
Youth Master TV

"What's wrong with him? ’

Even at home, Minho smiled awkwardly because Osora dared to appeal to him. Had it been before we had a boyfriend, we could have handled it coolly by wearing an agent's ring and impersonating a cheater, but now we're different.

Oshora approached Minho who hesitated.

“That look again. ”


“Did I make a mistake with him? It's weird to keep your distance. You didn't before. ”

“What! You keep your distance from your comrades. ”

“Hey, hey. I knew you were gonna scream. ”

Oshora glances at Minho's face.

“You don't just have different tastes, do you? The last time I saw you, you were very close to Jinkyu. ”


“You know, if you've done this much in the front, and you've come and gone, shouldn't there be some reaction? Like a wooden stone. I've done it twice already, but I didn't even notice. ”

Min-ho's ears were deafening.

“Twice? ”

“There is such a thing. Anyway, tell me clearly here. Am I not attractive? ”

“You know, he's one of the best idols in the country. ”

“Then why! ”

Osora turned into an atmosphere that would have hit Minho right away. ’I breathed out and said.

“You know what? I love you so much. ”

Suddenly she tells the truth about the wind.

“Conch……. ”

The smile disappeared from Min-ho's face. Minho is seriously unlucky in his judgment that scandals are frightening, but he can't get it right without revealing that he's dating someone.

“I'm seeing someone. ”


Oshora's eyes widen.

“Who is it?”

“I can't tell you that much. Your charm runs through the ages. Not because I have an unusual taste, but because I already like someone.... ”

“Hypothetically? No, I wouldn't have been able to hide it. The galaxy?”

Oshora's senses were sharp. There was also a friendship between the West Galaxy and the existing one.

Minho insisted on his attitude of not being able to tell while maintaining the Pokerface as much as possible. After all, Minho felt sorry for rejecting the opponent and wanted to console him, he had to stop facing Oshora's combat gaze.



“Did you? With a girl who can't name herself? ”

Minho was choked because he couldn't clear his throat and heard Sareh.

“Hmmm. What is she talking about? ”

“The sound you're imagining in your head right now. ”

“Tsk! No matter how close you are, you have a voice and you don't have a voice. ”

“You're the one who's messed up. Boys and girls, it's not as complicated as I thought. It's good if it's good, bad if it's not good. Middle doesn't usually exist. ”

Oshora said, looking back at Minho.

“I don't think my feelings for him will go away easily, and he didn't go deep with his secret girlfriend. So... ”

Minho looks down and finds her fist tightly clasped so that no blood can be seen, even though she needs to draw a more definite line while giving the wound. And I lost my words at that moment. Unlike delivering provocative horses, she seems to be very upset.

“… what I'm going to say now. Not now. Do it later, brother. You can do that for your comrades. ”

“Got it.”

Confession is the expression of the mind and the beginning. That's why the West Galaxy captured it all at once when it came to conveying its mind. Instead of saying sorry for refusing, Minho hoped that he would be comforted by his silence.

Osora, who swung her back, mutters.

“If I had known this was going to happen, I would have done it at the museum. ”

What happened at the museum? ’Scratching her chin,' Minho found VJ coming back from a distance to take the battery.

“I'm sorry, Minho! I'm late, aren't I? ”

While the VJ was running, Osora walked out towards the Tugbuck Town Hall.

Minho quit after thinking about going with him. I thought that the prescription for this situation was time to think calmly.

* * *

November 7, 18: 32. Take 10-3]

“I'm going to have a dinner fight. ”

Slate says, "Good luck! ’It's closed.

Sitting in the living room of the Town Hall, Girls7 was in the middle of preparing food for the elderly who would visit in a moment.

“Minho, are you really not going to participate? ”

I sat resolutely in the corner of the auditorium and asked Minho who was reading. Minho turns his head, searching for the 'secret of insects’ while touching the tweezers.

“I'm not good at food. If I do, the elders will be angry. ”

“Who held a village feast with one bean curd. Come on, I apologized. Stop being angry and help me with the youth journal once. Should I kneel again? ”

The voice of my loving PD continued for a while. Whenever I visited Dr. Minho, I placed the main camera and pulled out the so-called mulberry leaves, and my PD greed was endless. The scenes were good, but we still didn't have a big shot to get to the most talented viewing rate this year.

“Minho, just once. ”

Normally, when he thought his stock price had gone up, he would turn on his popularity lights and participate, but in this regard Minho was like a knife. I really only cover the whole day as a conditional planner and performer of masters.

