
Youth Master TV

Oshora, who was yawning, turns his head to Minho's muttering.

“Why? Is the town weird? ”

“No, it's great. There's going to be a lot of great seniors here. ”

It was like visiting Las Vegas surrounded by a spectacular neon sign in Minho's eyes. Oshora's gaze follows Minho and heads out the window.

A casual rural landscape in November.

The golden countryside where reeds roamed around, a gentle mountain ridge unfamiliar with the atmosphere of autumn. The slow pace of quiet in the village was not much different from the UlChiri, which films the youth diary.

Osora smelled rural in a long time after she saw Minho who seemed overwhelmed by the atmosphere of this countryside, so she went on.

“Brother, are you only going to cover the story today? ”

“For now.”

“Do you mind if I join you this morning? ”

In Oshora's suggestion, I raised my hand a little.

“Me too! Me too! ”

Starting with this voice, all seven hangers were surrounded by Minho.

“Min-ho, I'll carry your things and do anything you want me to do! ”

“Take that, every hour of the sports massage I learned this time! ”

“I'll carry you every time I go home! ”

Minho swallowed a groan.

“Whoa, guys. ”

I thought that if I let it go like this, there would be no end to Minho, but I held the draft in my hand and pointed to the title.

“I'm here for another professional. Where's Dojin? Are you riding separately? ”

“Chief Dojin is preparing a guest at Ulchi. A crop obtained after harvest. ”

Gu Yeon answered, “Steamed for an hour with Min-ho!” Then the chaos began again. Controlling Girls7 was originally Lee Do-jin's, but winter was coming and it seemed to have changed a bit.

“Stop it. ”

Oshora glanced back at his colleagues with a ridiculous proposal to accompany Minho.

“Let's play fair. Today, I don't want to touch Minho or get help. First broadcast tomorrow if you get caught. ”



The town hall stops and seven hangers begin to disembark from the minibus. The courtyard in front of the auditorium was in a frenzy due to the preparation of the film.

Minho picked up his luggage and found that PD and the steps were talking under the tree far away, and grabbed the Braille watch.

- Joon-suk, if Min-ho says anything, he insists that he's preparing for a teaser shoot.

- Yes, PD. But will I be okay on my own....

- Mi-young's coming, too. Call Mi-young as soon as you think something's going to happen. Don't lose sight of Minho.

- Got it.

When I arrived at the destination, I was the PD revealing my true colors.

‘Well, it's easy to pretend to be a broadcaster. ’

Min-ho waited quietly because she thought it would be natural to follow a camera to lend a love item to the elderly people she met for the first time.

As I was preparing to go through the geography of the village, the PD approached me.


“Stop it. We knew you'd notice each other. ”


“I'd like to help you with your teaser shoot, but I'm not sure I'm starring in that youth journal. ”

When Minho drew the line, the PD smiled and said.

“But there's still time for the master's terms to be promoted for the live broadcast tomorrow, and Minho is the main actor, so you should participate. ”

“Is there such a order? ”

“You know, at the end of the planner there.... ”

“Oh, I see. Is this a violet one?”

I was framed by the PD, and there was no turning back. Minho accepted it lightly because it was a top priority to hang around the village for a long time now.

“Min-ho will take care of the contact details for the master's condition. ”

“Okay. Can I go now? ”

Minho said, and the PD lifted another finger.

“Here's some data from a young journal that the writers had researched in advance. You'll be very comfortable with this. Instead, she participated a little in the dinner contest when the elders gathered at the town hall.... ”

“I don't need it. ”


I didn't need all the data because the light of the love synergy would guide me to find who to go to.

“You won't be able to sell your supplies. ”

“It's a nice place. Walk all you want. I like this side. ”

I recommended PD once again, but Minho had already walked away. I told VJ and writer Kim Mi-young to hurry up and catch up.

“Anyway, it's not moving as expected, Minho. ”

I liked it, so I looked at Minho's back with some anticipated eyes because I was the PD who actively recommended him as the lead in the renovation arts.

Minho leaves the town hall at Hilltop and descends along the furnace where the stream flows. Then I got to the fork in the road. The first thing Minho chose when he opened the backpack and looked at the luggage was the bottle.

‘Jang's old man was a brewer. ’

In the direction where the faint light became brighter, the orchard was located. Next to him, I saw a small house with the nameplate 'Im Dal-su’ hanging at the gate.

“Let's go!”

On the first day, Minho moved his excitement towards his house. Writer Kim, who was wondering where he was going in the back of Minho, picked up his cell phone and immediately reported.

