
Aegean Tower, Death Notes and the Chief of Detectives

In the emergency room of AN hospital, where dozens of injuries and serious patients were spilled at once in a series of outbreaks, it has been like a battlefield for the past hour.


- Professor Choi Im-hyuk, I'm going up to the top 2 winners now.

Among them, Choi Hyuk, who was leading the medical staff, asked with the radio handed over by the fire department for seamless rescue work.

“Are there any casualties left? ”

- We are currently rescuing the last injured person on the bus and treating them first. We will be cleaning up the road shortly for the vehicle flow.

“Okay. Well done. ”

Choi Im Hyuk looked around the entire emergency room.

Emergency rooms for mild patients were also free of room for early ages and severe care areas. Even the temporary practice in each vacant area was lacking, and some of the winners were just sitting on the floor of the hallway.

The hospital chairman and principal were there for the ‘Medical 24: 00’ filming team, and they did not miss support because the accident took place early on. Emergency medical doctors as well as unscheduled surgeons who are eager to save lives. I don't know, but I had to assume that I was using almost all of the surgical firepower at AN hospital.

[Minor: 13, Minor: 31]

After finishing the records on the temporary situation board for Masscom, Choi was relieved that there was no death yet.

Measures for one hour during which survival and prognosis of severe emergency patients were determined were safe and sound. Now all that remains is to finish the patient's recovery with the skills of the AN hospital staff.

‘I don't know if Minho is doing well, by the way. ’

Choi Im Hyuk listened to the radio while thinking about the text he received while he was busy.


“Captain Kim Jae-wook, do you still have a doctor dispatched from AN Hospital at the accident site? ”

- Oh, him? About 10 minutes ago, I went up with a critical patient.

"He's here?"

I looked around, but there were so many patients and doctors, it was hard to find.

- He was amazing. They found an unbreathable casualty in the middle of the car and acted like a ghost. Our crew missed the bus. And as head of rescue, I was so ashamed and so grateful.

The compliment of the fire chief that the rescue work in collaboration with the medical professionals could not have been very effective continued for a while. Choi Hyuk listened to Minho's clean treatments and nodded his head.

‘Even with a mask on, you think about helping people first. Looks like he has the same personality as Yoon Hwan. ’

The day that Kang Yoon-hwan, Minho's father and friend, saved him like a hero. It was so crazy to think about the incident that I took all the injured people from the accident and left them alive as surgeries. Of course, he was supposed to be dead, but he saved five middlemen with just one first-aid kit.

‘Miracles. We should call them that. ’

After the incident, Kang Yoon-hwan said to himself, "Why don't you change your career path to a doctor? I don't want to bother you." He would have saved people a few more times if he had said so. I heard that you met during NGO activities.

Emergency patients. When you deal with people who die and die by mistake judging by one or two seconds, you end up having a meeting about whether God plays dice. Sometimes you just want a miracle to happen.

Kang Yoon-hwan and Kang Min-ho were closer to the realm of God, who could actually perform that miracle.

“Professor Choi! Hand amputation, clear in O.R. 4. I'm going in now. ”

“What's the status of the severed right hand tissue? ”

“The bones were a little crushed, but there was no necrosis. ”

“Okay. Make sure it doesn't get ugly. ”

Choi Rim Hyuk wrote "Junction Surgery 1" as a vodka marker on the mid-box sign of the situation. He also recorded two new middle-income cases.

“Unconscious of a severed artery. I'm glad the Golden Times made it back alive. ”


The Nazis approached Choi Im Hyuk who was standing in front of the situation board.

“I'm going into emergency surgery right now with a vascular trauma. ”

“You mean the last heavy box in? ”

The Nazi nods.

“Teacher Hong Sang-wook has booked an O.R. An intern's holding the artery. I think we should go find out. ”

Choi Rim Hyuk sensed that the intern was Kang Min-ho.


“Yes, Professor. ”

“Keep an eye on the board. I'll go check it out. ”


Severe trauma operating room.

