
00146 39. Mission Parsable: Macau Royale + 9827; + 9827;

* * *

36 Hours Before - Arrival at Incheon Airport

“Here we are, Minho. ”


Min-ho, who was in the van, woke up to the ball manager's voice and opened his eyes. Even though I was as immersed as I could in the role without NGs, it wasn't until 7 a.m. I looked at Minho who was tired, giving out tickets and passports that the ball manager had taken.

“I heard the cast is gathering at Gate 5 to step into the water, but are you sure you want to do this? If you're tired, skip this training... ”

“You can sleep on the way. I have my own business in Macau. ”

A four-hour flight to Hong Kong will help the enthusiast recover some of his fatigue. Kim Cody in the back seat hurriedly told Minho who was crunching his backpack while yawning.

“Brother, just take what you need and put the rest in here. I'll take care of it while I'm loading up the steps. ”

“Okay, thank you. ”

Minho, who put all the clothing items in the carrier, with the exception of his favorites and tablets, turned his head back and found Kim Cody in the same outfit as advertising 'I'm going'. Visible orange windbreaker jacket, large neck cameras, and sunglasses. The peculiar figure burst into laughter.

“Siwan, you don't have much time for sightseeing because it's two days a night. ”

“Just felt like my first trip overseas, huh? ”

The ball manager turned around and looked at Kim Cody and said,

“This is the only time Siwan will let you get excited. When Minho goes to China, China or Hong Kong has to come and go to schedule like my home. ”

“Yes? On the run? ”

Minho tilted his head and the ball manager smiled silently.

“Im So-hee told me to keep it a secret for a while, but this is so good news. The Chinese station keeps getting in touch. The president said the drama was so dramatic that he started a competition to take him to the Holiday Special. The Youth Journal used to be popular, but if Minho comes out and buys a ticket by 24: 00 Medical, he's done talking. ”

“Minho, that's enough of a forced entry. ”

Kim Cody was also amazed, clapping his hands.

Minho, who had not thought much of going to China, stepped out of the van under an unexpected pressure. At this rate, I might have to look for a more fluent Chinese product.

“Then, Min-ho. See you in Hong Kong.”

The ball manager drives the van towards the long term parking lot, and Minho steps inside the gate. Across the recreation area where NBS station steps converged, a cast was also seen.

Did I mention there are four others? ’

I looked at it and I saw a man and a woman standing in front of the step.

“Huh? Kang Min-ho! ”

Minho was spotted and approached by the bottom of the Man&Jungle PD. A young man in his mid-30s, he was more of a documentary expert than a talent, and the ball manager told him that he liked to focus on the details of each character. So let's just say we need to keep our eyes open.

“Hello, PD. ”

“Just rest over there. When all the cast members come, I'll explain the approximate schedule. ”

Minho walked in front of the camera with a greeting and step across the HAPD.

“I told you, surfing is a quick ride as long as you know how to balance. ”

“But isn't it a little dangerous to surf in? ”

“You know how to swim. When I get used to it, I just want to jump in.... ”

The two people who were talking looked back at Minho. A man of considerable stature and a woman of considerable height.

‘Actor Hwang Ji-seok. Owned by the model.’

Drowsiness reminds me of memories I heard from the ball manager.

“Hello, I'm Kang Min-ho. ”

“I know, Min-ho! I've heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you."

Hwang Ji-seok smiled and reached out his hand. He was thirty-two years old, but he looked more like a nice guy with a little height than a HAPD.

Minho shook his hand and glanced at the bag tied by the yellow stone. I did not see a light with the possibility of a love product. It was the same for the owner who was showing the slender bridge line.

“Hello, Kang Min-ho. ”

Han said hello and asked me right away.

“I heard that each performer has an organ involved in survival, but I don't know what Min-ho is. ”

He pointed up and down at Minho.

“Don't you see? It's a head. You look like a model student. You wore fancy clothes. ”

“I don't look like I'm going to be trained. ”

I came straight after the drama, so I was dressed up in full makeup. Minho looked at the two people in active sportswear and said he should have changed into comfortable clothes beforehand, but he thought he could go to Hong Kong and change first.

“I didn't sign up because I can swim as well as you, or because I have leisure sports organs like you. Please take good care of them in the future. ”

Hwang Ji-seok tapped Minho's shoulder.