“If you appear this time, I'll never ask you if you're young again. ”

Minho turned his head to a man who didn't give up or who was annoyed by PD's persistent request.

“Okay, then. If you come later, just a little... ”

While speaking, Min-ho glanced over the living room with lots of food ingredients. While other 7th girls were eating because they were excited, Osora was wearing a blank expression. A face that was dazzled enough not to know if it was cutting the backbone or cutting the air.

‘He's going to cut his hand off. ’

I think it was because of the conversation before, Minho dropped the book and got up from the chair.

“Let me help you get ready. You don't need an introduction, do you? I've been filming since this morning anyway. ”

“Of course!”

I brightened up PD's face.

Minho walked into the living room and snatched the knife Oshora had in his hand.

“Dude, what are you doing? ”

“Brother……. ”

Perhaps the camera is spinning, Osora quickly revealed the sinking atmosphere.

“I'm working on an epicondyle. I've never failed before. ”

“Punching and bruising like you is a failure. ”

Minho reminded me of the memory of trying to make a mockingbird in a Gaming Gang inn and increasing food waste.

“I like to cook when I'm around. ”

“Prove to me how much you can do, how much you can do. ”

“Wait a minute. You're going to be amazed. ”

Luckily, her face was revitalized, but she couldn't leave easily because it seemed like she was pretending to have regained her strength.

“Why? You want a brother? ”

It's not because of Oshora, but Minho pointed to the material next to him.

“We're serving the elders. We should help. I've got a lot of fun people here today. Do you want me to stir-fry some kimchi on the side? ”

“A dish that doesn't fail no matter how wrong it is? ”



While Minho was washing his hands and sitting next to Oshora, Napa PD, who finished consulting with the writers, told the cast.

“Wait! Listen while you cook. ”

Girls7 looked at me and PD.

“Starting tomorrow, we will begin the test broadcast of the Internet broadcast. Can you see the screen in front of here? When viewers come in, you'll see the chat in real time. Watch this and practice. ”

Minho turned his gaze to the large monitor in between the steps.

I went to Dr. Town 7! Dinner Game!

I was waiting for the viewers to come up with a guerrilla title while an eye-catching Internet broadcast program opened up.

Soon, I started to think of chat on the screen.

I just clicked on the title of the youth journal.

- It's in Girl7 in writing.

- Ugh, dinner party... I'm starving.

Dozens of chats swooped by.

“Hello everyone! ”

Gu Yeon, who was looking into it, quickly greeted her first. The chat window rose quickly after all the 7th member had said hello to you.

Minho turns to Oshora, who is still mixing the dough.

“You'll have to do better to connect with tomorrow's. It's going to be an advertisement on the air today. First place tomorrow, you'll be home early, right? ”

“I think so. ”

“Wouldn't backfire be weak enough? Ha-yeon is a grilled duck who plays in carnival. ”

“I'm fine.”

The absence of the willingness to take on the broadcast meant that I was really not energetic.

What do we do?

Minho stared at the glass bottle Oshora was opening to create a liver place. It was an eye-catching disease.

“Sora. Have you been to Dr. Im Dal-su's house? ”

“Yes. He gave me a ginger ale to put in any dish. I went to Dr. Biology and Dr. Jiri's house. ”

Minho faced Oshora, who was the three places he spent most of his time today, and he bowed and avoided without knowing it.

“Th……. ”

Awkward air flow. Then the spoon around my neck caught my eye.

“Conch, wait a minute. ”

I looked at Minho's fermentation broth with a wooden spoon in my hand.

“Let's do a little more medication, not just a pep talk. ”


Minho held the ginger fermentation solution in his hand, and I opened my mouth to the living room.

“While testing, I brought a special elder from the village first. Dr. Food Cookery, a well-known food critic, is an old man. Bring it forward when you're done. ”

An elderly man in his late fifties, who had his head cut off neatly, stood beside me, the PD. She was not greatly embarrassed because it was a surprising situation that she was already preparing for. However, the viewers who were watching in real time reacted immediately.

- You look like shit.

- Girl7 Klam. I searched and found that he's not joking.

The camera, reflecting the food critic, moved forward and illuminated the living room once.

- What's that behind Oshora? Isn't that Kang Min-ho?

Kang Min-ho! He finally appeared in the Youth Journal!!

This is Kang Min-ho's village?

