the years. ”

“Of course. It's not just old. My affections are unwavering. ”

“Friends and family growing old together. ”


Minho talked with Lee for a long time. It turns out that this tiller is a very old antique level machine.

Previously, there was no domestic agricultural production technology, so we imported and used it. Similarly, it was a 6.5 horsepower German tiller for four-stroke engines.

A love organ system that gathers the sweat and essence of the Yulchi-ri's head without roughly farming. Minho carefully asked me about the desire to drive once.

“Come on, man. Can I drive this after work? ”

“Do you know how to touch a tiller? If you know how to do it, do it. ”

"Just this tilt. ’

Seeing Minho smiling joyfully, he found other members with similar faces. And, "That brother is weird. ’I confirmed.

“Sis, aren't you going to get a line of talent? ”

“I don't know. ”

VJ captures the image of the girl idols waving their heads, puzzled and puzzled.

“Ugh, the smell. ”

Minho frowned while blocking his nose in front of a ranch of 50 cows. As soon as I got off the tiller, the farmer's mind disappeared like it had been washed and the city boy's mind came to me.

‘If you go in there, you're dead. I'm gonna die!’

The urban youth continued to send warnings.

“What is it? You said it was nothing. ”

“I understood that the smell was deep! ”

If the smell of the bathroom was hot pepper, the parrot was red pepper. The depth of the smell was really different.

“It's about getting used to it. ”


Oshora sticks out his tongue and goes inside the balcony. She wore a body and boots and wore a towel around her head instead of all the clothes she wore for opening.

It seemed to be because I had done it before. VJ catches up and starts filming her closely.

“Are you all right?"

Followed by members of the Seven Girls. Minho lowers his hand and nods.

“Sure, I'm fine. ”

“We'll go in first. ”

Kim Seon-hwa, who is always chasing Oshora and only looking for her sister, headed inside the parlour. Later, Yoon Seung-ji, called a locksmith, came to save the youngest.

It was hard for her to get here, but she was beaten in front of the congressman. Yeah, take a deep breath and get used to it.

‘You can't be pushed here by a man's face. ’

Minho was uglier than trying to get the volume of the broadcast than the women. It's usually cool when I fall the same way, but I feel embarrassed when I stumble and stumble.

He walks into the fragrance of his hometown, which is growing thin.


I almost threw up in the middle.

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