“Minho, there's no need to be modest. I don't know if PD would have expected it. I just saw Min-ho's action video. He said," My hands and feet just squeaked. "That's not coming from your mouth. ”

“Ah... … it's a combination with the stuntman. ”

“Do you think it's easy to pick a pose like that? You don't have to do anything. This pro dark horse must be Minho. ”

There was no need to fight wildlife in the jungle, and one more cast arrived while Min-ho scratched his head with an overwhelming compliment.

“What the hell, that's him. You've got it very well prepared. ”

Minho's gaze turned to the murmur of the cornerstone. And I had to swallow a groan called "Kmm."

A military bag equipped with a strap in its cistern, a pouch containing emergency tools, and a small sheath on its belt. The attention of the steps was focused on the appearance of the winner on the left shoulder, up to the mark of the Dongmyung troops, which means overseas troops.

“Greetings, Elite Winner. Please take good care of him.”

From the entrance to a gentleman walking to greet one. Seeing the winning streak, Minho couldn't help but recall the face of Jung Seung Mi, who had asked for his unchanged brother.

‘Please don't. If you give me one knife, I'll live ten days alone. ’

The winner who approached the cast saw Minho.

“Long time no see, Minho. ”

“Welcome. We're joining the program again. ”

“Planning intentions and I applied because they seemed to be perfect for me. Minho?”

“Me too……. ”

The winner looks up and down Minho, not preparing at all, and turns his head, smiling victoriously.


“Nice to meet you, I'm Huang Ji-seok. ”

“It's yours.”

Jung Ji-seok, who finished confirming his name and age, asked me to prepare all the way to the master plane.

“Seunggi, what kind of training do you have today? We're not going to the jungle. ”

“The instructor is from the Special Forces, so I don't want to train normally. ”

“That's right. Oh, I'm sure I'll get some gear. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it.

The winner drops his bag on one side and pulls out the leather knife rack he was wearing on his waist.

“Huh? That tactical knife, isn't it military? ”

“You recognize it. It's robust, so I just chop off some iron. ”

“That's over a hundred dollars. Can I touch it for a second? ”

Hwang Ji-seok took a sword as big as a palm from the winner and looked at it curiously.

“Oh, look at me. It's really sharp.”

Minho glanced at the fact that the small knife was very expensive, but he quickly lost interest because there was no possibility of love.

He took the sword out of the blade and looked at the bright light and turned his eyes to the winner.

“Is there anything else? ”

“I do have a custom fishing knife. ”

“Oh, let's have a look! Go ahead and lend me one if you need me. ”

The Winner searches his bag and pulls out another knife.


When I put it out with a leather collector, the cornerstone reached out to grab the knife and grab it.

“That looks expensive too... Huh! ”

I rushed out and forgot the knife I was holding.

A blade that swings in front of Minho, looking to see if anyone owns it during the step.

Screw you.

I was still alive even though I was tired because I had been filming the drama all night with the ring. Minho unconsciously reached out and grabbed the knife! I caught it. A mistaken ruby opens its mouth in a swift reaction that seems to have been handed to me on purpose.

‘Huh? Why is this...? ’

Minho was so used to the feel of the blade sack that he twisted and caught it and stabbed it in the air lightly.

"Oh, JB must have handled some knives. ’

Smooth, defensive knife-combat movement. This blade is probably the kind of dagger the ring agent used before. Min Ho grabbed the knife after finishing the movement. He was amazed to see it, and said.

“Wow! What technology, Min-ho? ”


Minho quickly regained his senses as he enjoyed the touch of the dagger handle.

“I practiced stunts and my hands moved by themselves, haha. ”

With a smile, Emperor Crowd approached Minho.

“I don't think you're very good with knives. Show me one more. I'll do the stunt too. ”

“Well, like this? ”

Minho turned his sword freely over his hand and showed the movement of slashing two hypothetical enemies in an instant.

“That's too hard. ”

“What about this? ”

This time, you were able to pull down and rotate the spinning knife to stop the attack in front of you.