While nurses were busy cleaning up the medical devices, Dr. Red finished attaching the electrode pads for vital signs measurements, looking at the patient's condition. Then he looked at the one who was still motionless with his hand on the patient's thigh.

“Wow, isn't it hard to stay in that position? I wouldn't have done that in the accident. ”

“It's worth it. ”

Earlier, Dr. Hong did not ask about the situation, but he did not fully understand why the intern at AN hospital was conducting emergency rescue activities alone.

“But where are you from? I sold the name tag. ”

Minho, the man in the mask, turned his head toward Dr. Hong. It seemed like the time for withdrawal was coming.

“I……. ”

Minho, who was deciding how to excuse the patient and Dr. Hong on the other hand, noticed that there was something unnatural about the patient due to his increased sensation of the Braille Clock and slashed his ears.

Unlike the endless beating torso of a heart pump for survival, the ankle was still. Left and right, all of them.


In Minho's mind, I was reminded of Choi Hyuk's feelings and knowledge.

“Dr. Hong. His right knee appears to be damaged. ”

“Excuse me?”

“Touch the tops of your feet. Neither one of them has a pulse, right? ”

Dr. Red sensed a pulse in the back of his foot.

“Really, there's no pulse? And it's cold.”

The left leg was severed from the artery through the puncture wound. There was no blood flow to the toe, so there was no pulse, but the right side was different. It looks fine to me. Nevertheless, the absence of a pulse in the back of the foot is a proof that the problem is certain.

Dr. Hong was surprised and asked what Minho had said.

“How do you know it's the knee? ”

It can't be said that it's because of Choi Hyuk's sensation and his extremely increased hearing, so Minho surrounded him appropriately.

“Her leg was stuck in the car door at the time of her rescue, and I don't think it damaged the aorta. ”

“I've got one more area to operate on right now. We need to call another vascular specialist, or he's gonna have a hard time on his own. But why are you so obsessed with these symptoms? ”


“A skilled E.R. can see the condition of a patient at your fingertips. ”

With the door open, Choi Hyuk came in dressed as a surgical apparel. Dr. Hong's eyes were startled by the advisor's appearance.

“Professor Choi! ”

“I do the measurements instead. And Dr. Lee. Well done.”

Minho felt that Choi Hyuk recognized him and covered him.

“Could you brief me on his condition? ”

“The patient……. ”

“Not Mr. Hong. ”

Not me? ’To Dr. Hong,' Choi Hyuk smiled and pointed to Minho.

“Dr. Lee. I invited him specially from the United States of America, and I'm going to try my best. ”

The question of Dr. Hong, the master, was quicker to look at the attention of a heavenly advisor than Minho's reaction to not knowing what he was talking about.

“Isn't this our intern? ”

“Sang-wook, do you think I'd send an intern to run for medical emergency? I'm just temporarily dressed because I don't have anything that fits me right now. I'm inviting a disaster medical specialist to educate you. Say hello."

“Shi, excuse me! ”

Seeing Dr. Hong's head bowing, Minho had no choice but to make a bitter smile into the mask. However, Minho quickly briefed the patient as he was in a hurry.

“Currently, there is a suspicion of extensive bleeding inside the abdominal cavity and blood vessel damage in both legs. She appears to have lost consciousness shortly after the accident and is undergoing an urgent blood transfusion due to high blood loss. ”

“There are at least three internal bleeding sites. It's not easy being an emergency patient. ”

Minho's knowledge and experience of Choi Hyuk created the trust that he would be able to heal.

“Dr. Lee, as soon as you remove your hand from the artery, change into scrubs. And stand in front of me. ”


Standing in front meant you had to scrub in. In person, Choi Hyuk said with a solemn look on Minho's face, "The life of the patient comes first."

“What if your abdomen opens up and you can't handle first aid? In America, is it my patient, or are we just gonna let him die? Where did the good Samaritan go? ”

The clean scrub that the nurse brought was the one worn by an AN hospital specialist. Minho hurriedly dressed in front of the O.R. and felt embarrassed about how to deal with this situation.

‘You're right to refuse. It's too risky to get caught. ’

However, in order to tame the first operating room of the AN hospital, it was also right to have a sense of being a surgeon and to prove your skills.