[Kang Min Ho, in front of Dr. Fermentation Engineering's house]

Knock, knock.


As you knock on the tree gate, you hear the old man's thick voice.

“You're here already? Come in.”

Minho opened the door wondering what the old man had to say.

“Hello, sir. I'm Kang Minho.”

“Hey. You're early from Seoul. ”

An old man, a mid-50s old man, with a speck under his nose, stood up on the floor. Depending on his wide brim hat and wearing gloves and a torch, he said, calling out to Minho.

“There are only women, and here comes a man. ”

Minho realized that he was just waiting for the Youth Journal. I was thinking I should make a good excuse, but the boss asked me.

“Seoul, have you ever built a date farm? ”


Not to mention farming, I've never seen a tree with an open cannon. Minho shakes his head and says the old man is right. He flicks his fingers.

“That's great. Follow me.”

A basket of gloves and tosses was handed out to Minho and he headed out across the yard. Minho turned to writer Kim and asked.

“Do you do youth journal missions or something? ”

“Yes, I can help you with your work today, and if you're happy with it, I can be on the Internet tomorrow. ”


I kind of got it. Minho put his backpack on the floor and wore gloves and a torch. Since I had to get to know him first so I could borrow my love products, now was the time to actively help and build friendship.

I only kicked the jar on my side, but when I saw the synergy fading, I turned my head.

‘The old man has a favorite. ’

I followed him straight out with the basket.

The foreman who started walking the path to the orchard next to the house turned to Minho.

“You see those ripe dates up ahead? From now on, you have to listen to me and pick the right date. ”

“Senior, why did you like that I have no farming experience? ”

“Don't you just do what I tell you to do? ”

Indeed, Min-ho nodded his head to say that it is better not to know at all than to vaguely know.

Immortal stood under a bamboo tree.

“Listen up. I just have to choose what to ferment, so I just have to pick the pieces that are like this. ”

I picked a date and threw it to Minho.

“Try it. ”

Among the bites, the master throws another backbone. The colors were all red, but one was slightly darker and one slightly lighter.

“You're both sweet. ”

“Don't you see the difference? ”

Minho immediately touched the Braille watch. Increased palate made the taste of dates more noticeable.

“Should I say a little bitter? I think there's more sweetness to this brown stuff. It smells different.”

“A young friend knows that? The rustic flavor of the red cabbage is rich in citrus, red ginseng and tin. When this and the enzyme meet, a catalytic fermentation solution is produced. ”

At this point, Minho feels that the target is not just a landlord of the garden.

“I'll do my best! ”

“You don't have to open them all, just fill the basket. ”

Im Daesu went back home. Minho scrubbed the date tree and began picking and picking the date. Red-brown and dark brown. It was a subtle color that could be distinguished by the naked eye, but it was not difficult because of the ability of the Braille Clock to distinguish fragrances.

Writer Kim, who was watching, texted [Kang Min-ho, Begin counterfeiting].

About half an hour ago?

[Mi-young, the youth journal opening is over. How's it going in there?]

Writer Kim's gaze was towards Minho in the text of the PD. Minho's expression of returning home after filling his basket with dates was very serious.

[I'm still just helping out.]

[I can't live with my talent just because I suffer. Tell me when you have a destination. I'll lead you to one of the seven girls.]

Writer Kim said to Minho in the yard, seeing how she praised him for winning well.

“Sir, sir. ”

Minho, who had washed his dates by the tapestry in the yard and placed them on the drying deck, asked, pointing to the small wooden spoon that was hanging on his neck.

“That tree looks so precious. ”


Immortal touching the wooden spoon asked.

“Do you know what a wooden tree is? ”

Thunderstruck date trees. Minho found out that it is a precious tree that means to chase demons or prevent misfortune, and carefully asked.

“Isn't that a very precious tree? ”

“Yes. It's a superstition, but there's a rumor that carrying this will overflow with lamb. ”

“Do you mind if I take a look around? ”

Minho asked and felt his heart beating. If you can't predict their propensity, say no here and you're done.

“Hold on?”

Fortunately, the boss untied the necklace and gave it to Minho.

Minho shrugs his wet hands off his trousers and carefully grabs the wooden spoon.

- Im, are you soaking again? What's this one?

It's a yeast mix, but once it's done, it'll be good for your blood pressure, and the toxins in your system will be released.

- Ow, I don't know what I'm doing. Soak it up!

- I can assure you it works much better than the snake you eat sometimes.

Im Dal-su, who fermented various microbes in various vegetables and studied their utility, passed through Minho's head.

"You're a fermenter."