“Have you seen the owner? I think I got a knife in my hand. ”

“I've seen it, but it's too fast. Minho, show me one more time. ”

After being interested and watching, one of the VJs who was maintaining the camera began filming. Minho showed his knife fighting moves a few more times with the dagger in the sheath, and he met the wink who was looking at him frowning.

‘Hmm……. ’

Min-ho stops and gives the sword to the winner.

“Here, Seunggi. ”

“Stunt? ”

Minho couldn't help but smile at the winner who grabbed the knife and asked the question standing still.

“Yes, Stunt. ”

“Minho can't know the end of the car. ”

“Is that so?"

Minho glared away and whistled as he felt overwhelmed by the beady eyes of the winner.

“Oops, here we are. I'm last, last! ”

It was the last performer who saved Minho who was awkward. In the mid-30s, a man with a good body appeared to walk often among the steps.

“Welcome! ”

Minho ran out first and greeted the man.

“I'm Kang Min-ho. ”

“Deep Ore.”

According to the information of the ball manager, Deep Ore was a popular chef who was interested in exotic ingredients.

“You're late, hello! ”

While everyone was saying hello, the HAPD came forward.

“You're all here. ”

The PD began explaining the schedule.

“As you may know, we are here for our primary training, and our destination is the Survival Training Academy near Ripples Bay in Hong Kong. As soon as I arrive, I plan to meet with the instructor to start training and camp on the island at night. ”

“That must have been hard.”

In the murmur of Hwang Ji-seok, the PD smiled softly and said.

“Consider this an adaptive training and I'd appreciate it if you'd come with me. Emergency personnel and professionals are available at all times, so you don't have to worry about safety. ”

During the continued explanation, the deep ore carrying a large backpack was asked.

“PD, can I cook dinner alone? There's a lot of unusual ingredients in the night market. ”

“Well, I don't know if I can schedule it. ”

“Don't be a tight-ass. Be flexible. I'm filming the whole family living together. ”

In the words of the smiling heart stone, the PD nodded his head to consider it. Deep Ore has unchained your backpack and placed it under your feet.

“But I guess I'm the only one with a package like this. ”

Minho was only carrying a shortened backpack, and the rest of the bag was in the cart. Minho told me that, and when he saw the heart stone that had just opened his backpack, his eyes flashed.

“I packed a bunch of delicious things because I've never seen them before, but if PD doesn't approve of this, I'm going crazy. ”

“Chef Sim, about the knife. ”


Minho looked at the deep mineral knife, which had a delicate light, and cheered her up. A first-rate knife that can be used among many experts. I couldn't be more of a soulful lover while I was in drama to being a chef.

He laughed as he saw Minho's attention toward his sword.

“Just go to the jungle and grab anything. I'll disassemble it and make you something delicious. ”

“Yes, Chef. I'll get as many as I can. ”

There was enough time to get along. Moreover, coming together to the jungle later made Minho even more burnt.

Ha PD called out.

“We're on our way! All hands on deck, please stand by inside security!" ”

At the beginning of the movement, Minho approached Deep Ore and bowed his head again.

“Farewell, Chef Sim. And make yourself comfortable. ”

“Min-ho, how old are you? ”

“Twenty-four. I'll carry your bag. You have to get on board.”

“Oh, thank you. Minho, you have a good personality. ”

“Is it because your impression is familiar? I just want to be next to you, haha! ”

Min Ho's friendliness rises vertically when she puts her loving items next to her. The winner who was watching Minho like that earlier kicked his tongue. Even though he showed me how to handle the sword and took the attention of the steps that were crowded with him, there were many questions about what was so good about it.

But as long as I was prepared, I was ready when I went into battle.

“Hwang Ji-seok, come with me. ”

The winner stood next to Hwang Ji-seok, following the information that had analyzed the cast members. He only followed me to the red dot, and the chef of deep ore must have been a burden if anything that looked dull spread on the surface.

Therefore, the only real force to reach the jungle was the Yellow Brick. I am somewhat aware of the wild in various sports and fitness training. It was a good partner to go with.

‘This is different. I'll definitely get more attention than Kang Min-ho. ’

The Elite Winner committed and committed again.

Thirty Hours Ago Hong Kong

- Ladies and gentlemen, our plane will be landing at Hong Kong International Airport shortly. Please keep your seat backs and tables in place and fasten your seat belts.

