
Mission Parsable: Macau Royal

29 Hours Ago - Central, Repulse Bay

The ‘Man and Jungle’ team, which had almost left the airport a mess due to the appearance of a different class of Hollywood actors, began to board several buses.

Minho boarded the lead bus and looked out the window to see if there were any Hong Kongers' favorites. Hong Kong's sprawling central neighborhood was filled with sophisticated skyscrapers reminiscent of central Seoul.

In the meantime, too little park.

Minho stares at the elderly while he is studying something like the Taiji Circle. ’I made a resilience. The old man was wearing a bluish robe with a subtle glow. "Sir, stop here at once!’ Almost popped out, but I held on to my position for a short period of time after the incident. It was not enough time to pay attention to the chef's heart stone, who owned a precious souvenir right next door.

“Brother Ore, aren't you thirsty? ”

Minho recalled the beverage he had received from the ball manager before boarding the bus and pulled out two bottles of Hanja from the backpack.

“I don't know what it is, but the manager gave it to me to help me regain my strength. ”


Heart Ore, which checked the Korean characters, said.

“It says," The swallow house. The Chinese also change their cows' houses and drink honey. It's good for you. ”

“Ah……. ”

“Anyway, thanks for the precious, thank you. I have a brother like Minho beside me, so he's magnificent even when he's out of the country. ”

Tearing each other apart, Minho felt like he had added ‘+1’ to his entertainment simulation game. If I kept increasing my liking, I might progress to a relationship where I could borrow my love products at any time, like Im So-hee.

“Whew! The height of the building. Hong Kong isn't a land value joke, is it? ”

The murmur of the Imperial Stone caused the owner to nod.

“A model friend who used to work in the area said, there's like 200 chicken coops a month. ”

“It's glamorous, but it's not really a place to live, is it? ”

“You don't know if you have money. It's a luxury paradise.”

“Oh, Mr. Owner. Don't you think it'd be fun to have a lot of money? I love buying a villa like this. You put away expensive rent and you make money. ”

Next to two people who had a real estate conversation that they would do once when two or more Koreans were gathered, the winner was searching for information through a mobile phone on a Survival Academy site known as Today's Destination.

[Welcome to the Survival Experience School ‘Wild Wolf’.]

I remembered the site gate with a smile of a muscular man who boasted a fat egg. While clicking on the Experience Program description, I noticed that musclemen are today's instructor, Dwayne Stillwell.

I opened the window as if I were an English champion and put my name on a foreign search engine. He was a trained SAS instructor with a background in BBC documentary.

‘I want to save the expedition. ’

He glanced at Minho in the front seat and turned his gaze out of the window. Given the intensity of the program, it is only now that you will be able to smile comfortably, and soon you will see that face distorted with pain.

Twenty minutes past the jagged cliffs along the winding two-lane road. Outside the car window, the sandy beach of Sunbae appeared.

Beyond the waves is the home of luxury homes, one of Hong Kong's wealthiest villages, Repulse Bay.

The bus stops in a parking lot just outside the sand. The door was opened and the PD stood up.

“We're here. Leave your luggage and come out in your own comfortable outfit. It's 1: 45 in the afternoon, so I'll meet you at the Seaside Rock by 2: 00. ”

He looked outside and said.

“I'm going to roll in a landscape. Do you own a bathing suit? Not long, bikini?! ”

“Wake up. ”

“Hmmm. Don't look at me like that. I'm fine, but I'm just asking in case any of our brightest young friends get interrupted. ”

After taking off his jacket, he turned around, revealing the reshguard attached to his body, not his bathing suit. Hwang Ji-seok shakes his head.

“A friend who fashioned it in my country deserves to be punished. Sunscreen, sunscreen! ”

However, Hwang Ji-seok secretly admired Hwang because the original volume was alive.

In front of the airport, Minho, who had already changed into an outdoor outdoor outdoor outdoor outdoor robe with Kim Cody's recommendation, was more concerned about what items he would carry than any other problem.

‘I'm sure it'll get in the water, so don't get wet and spoil. ’

Eventually, I wore the ring that was the best fit for the proprietor's disposition. Now it was a peculiar object that was used more frequently to utilize the senses than the original memory ability.