Minho touched the bottle with great expectations. A young light disappeared from the jar that produced the bobbing boat. I was wandering around, feeling nothing, and I opened the lid of the bottle just in case.

The dark smell of medicinal herbs rose in a jar that should have a dark smell of fennel.

‘No way.'

Given that the content inside is original water and that it was only applied to itself as an anesthetic, it was not strange even if it was switched to some other liquid.

Minho was sure it wasn't liquor that he only took one drop with his tongue.

‘This……. ’

Unlike the smell, it was a sweet drink with a different taste. Omiza, grapefruit, cauliflower, ginger, onion. It was confirmed that there were six kinds of fermentation broth that were good for the body.

“Sir, have you been working on something like formulating fermentation solutions into one? ”

“Yes? How would Seoul know that? ”

Minho pointed to glass bottles labeled with washed-out water beside the taps. On one side of the courtyard was a pit full of traces left behind by a failed blend.

“I think I know a little bit about that. ”

“Clever fellow. Ha, don't tell me. It's okay to ferment them one by one. But when you mix things that have different homogeneous concentrations and culture matrix, the flavor gets worse. The ratio is the problem.”

“We don't even have a sterile laboratory to keep the contaminants out, so there's a lot of restrictions. ”

“That's right."

As Im Dal-su and Min-ho started to have a professional conversation, I couldn't help but overhear Writer Kim standing behind me.

“Would you like to try a Stoneback Tea? ”

Im Dal-su said he would like to talk more. Minho, of course, nodded his head because he wanted to take advantage of the love products for a long time.

“Very well.”

While Min Ho was sitting on the floor in the kitchen, Minho picked up the bottle and tried something other than passion. This time, I touched the Braille watch to maintain a more detailed sensation.

‘Maybe this will work. ’

Minho walked into the kitchen and told Im Daesu.

“Sir, sir. ”


Min Ho said quietly to Im Dal-su, who was boiling water.

“I have something to tell you about fermentation formulations.... ”

[Are you still with Dr. Fermentation? Minho, are you going to stay there this morning?]

I texted Writer Kim who was distracted by what was happening on the floor of Im Soo's house.

[That PD. I think you should come here for a while....]


[Minho is filming the conditions of a real master.]

Minho was the expert's handyman who was helping him touch the spots and glass bottles. I got a call directly from the PD.

“Joon-suk, take a good picture. I'll talk to PD. ”

Writer Kim went out the gate. Meanwhile, VJ's camera just finished mixing the last enzyme solution and caught Minho and Im Soo tasting it.

“Oh, there's definitely a balance of six flavors. I don't think we need the enzymes to collide and decompose. This will only take a few days. ”

“Good luck. ”

Minho was probably a hundred percent sure that it would succeed, just like it tasted in the bottle, but he said no more. Im Dal-su thanked Min-ho.

“Thanks to Seoul, I solved it in an hour. ”

“No, I just put a spoon on something that you've already done your research on. ”

“If this works, I'll make you a bottle right away. ”

The one made with only six fermentation solutions made with care. It was priceless, full of nutrients and good for the body.

Minho felt that energy was rising all over his body, whether it was because of the effect of the water turning into fermentation liquid in the jar.

“Are you coming to the town hall for dinner? ”

“Well, I heard it's a party. Let's go. ”

“Then can I just carry it with me until tonight? ”

“Do you think it works? Seoul is getting more bloodied. You can give it to me after the party. ”

“Thank you!”

It was only 11: 00 in the morning when I arrived in the village of Ph.D. Minho happily greeted the master and came out.

Writer Kim pressed the call button.

Mi-young, what are you talking about?

“Minho, I just talked to Fermentation Doctor, and then I started researching again. You just hang out a jar of glass and mix things.... ”

- You were with the master, right? It's not shaky or passive.

“That's right."

- Have you ever seen a celebrity in this class?


- If you don't, you better follow me! If I had told you earlier, we'd be on the main camera.

“Hey, Minho, let's go. ”

Where are they going?

* * *

Minho's happy day went by like a shot.

For hours to wander around looking for synergistic favorites. In the village, I found about eight of them, and I even borrowed three of them. Inside the backpack was a wooden spoon of a fermentation engineer and a sixth of a geologist's tweezers.

‘I feel like I've touched all the visible lights. ’

Minho, who had grown tired of walking around until 5 pm, sat under the sperm at the entrance of the village.

He asked me not to go alone, said he would bring the batteries, then began to rest for a while, waiting for the missing writer Kim to have a secret conversation with the missing VJ and PD.