Min-ho, who was asleep with the airwaves, opened his eyes like he was unconscious, a three-hour and 50-minute flight. The devastated sea disappeared and the islands of the South Sea were visible outside the window of the plane.


Minho, who had a big base, looked around and found a new brother-in-law, Sim Ore, before he left. Sitting in the middle seat, you doze off with a slightly larger head.

"I feel good today."

There was no need to be alarmed. As long as we stick together, we'll have plenty of opportunities to take advantage of it.

Shortly after, the plane landed on the airport runway with a slight vibration.

Personnel to Man and Jungle stand by at Hall 3 of Entrance! ”

Hearing the cry of the PD, Minho left the plane and headed for immigration. It is located on Hanja signs everywhere, and it is clear that it is the land of China in a barrel full of loud Cantonese language.

What is the purpose of your visit?

After answering the question of the immigration examiner, "tourism and photography" in English, the passport was stamped with bread. Minho, who finished the screening, stood around the conveyor belt between the steps of waiting for the luggage. And as a sort of celebrity, I couldn't show my face to the public, so I put on my hat and wore sunglasses like Kim Cody.

“Sir, this way. ”

Minho pointed to the place where the bag came from. Then I looked for the ball manager and Kim Cody. I finally saw the line in front of the immigration panel.

‘I'm busy here. I need to go outside and get my clothes. ’

You line up behind the crowd heading to the entrance hall with only deep minerals. Min-ho was surprised to see the landscape outside the window as she went forward.

There were a lot of people on the line, except for the way out. My eyes widened as I looked outside.

“Min-ho, what's with all the people? ”

“I don't know.”

Minho remembered what the ball manager said before leaving the country, just in case. It's going to China, so it's growing in popularity.

Is it because word of this body is spreading? ’

The reason for this embarrassment was I couldn't tell Sim Ore.

Minho hurriedly walked out of the country with half his excitement. I was thinking about whether I should take off my hat and sunglasses for my fans to recognize, but I realized that none of the many and many people were paying attention to themselves.

“Isn't that right? Phew, that's right. ”

Minho sighed and said, "What? ’I turned my head. Minho smiled and pointed to Exit 3, where the HAPD told him to wait.

“There, sir. ”

“Minho is comforting me. Thank you."

“You're welcome.”

After Minho, the 'Man and Jungle’ steps also walked out. They were surprised to see the crowds at the entrance hall.

“What did they say? ”

“I think Hollywood actors are coming in. I saw you on the immigration line, and you weren't kidding about the guards. ”


“I didn't see his face because of the mask, but the Force was different. ”

Minho's head turned to the word "Hollywood Star." If I'd have known this, I'd have come out a little later to see the star's face. Regret is already too late. Minho did not lean back like any other cast or step to protect the face of the reserve star in the Greater China.

“I saw it! ”

Yelled as he walked out.

“Awesome! It's Leah Taylor! ”


“Where? ”

The steps rumble, hearing that Minho is a really famous actor who only films great Hollywood films, and looking inside without his knowledge. When will I see the reality of actors who are face-to-face and hard to meet in their lifetime?

The VIP gate opens and the Black Suit guards walk forward first. Minho made sure that the hissing sound was no different from that of South Korea or Hong Kong, followed by a two-eyed view of the great Hollywood star.

‘You look like a Barbie. ’

Leah waves to her cheering fans. Because it was white, my skin was whiter and clearer. I couldn't see her body because she was wearing a thick coat, but I saw her bikini in the movie, so I thought it was automatic enough in my head.

“Leah! Sign please!”


Among the fans about to approach, Leah's move with a bodyguard began.

“Zhàopiàn ok? ”

A polar fan who wanted to take a picture together was pushed out of the guard's hands. The guard pushes his fans back, and people keep coming back and forth, and the airport entrance hall suddenly becomes a strip market.

It's coming this way, right? ’

Minho pointed to the gate next to Leah's fan group if she didn't do anything.

“Sir, let's go over there. ”

“Would I? Wow, but she's really pretty. Leah what?”

“Leah Taylor. ”

Minho and Shire watched the situation closely by the post at gate number 2. I could see that the people who had just walked out of the entrance hall were unable to come or go because of the crowd.

