
Youth Agricultural Journal

It was mostly cleaning work.

Spread cow dung with a wide shovel and place it in a cart and stack it on one side. This was not a dirty waste because it became fertilizer to be sown in the field later.

The smell is no longer a problem as we clear out the wooden compartment and continue sharpening the sawdust.


I brought a bunch of fermented foods that the head of the head had developed itself and put it in the breastplate. When I changed the water in the cistern to clean, the cows cried, moaning and wondering if they were feeling well.

“Whoa. Crazy job. ”

Minho came out of the banquet and stretched out his stiff waist. Sweat drops formed on his forehead. The body was tired, but it was rewarding to be done with work.

“I'll take off the tape, rest for about 10 minutes, and then I'll go. ”

At the end of Cho's remarks, VJ was given a break that did not follow. Minho asked Oshora, who had just come out of the reception.

“Don't you have a place to wash up? ”

“It's in a good place over there. ”

Minho followed Osora to the stream below the mountain. I dipped my hands in flowing water and put it on my face. It was cold in the early summer because of the valley water coming down from the mountain.

“Yup. Good. ”

In a slightly deeper pool, the fish were slashing the currents. I can't wait to wash my face like this. At this point, we just go in.

“Excuse me. ”

I soaked my body as it was.

“It's all coming out! ”

Oshora stands up carefully next to you, splashing water on his face. Minho smiled, floating in the stream.

“I'm sorry. It's cool. You come in. ”

“I don't want to.”

“You're not afraid of being embarrassed, are you? ”


It felt like a clean valley soothed my tired body. Minho remembered what happened at the reception in that state. He was busy struggling with the smell, but she was different.

“Everyone's working hard. It's hard on the ranch, and you keep talking. I didn't know you could even name a cow after him. ”

“That way you'll get more on the air. ”

Osora sits only with her feet soaked in the valley.

“If I do that, I'm going to leave this scene for five minutes. ”

Minho got up after sweating in the cool valley. I felt like I needed to be excited.

“Conch! The deaf are gathering!”

I heard Kim Sun-hwa's voice near the abbey.

Lee sits on his usual bench, cutting watermelon and waiting. The first one approached, Minho thanked me and asked me to cut the watermelon that was falling. The sweetness and coolness of one piece disappeared in an instant.

“Wow, it's really good. ”

“Heard a lot. Thanks to you, I'm relieved. Thank you.”

Lee smiled gladly at Minho, who was eating blubbering watermelon.

A small watermelon party began as the rest of the girls sat around in their normal lives.

“Conch. ”

My youngest child, Minho, was sitting next to Oshora.

“Do you know this brother well? There were only two of them in the stream. ”


Oshora grabbed her forehead.

“This is an increasingly popular sound. I'm just an affiliate brother. ”

I told Idol that romance is absolutely forbidden. Minho was not particularly interested in eating watermelon without much thought.

“I've never seen watermelon so delicious. Is that why you work so hard? ”

“Apparently. ”

Oshora glanced at Minho and turned his head, clearing his throat, looking at her eyes. Then I saw one of the writers approaching and quickly got up and asked.

“Dear author, What do we do now? There's still time for dinner. ”

“I don't want to do anything too long, but the PD wants me to go home. ”

“By the way, what about the garden team? ”

“Don't tell me. ”

This writer shakes his head.

“After three hours of digging up the rocks, Dojin almost grabbed me by the neck of the PD. I cheated.”

Minho, who was listening, smiled because the scene was painted exactly. He'll be grumbling and working hard. That's the charm of Lee Do-jin to save this broadcast.

“Here, resume filming! ”

The VJ sticks again. Minho couldn't stop watermelon even after the shooting had started, so he got up after taking the last piece.

“You mean that place when you blow a house into a furnace? ”

Asking Minho, Oshora nods.

“Chief, we're coming! ”

“Oh, yeah. Good job, guys.”

Lee, who was rubbing his face against the cry of the Savior's Court, turns his head.

When it was time to go back, Minho had a crazy thought during this period.

“Chief, can I drive the tiller when I get back? ”

“Of course. While you're on board, bring the tools you lent me. ”

Lee gladly accepted.

All right!

“I understand.”

Minho immediately approached the clearing.