“Well……. ”

Have you ever touched so many things in one day? Minho closed her eyes and cooled her head because she was too busy with her knowledge due to the love of doctors' products.

I felt like today was the day I could accumulate a lot of experience to upgrade my wardrobe. The time in the future was nearly five minutes, just assisting a literary scientist with the clock.

It was said that it was only a few steps away from becoming a father.

“Okay, okay. ”

Min-ho, who had organized a list of her favorite items that she used today while humming her nose song, rubbed her temples with a tingling headache again.

“Oh my, it's a goal. Why are you doing this?”

As I sat down, Minho, who was getting up from his seat, twisted and sat down again.

‘Huh? Why is the sky spinning.... ’

Minho fell to his sperm chair, but he didn't know why.

“Conch, how many of you made it? ”

Oshora raised three fingers with a confident face in the question of Jung Hyo-jungle encountered in the distance while resting.

“Hehem, only three rats are scheduled to be on my show tomorrow. ”

“There's more. Less than me. ”

“How many are you? ”


After lifting his shoulders as much as he could, Jeong Hyo-woom walked grumbling that he wanted to succeed one more before the dinner party.

“No, you don't have to be jealous. I still have good qualities. Jill.”

Osora went to the village entrance, focusing on the doctors who visited her and comforting her that the mission was a success.

“Isn't that Minho's brother? ”

Minho, who had not heard from her for a while, was lying in a chair asking her to sleep after drawing gorgeous Oriental paintings with a brush at her house, where she was gathering a bunch of girls.

“Jonathan, stay a little longer. It's freezing in the country, and you can catch a cold sleeping there. ”

It was a little strange to get closer. Minho's face, which was sweaty on his forehead, did not sleep comfortably, had a powerful look.

“Min-ho! ”

Oshora comes running, surprised. I touched Minho's crouching forehead and it was like a ball of fire. I was surprised and looked at Minho, who was about to call PD, who was holding the phone in his hand. There was a lot of text on the notepad on the screen.

“Use of love products……? ”


At that moment, Minho's phone rang. I was thinking about Oso when I saw the name 'Father’ floating.


Min-ho's not answering. Are you Minho's lover?

“Oh, hello. I know Minho. ”

- If you know her, you're not her boyfriend?

Oshora muttered, "Not yet." As soon as he smiled at the voice beyond the phone, he realized the state of Minho and hurriedly said.

“Father, Min-ho's brother... ”

- Are you out of your mind?

“Oh... yeah, that's right. ”

Can you punch him in the cheek once?

“Well, what did you say, now? ”

- I'm not kidding. Hit me with the sparkle. He's so complicated, he makes fun of himself when his head gets twisted.

I don't know, but Osora's voice over the phone raises her hand as she instructs.


Min Ho opened his eyes, startled as he touched his cheek.

“Huh? It's a conch. ”

I was surprised at Minho, who woke up with a healthy face like when he was moaning.

- Well done, miss. Now hand me the phone.

“Oh, yes. ”

If you're interested in him, you should be more honest. He's so simple, he doesn't care much about relationships unless he talks to me directly.

Oshora gave the phone to Minho, listening to the strange words.

“Brother, it's your father. ”


Minho answered the phone.

- You. What the hell are you doing walking around?

“That's the thing. ”

Minho said in a low voice, walking out of her sperm, expressing that she was okay with Oshora.

“I found a village full of patriots. ”

- The village?

As I explained about the town of Ph.D., I made a list of the favorites I found today.

Your eyes were turned upside down and you pretended. Stupid. Do you know why it glows when you meet someone you can share it with? That's because if you use more than one item at a time, it burdens your body.

“Now I understand. ”

I learned that I should refrain from touching more than three or four at once in the future, as the time for me to use them without affection has increased.

- Stop by the house soon.

“What are you doing home? ”

- I think I made a mistake delivering from an antique in Seoul. I sent you the goods you bought, whether you thought the address would be the same. If you're busy, why don't you make it quick? It looks expensive.

“Ah……. No, I'll go find him. ”

- I'm hanging up.


After finishing the call, Osora walked in front of Minho.

“Are you sure you're okay? ”


Minho patted his cheek and laughed.

“Your hands are so hot. I'm awake. ”

“My father told me to hit him hard. ”

“Someone thinks I got slapped for something. Thanks anyway.It's dinner already. We're meeting at the town hall, right? Let's go."

After this, I was about to walk away from Min-ho who thought that I would have to change the way I used the affections I found today in detail.


Oshora grabbed Minho's collar.


“Do something while you're slapped. Here.”

Minho was momentarily embarrassed by Osora's provocative gaze.

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