"Tsk, I'll be out in a minute. ’

Minho then found a familiar orange jamba struggling between Leah's fans.


“What's wrong, Min-ho? ”

“My Cody's over there. ”

“Well, that must have been hard. ”

Kim Cody was trying to get out of the crowd somehow, but he was screaming at fans who were rushing in with even more passion.


Minho took off his backpack to Deep Ore thinking he couldn't leave it alone.

“I'll get Cody. Take care of the bag, brother. ”

“Okay, be careful. ”

I just felt like I couldn't get it out if I squeezed it in. I touched the Braille watch first. With my fingertips, I aimed for a relatively easy place to dig between people. If you think you're going to be pushed, take a minute to move sideways on the flow. I managed to catch Kim Cody's tailback.


“Minho! Minho!”

Kim Cody grabbed Minho's arm and said he felt relieved and changed his face.

“Doyun was swept further when he came out with his luggage. ”

“The ball manager? ”

Minho focused on his hearing, but he couldn't find the ball manager's voice because he heard so much noise. That's why he pushed Kim Cody out first.

“Stay close to the post at gate number two. There is a brother-in-law in Sim, too. ”

“Yes, brother. ”

I squeezed through the crowd again and went inside.

“My ball manager! Where are you!”

Minho's cry disappeared from his voice.

Leah! Take my gift!

Mine too!

I love you, Leah!

The perimeter surrounds Leah with fans, so Gate 3 has become a mess.

Minho turns his head to look for the ball manager and senses an arm of a fan trying to push him behind his back.

Screw you.

He unwittingly turns around and grabs his arm and breaks it.

It hurts!

“Oh, sorry. ”

Minho apologizes immediately to the target who curses in an obscure Cantonese language. I thought I couldn't do this, but this time the guard in the front said, "Back off!” I tried to strongly push Minho.


I grabbed the guard's wrist in the middle of the chaos.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan…….

While explaining in English, the security guard was impressed and tried to elbow her chest to get out of the way. But the agent's senses reacted first before being hit.


Minho's palm twitched backwards with a short groan, struck by a guard who was struck by the sharp spot and a critical point beneath his neck.


Minho grabbed the guard's arm, pulled it back up, and pushed it into the wall toward the fans. And I moved my body to a place where there was room to avoid people.

“Excuse me. ”

Minho, who was dug inside the first wall by a bodyguard, started looking for the ball manager where he had a clear line of sight.

Leah says, "What? ’I looked at Minho with my eyes. Minho swiftly lifted his hat and looked around.

I found it! There it is. ’

You see the back of the ball manager being pushed away while keeping the luggage safe on the other side. Minho's ears twitched with the sound of a loaded pistol as he stepped through the guard's wall once more.

Minho, who had a hunch that one of the guards inside was pointing at him, quickly raised his hands.

Don't get me wrong! Are we here...?

Minho's eyes widen, checking the opposing Pokémon for weapons or weapons. The target doesn't notice Minho's embarrassment because she's wearing sunglasses.

Why did you attack the guard?


This time, the opponent was suddenly embarrassed by Minho's refusal.

A CIA agent with blue eyes with brown hair whispers in surprise to the radio receiver.

Grade 2 Warning Situation. I don't know my identity…….

Minho urgently lowered his sunglasses to the end of his nose and said.

"Blake, do you remember this face?

Ah……. Mr. M?

Blake, in his bodyguard outfit, confronted Minho with a joyous look, even in the midst of an unprecedented scene.

I don't know what kind of operation you're on, but it has nothing to do with the CIA, so don't worry about it. Sure.

Minho swooped behind the bodyguard and swooped into the crowd.

Gi, wait!

Though she had to act in Europe to suddenly become a top star bodyguard and show up in Hong Kong for some reason, Minho quickly hid her footsteps in the judgment that it was right not to have deep relations.

- Correct the report now. Leah is currently on her way to Gate 3 and there are no special issues. What happened to the contact of 'Mount Bear’ …….

Increased hearing from the Braille watch was reported as Blake whispered. You'll need Bishop's knowledge for more details, but Minho immediately approached the ball manager, thinking it's not important to him.


“Minho! Phew. ”

The ball manager saw Min-ho's face and held hands with a ten year old look.

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