“Can you drive? ”

Gu Yeon catches up and throws a curious glance. A 19-year-old high school girl, she's younger than this. Maybe he didn't even know there was such a machine.

“What are you doing? I'm going home.”

Osora approached, then stood near Kyunggi Kim Sunhwa and Yoon Seung-ji and watched over Minho to the VJs. I came to the banquet and saw an unexpected appearance, so I was expecting to show something.

Meanwhile, Minho was finally wrapped up in the joy of using machine affections. To start the relay, gently pull the axel on the right handle and engage the decompression lever on the side of the engine. Then I started spinning.


The cylinder is energized with the engine running.


One scene flashed in Minho's head as the four remaining men looked surprised when he lightly started the mill.

“I, Dean! ”

Lee looked up at Minho.

“Can you lend me the plow that connects here? ”

“It's in the storeroom. Just write it down and give it back. ”

Minho immediately ran to the warehouse and pulled out a robust plow and loaded it into the tillage. Oshora asked, looking at Minho.

“What are you going to do?”

“I'm going to the garden. ”

“I'm coming too! ”

Gu Yeon quickly boarded after the tillage. Deng Dal Kim Sunhwa and Yoon Seung-joo also climbed into a conflict called Oshora. Minho smiled at her and lifted his thumb.

“We need to pick up more broadcasts. ”

I rode an Osora on this horse. Minho skillfully advanced the tiller while sitting in the driver's seat.

The field of the garden.

The battlefield was full of fallen comrades. Within hours, everyone's face seemed to be five years older, dazzling somewhere far away.

“… let's take a three minute break. ”

Park Jin-seok put a shovel in the ground and sat down. I wanted to die like this.

‘I can't do it anymore. ’

Seeing the garden that was only half turned upside down, I sighed deeply. No burning muscles, no tireless stamina. It was all for nothing.

The sunshine was warm, and I was scared of the three girls of Girl7 who kept asking for help while doing the work. I can't help you as a man when you're being mean. The horse thanked me a hundred times and I didn't want to stay by his side.

Among them, Jung Hyo-rim was high abbreviation. He smiled like an angel and walked around, but everything that was hard was floating towards him.

‘This is hell. Hell.'

It was not just Park Jin-seok's idea. Everyone was exhausted, even though they were different.

At that moment, a furry steamer approaches from afar.

Lee Do-jin, who was drinking water, told the PD.

“Looks like the reception team's here. Tsk, tsk. They must have been through a lot, too. ”

“I'll just do it here. ”

“... You're thirsty, right? ”

I sprinkled some water in my hand on the stump of PD.

Gu Yeon who was riding behind the tillage raised her hand.

“We're here! ”

“Huh? You're not blind? ”

It was hard to get up, so those who were sitting and watching jumped up. Again, Kang Min-ho was clear that the driver of the Gyeongsang Machine was not in this position.

"No, why is he driving? ’

The same question on your face without saying it.

I drove the tiller to Minho Garden and turned off the ignition. Lee Do-jin woke up surprised.

“Min-ho, did you think you were driving a gyeonggi-do? This is Ace. ”

“I still have some gifts left. He lent me this because he did a good job. ”

When I took out the tiller and put it on the ground, the eyes of Jung Hyo-woom and the rest of the members who were sitting there lost their energy changed. Lee Do-jin looked at the plow and asked.

“Is this sweet enough for you to plow this fucking land at once? ”

“Sure, and I can make it more comfortable with a field. Simple enough to fertilize and sow seeds. ”

“You're so cute! ”

Lee Do-jin liked it, tapping Min-ho's back. Meanwhile, I, the PD, sneaked up behind me.

“Wait a minute. Just use the right tools. This way, I can't keep my dinner plans. ”

“No! You have to be straight with me. ”

Lee Do-jin said as if it was a good trip.

“What are you talking about now, selling our kids for a loan? And this is also his stuff. Are you really going to change the rules? I'm not going to work like this. Stop broadcasting!”

On the last day of the exact rebuttal, both the garden team and the members of the circumcision team favored Lee Do-jin. I talked to the writers and said, "I can't help it."

“Rules are rules. Let's give it a try. You think it's easy to farm with a tiller? ”

Lee Do-jin looked at Min-ho. If Minho said it was difficult here, he had to do it again. in the sun, having a very boring, very hard time.