‘By the way, does JB have any sense of survival? ’

Minho stepped out and took a jar and tied it to his waist as a bucket. This was used to restore your health by drinking the fermentation liquid if you were tired.

After getting off the bus, I could see the exotic beach resort more clearly. Unlike South Korea, which was cooled down because of autumn, Hong Kong's sunshine was blazing.

“The weather is just right. ”

Minho walked around looking for a foreign instructor who was coming today, walking to the end of the sand beach, the ‘Man & Jungle’ flag on a big rock.

Where is he? ’

An opponent who owns an item of affection would be even better. As I turned my head, I met the winner who was wearing each of the captured military gear.

“You're going to war? ”

“Survival. That's why Minho is so short. ”

The shiny new X peninsula was contrasted with black water and military knives, sweat-wicking multi-scarves on the forehead, and Minho, who was wearing only a bottle of whiskers on the white sand. And it was captured in a remote-only camera that finished setting up a full-scale shot on the jetty.

The deep mineral stone, which arrived before the flag, smiled at the two of them as they approached.

“I feel like Corporal Missy and Sergeant Last Year. ”

“Is that so?"

Minho smiled as well, but the winner said he was not interested in approaching beside the wasteland.

“Minho, it's almost 2: 00, but no one's coming. No PD. I think he's going for a walk. ”

“He'll be here soon. But, brother, you didn't bring a knife... ”


During the conversation, a jet ski approaches from the sea, cutting through the currents with a loud sound. Minho and Deep Ore's gaze was fixed on foreigners in the baseball driving jet skis.

A man in his mid-40s with ferocious chest muscles.

The jet ski that was causing the blizzard stopped near the wharf. While the man who caught everyone's attention walked towards the flag, the approaching PD shouted.

“The instructor is here. Have a great time, everyone! Everyone speaks some English, so please ask for an interpreter only in situations you do not understand. ”

Minho watched the production step standing far away, except for a few VJs, and asked the HAPD not knowing how to shoot it.

“Are you filming the entire course? ”

“Sure. We'll have a drone over there in a few minutes. ”

Others who heard that the direction of PD's finger was toward the sea made an anxious look, but Minho nodded without any thought because he was only going to follow the heart ore until evening.

“Take a good picture. I heard from my manager that all the footage made by HAPD is amazing. ”

“That's because of you and the cast. Well, enjoy your training!”

The PD retreated and opened their mouths to five performers who had walked from Tupperbuck Wharf.

“Hi, I'm Dwayne Stilwell. ”

A named instructor stands before the flag. I only wore running on my torso to kill my breath and focused my gaze on the wolf-headed tattoo on my shoulders and the oppressive eyes of all of them.

From now on, I will conduct a step-by-step experience. Call me Wolf at ease. ‘Guide’ forward.

As Wolf gestured, behind the cast were four men and a woman who uniformed themselves in military blue.

Survival is Prepared. Be prepared for emergencies, and respond quickly and decisively to increase your chances of survival. And the most fundamental process of preparation starts with your body. Activity Phase 1 is' Immediate evacuation from a disaster '.

As Wolf whistled, the guides behind him drew two lines 20 metres from the white sand.

Stand by your guide and follow as many as you can.

The cast was also seated next to a guide preparing for a round trip run called the 'Bibp Test’. Beep, the guides started running lightly with the whistle signal. The Elite Winner reacted nervously and followed immediately, followed by the Emperor's stone and possession.

Minho reacted slowly and headed towards the deep ore where he started to jog. 'Brother, come on.’ I shot out my eyes and ran. After about 15 seconds, the first round was over.

On the next signal, the guides start to run again, but this time they speed up a little bit more. As the 3rd and 4th moves forward, they speed up again and gradually shift from running to sprinting.

“Huff, huff. Why are you doing this from the start? What kind of training is this? ”

The yellow cornerstone, which was running next to him, slowly reached for the back of the guide in the distance. Heart Ore was slow from the beginning, and after the yellow cornerstone fell, there were only three people who followed the guide closely to maintain the pace.


Minho noticed that by the turn of the sixth round, he had turned into a sprint of 20 metres of sand and kept breathing as best he could. By the turn of the seventh round, he could not hold his own distance from the guide. As I was already walking, Yoongseok pulled his tongue out looking at Minho and the winner.