‘What should I do... …. ’

I held up my phone because I thought it would be a long problem. I thought it would be better to ask his opinion first because Choi Im-hyuk said he was my father's best friend.

You hear a beep, a hangphone ringing.

- Come on.

“I'm in the hospital. Have you seen the news? ”

- The news, the big incident?

“That's it. Here's a severely injured patient from the accident……. ”

- Pregnant Hyuk wants to use you to do the wrong thing?

“How did you know? ”

You hear the sound of a mouthful of laughter over the phone.

- Didn't I warn you before?

“That's not all. There's an O.R. in this hospital with a dead surgeon, and I don't think I can tame it unless I show them my skills. Orange sensitivity is a love space, Dad. ”

Wait, that must be the teacher. He was quite famous as a professor of Exotic Iron.

“That's right."

When I touched the love space, I saw the Exotic Railway in a vision I had just witnessed.

“That's why. There are a lot of device concerns. ”

- Do you know the disclaimer for first aid?

“Liberation of goodness? Is it a legal issue?"

- Tell me you don't know.

“I'm not borrowing my aunt's law. Haha.”

- Technically, it's not legal, but it's not punishable. Because it's not a crime.


- Saving people with abilities that are better than doctors is tolerable in terms of social ethics and conscience.

“Then what? ”

- I don't know. You do as you're told. If it's the wrong patient, will I have to eat more than just beans?

“Nose or bean rice? ”


After the call, Minho looked inside the O.R.

The site of bleeding that required the most urgent treatment, Choi Hyuk, who was undertaking the work connecting the severed arteries, was seen. Blood pressure remains unstable despite surgery.

‘Era, I don't know. ’

* * *

“10-blade. ”

Minho dared to take a scalpel from the nurse and split the anesthetized patient's abdomen. The reason for touching the Braille clock just before entering the operating room, and seeing the future of 6 minutes and 30 seconds with the community watch, the location of bleeding in the abdomen was a thousand.

Minho had already slipped his hand into the wound suture before Dr. Hong could wipe the blood from the incision section with a gauze.

“Liver's fine. The spleen's not ruptured enough to harvest. It is best to suture only the ruptured area and repair the damage to the caudal artery immediately. ”


Choi Hyuk, who was undergoing surgery to delicately attach the femoral artery, nodded without even looking at Minho. It was the same for Minho to ignore the co-chairman's surgery.

Beep, beep.

Minho and Choi Hyuk glared at the anesthesiologist at the same time as the sound coming from the vital check machine.

“Pressure's dropping. ”

“More blood. ”

The doctor who was in charge of the transfusion stopped and squeezed the blood pack to force the transfusion volume to increase.

Minho shows the skilled hand that binds the tip of the spleen with a blunt force trauma. Choi Im-hyuk is looking at the electron microscope and carefully connecting the arteries.

The admiration did not go away from Dr. Hong's mouth, which was watching the patient's surgery on their ensemble, breathing organically and healing wounds whenever his pulse and blood pressure fluctuated.

“I'm going to suture your abdomen. ”

“Laceration of the femur. ”

Two bleeding sites were captured in 15 minutes. Dr. Hong saw a patient with stable vitals.

“At this rate, I think we're past the emergency situation. If the right knee is hypertensive, even if it goes to orthopedics.... ”

Minho and Choi didn't listen to Dr. Hong.

“It feels like the inner lining of the celiac artery has been cut in a transverse cross section with sharp edges. ”


“You might even suspect an arterial dissection. ”

Saying that there will be serious injuries that may require a severed leg. There is talk that this patient may have to live with disability for the rest of his life unless a quick action is taken.

Choi Hyuk, who confirmed his determination, told Dr. Hong.

“Reschedule the surgery and you'll be late. We do it.”

Choi Hyuk's eyes, which saw the synergy of having a physician like him, were filled with confidence.

Minho thought that she could fully fix the patient and prepared for a second surgery. Then I turned my head to the awkward feeling behind my back.