“Don't worry. ”

Minho raised two fingers.

“This field ends in about 20 minutes. ”

It's not just a word. Minho loosened the trailer and plowed it skillfully as if it were a gesture.


“What's that? ”

The PD denied it. The writers shook their heads as well. However, their faces became darker and darker, and Lee Do-jin, on the other hand, poured out a rich smile as if he had won the whole world.



As the tiller began to draw a straight line through the garden, the weed-infested void gradually began to turn into a field.

“Oh! Hurry up! ”

“It took me 30 minutes to flip over there, and in an instant! ”

“Run! ”

“I am PD. Let's throw him in the towel. I feel so much better!”

In Lee Do-jin's words, I made scissors with both hands like the PD would never do it. It's no fun to finish a mission so easily. No, as long as Yi Do-jin is happy, the broadcast will not be live.

In 20 minutes.

Five straight lines were formed. It was a field with an artistic angle. Minho said after pulling the tiller aside.

“That's enough, right? ”

“Barry Good! ”

When Lee Do-jin raised his thumb, Girls7 cheered.

“Have you decided what to plant? ”

“Are you sure you're up for this? ”

Minho looked at the shape of the field and said.

“It's easy to manage corn. I like planting.”


“Corn, corn! ”

At the same time, Seven hanged on Lee Do-jin's cry for corn. Minho's work did not stop during the millennium. If they had been a team of misfits, each other's work and progress would have been accomplished as if a proper tower had been standing.

Park Jin-seok had to look at Min-ho all day without suffering.

The writers on one side mutter.

“What the hell is this? ”

“I know. I got the scene, but the bleeding.... ”

I, PD, also whispered to the next choreographer with my head down.

“You think you'll do it before sundown? ”

“I think I have time. ”

The PD sighed deeply and said.

“Go downtown and put a BOLO out first. ”

Lee Do-jin raised his voice when he heard this.

“You know I'm a PD 1 + +, right? I just can't eat first grade. I'll just eat you up today. ”

“And truffles!”

When Oshora was cold, the PD and I raised our hands and signalled our surrender.

“Help me. We don't have a lot of production costs. ”

“Then don't make any promises. ”

“Dojin. Please."

In the early declaration of defeat of PD, the dimples on Lee Do-jin's cheeks became darker.

“How about an early night's sleep? ”

“What about our broadcast? ”

“If you wanted to film that with someone, you shouldn't have brought me here in the first place. What are you gonna do, or what? I have nothing to lose. ”

I kept my head down. The broadcast isn't just for today. He opens his mouth, burning his heart.

“I'll let you get to bed early. ”

A country house in Girl7 that evening.

On top of the cauldron covered with firewood, greasy meat was cooked, and in the kitchen furnace, salted miso boiled. The rice table was set so that the freshly picked cucumbers were beaten soundly, and the cold white kimchi from the pot that had been buried deep in the winter was bent.

Lee Do-jin, who was leading the evening menu in the house where the festival was held, smiled delightfully. When the meal was almost ready, I sat down on the regular floor of the courtyard.

“Enjoy your meal. There's still a day left. All that's left is to eat. ”


I started screaming and eating at the same time. Park Jin-seok, who was chopping more grilled meat, also sat down and lifted up the spoon.

After returning the tiller, Minho entered the yard and Lee Do-jin waved his hand.

“My Ace! Come here. My brother baked you a nice steak. ”

Lee Do-jin who gently takes care of Min-ho. My PD, who was looking at it, said.

“Dojin, I think he likes Kang Minho more than Girls7. ”

“I don't need them all here. This reliable brother is the best. ”

Lee Do-jin said, Park Jin-seok, who was eating in the corner of the table, flinched. It was Park Jin-seok who didn't expect to be this numb just when I started, so I just looked at Min-ho sitting in the middle with jealous eyes.

I looked at the PD and Lee Do-jin with a joyful expression.

“Do we want to share the PD? This miso soup is really delicious. This is my grandma's miso in front of me. ”

“May I? ”

“Well, eat this and go work on the field. ”


object: Lee's German Luxury Prize Winner

effect: The memories and experience of veteran farmers can be used to treat the tillage like one body.

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