“What, are you two doing a young man's play? You're flying.”

On the 10th round of round-trip, Min-ho breathed heavily.

“Ha, ha. Ugh, this is killing me. ”

The fierce runner turns his head toward Minho and grins.

In five minutes.

Wolf raises his hand and announces a halt after everyone has finished 12 rounds.

Stop. Those who run the same as the guide start immediately. Then I will depart in two minutes in sequence. When all three levels are over, the first person to complete the experience will get the benefit of choosing something useful from the Night Survival Camp.

Though it was a provocative word, Minho's expression became somewhat grumpy thinking that Minho was not a reward enough to participate with all his dying strength.

I will not give anything to the last person who completes the experience. I'm going to suffer from cold and hunger last night.

However, Wolf's last words caused a dung field to fall on everyone's feet.

“If you struggle, I'll give you something to eat! Interpreter! Please tell me this! ”

The heart stone cried out in protest, but the translator who was standing in the middle of the steps far away said hello.

“Bro, if you're last, I'll give you a cut. ”

“Minho, you don't have to do that. ”

“No, it's not.”

Minho insisted that even if he was starving himself, he should be. The experts who own the loving items are very valuable!

The guide wears a lifesuit that looks sleek to the winner and dives straight into the sea. The winner also starts swimming in the sea behind him. Minho saw several kayaks floating near the buoys and understood the progress of the great river.

A drone rises from the sky. The camera will show you swimming in a straight line over the sea.

‘Anyway, more than halfway there. ’

Two minutes later, the life suit was delivered to Minho, who was second in the round trip.

The swim to the location of the kayak did not go well. The agent on the ring was also effective in movements requiring instantaneous agility, but the limit was clear in situations requiring pure Muscle Endurance.

Survival was largely devastating, so there was no clear distance to improving the performance of agents, who were the priority of keeping foaming up.

‘I would've started exercising a long time ago. ’

I thought maybe it was time to experience the extreme situation that could be experienced in the jungle.

Did he swim for, like, 10 minutes?

Minho paused to open the jar and take the fermentation liquid. While the shortness of breath did not calm down immediately, the sensation of warm energy in the body felt somewhat restored.

Splat, splat...

In the meantime, a group passes right next to you at considerable speed. Minho confirmed that it was a possession that departed two minutes late and flinched. You say you're a swimmer, but you don't even wear a lifesuit that gives you a little buoyancy so you can float comfortably.

I looked back and saw a considerable distance between the Yellow Brick and Deep Ore. I don't know if they both run, but they swim quite well.

‘I'm going to be last. ’

Minho quickly swam to the kayak.

27 Hours Ago - Repulse Bay, By the Beach

Diving in caves beneath the cliffs following the kayaking, a short climb up the rock wall, and a two-hour first-rate warning from the wilderness to the start.

“Ha, ha. ”

Minho toppled into the first sand with close proximity to third place. The final ranking was 1st place for the winner, 2nd place for the dominant in swimming and diving, and 4th for the evenly active Yellowstone in kayaking and climbing.

‘Absolute ability is hard to cover, no matter how hard you work. ’

It was fortunate to continue taking the fermentation broth and go a little tired.


Last stumbling to the beach, Sim Ore sank to the side of Minho, trembling along the heavy ship.

“Sir, are you okay? ”

“Minho. If I die, give a letter to our restaurant family... ”

“Drink this. ”

When I gave out the Gourd Bottle, Deep Ore swallowed water.

“What a peculiar bucket. ”

“I said I liked the old ones. ”

“Anyway, thanks again. ”

“You're welcome.”

Minho was confident that we had a good relationship in the first half of the day.

“Brother, can I help you with the cooking later tonight? ”

“Well, well. ”

“Can I try the chef's knife? ”

“Suit yourself. ”

I knew it.

Minho smiled in his heart.

Wolf appeared when all the guides and cast arrived.

Rest for 20 min. Phase 2 begins at the Wharf.


Minho raised his hand.


Survival experience is not just a system that comes first and last in order of strength, right?

Strong health is one of the indispensable elements of survival.

I see.

Suddenly, Wolf pulls something out of his pocket and holds it in his hand, thinking that he might have to face the last stone.

But sometimes we live by celestial luck. You see this?

Wolf wags the paper lighter in his hand.