What, what, what? ’

I don't know when I've been standing. A vision wearing an old style of medical attire, presumed to be a professor of Exotic Iron, was closely watching him and Choi Hyuk perform surgery.

The vision points to the patient's knee with your fingertips.

You want me to focus on surgery? ’

Minho recalled that the first O.R. was stuck somewhere in this area, and there was some tension. You may be being evaluated. Another legend that led the great Professor Lim Hyeok. Then you must do your best with all your strength.

“Dr. Lee. What's the matter?”

“Oh, no. ”

Choi Hyuk put a scalpel on the back of the patient's knee. As soon as I stabbed him, I bled.


While Dr. Hong was rapidly draining blood, Minho examined the internal wounds.

“Well……. ”

Choi Hyuk also looked inside and kicked his tongue.

“You could have been in trouble if you hadn't opened it. ”

The complete occlusion of the saccular artery was not just a surgery that ended with reconnecting the severed vessels. To do so, a complex procedure was necessary to remove the already severely damaged aorta and perform vascular replacement with the patient's saphenous vein. In less than 30 minutes.

“You're in charge of the replacement. I'll assist.”


Arterial surgery should be quick and accurate at the fingertips of the surgeon. Choi Hyuk, who had already spent a lot of time in femoral surgery, believed that Minho, who was a relatively simple surgery, could focus more.

I was surprised by Dr. Hong because it was a comment I had to admit that Minho's skills were at least the same grade.

“Can you do it? ”

“Of course. I'll change my scrubs first. It looks like it's gonna have holes in it. ”

While Minho went out to touch the clock and Braille again as an excuse to disinfect his hands, Dr. Hong asked Im-hyuk Choi.

“What hospital was she in? I never thought there'd be someone more capable of taking care of extensive organ damage than Professor Choi. ”

“As much as I do? ”

Choi Im Hyuk chuckled at the meaning of 'It's more than that.'

* * *

“You should have seen the guys from the peripheral vascular surgery. I've never seen that technology before in my life. ”

Emergency medical residents have gathered around Dr. Hong from the trauma room.

“It's like a phantom anastomosis of the saphenous vein at the bottom of the caudal artery, and Professor Choi Im-hyuk was surprised, too. He didn't put heparin in there on purpose, and he ended the surgery before it started clotting up in five minutes. ”

I listened to the story of Dr. Hong as well as all the doctors who had left the other department.

“It was super-speed when you wanted to develop complications, but you couldn't. Not to mention the accuracy. ”

“Who's the doctor? ”

“The professor just said, 'Dr. Lee.’ Look at me. I didn't even ask your name to organize. ”

After finishing the treatment with stitches on the forehead on one side of the E.R., a regular patient turned his head to Forbidden Iodine, who was doing a simple job of applying the so-called red medicine.

"Tongue... Vascular replacement? ’

I was sure that Kang Min-ho would be the masked intern who remained in the operating room, so I was even more shocked.

Kang Minho is only twenty-four years old. If he had done a substantial surgery on the surgical difficulty, it would have been a World Topic.

‘Crazy. What am I thinking? ’

No matter how powerful he is, that doesn't make any sense. At the moment of acknowledgment, the self is no different than a madman.

‘But those eyes were like Kang Min-ho's. ’

I was emotionally convinced, but rationally, I kept shaking my head, and the winner was just a joke in this situation.

“Oh, you're late! ”

Kang Minho ran into the emergency room entrance. Kang Min-ho appeared not at 9: 00, but at 11: 00, wearing a neat intern outfit and an experience outfit on his forearm.

You see, it's not. ’

The winner remembers that the masked intern's clothes were completely dirty. He sighs of relief. Even if Kang Minho is a monster, he is human. Of course we do what humans do.

I finished the theorem of thinking with the intention that the Elite Winner had accumulated more quantities than Kang Minho, filming 2 hours earlier.


I quickly checked the winners who were looking for understanding from texters and VJs who were filming themselves on their phones.

[It's a victory. I have everything ready. I'll let you have the best medical professional in the country for any symptom. My assistant professor was able to let go of all the other professors. Last time it was just our diagnostic medicine department, but today it's all three hospital vs. Kang Min-ho.]