As soon as the camera illuminated Minho, Nana PD, who was checking the real-time response, laughed as she saw the chat bursting into sudden flurries.

“Minho, say hello to the viewers. ”

Min-ho, who was actively building something, waved his hand at the camera.

- Kang Min-ho, it's gonna be a great week. Radial angle.

Show me the drift with the tiller!

Minho glanced at the chat and said.

“Who are you? You can't do this on an ice sheet. ”

- Ice sheet blah blah blah. It's all cars.

- But what are they making?

“I'm helping Sora with a little bit of backfiring. ”

- Is it better than the mung bean?

- Have you guys had your ratings yet? It tastes like shit.

“The taste will be assessed by the elderly in a moment. But the taste?”

- Minho didn't understand. It's delicious.

Minho, who reacted naturally and interacted with the viewers, looked very familiar with Internet broadcasting. I, the PD, was delighted to see the scene, and I also told Cho that he felt good news that he had begun to rise to the laboratory.

Minho reminded Oshora of the recipe for 'Special Pepper Buckwheat Flour and Fermentation Juice' in the ordinary Peppermint Battle.

“Cut the spinach back to three centimeters and chop the red pepper. ”

As soon as I gave the order, Osora began to cut in a reflexive manner.

“Cut the squid legs, marinate with ginger fermented liquid, sesame oil. ”


“Put lemon fermentation solution in the marinade. It's gonna taste so good. ”


The awkward air currents disappeared and the broadcast appetite began to rise, even in Minho, Oso, when he remembered the memory of making the mung bean curd together in the first room.

“Conch, you cheat! Min-ho, you can't help me. ”

Jung Hyo-rim, who was challenging the steamed ribs, pinched Oshora. Oshora smiled and said.

“Sorry, punished. I'll be the first to air it tomorrow. ”

In response to Oshora's cool admission, Jung Hye Jung became deaf and honey.

I carefully asked Minho, giving out the squid leg after finishing the seasoning.

“Oi... brother. Can you help me with the broadcast tomorrow? ”


“If that's because I'm sorry... ”

“No, I'm just having fun. ”

If you go and succeed in the mission, you will be on the broadcast.

Since Minho had been drunk on a lot of favorites today, I thought it would be great to have the three of her favorites overlap with Oshora's broadcast. Step by step. There was no reason to pretend to use only one or two, not several at once.

“Brother, please also appear on my time! ”

Gu Yeon, who was only looking for opportunities for Hospitam, immediately cried out.

“Ha-yeon, where did you succeed? ”

“With Dr. Psychologist, Dr. Art.... ”

Her love of psychology was shiny because her glasses matched.

“Fine. I'll help you. ”

“Me, too!"

“Where have you been? ”

“With Dr. Mythology.... ”

This is the appearance of a doctor who owns a clock and a synergistic favorite. Jung Hyo-rim and Yoon Seung-ji, Min Hye-Ri and Badge-sook. Continuing to listen, I finally came to a situation where I had to appear as a helper on the former broadcast of Girl7.

‘Hmm……. I can't.’

You don't get many chances to experience your love life at once like this.

Minho mixed the eggs and the buckwheat flour on the squid leg he handed over to make dough by pouring broth again.

“Here. This should do it. ”

“Thank you, brother. ”

When Osora puts the dough mixed in the oiled pan, the smell of the spicy smell rises.

In 30 minutes.

All of Girls7 put their prepared sample food on the table and waited for the doctor's assessment who was active as a food critic in the past. In front of the plate, the struggle bites the meat and frowns.

“How did this duck get so miraculously cooked? I can hear them flapping their wings because they don't ripen like shit. ”

- Doctor Goo...... was also a bitter man.

“I feel it. Did you get rid of this beef oil? I can't eat in a row. ”

- It looks fine, but it doesn't taste good.

“That's disgusting! How much oil did you put in the meat? If I eat this, it won't be a part of our village's heritage. ”

- The drip is exhausting.

“Put this steamed mackerel in the fish bowl on the road. That scaly line is gonna swim like a charm. ”

- Come on, she's crying, isn't she?

Viewers who were subsequently defeated in real time left behind 'blah blah' and ‘pity’ without rest.

So it was Oshora's turn to fight the buckwheat.

- I'm looking forward to this.

- You made it with Kang Min-ho.

You tear the rim of the buckwheat warfare, dip it in the marinade, and then chew on the door several times, turning your gaze to Oshora.