When I was on the job, it stopped me and saved my life.

Ooh! I can see very well!

Wolf smiled as Minho's dying voice echoed the beach. And a faint glow gripped the young paperback lighter.

The next step is more about survival skills than fitness, so you don't have to be so nervous.

I'll remember!

It's good to be beaten. Excellent mental strength increases your chances of survival in difficult situations.

Wolf seemed to be attracted to the manly experience of being a soldier. Then, every time I saw a winning machine dressed like a Special Forces member, I could not help but look younger.

‘How do I borrow it? ’

Minho could not easily take his eyes off Wolf's pocket, which was hidden by the Zippo Lighter. Since Minho's curiosity didn't leave his sight, Wolf came to talk.

By the way, I heard Leah came to Hong Kong today. Have you guys seen her?

We entered together.

Really? How's it look?

It was really pretty. Are you a fan of Leah?

Well... movies are fun.

Wolf scratches his thick forearm, either shrugging or avoiding.

Minho remembered Wolf's words, which he had heard two hours ago, after he had approached Leah and had taken some photos and had regretted it later.

‘Did I tell you that if you place 1st at the end of stage 3 of your experience, you will lend me the items you want? ’

I woke up from my seat.

“Senior, I'm going to get ready first. ”

“Yes, yes. I'm gonna go get some shut-eye. Aren't Minho's brothers tired? ”

Minho's eyes were glamorous because he had a solid goal of affection.

The winner who was physically superior to the rest of the cast walked to the beach after washing in the shower to get better camera wash.

‘Let's keep going like this so that Kang Min-ho can't smoke. ’

He tied his headband and sat down with a confident expression. While sightseeing tourists walking along this beach, the next wash out came to me.

“Seung Gi.”

The winner turns his head to her call.

“Oh, Mr. Owner. I didn't think you'd get second place. I was surprised.”

“I followed a woman's guide. And there were lots of water-related courses. ”

“Still, it must have been hard climbing the cliff, but you made it up okay. I'll take care of you in the jungle later, Mr. Owner. ”

“Seunggi, you didn't catch your breath. There was a real Ace. ”

“Haha, Ace. ”

In fact, the winner was hard, but he pretended not to, so he gripped and ran.

During the warm conversation between the two, Yooseok, who was lying unconscious on one side, suddenly raised his torso.

“What, two? Did I get your eye already? Couple signs from before the broadcast. ”

Hansook glanced at the wasteland.

“So what? Seung Gi is handsome and attractive. ”

The winner who unwittingly smiled confirmed that VJ's camera was only filming himself and became a brighter face. At least this two-hour protagonist was never Kang Min-ho. I turned my eyes to Kang Minho, where I failed to get attention.

There was still more than 10 minutes of rest, but Kang Minho was already rushing to the pier. I was surprised to see the landscape together and said.

“Look at Min-ho's stamina. When you climbed the cliff, your face was dead, and you've already recovered? ”

“Aren't you the youngest? I said twenty-four.”

“Certainly younger than you. ”

“Oh, you know my age? ”


“What are you talking about! I'm 29.”

“Alone? Twenty-nine women stopped aging. ”

I listened to the conversation like the conversation between Yoon Ji-seok and Hanoi, and I got up thinking that the Elite Winner couldn't lose. I ran to the wharf and focused on what Kang Minho was trying to do.


The runner saw a brunette Western woman approaching Minho and speaking to her.

Who is it?

Even though she had a good body, she was a beautiful woman with a physical body that could not even be compared to her, so I could see her from afar.

Mr. M.

Min Ho, who was walking to the dock, turned his head to someone's call and his face became stiff.


"Shh. Call me Alexandra now.

Blake puts his hand on his mouth and looks around.

Can I talk to you for a second?

You can, but how did you find me?

Minho's gaze remained on Blake's body wearing thin beachwear in his bathing suit. I didn't even recognize it until I was close to the beach because it was a dress for the beach.

I activated the information network after I saw it at the airport.

Information Network?

Blake looks at a point in the sky with his finger.

"Satellite. I tracked the route of passengers on flights entering that time zone and found this spot.

Minho thought of the satellite tracking system he saw only in the movie that he could zoom in to a letter in the newspaper and asked.