If it was a normal day, I would have visited the diagnostics department for the appearance of the teacher, but I replied right away because my schedule was wrong due to the crash.

[I don't think you need to be prepared today. AN Hospital is in chaos. Very unlikely to go to diagnostic medicine.]

Professor Hauson texted the deputy professor how he knew.]

"You found out what happened last time? ’

It was a sound of astonishment.

Do you want me to send our door intern and the young man to train your insects? ’The assistant professor pointed the knife. But who is this young man?]

Followed by the letter, the winner glared at Kang Minho, who started filming with VJ. He and the broadcaster tried to do an interview about being delayed by an accident today.

I heard from the hospital that you saved your life a few days ago. On the plane.

How did you know that?

As I was paying attention, I heard a lot of chatter. However, that is an unusual content.

- Preliminary research and frequent visits to this hospital. I heard you had a blood transfusion.

- Well, can't you do anything to save lives? Right, I should see if Joonseong is doing well. I'll be there in a minute.

- Today's thinking has changed the way the program works. Now that the roads are clear, two of you haven't arrived yet.

- Change?

- To help out in the E.R. format this morning, and to help out the diagnostics and interns like last afternoon. And this is just for Kang Minho.

The VJ who was filming Kang Minho turned off the camera for a while. The winner pretends to look elsewhere and turns his head as much as he can and listens to them. The writer brought his mouth close to Minho and said in a low voice.

- We're doing a documentary, but it's still a masterpiece, and we need a love line. Most of our steps support this idea. Because the story of Teacher Kang Minho and Moon Jae is perfect for saving it. Oh, virtually, of course.

A woman doctor who wore handy clothes, but looked different. I felt overwhelmed that the writer tried to get involved with Kang Min-ho even though he was not that interested.

The winner texted the doctor at Samwon Hospital.

[Get ready. I'm going to see Professor Ha this afternoon.]

[Really? Okay, let's do it!]

‘Oh my……. ’

What a lover. Minho got embarrassed, and as soon as he left the O.R., he changed his clothes like lightning and came to the emergency room, and the writer made an offer to increase his audience.

‘It's not that Chae hates you. ’

Even if I thought I would understand the fictional acting and the written galaxy, it was something I had to do as a possessed body. If Professor Ha starts teasing that part, I can't handle it quickly.

“Let it flow naturally. No matter how bright the atmosphere is next to you, if you can't see your pink mood, you can't see it. ”

When Minho spoke in a decisive tone, the writer stepped back and said, 'It was just a production opinion.'

Thirty minutes later.

The panic in the E.R. gradually subsides as the storm rages. Since there were already many people who had been treated first aid, Minho was able to help the nurses mainly clean up after themselves.

“Whew, she stopped for an hour in the middle of the Olympic Bridge, and I thought she was going crazy. There's no turnin 'back and there's no gettin' off. ”

Minho glanced at the main hall where the first O.R. was, as he listened to the voice of the actor executive who arrived later than himself.

‘I'd like to touch it right now, but I think I'll have time for dinner. ’

The first surgery I experienced in my life ended up with no one noticing and no other risks. It was profitable in a way because Choi Im Hyuk continued to lend me his affections with a promise to make it smoother.

"Emergency medical knowledge is useful anytime, anywhere. ’

It wouldn't be bad to borrow more or memorize as much knowledge as possible with a ring.

So, Min-ho, who was making the cot as she planned the details of the day, stopped by herself when she saw a person walking into the entrance to the emergency room.

Who never thought I'd see you in a place like this.

‘How did you get here...? ’

A sharp eye that stealthily overwhelms its sturdy lips. As soon as I saw Minho in the middle of Seochol, it was a sense of crisis that I had not heard from the scene of an urgent accident.

He also had a secret plan planned for Friday, which would be skeletal if caught, and that idiot is the best master of the art of guessing at opponents.

It's really regrettable. When Minho turned away, he decided to run away first.

“Minho? What are you doing here?

We're screwed.

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