“A little rusty baking, but tasty. Marinade is classy, too.I like the choice of ingredients. ”

- That's pretty good.

- I'm drooling!

The difficulty of leaving a compliment, not a strong tongue, is to bite the potatoes right next to you and spit them back.

“It's a mess. It's not even going right. Plant these potatoes on the road! You heard the roots already. ”

End of Test Broadcast. Look forward to seeing you tomorrow!

After the assessment, the elders of the village find one or two passages.

Throughout the party, Osora, who received the best reviews, sent a message with Minho, and food that was commended as decent to eat was also produced.

That's how 10: 00 came to me at night.

After finishing cleaning up the town hall, Girl7 began preparing for her sleep here, but the man, Minho, had to find another place to sleep.

“Don't worry, I've got an empty room. ”

Lee Jung Chul-soo from the village who stayed to help the event, Min Ho put a backpack on his shoulder and followed behind.

“Minho, you've done well today. Rest well. Have a good day tomorrow. ”

I, PD, escorted Minho to the front yard of the auditorium. At 8: 00 p.m. Friday night, the role of Minho was to be exposed to the sword in the golden hour.

“Good job, PD. ”

“My troubles are nothing. I don't care if you continue to suffer, if only Minho would appear.... ”

“I'm just a little overwhelmed by the PD and the staff. I'll never accept it. ”


After finishing his greeting, Minho, who was following after him, found the ring on his finger slowly glowing as he approached the country house in the form of a 'b’.

‘Synergy? I thought this wasn't your house...' ’

Lee said to Minho, who was looking around.

“There's an empty room next door. Wash inside. The boiler's been on for a while. It's gonna be hot. ”

“Thank you, Chief. ”

“What's thanking you for? It's a playroom. I had a good meal before. Looks like your food. ”

“I added some of Dr. Lim's special fermentation solution. ”

“Yeah? No wonder. I like all of you, but I can't listen to you even if you dip a little bit of alcohol with your good skills. ”

Min Ho only realized that Lee Lee's face was the face he saw in the memory of Im Dal-su. I feel familiar, Chung. I asked him where he might have a favorite item, but Lee tapped his hand first.

“Since you're from Seoul, you know how to compute, right? ”


“What is that? I need to apply for additional livelihood support for the villagers over the internet, but it's very complicated. We call it the Cotton Office Man's Weekend. ”

For an older adult, IT devices were not easy tools. Minho nodded.

“I'll sign you up. ”

“Can you do that? Thank you."

Minho entered Lee's room with the computer. There was already a computer on the corner desk, but there was also a computer type machine wrapped around one side to look at.


Minho asked, watching the light leak out from the inside of the sheet.

“Chief, what is that? ”

“I got it from Min's, but it turned out to be nothing. I packed it for junk. ”

Minho's eyes flashed. I don't know if I'll be able to help you with your work and get your favorite items for free. In order to do that, we need to finish the Internet application neatly.

Minho, who turned on his computer, immediately accessed Gangwon Province's wiretapping site. Lee took a scrap of paper from the drawer and gave it to Minho.

“I was told to fill this all out. I used to do it all over the phone, but things got a lot worse. ”

The memo contains personal information about the elderly who are difficult to live alone in the village.


Minho quickly finished typing and pressed the send button. The screen flashed and asked me to wait a moment.


[Do you want to close all Internet windows for Active X installation?]


The information I entered flew away and the installation screen started. I want to open the bug, Bug the bug site. After trying for a long time, I was only able to finish the transmission.

“Phew, I think we're done. ”

“You're a Seoulite. Hurry up. Do you want to eat?”

“I'll eat well. ”

Min-ho, holding the cup that Lee gave her, opened her mouth in disgust.

“Chief, can I take that piece of junk? I'll pay you double for the junk. ”

“That's enough. How much? But it's gonna be heavy. ”

“I'm fine.”

The ball manager will be here tomorrow, so there's no problem in taking a ride.

“Ugh, it's heavy. ”

Minho groans and lowers his gaze as he enters an empty room to sleep with an unexpected harvest. With anticipation, the body, monitor and keyboard of the older PC with the model name 'Aladdin 386 dx’ were revealed.

“I think it's been about two or 30 years. ”

Minho flinches because the only thing shining was the keyboard.


However, no light was absorbed.

“Was it an artifact?”

The keyboard you used when the agent was active. Minho felt his heart beating because it was also an artifact.

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