I wonder if my personal information from the CIA…….

No, don't worry about it. For a multinational mercenary like Mr. M, identity security is like life. Not only was Nathan authorized to pursue the matter, but he did not do anything damaging to Mr. M. I came here myself as an excuse to investigate.

That's good.

Nathan reminded me of seeing Bishop's memories. Minho pointed to the bus with a hand mirror because it would be awkward if it did not cope smoothly.

Shall we go over there and talk? I'm doing something hard to figure out.

It doesn't matter where. We're done checking to see if there's no wiretap frequencies in this area.

Oh... really?

An informant carrying the CIA on his back was an extraordinary man, no matter how mild his face may seem. However, Blake's face that follows him around like a squirrel only welcomed him after a long time, and he saw no impure intent whatsoever.

Minho turned his steps and headed to the parking lot, where he encountered the winner who was running to the marina.

“Minho, I thought you were going to the pier. ”

“That……. ”

Minho reacted with a reflexive response, feeling a crisis that he should hide his identity.

“I'm glad to see a friend I met here in Europe. Seung Gi, this is Alexandra. I'm here for a security detail. ”

Then you turn to Blake. She hands a small pistol hidden inside the beachwear and gives you a glimpse of who the Elite Winner is. Minho immediately grabbed her hand and spoke French, because she was willing to point a gun at a dangerous person.

"Alex, that's my business associate. It's a winning streak.


The horse is said to be business, but Blake smiles brightly and greets the winner as he understands it as a secret mission.


Minho immediately said.

“I need to talk to a friend. Bye. ”

While watching Blake walk, holding Minho's left arm tightly as if he was showing off something friendly, his gaze turned to Han sitting on the beach.

I was watching, admiring the beauty of Alexandra, Kang Minho's friend who appeared everywhere near me. It was obvious that I was getting attention the whole time, but strangely, the feeling of defeat struck me in the heart of the winner.

The first word Minho Blake heard when he came out of the bus looking for a hand mirror was "undercover."

Nathan was appointed to the European Branch Head and it was his first operation, so he got bigger.

I didn't hear much, but I understood Minho from Bishop's hand mirror. Blake appeared in Hong Kong as a bodyguard for the actor Hollywood related to the event that the actor will attend tomorrow.

It's like a party that only upscale people can go to, and you feel like you're sneaking in and stealing stuff. ’

It was not necessary to know the situation before and after. But I was curious about one thing.

Blake. No, Alec. You weren't a field agent in Zurich.

Because of Mr. M. I'm the only one who knows his face, so Nathan suggested we meet whenever we meet. I didn't think it was that bad.

You've had a lot of work.

It's good. We meet again.

Well, well….

Minho saw the 'Man & Jungle’ steps that were passing by the bus with the recording equipment constantly staring at Blake, grabbing her arm and turning to the back of the tree.

So why did you find me?

Nathan wants to hire Mr. M. We'll pay you well enough. Operation is tomorrow night, so I'll let you know as soon as you're willing to participate.

"I'm sorry, but I have a job to do.

It was my duty to refrain from entering the spy world without any action. Tomorrow evening, I was on a plane that was already returning to Korea after two days of work, and the marina was waiting for two experts who had a love product waiting to be used.

Mr. M. Please.

I'm so sorry, but I have to go.

Can't you at least tell me how to make contact with Bishop? Any mercenary company with a name...

It was even more impossible because it didn't exist.

This is Leah's hotel address. Come by at night if you change your mind. You can amend your plan at any time up until 12 hours before the operation begins.

"Oh, you don't have to do that because of me..."

Minho couldn't help but accept Blake's eager gaze on the note.

And this too.

Blake gave me a communicator smaller than the palm of his hand.

Nominally, we used satellites to contact Hong Kong sources. This is a 'direct line' that is only paid to on-site personnel…….

Blake whispers with his head slightly lowered.

You can contact me anytime.

Blake waves to Minho on his way out.

I heard that Minho was sorry, but I couldn't give her an answer because the situation was a situation. Minho, who was walking to the wharf, looked back at the handwritten note and the radio.

A tight itinerary scheduled for a night stay. Minho shakes his head.

‘No way, do I have to go to this hotel at night? ’

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Overall, this chapter contains more fingerprints and descriptions than usual.

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